


男,現就職於西南民族大學,擔任副研究員、碩士生導師。 [1] 


土地利用模擬、國土空間規劃、自然保護地和旅遊規劃 [1] 


1. Shi, H. , Li, T. , Ma, Z. , Zhang, H. , Liu, X. , & Chen, N. C.(2022). What influence do regional government officials' have on tourism related growth?: evidence from china.Current Issues in Tourism, 25(15), 2534-2546。 [2] 
2. Liu, X., Li, X. Shi, H., Zhang, H. (2021). Effect of economic growth on environmental quality: Evidence from tropical countries with different income levels. Science of the Total Environment, 774, 137001. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145180。 [2] 
3. Shi, H., Li, X., Yang Z., Li T., Ren Y., Liu T., Yang N., Zhang H., Chen G., Liang X. (2020). Tourism land use simulation for regional tourism planning using POIs and cellular automata. doi: 10.1111/tgis.12626. Transactions in GIS。 [2] 
4. Shi, H., Li, X., Liu, X., Wang, S., Liu, X., Zhang, H., Tang, D., & Li, T(2020). Global protected areas boost the carbon sequestration capacity: evidences from econometric causal analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 715, 137001. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137001。 [2] 
5. Shi, H., Li, X., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Li, T., & Zhong, Z. (2019). Global difference in the relationships between tourism, economic growth, CO2 emissions, and primary energy consumption. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(9), 1122-1137. doi:10.1080/13683500.2019.1588864 (ESITop1%“高被引論文”)。 [2] 
6. Li, T., Shi, H., & Ren, Y. (2019). Does the belt and road initiative boost tourism economy? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(3), 311-322. doi:10.1080/10941665.2019.1708758 (通訊作者)。 [2] 
7. Yang, Z., Shi, H., Yang, D., Cai, Y., & Ren, X. (2015). Analysis of core stakeholder behaviour in the tourism community using economic game theory. Tourism Economics, 21(6), 1169-1187. doi:10.5367/te.2015.0521。 [2] 
8. 鍾潔, & 石洪. (2022). 文化旅遊促進各民族交往交流交融的價值與路徑. 旅遊學刊, 37(12), 9-10. [2] 
9. 張涵, 黎夏, 石洪, & 劉曉娟. (2021). 基於傾向得分匹配方法的中國自然保護區緩解人類活動壓力評估. 地理學報, 76(3), 14. [2] 
10. 劉曉娟, 黎夏, 梁迅, 石洪, & 歐金沛. (2019). 基於FLUS-InVEST模型的中國未來土地利用變化及其對碳儲量影響的模擬. 熱帶地理(3), 397-409 (CSSCI)。 [2] 


主持國土空間規劃、鄉村振興和旅遊規劃等100餘項。主持的宣漢巴山大峽谷、雅安王崗坪等旅遊景區具有良好的社會效應。 [1] 