


田達,男,土家族,1990年7月1日生,博士研究生學歷,畢業於南京農業大學,現任職於安徽農業大學資源與環境學院,副教授,碩士生導師。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族


2024年,任職於安徽農業大學資源與環境學院,副教授 [1] 


研究內容:土壤中磷的生物地球化學循環,磷素的高效釋放,微生物-礦物/土壤相互作用等。 [1] 


科研項目: [1] 
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,氮素形態調控黑麴黴有機酸分泌及其活化土壤難溶性鈣磷的作用機制,主持,2021/01—2023/12。
2. 安徽省自然科學基金青年項目,不同結合態磷酸鹽影響解磷真菌分泌有機酸的作用機制,主持,2020/07~2022/06。
3. 安徽省自然資源廳科技項目,含磷尾礦磷資源集成應用關鍵技術研究,主持,2021/10~2023/10。 [1] 
科研論文: [1] 
發表論文50餘篇,H指數20。 [1-2] 
1. L. Wang, H. Guan, J. Hu, Y. Feng, X. Li, K.K. Yusef, H. Gao, D. Tian, Aspergillus niger enhances organic and inorganic phosphorus release from wheat straw by secretion of degrading enzymes and oxalic acid, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 7 (35): 10738-10746.
2. Y. Geng, S. Pan, L. Zhang, J. Qiu, K. He, H. Gao, Z. Li, D. Tian, Phosphorus biogeochemistry regulated by carbonates in soil, Environmental Research, 2022, 214: 113894.
3. Y. Feng, L. Zhang, X. Li, L. Wang, K.K. Yusef, H. Gao, D. Tian, Remediation of lead contamination by Aspergillus niger and phosphate rocks under different nitrogen sources, Agronomy, 2022, 12: 646. [5] 
4. L. Meng, S. Pan, L. Zhou, C. Santasup, M. Su, D. Tian, Z. Li, Evaluating the survival of Aspergillus niger in a highly polluted red soil with addition of phosphogypsum and bioorganic fertilizer, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 76446-76455.
5. D. Tian, X. Cheng, L. Wang, J. Hu, N. Zhou, J. Xia, M. Xu, L. Zhang, H. Gao, X. Ye, C. Zhang, Remediation of lead-contaminated water by red yeast and different types of phosphate, Fronties in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022, 10: 775058.
6. D. Tian, J. Xia, N. Zhou, M. Xu, X. Li, L. Zhang, S. Du, H. Gao, The utilization of phosphogypsum as a sustainable phosphate-based fertilizer by Aspergillus niger, Agronomy, 2022. [9] 
7. M. Su, L. Meng, L. Zhao, Y. Tang, J. Qiu, D. Tian, Z. Li, Phosphorus deficiency in soils with red color: Insights from the interactions between minerals and microorganisms, Geoderma, 2021, 404: 115311. [6] 
8. D. Tian, M. Su, X. Zou, L. Zhang, L. Tang, Y. Geng, J. Qiu, S. Wang, H. Gao, Z. Li, Influences of phosphate addition on fungal weathering of carbonate in the red soil from karst region, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 755: 142570.
9. D. Tian, L. Wang, J. Hu, L. Zhang, N. Zhou, J. Xia, M. Xu, K.K. Yusef, S. Wang, Z. Li, H. Gao, A study of P release from Fe-P and Ca-P via the organic acids secreted by Aspergillus niger, Journal of Microbiology, 2021, 59: 819-826.
10. D. Tian, Z. Li, D. O'Connor, Z. Shen, D. Hou, The need to prioritize sustainable phosphate‐based fertilizers, Soil Use and Management, 2020, 36: 351-354.
11. D. Tian, Z. Jiang, L. Jiang, M. Su, Z. Feng, L. Zhang, S. Wang, Z. Li, S. Hu, A new insight into lead (II) tolerance of environmental fungi based on a study of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium oxalicum, Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 21: 471-479.
12. D. Tian, W. Wang, M. Su, J. Zheng, Y. Wu, S. Wang, Z. Li, S. Hu, Remediation of lead-contaminated water by geological fluorapatite and fungus Penicillium oxalicum, Environment Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 21118-21126.
13. D. Tian, Z. Lai, X. Zou, C. Guo, L. Tang, M. Su, Z. Li, S. Hu, A contrast of lead immobilization via bioapatite under elevated CO2 between acidic and alkaline soils, Soil Use and Management, 2018, 34: 542-544. [7] 
14. Z. Shen, D. Tian, X. Zhang, L. Tang, M. Su, L. Zhang, Z. Li, S. Hu, D. Hou, Mechanisms of biochar assisted immobilization of Pb(2+) by bioapatite in aqueous solution, Chemosphere, 2018: 190: 260-266. [8] 
15. 管浩, 王利妍, 金夢燦, 田達, 郜紅建, 不同形態氮素對黑麴黴降解小麥秸稈的影響,農業環境科學學報, 2022. [3] 
16. 王利妍; 韓明雪; 張曉茹; 胡俊; 張碩; 王德超; 郜紅建; 田達; 產黃青黴菌對不同難溶性磷酸鹽的溶解能力及作用機制, 植物營養與肥料學報, 2023. [4] 


1. 沿江-江淮稻區土壤“培肥降污”質量提升關鍵技術創新與應用, 安徽省科學技術廳, 科技進步, 省部二等獎, 2023.
2. 淮北平原麥玉秸稈肥料化與養分週年高效利用關鍵技術及應用, 中國植物營養與肥料學會, 植物營養學與肥料科學技術獎, 二等獎, 2023.
3. 第十四屆全國大學生節能減排社會實踐與科技競賽三等獎,2020
4. 華騏-中旭杯安徽省大學生生態環境創新創業大賽省級二等獎,2021 [1] 


植物營養學 [1] 