


葉萌,女,1989 年出生於江蘇揚州。2016 年畢業於浙江大學農業昆蟲與害蟲防治專業,獲得農學學位,2016 年至 2018 年在瑞士伯爾尼大學植物科學研究所進行博士後研究,2018 年進入中國農業科學院茶葉研究所工作。現為茶樹遺傳育種創新團隊科研骨幹,中國農業科學院“青年英才計劃引進工程”所級入選者,博士生導師 [1] 
國    籍
浙江大學 [1] 
茶樹抗蟲機理與茶園有害生物綜合治理 [1] 
職    務
中國農業科學院茶葉研究所專職研究員 [1] 


葉萌多年來從事植物與昆蟲互作機理與應用研究工作,當前主要研究領域為 1、茶樹與茶樹害蟲的互作模式、互作機理及生態效應研究;2、茶樹抗蟲性狀的分子機制研究與應用。近5年共發表SCI論文14篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者在Science Advances、The Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Plant Physiology、Plant Cell & Environment等國際權威期刊上發表論文 7 篇;以合作者在Science、Nature Communications、Plant Cell and Environment、Journal of Experimental Botany等期刊發表論文7篇。主持國家自然科學基金、中國農業科學院青年英才培養項目等項目。擔任New Phytologist、Bioengineered等多個SCI期刊審稿人。 [1] 


茶樹抗蟲機理與茶園有害生物綜合治理 [1] 


(1)Ye M.*, Veyrat N.*, Xu H., Hu L., Turlings T. C. J., Erb M. (2018) An herbivore-induced plant volatile reduces parasitoid attraction by changing the smell of caterpillars. Science Advances 4(5): aar4767.(*共同第一作者,IF5 = 14.09)
(2)Ye M., Glauser G., Lou Y., Erb M., Hu L. (2019) Molecular dissection of early defense signaling underlying volatile-mediated defense regulation and herbivore resistance in rice. The Plant Cell 31(3): 687-698.(IF5 = 10.14)
(3)Ye M.#, Liu M., Erb M., Glauser G., Zhang J., Li X., Sun X.# (2020) Indole primes defense signaling and increases herbivore resistance in tea plants. Plant Cell & Environment doi.org/10.1111/pce.13897. (#共同通訊作者,IF5 = 7.04)
(4)Ye M.*, Kuai P.*, Hu L.*, Ye M., Sun H., Erb M., Lou Y. (2020) Suppression of a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase enhances host plant resistance to a specialist herbivore. Plant Cell & Environment 43(10):2571-2585.(*共同第一作者,IF5 = 7.04)
(5)Hu L.*, Ye M.*, Kuai P., Ye M., Erb M., Lou Y. (2018) OsLRR-RLK1, an early responsive leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase, initiates rice defense responses against a chewing herbivore. New Phytologist 219(3): 1097-1111.(*共同第一作者,IF5 = 8.80)
(6)Hu L.*, Ye M.*, Li R., Zhang T., Zhou G., Wang Q., Lu J., Lou Y. (2015) The rice transcription factor WRKY53 suppresses herbivore-Induced defenses by acting as a negative feedback modulator of mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Plant Physiology 169(4): 2907-921.(*共同第一作者,IF5 = 7.52)
(7)Hu L.*, Ye M.*, Li R. and Lou Y. (2015) OsWRKY53, a versatile switch in regulating herbivore-induced defense responses in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior 11(4): e1169357.(*共同第一作者,IF2019 = 1.67)
(8)Hu L., Ye M., Erb M. (2019) Integration of two herbivore-induced plant volatiles results in synergistic effects on plant defence and resistance. Plant Cell & Environment 42(3): 959-971.(IF5 = 7.04)
(9)Hu L., Mateo P., Ye M., Zhang X., Berset J. D., Handrick V., Radisch D., Grabe V., Köllner T. G., Gershenzon J., Robert C. A. M, Erb M. (2018) Plant iron acquisition strategy exploited by an insect herbivore. Science 361(6403): 694-697.(IF5 = 44.37)
(10)Zhang J., Zhang X., Ye M., Li X., Lin S., Sun X. (2020) The jasmonic acid pathway positively regulates the polyphenol oxidase-based defense against tea geometrid caterpillars in the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Journal of Chemical Ecology 46(3): 308-316.(IF5 = 2.64) [1] 
  • 1.    葉萌  .中國農業科學院茶葉研究所官網[引用日期2022-02-25]