


王自東,男,北京科技大學材料學院材料加工與控制工程系教授,北京科技大學材料科學與工程學院首席教授。 [1] 
性    別
職    稱


1994.9-1996.9:北京科技大學冶金學科博士後流動站工作。 [1] 



4.研究生課程:材料加工工程選論 [1] 


1、 金屬納微晶材料理論;
2、 金屬納米晶結構材料(凝固過程獲得);
3、 金屬納微晶材料鑄造新技術;
4、 金屬納微晶材料鍛造、軋製新技術;
5、 遠離平衡條件下非平衡熱力學 [1] 



1. Hao Tang, Xiaohua Chen, YaWe iNiu, Xiang Luo, Zidong Wang, Mingwen Chen,Guodong Shi. Thermal stability characteristics of in situ nano-particles formed in metal melt. Materials Letters. 162(2016)261–264.
2. Zidong Wang, X.W. Wang, Q.S. Wang, I Shih, J J Xu, Fabrication of a nanocomposite from in situ iron nanoparticle reinforced copper alloy, Nanotech. 20 (2009) 1-6.
3. Guodong Shi, Xiaohua Chen, Hanjiang, Zhiyi Zhao, Zidong Wang, Tao Wang, Xiang Luo. Dendrite remelting of petal-shaped iron-rich nanoparticles in Cu-2 wt% Fe alloy at the nanoscale. Materials Letters, 166(2016)231-234.
4. Kaixuan Chen, Xiaohua Chen, Ding Ding, Guodong Shi, Zidong Wang, Heterogeneous nucleation effect of in situ iron-rich nanoparticles on grain refinement of copper alloy. Materials Letters, 168(2016) 188-191.
5. Kaixuan Chen, Xiaohua Chen, Ding Ding, Guodong Shi, Zidong Wang. Formation mechanism of in-situ nanostructured grain in cast Cu-10Sn-2Zn-1.5Fe-0.5Co (wt.%) alloy, Materials and Design, Materials & Design, Volume 94, 15 March 2016, Pages 338-344.
6. Kaixuan Chen, Xiaohua Chen, Ding Ding, Guodong Shi, Zidong Wang. Crystallographic features of iron-rich nanoparticles in cast Cu–10Sn–2Zn–1.5Fe–0.5Co alloy. Materials Characterization, 113 (2016) 34–42.
7. Kaixuan Chen, Hao Tang, Xiaohua Chen, Ding Ding, Guodong Shi, Zidong Wang. Morphological instability of spherical nano iron-rich crystal in copper melt. Materials Letters, Available online 27 February 2016.
8. Xiaohua Chen, Zidong Wang, Ding Ding, Hao Tang, Lili Qiu, Xiang Luo, Guodong, Shi. Strengthening and toughening strategies for tin bronze alloy through fabricating in-situ nanostructured grains, Materials and Design, 2015, 66: 60-66.
9. Guodong Shi, Xiaohua Chen, Han Jiang, Zidong Wang, Hao Tang, Yongquan Fan. Strengthening mechanisms of Fe nanoparticles for single crystal Cu-Fe alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 636:43-47.
10. Xiaohua Chen, Lili Qiu, Hao Tang, Xiang Luo, Longfei Zuo, Zidong Wang. Effect of nanoparticles formed in liquid melt on microstructure and mechanical property of high strength naval steel. Jorunal of Materials Processing Technology. 2015, 222: 224-233.
11. Xiaohua Chen, Xin Tang, Zidong Wang, Xidong Hui, Mo Li, Yongwei Wang. Manufacturing Process and microstructure of copper-coated aluminum wires. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials. 2015, 22(2):190-196.
12. X. H. Chen, B. Hou, Z. D. Wang, Formation of an abnormal lamellar precipitate in Cu-Cr-Zr-Mg-Ce nanocomposite during solution treatments. Materials Research Innovation. 2015,19(s5)1333-1336.
13. Hao Tang, Xiaohua Chen, Xiang Luo, Mingwen Chen, Zidong Wang, Longfei Zuo. Heterogeneous nucleation effect of in sity nanoparticles on the metal-matrix microstructure. Materials Letter. 2014, 137: 455-459
14. Hao Tang, Xiaohua Chen, Mingwen Chen, Longfei Zuo, Bin Hou, Zidong Wang. Microstructure and mechanical property of in-situ nano-particle strengthened ferric steel by novel internal oxidation. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, 609: 293-299.
Mingwen Chen, Xiaojian Ji, Xiaohua Xu, Yahong Zheng, Ping Qian, Zidong Wang, The Effect of the Shear Flow on Particle Growth in the Undercooled Melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, vol.401, pp116–119, SCIMingwen Chen, Zidong Wang, Jian-Jun Xu, The effect of anisotropic surface tension on the interface evolution of a particle in the undercooled melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, vol.362, pp115–120. [1] 


1、 國防“973”、軍工鋼;
2、 鐵道部重點項目、高鐵車軸的研製;
3、 軍工預研:高性能銅合金、高性能鋁合金;
4、 “廠協”項目:納米減振鋼、冶金脱氧過程中納米氧化物的形成 [1] 


國防“973”首席科學家;北京市科技新星;江蘇省“雙創”人才;獲省部級科技進步獎2項 [1] 


科技中國雜誌專家委員會委員 [1] 
  • 1.    王自東  .北京科技大學材料學院[引用日期2019-09-16]