


王汝成,男,漢族,1962年7月生,江蘇興化人,民盟盟員,1988年12月參加工作,研究生學歷,博士學位,教授。 [1]  [5] 
現任民盟南京市主委,南京大學地球科學與工程學院院長,市社會主義學院院長(兼)。 [2-3]  [5]  [7-8] 
民    族
籍    貫


1979.09 南京大學地質學系放射性礦產地質專業學習;
1983.09 上海外國語學院出國人員培訓部學習;
1984.07 法國圖魯茲大學礦物學和礦牀學專業博士研究生;
1988.12 南京大學地球科學系教師(其間:1994.09-1995.05法國圖魯茲大學高級訪問學者);
2002.06 南京大學地球科學系教授,民盟江蘇省委副主委;
2006.01 南京大學地球科學系主任,民盟省委副主委;
2006.12 南京大學地球科學系主任,民盟省委副主委、南京市委主委;
2008.03 南京大學地球科學與工程學院院長,民盟省委副主委、市委主委;
2013.05 南京大學地球科學與工程學院院長,民盟省委副主委、市委主委,市社會主義學院院長(兼);
2017.06 南京大學地球科學與工程學院院長,民盟市委主委,市社會主義學院院長(兼);
2017.12 民盟中央常委、市委主委,南京大學地球科學與工程學院院長,市社會主義學院院長(兼);
2018.01 南京市政協副主席,民盟中央常委、市委主委,南京大學地球科學與工程學院院長,市社會主義學院院長(兼)。 [3] 
2023.01 不再擔任南京市政協副主席。 [9] 
第十一、十二、十三屆全國政協委員。 [3-4] 



在研的主要科研項目包括:國家傑出青年基金項目1項(花崗質岩漿-熱液體系中的副礦物研究)、教育部優秀骨幹教師基金1項(低温表生環境中礦物表面性質研究)、教育部博士點基金1項(稀有金屬花崗質體系中銣、銫礦物學研究)、基金創新羣體基金項目1項(華南大陸岩石圈層圈相互作用及成巖成礦過程的地球化學)、基金委面上基金2項(浙閩沿海A型花崗岩晶洞礦物和副礦物研究、花崗質岩漿體系中鈹的物種生成作用與鈹礦物熱液穩定性研究)、“973”二級課題1項(大陸板塊會聚邊界的深部成礦作用研究)等。 [1] 


2001年獲國家級教學成果二等獎 [1] 




2021年8月1日,入選2021年中國科學院院士增選初步候選人名單。 [6] 


[1] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Monchoux P., 1987, Interrelations et evolution comparee de la cassiterite et des niobo-tantalates dans les differents facies du granite de Beauvoir (Massif d’Echassieres). Geol. France, No. 2-3, 237-245.
[2] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Monchoux P., Rossi Ph., 1992, Recherche des phases porteuses du beryllium dans le granite de Beauvoir (Allier) par analyses chimiques de fractions densimetriques. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, Tome 314, Serie II, 671-674.
[3] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Monchoux P., 1992, Mineraux dissemines comme indicateurs du caractere pegmatitique du granite de Beauvoir, Massif d'Echassieres, Allier, France. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.30, Part 2, 763-770.
[4] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Xu S.J., Chen X.M., Monchoux P., 1996, Hafnian zircon from the apical part of the Suzhou granite. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.34, Part 5, 1001-1010.
[5] Xu S.J., Wang R.C., et al., 1996, U-Pb, Rb-Sr isotopic chronology of Jinning granites in the Songpan-Ganze orogenic belt and its tectonic significances. Science in China (Series D), Vol.39, No.6, 576-586.
[6] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Xu S.J., Chen X.M., Monchoux P., 1997, The association of columbite, tantalite and tapiolite in the Suzhou granite, China. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.35, Part 3, 699-706.
[7] Xu S.J., Shen W.Z, Wang R.C. et al., 1998, U-Pb dating of zircon grains from the ore-bearing plagioclase amphibole in the Dashuigou Te deposit. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.43, No.17, 1486-1489.
[8] Liu C.S., Lin H.F., Xiao X.L., Shen W.Z., Wang D.Z., Huang X.L., Wang R.C., 1999, An F-rich, Sn-bearing volcanic-intrusive complex in Yanbei, South China. Economic Geology, Vol. 94, 325-342.
[9] Huang X.L., Wang R.C., et al., 1999, The P2O5 content of feldspars from the Yashan granites, Jiangxi Province, South China. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 44, No.13, 1245-1248.
[10] Wang R.C., Xu S.J., Xu S.T., 2000, First occurrence of preiswerkite in the Dabie UHP metamorphic belt. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.8, 748-750.
[11] XU S.T., Liu Y.C, Su W., Wang R.C., Jiang L.L, Wu W.P., 2000, The discovery of eclogite in the North Dabie Mountains and petrographic study. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.3, 273-278.
[12] Wang RC, Zhao GT, Lu JJ, et al., 2000, Chemistry of Hf-rich zircons from the Laoshan I- and A-type granites, Eastern China. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol.64, No.5, 867-877.
[13] Wang RC, Zhao GT, Wang DZ, et al., 2000, Differentiation and accumulation of fluids in A-type granites: Evidence from accessory mineral study. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.17, 1609-1613.
[14] Xia QK, Chen DG, Carpenter S, Zhi XC, Wang RC, Cheng H, 2000, Hydrogen diffusion in clinopyroxene: dehydration experiments. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), Vol.43, No.6, 561-568.
[15] Wang R.C., et al., 2001, Accessory mineral record of magma-fluid interaction in the Laoshan I- and A-type granitic complex,Eastern China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Part A), Vol.26, No. 9-10, pp.835-849.
[16] Min M.Z., Luo X.Z., Mao S.L., Wang Z.Q., Wang R.C. et al., 2001, An excellent fossil wood texture with primary uranium minerals at a sandstone-hosted roll-type uranium deposit, NW China. Ore geology Review, Vol. 17, pp.233-239.
[17] Ling H.F., Shen W.Z., Wang R.C., Xu S.J., 2001, Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of Neoproterozoic Granitoids in the Northwestern Margin of the Yangtze Block. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (A), Vol.26, No.9-10, pp.805-819.
[18] Su W., You Z.D., Wang R.C., Liu X.W., 2001, Quartz and clinoenstatite exsolutions in clinopyroxene of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountains, eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 46, No.17, pp.1482-1485.
[19] Liang X.R., Wei G.J., Shao L, Li XH, Wang RC, 2001, Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea - Chemical characteristics of the glass shards from ODP 1143A. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), 44 (10): 871-878.
[20] Huang X.L., Wang R.C., Chen X.M., Hu H., Liu C.S., 2002, Vertical variation in the mineralogy of the Yichun topaz-lepidolite granite, Jiangxi province, Southern China. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40(4):1047-1068.
[21] Cao Z.M., Zheng J.B., Li Y.G., Ren J.G., Xu S.J., Wang R.C., Shoji T., Kaned H., Kabayashi S., 2002, Geologic and geochemical features of the volatile-rich ore fluid and its tracing and dating in the Xuebaoding Beryl-Scheelite Vein Deposit, China. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), 45 (8): 719-729.
[22] Huang X.L., Xu Y.G., Wang R.C., Chen X.M., 2002, The Nushan granulite xenoliths from Anhui province, China: mineralogical characteristics, the lower crustal geotherm and their implications for genesis. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 18(3): 383-391.
[23] Wang R.C., Fontan F., Chen X.M., Hu H., Liu C.S., Xu S.J., de Parseval P., 2003, Accessory minerals in the Xihuashan Y-enriched granitic complex, Southern China: a record of magmatic and hydrothermal stages of evolution. The Canadian Mineralogist, 41(3): 727-748.
[24] Wang R.C., Hu H., Zhang A.C., Xu S.J., Wang D.Z., 2003, Yttrium zoning in garnet from the Xihuashan granitic complex and its petrological implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(15): 1611-1615.
[25] Xu SJ, Fang Z, Matsumoto T, Matsuda J, Yasuda M, Yu JH, Wang RC, Liu WZ, 2003, He and Ar isotopes in mantle megacryst minerals from Nushan and Yingfengling in Southeast China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(15): 1624-1630.
[26] Xu SJ, Wang RC, Fang Z, Liu WZ, Li DM, Wan JL, 2003, Sm-Nd, Ar-40/Ar-39 and fission track ages of granulites from lower crust: Implications for exhumation history of the Panxi Micro Oldmass in SW China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (18): A541, Suppl. 1 (abstract).
[27] Wang RC, Lu HP, Lu XC, 2003, Surface microtopograhic and chemical behavious of dissolved zircon at 180 degrees C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (18): A521, Suppl. 1 (abstract).
[28] Fang Z, Matsumoto T, Xu SJ, Matsuda JI, Yu JH, Wang RC, 2003, Absence of lithospheric mantle helium signature in megacrysts of SE China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (18): A89, Suppl. 1 (abstract).
[29] Xu YG, Huang XL, Menzies MA, Wang RC, 2003, Highly magnesian olivines and green-core clinopyroxenes in ultrapotassic lavas from western Yunnan, China: evidence for a complex hybrid origin. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15 (6): 965-975.
[30] Wang RC, Xu SJ, Fang Z, Shieh YN, Li HM, Li DM, Wan JL, Wu WP, 2004, Protolith age and exhumation history of metagranites from the Dabie UHP metamorphic belt in east-central China: A multi-chronological study. Geochemical Journal, 38, 345-362.
[31] Wang RC, Hu H, Zhang AC, Huang XL, Ni P, 2004, Pollucite and the cesium-dominant analogue of polylithionite as expressions of extreme Cs enrichment in the Yichun topaz-lepidolite granite, southern China. Canadian Mineralogist, 42 (Part 3), 883-896.
[32] Zhang AC, Wang RC, Hu H, Chen XM, Zhang H, 2004, Occurrences of foitite and rossmanite from the Koktokay no. 3 granitic pegmatite dyke, Altai, northwestern China: A record of hydrothermal fluids. Canadian Mineralogist, 42 (Part 3), 873-882.
[33] Hsu WB, Guan YB, Wang HN, Leshin LA, Wang RC, Zhang WL, Chen XM, Zhang FS, Lin CY, 2004, The lherzolitic shergottite Grove Mountains 99027: Rare earth element geochemistry. Meteoritics Planetary Science 39 (5), 701-709.
[34] Xu SJ, Liu WZ, Wang RC, Yu HB, Li DM, Wang JL, Fang Z, 2004, The history of crustal uplift and metamorphic evolution of Panzhihua-Xichang micro-paleoland, SW China: Constraints on Sm-Nd, 40Ar/39Ar and FT ages of granulites. Science inChina (Series D), Vol. 47, 689-703. [1] 


1995年獲中國礦物岩石地球化學學會侯德封獎,2000年獲教育部高校自然科學一等獎,2001年獲江蘇省青年科技獎;2002年獲教育部優秀骨幹教師獎。 [1] 