


王小毅現為浙江大學管理學院教授、博士生導師,國內首位神經營銷學博士,任浙江大學管理學院院長助理(分管企業合作、資源整合與創新創業孵化),浙江大學國內合作辦副主任(雙專),兼任浙江大學神經管理學實驗室副主任、浙大管院-阿里雲數字經濟研究院副院長、中國技術經濟學會理事及神經經濟管理分會常務理事委員。 [1] 
Kevin Wang
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別


王小毅教授的主要研究領域為神經營銷學、移動消費行為與大數據分析等,應用領域為數字營銷與新零售。王教授主持了包括“消費者食品安全風險感知的腦神經機制及預防”在內的多項國家自然科學基金項目和教育部基金項目,第三期之江青年社科學者,在Marketing Science、Journal of Marketing Research、Information Systems Research、管理世界等國際和國內重要學術期刊發表了一系列研究成果。研究成果獲浙江省科技進步二等獎4項目,全國商業科技進步獎一等獎1項。 [1] 


王小毅 王小毅
王小毅教授主要承擔數字營銷、商業模式、營銷管理等課程的教學工作,同時為EMBA講授戰略型營銷。所服務的重點企業包括浙江中煙、中石油浙江銷售公司、一汽集團、旺旺集團、顧家集團、阿里巴巴、一鳴食品等。王教授的教學深受學生喜愛,近年來的課程評價皆為優秀,匿名“查老師”評價打分高達9.87分,先後獲得浙江大學優質教學二獎、竺可楨學院年度最受喜愛的教師等教學榮譽。 [1] 
課程名稱 授課對象
數字營銷 營銷本科專業
電子商務與電子政務 本科通識
商業模式 創新創業強化班/MBA
網絡運營與用户體驗 MBA
營銷管理 MBA
企業與區域數字化轉型 政府高級培訓
王小毅 王小毅
新零售與營銷變革 企業內部培訓



(1) Yingjie Zhang; Beibei Li; Xueming Luo; Xiaoyi Wang*, Personalized Mobile Targeting with User Engagement Stages: Combining a Structural Hidden Markov Model and Field Experiment, Information Systems Research, 2019.7, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 787–804, SSCI, UTD24
(2) Fong, Nathan; Zhang, Yuchi; Xueming Luo;Xiaoyi Wang*, Targeted Promotions on an E-Book Platform: Crowding Out, Heterogeneity, and Opportunity Costs, JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2019.4, 56, 2, 310-323, SSCI,UTD24
(3) Chenxi Li, Xueming Luo, Cheng Zhang, Xiaoyi Wang (2017) Sunny, Rainy, and Cloudy with a Chance of Mobile Promotion Effectiveness. Marketing Science 36(5):762-779. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2017.1044
(4) Shang Q, Pei G, Jin J, Zhang W, Wang Y, Wang X (2018) ERP evidence for consumer evaluation of copycat brands. PLoS ONE 13(2).
(5) Qian Shang, Guanxiong Pei, Shenyi Dai and Xiaoyi Wang, Logo Effects on Brand Extension Evaluations from the Electrophysiological Perspective, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017, 3(11).
(6) Qingguo Ma, Linfeng Hu and Xiaoyi Wang, Emotion and novelty processing in an implicit aesthetic experience of architectures: evidence from an event-related potential study, NeuroReport 2015, 26:279–284.
(7) Liu, Y, Yang, Yang, Wei, June, Wang, Xiaoyi(*), An examination on RFID innovation diffusions in Chinese public intelligent transportation services, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS, 2015, 13(5), 549-566.
(8) Ma, Qingguo,Wang, Cuicui,Wang, Xiaoyi(*),Two-Stage Categorization in Brand Extension Evaluation: Electrophysiological Time Course Evidence,PLos One,2014,9(12)
(9) Ma, Qingguo,Wang, Cuicui,Wu, Yifan,Wang, Xiaoyi(*),Event-related potentials show taste and risk effects on food evaluation,NeuroReport,2014,25(10):760-765
(10) Wei, Zhe,Feng, Yixiong,Wang, Xiaoyi(*),Sun, Zuowen,Sun, Yong,Design Thinking and Cloud Manufacturing: A Study of Cloud Model Sharing Platform Based on Separated Data Log,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2013,2013(1):1-6
(11) Wang, Xiaoyi,Huang, Yujing(*),Ma, Qingguo,Li, Nan,Event-related potential P2 correlates of implicit aesthetic experience,NeuroReport,2012,23(14):862-866
(12) Wang, Xiaoyi,Ma, Qingguo(*),Wang, Cuicui,N400 as an index of uncontrolled categorization processing in brand extension,Neuroscience Letters,2012,525(1):76-81
(13) Liu, Yuan,Wang, Shaojian,Wang, Xiaoyi(*),A usability-centred perspective on intention to use mobile payment,International Journal of Mobile Communications,2011,9(6):541-562
(14) Liu Y, Zhao QG, Wang XY* “Usability evaluation of digital-TV program guide interface”. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 5(4): 1369-1373, 2009
(15) Liu Y, Wang, XY* “A Comprehensive Model of the Factors Affecting User Acceptance of Office Automation System in Chinese Government Environment”. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 3(1): 253-262, 2007
(16) Chen ML, Ma QG, Wang XY “Cognitive and emotional conflicts of counter-conformity choice in purchasing books online: An event-related potentials study”, Biological Psychology. 85(3):437-445, 2010
(17) Chen ML, Ma QG, Wang XY “The neural and psychological basis of herding in purchasing books online: an event-related potential study”, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13: 321-328, 2010.
(18) Wei Z, Wang XY, Wang JL, Yang DD “Multi-objectives optimal model of heavy equipment using improved Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 45(3-4): 389-396, 2009
(19) Ma QG, Shu LC, Wang XY, Che HM “Error-related negativity varies with the activation of gender stereotypes”. Neuroscience Letters. 442(3): 186-189, 2008
(20) Ma QG, Wang XY, Shu LC, Dai SY. “P300 and categorization in Brand Extension”. Neuroscience Letters. 431(1): 57-61, 2008
(21) Ma QG, Wang XY, Dai SY, Shu LC. “Event-Related Potential N270 Correlates of Brand Extension”. NeuroReport. 18(10): 1031-1034, 2007
(22) Muhammad Zubair, Sidra Iqbal, Sardar Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Awais,RuiningWang, Xiaoyi Wang*, Message framing and self‑conscious emotions help to understand pro‑environment consumer purchase intention: an ERP study, Scientifc Reports, 2020.10:1-8


(1) 王小毅,馬慶國,基於神經營銷學的品牌延伸評估探索:對A&K模型的修正,《管理世界》,2009年11期,p115-121;人大複印資料《市場營銷》,2010.02
(2) 王小毅,李典典,是誰挑動了顧客的購買神經? 《企業管理》, 2008(8),p74-77
(3) 王小毅,熊偉,質量問題危機處置的微觀視角,宏觀質量研究,2014年1期
(4) 馬慶國,戴珅懿,王小毅,網癮概念的定義研究,《管理工程學報》,2006年 02期,p151-154
(5) 馬慶國,王小毅,認知神經科學、神經經濟學與神經管理學,《管理世界》,2006年10期,p139-149
(6) 馬慶國,王小毅,從神經經濟學和神經營銷學到神經管理學,《管理工程學報》,2006年03期,p129-132
(7) 馬慶國,舒良超,王小毅,神經營銷學改變營銷思維,《企業管理》,2007年04期,《人大複印資料》收錄


72072161 基於感知機器共情的人工智能客服交互過程設計與用户滿意度提升 王小毅,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2021-01/2024-12
食品添加劑的消費恐慌與管理干預:基於神經營銷學的認知機理,浙江省自然科學基金一般項目,201301-201512 [1] 


(3)劉淵,王小毅,吳越 等(2/5),浙江省物聯網技術路線圖,浙江省科技進步二等獎,浙江省人民政府,2013
(4)馬慶國,王小毅,戴珅懿,(2/3),P300 and categorization in brand extension,教育部,教育部人文社會科學獎,( 三等獎),2013
(6)劉淵,王小毅 等 關於加強虛擬社會科學化治理和有效推進網絡政民互動的建議,浙江省第十七屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,二等獎,2014年
(7)馬慶國,王小毅,神經營銷學與品牌延伸態度的腦電波識別技術,浙江省人民政府,浙江省科學技術獎,二等獎,2010年 [1] 