


莫非,男,博士西北農林科技大學農學院,教授,博士生導師。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
漢族 [2] 
職    業


2014年11月至2016年11月,受國家留學基金委資助公派加拿大農業部渥太華髮展研究中心(AAFC-ORDC)聯合培養博士生項目。2016年12月於蘭州大學生命科學學院草地生態系統國家重點實驗室獲生態學博士學位。2017年12月於西北農林科技大學農學院任教,同期被聘為副教授,2021年1月被聘為青年教授,博士生導師。 [1] 


主要從事旱作農田水資源高效利用的途徑和機理、農田土壤固碳減排及氮素高效利用、氣候變化與農田生態系統反饋、薈萃分析在農業生態學中的開發及應用等相關的研究。 [1] 


承擔《農業生態學》、《作物生理生態學》、《農學概論》等本科核心課程的教學工作。 [1] 


先後參與科技部“中國-聯合國非洲水行動”國際合作項目,中國-聯合國雨養農業技術合作研發與示範國際合作項目,以及適應氣候變化提高旱作農田水分利用效率的技術開發與集成研究的公益性行業項目。主持國家自然科學基金項目、國家博士後基金項目、陝西省博士後項目等6項。近年來,在《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Biology and Fertility of Soils》、《European Journal of Agronomy》、《Field Crops Research》等主流期刊以第一作者和通訊作者發表SCI論文30餘篇。發表EI和中文核心論文10餘篇,參編和主編中英文專著4部,專利3項。近五年代表性論著如下:
1. Ren, A. T., Zhou, R., Mo, F., Liu, S. T., Li, J. Y., Chen, Y., ... &Xiong, Y. C. (2021). Soil water balance dynamics under plastic mulching in dryland rainfed agroecosystem across the Loess Plateau. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , 312, 107354. [通訊作者,一區TOP]
2. Luo, C. L., Zhang, X. F., Duan, H. X., Zhou, R., Mo, F., Mburu, D. M., ... &Xiong, Y. C. (2021). Responses of rainfed wheat productivity to varying ridge-furrow size and ratio in semiarid eastern African Plateau. Agricultural Water Management, 249, 106813. [通訊作者,一區TOP]
3. Wang, X., Wang, G., Guo, T., Xing, Y., Mo, F., Wang, H., Zhang, F. (2021). Effects of plastic mulch and nitrogen fertilizer on the soil microbial community, enzymatic activity and yield performance in a dryland maize cropping system. European Journal of Soil Science , 72(1), 400-412. [通訊作者,二區TOP]
4. Mo, F., Deng, H. L., Li, P. F., Xiong, Y. C. (2021). Polyethylene film mulching enhances the microbial carbon-use efficiency and physicochemical protection of straw-derived carbon in a dry maize cropped soil. In press. Geoderma . [第一作者,一區TOP]
5. Mo, F., Zhang, Y. Y., Liu, Y., & Liao, Y. C. (2021). Microbial carbon-use efficiency and straw-induced priming effect within soil aggregates are regulated by tillage history and balanced nutrient supply. Biology and Fertility of Soils , 1-12. [第一作者,一區TOP]
6. Mo, F., Han, J., Wen, X. X., Wang, X. K., Li, P. F., Vinay, N., ... & Liao, Y. C. (2020). Quantifying regional effects of plastic mulch on soil nitrogen pools, cycles, and fluxes in rain‐fed agroecosystems of the Loess Plateau. Land Degradation & Development , 31(13), 1675-1687.[第一作者,一區TOP]
7. Wang, W., Yuan, J., Gao, S., Li, T., Li, Y., Vinay, N., ... & Wen, X. (2020). Conservation tillage enhances crop productivity and decreases soil nitrogen losses in a rainfed agroecosystem of the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Cleaner Production , 274, 122854. [通訊作者,一區TOP]
8. Mo, F., Yu, K. L., Crowther, T. W., Wang, J. Y., Zhao, H., Xiong, Y. C., & Liao, Y. C. (2020). How plastic mulching affects net primary productivity, soil C fluxes and organic carbon balance in dry agroecosystems in China. Journal of Cleaner Production , 263, 121470. [第一作者,一區TOP]
9. Wang, J. Y., Mo, F., Zhou, H., Kavagi, L., Nguluu, S. N., Xiong, Y. C. (2020). Ridge‐furrow with grass straw mulching farming system to boost rainfed wheat productivity and water use efficiency in semiarid Kenya. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 10937, [第一作者,一區TOP]
10. Mo, F., Zhang, Y. Y., Li, T., Wang, Z. T., Yu, K. L., Wen, X. X., ... & Liao, Y. C. (2019). Fate of photosynthesized carbon as regulated by long–term tillage management in a dryland wheat cropping system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 138, 107581. [第一作者,一區TOP]
11. Mo, F., Wang, J. Y., Ren, H. X., Sun, G. J., Kavagi, L., Zhou, H., ... &Xiong, Y. C. (2018). Environmental and economic benefits of micro–field rain–harvesting farming system at maize (Zea mays L.) field scale in semiarid east African Plateau. Agricultural Water Management , 206, 102-112. [第一作者,一區TOP]
12. Mo, F., Li, X. Y., Niu, F. J., Zhang, C. R., Li, S. K., Zhang, L., &Xiong, Y. C. (2018). Alternating small and large ridges with full film mulching increase linseed (Linumusitatissimum L.) productivity and economic benefit in a rainfed semiarid environment. Field Crops Research , 219, 120-130. [第一作者,一區TOP]
13. Mo, F., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Cheng, Z. G., Sun, G. J., Ren, H. X., ... &Xiong, Y. C. (2017). Phenological evidence from China to address rapid shifts in global flowering times with recent climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 246, 22-30. [第一作者,一區TOP]
14. Mo, F., Wang, J. Y., Zhou, H., Luo, C. L., Zhang, X. F., Li, X. Y., ... &Xiong, Y. C. (2017). Ridge-furrow plastic-mulching with balanced fertilization in rainfed maize (Zea mays L.): An adaptive management in east African Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 236, 100-112. [第一作者,一區TOP]
15. Mo, F., Sun, M., Liu, X. Y., Wang, J. Y., Zhang, X. C., Ma, B. L., &Xiong, Y. C. (2016). Phenological responses of spring wheat and maize to changes in crop management and rising temperatures from 1992 to 2013 across the Loess Plateau. Field Crops Research , 196, 337-347.[第一作者,一區TOP]
16. Mo, F., Wang, J. Y., Xiong, Y. C., Nguluu, S. N., & Li, F. M. (2016). Ridge-furrow mulching system in semiarid Kenya: A promising solution to improve soil water availability and maize productivity. European Journal of Agronomy , 80, 124-136. [第一作者,一區TOP]
17. 張葉葉,莫非,韓娟,温曉霞,廖允成.秸稈還田下土壤有機質激發效應研究進展.土壤學報
18. 莫非, 周宏, 王建永, …&李鳳民, 熊友才. 田間微集雨技術研究及應用. 農業工程學報.
19. 莫非, 趙鴻, 王建永, 強生才, …&熊友才. 全球變化下植物物候研究的關鍵問題. 生態學報.
20. 熊友才,李鳳民,莫非等,《氣候變化下旱區農事技術》,蘭州大學出版社,蘭州.