


《皮膚性病學》是2015年清華大學出版社出版的圖書。 [1] 
作    者
[印] 沃侖卓·N.塞加爾
9787302408758 [2] 


《皮膚性病學 英文原版改編版 留學生與雙語教學用/全國高等醫藥院校規劃教材》主要分為基礎與臨牀兩部分,包括皮膚病學基礎知識與理論,重點通過病因、發病機制、臨牀表現、診斷與鑑別診斷、預防和治療等幾方面介紹臨牀常見皮膚疾病,通過大量直觀臨牀與病理圖片及示意圖,使學生獲得好的學習體驗。本教材主要面向臨牀醫學及相關專業的來華留學生,也可供中國長學制臨牀醫學學生及皮膚專科醫生參考與學習專業英語使用。 [1] 


part 1 general consideration
chapter 1 structures and functions of skin
chapter 2 immunology and histopathology of skin
chapter 3 signs and symptoms of skin diseases and diagnostic methods
chapter 4 treatments of skin diseases
part 2 skin diseases
chapter 1 bacteria skin diseases
1.1 pyodermas
1.2 erysipelas
1.3 cutaneous tuberculosis
1.4 leprosy
chapter 2 viral infection
2.1 herpes simplex
2.2 varicella/chicken pox
2.3 herpes zoster/shingles
2.4 wart
2.5 molluscum contagiosum
2.6 measles
chapter 3 dermatomycoses
3.1 tinea capitis
3.2 tinea corporis and tinea cruris
3.3 tineamanusandtineapedis
3.4 tinea unguium (onychomycosis)
3.5 malassezia folliculitis (pityrosporum folliculitis)
3.6 tinea versicolor
chapter 4 parasitic infestations
4.1 scabies
4.2 pediculosis
chapter 5 photodermatoses
5.1 sunburn
5.2 photoaging
5.3 photoallergy
5.4 polymorphous light eruption
5.5 solar urticaria
chapter 6 allergic skin diseases
6.1 eczema/dermatitis
6.2 contact dermatitis
6.3 atopic dermatitis
6.4 urticaria and angioedema
6.5 drug eruption
chapter 7 erythema and papulosquamous skin disease
7.1 psoriasis
7.2 parapsoriasis
7.3 pityriasis rubra pilaris
7.4 lichen planus and other lichenoid diseases
7.5 erythroderma/exfoliativedermatitis
7.6 pityriasisrosea
chapter 8 pigmentary disorders
8.1 vitiligo
8.2 oculocutaneousalbinism(oca)
8.3 piebaldism
8.4 freckles / ephelids
8.5 lentigo
8.6 melasma
chapter 9 connective tissue diseases
9.1 lupus erythematosus
9.2 dermatomyositis
9.3 scleroderma
chapter 10 bullous dermatoses
10.1 pemphigus
10.2 bullous pemphigoid
chapter 11 congenital and hereditary disorders
11.1 ichthyoses
11.2 palmoplantar keratoderma
11.3 epidermolysis bullosa
11.4 neurofibromatosis
chapter12 metabolic dermatoses
12.1 amyloidosis
12.2 porphyria
chapter 13 skin tumours
13.1 benignskintumors
13.2 malignant skin tumors
13.3 cutaneous lymphoma
chapter 14 disease of skin appendages
14.1 disorders of sebaceous glands
14.2 disorders of eccrine sweat glands
14.3 disorders of hair
chapter 15 sexually transmitted diseases: syndromic (symptomatic) approach [2] 