


王濤,武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院教授、博士生導師,英國皇家化學會會士,材料科學與工程國際化示範學院院長 [4] 
職    務
性    別
職    稱


武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院教授、博士生導師,湖北省特聘專家,英國皇家化學會會士(2019),英國高分子物理學會首屆Ian Macmillan Ward Prize獎獲得者(2007年)。 [1] 


2014至今, 武漢理工大學,材料科學與工程學院, 教授
2009/10-2014, 英國 University of Sheffield 物理與天文系,博士後研究員
2009/02-2009/10, 英國 University of Surrey 物理系,博士後研究員
2005/10-2009/02, 博士, 軟凝聚態物理, 英國 University of Surrey 物理系
2002/09-2005/07, 碩士, 材料學, 武漢理工大學
1998/09-2002/07, 學士, 高分子材料與工程, 武漢理工大學




長期從事光電子器件及高分子材料、高分子物理方面的研究,內容涉及由有機/無機材料構築的光伏太陽能電池、發光器件和場效應晶體管等器件。採用大科學儀器如同步輻射X射線衍射和中子散射等研究材料的微觀結構。探索材料結構對器件性能的調控機制,指導設計和研製高效率的光電子器件。現已在Joule, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials等高水平刊物上發表SCI論文100餘篇,雜誌封面報道8篇,應邀撰寫綜述論文8篇,授權國家發明專利6項,主持了包括國家自然科學基金國際合作項目、面上項目和青年項目等10餘個科研項目。擔任國際著名期刊Reports on Progress in Physics編委,歐盟研究基金會評審員,國家重大研發計劃評審專家及Nature子刊、JACS、Adv. Mater.等30多家國際刊物的審稿人。先後獲得英國高分子物理協會Ian Macmillan Ward獎,中國國家優秀自費留學生獎學金,湖北青年五四獎章,英國薩里大學“青年成就獎”等榮譽稱號。 [2-3] 


1. Molecular order control of non-fullerene acceptors for high efficiency polymer solar cells.Wei Li, Mengxue Chen, Jinlong Cai, Emma K. L. Spooner, Huijun Zhang, Robert S. Gurney, Dan Liu, Zuo Xiao, David G. Lidzey, Liming Ding*,Tao Wang*. Joule, 2019, 3, 819-833.
2. 13.9% efficiency ternary nonfullerene organic solar cells featuring low-structural order. Baocai Du, Renyong Geng, Wei Li, Donghui Li, Yuchao Mao, Mengxue Chen, Xue Zhang, Joel A. Smith, Rachel C. Kilbride, Mary E. O'Kane, Dan Liu, David G. Lidzey, Weihua Tang*,Tao Wang*. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4, 2378-2385.
3. Retarding the crystallization of a non-fullerene electron-acceptor for high peroformance polymer solar cells. Wei Li, Mengxue Chen, Zhuohan Zhang, Jinlong Cai, Huijun Zhang, Robert S. Gurney, Dan Liu, Jiangsheng Yu, Weihua Tang*,Tao Wang*. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1807662.
4. Enhancing the efficiency of PTB7-Th:COi8DFIC-based ternary solar cells with versatile third components. Wei Li, Zuo Xiao, Joel A. Smith, Jinlong Cai, Donghui Li, Rachel C. Kilbride, Emma L. K. Spooner, Onkar S. Game, Xianyi Meng, Dan Liu, Richard A. L. Jones, David G. Lidzey*, Liming Ding*,Tao Wang*. Applied Physics Reviews, 2019, 6, 041405
5. A review of non-fullerene polymer solar cells: From device physics to morphology control.Robert S. Gurney, David G. Lidzey,Tao Wang*. Reports on Progress in Physics, 2019, 82, 036601
6. Ionic additive engineering toward high-efficiency perovskite solar cells with reduced grain boundaries and trap density. Feilong Cai, Yu Yan, Jiaxu Yao, Pang Wang, Hui Wang, Robert S. Gurney, Dan Liu*,Tao Wang*, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1801985.
7. Contrasting effects of energy transfer in determining efficiency improvements in ternary polymer solar cells. Wei Li, Yu Yan, Yanyan Gong, Jinlong Cai, Feilong Cai, Robert S. Gurney, Dan Liu, Andrew J. Pearson, David G. Lidzey,Tao Wang*,Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1704212
8. Molecular engineering of conjugated polymers for efficient hole transport and defect passivation in perovskite solar cells. Feilong Cai, Jinlong Cai, Liyan Yang, Wei Li, Robert S. Gurney, Hunnan Yi, Ahmed Iraqi, Dan Liu,Tao Wang*, Nano Energy, 2018, 45, 28-36.
9. Conjugated polymer blends for organic photovoltaics: Rational control of vertical stratification for high performance. Yu Yan, Xuan Liu,Tao Wang*.Adv. Mater.2017, 29, 1601674.
10. Light-soaking-free inverted polymer solar cells with an efficiency of 10.5% by compositional and surface modifications to a low-temperature-processed TiO2electron-transport layer. Yu Yan, Feilong Cai, Liyan Yang, Jinghai Li, Yiwei Zhang, Fei Qin, Chuanxi Xiong, Yinhua Zhou, David G. Lidzey,Tao Wang*.Adv. Mater.2017, 29, 1604044.
11. Tao Wang, Chun-Hong Lei, Dan Liu, MihaelaManea, José M. Asua, CostantinoCreton, Alan B. Dalton, Joseph L. Keddie. A molecular mechanism for toughening and strengthening waterborne nanocomposites. Adv. Mater. 20:90-94 (2008)
12. Tao Wang, Chun-Hong Lei, Alan B. Dalton, CostantinoCreton, Yi Lin, K. A. Shiral Fernando, Ya-Ping Sun, MihaelaManea, José M. Asua, Joseph L. Keddie. Waterborne, nanocomposite pressure-sensitive adhesives with high tack energy, optical transparency, and electrical conductivity. Adv. Mater. 18: 2730-2734 (2006) (Editor’s Choice, Science, 314:1053, 2006)