


王剛,男,博士,湖南大學機械與運載工程學院教授。 [1] 



1994.09-1998.07 國防科技大學機械電子工程與儀器儀表系本科,獲學士學位;
1998.09-2006.06 國防科技大學機電工程與自動化學院機械工程專業博士,獲博士學位;
2006.06-2008.12 國防科技大學機電工程與自動化學院講師,從事教學科研工作;
2011.02-2012.02 德國慕尼黑工業大學機械學院,訪問研究一年。 [1] 


2008.12-2015.03 國防科技大學機電工程與自動化學院副研究員,主要從事聲子晶體與減振降噪方面的研究工作;
2015.03-至今:湖南大學機械與運載工程學院機電工程系教授,從事教學與科學研究。 [1] 


聲子晶體、聲學超材料、智能結構、振動噪聲控制。 [1] 


1、 國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目(51322502),智能結構與結構振動控制,2014-2016,在研;
2、 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(50905182),主動振子嵌入式週期結構的帶隙特性研究,2010-2012,已結題
3、 全國博士學位論文作者專項資金資助項目(200939),基於帶隙理論和智能結構的減振降噪原理及應用,2009-2013,已結題
4、 陝西電力科學研究院橫向合作項目,基於聲子晶體原理的輸變電工程降噪技術研究,2012-2012,已結題 [1] 



[1] 王剛,温激鴻,韓小云,趙宏剛. 二維聲子晶體帶隙計算中的時域有限差分方法. 物理學報. 2003. 52(8):1943-1947 (SCI收錄)
[2] Gang Wang, Xisen Wen, Jihong Wen, Lihui Shao and Yaozong Liu. Two dimensional locally resonant phononic crystals with binary structures. Physical Review Letters. 2004. 93(15):154302 (SCI收錄)
[3] Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. Lumped-mass method for the study of band structure in two-dimensional phononic crystals. Physical Review B. 2004. 69(18):184302 (SCI收錄)
[4] Gang Wang, Dianlong Yu, Jihong Wen, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. One-dimensional phononic crystals with locally resonant structures. Physics Letters A. 2004. 327(5-6):512-521 (SCI收錄)
[5] 温激鴻,王剛,劉耀宗,鬱殿龍. 基於集中質量法的一維聲子晶體彈性波帶隙計算. 物理學報. 2004. 53(10):3384-3388 (SCI收錄)
[6] 王剛,温激鴻,劉耀宗,鬱殿龍,趙宏剛. 一維粘彈材料週期結構的振動帶隙研究. 機械工程學報. 2004. 40(7):47-50 (SCI收錄)
[7] Wen Jihong, Wang Gang, Yu Dianlong, Zhao Honggang, Liu Yaozong. Theoretical and experimental investigation of flexural wave propagation in straight beams with periodic structures: Application to a vibration isolation structure. Journal of Applied Physics. 2005. 97(11):114907 (SCI收錄)
[8] Gang Wang, Jihong Wen and Xisen Wen. Quasi-one-dimensional phononic crystals studied using the improved lumped-mass method: Application to locally resonant beams with flexural wave band gap. Physical Review B. 2005. 71(10):104302 (SCI收錄)
[9] Honggang Zhao, Yaozong Liu, Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Dianlong Yu, Xiaoyun Han and Xisen Wen. Resonance modes and gap formation in a two-dimensional solid phononic crystal. Physical Review B. 2005. 72(1):012301 (SCI收錄)
[10] 王剛,温激鴻,劉耀宗,鬱殿龍,温熙森. 大彈性常數差二維聲子晶體帶隙計算中的集中質量法. 物理學報. 2005. 54(3):1247-1252 (SCI收錄)
[11] 温激鴻,鬱殿龍,王剛,趙宏剛,劉耀宗. 週期結構細直梁彎曲振動中的振動帶隙. 機械工程學報. 2005. 41(4):1-7
[12] 温激鴻,王剛,劉耀宗,趙宏剛. 週期彈簧振子結構振動帶隙及隔振特性研究. 機械工程學報. 2005. 41(2):205-209
[13] 王剛,温激鴻,温熙森,鬱殿龍,劉耀宗. 細直梁彎曲振動中的局域共振帶隙. 機械工程學報. 2005. 41(10):107-110
[14] 鬱殿龍, 劉耀宗, 王剛, 温激鴻, 邱 靜. 一維桿狀聲子晶體振動中的表面局域態研究. 機械工程學報. 2005. 41(6):35-38
[15] Gang Wang, Xisen Wen, Jihong Wen and Yaozong Liu. Quasi-one-dimensional periodic structure with locally resonant band gap. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2006. 73(1):167-170 (SCI收錄)
[16] Wang Gang, Liu Yao-Zong, Wen Ji-Hong and Yu Dian-Long. Formation mechanism of the low-frequency locally resonant band gaps in the two-dimensional ternary phononic crystals. Chinese Physics. 2006. 15(2):407-411 (SCI收錄)
[17] Wang Gang, Shao Li-Hui, Liu, Yao-Zong and Wen, Ji-Hong. Accurate evaluation of lowest band gaps in ternary locally resonant phononic crystals. Chinese Physics. 2006. 15(8):1843-1848 (SCI收錄)
[18] Yu Dian-Long, Wang Gang, Liu Yao-Zong, Wen Ji-Hong and Qiu Jing. Flexural vibration band gaps in thin plates with two-dimensional binary locally resonant structures. Chinese Physics. 2006. 15(2):266-271 (SCI收錄)
[19] Dianlong Yu, Yaozong Liu, Gang Wang, Honggang Zhao, and Jing Qiu. Flexural vibration band gaps in Timoshenko beams with locally resonant structures. Flexural vibration band gaps in Timoshenko beams with locally resonant structures. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. 100(12):124901 (SCI收錄)
[20] Dianlong Yu, Yaozong Liu, Gang Wang, Li Cai, and Jing Qiu. Low frequency torsional vibration band gaps in the shaft with locally resonant structure. Physics Letters A. 2006. 348(3-6):410-415 (SCI收錄)
[21] 鬱殿龍,劉耀宗,王剛,温激鴻,邱靜. 二維聲子晶體薄板振動特性研究. 機械工程學報. 2006. 42(2):150-154
[22] Wen Jihong, Yu Dianong, Wang Gang, Zhao Honggang, Liu Yaozong, Wen Xisen. Directional propagation characteristics of flexural waves in two dimensional thin plate phononic crystals. Chinese Physics Letters. 2007. 24(5):1305-1308 (SCI收錄)
[23] Wen Jihong, Yu Dianong, Wang Gang, Zhao Honggang, Liu Yaozong, Wen Xisen. The directional propagation characteristics of elastic wave in two-dimensional thin plate phononic crystals. Physics Letters A. 2007. 364:323-328 (SCI收錄)
[24] 温激鴻, 鬱殿龍, 王剛, 趙宏剛, 劉耀宗. 薄板狀週期柵格結構中彈性波傳播特性研究. 物理學報. 2007. 56(4):2298-2303 (SCI收錄)
[25] 温激鴻, 王剛, 鬱殿龍, 趙宏剛, 劉耀宗, 温熙森. 聲子晶體振動帶隙及減振特性研究. 中國科學E. 2007. 37(9):1126-1139
[26] Jihong Wen, Dianlong Yu, Gang Wang and Xisen Wen. Directional propagation characteristics of flexural wave in two dimensional periodic grid-like plate structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2008. 41(13):135505 (SCI收錄)
[27] Wen Jihong, Wang Gang, Yu Dianong, Zhao Honggang, Liu Yaozong, Wen Xisen.. Study on the vibration band gap and vibration attenuation property of phononic crystals. Science in China Series E. 2008. 51:85-99 (SCI收錄)
[28] Gang Wang, Shengbing Chen, Jihong Wen. Low-frequency locally resonant band gaps induced by arrays of resonant shunts with Antoniou’s circuit: experimental investigation on beams. Smart Materials and Structures. 2011. 20(1):015026 (SCI收錄)
[29] Gang Wang, Jianwei Wang, Shengbing Chen, Jihong Wen. Vibration attenuations induced by periodic arrays of piezoelectric patches connected by enhanced resonant shunting circuits. Smart Materials and Structures. 2011. 20(12):125019 (SCI收錄)
[30] Chen Shengbing, Wen Jihong, Wang Gang, Han Xiaoyun, Wen Xisen. Locally Resonant Gaps of Phononic Beams Induced by Periodic Arrays of Resonant Shunts. Chinese Physics Letters. 2011. 28(9):094301 (SCI收錄)
[31] 陳聖兵、韓小云、王剛、温激鴻. 具有壓電分流電路的聲子晶體杆振動帶隙研究. 振動與衝擊. 2011. 30(4):64-67
[32] Wang Jianwei, Wang Gang, Chen Shengbing, Wen Jihong. Broadband Attenuation in Phononic Beams Induced by Periodic Arrays of Feedback Shunted Piezoelectric Patchs. Chinese Physics Letters. 2012. 29(6):064320 (SCI收錄)
[33] Chen Shengbing, Wen Jihong, Wang Gang, Yu Dianlong and Wen Xisen. Improved modeling of rods with periodic arrays of shunted piezoelectric patches. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2012. 23(14):1613-1621 (SCI收錄)
[34] Wang, JianWei; Wang, Gang; Wen, JiHong; Wen, Xisen. Flexural vibration band gaps in periodic stiffened plate structures. Mechanika. 2012. 2:186-191 (SCI收錄)
[35] Yong Xiao, Jihong Wen, Gang Wang, Xisen Wen. Theoretical and experimental study of locally resonant and Bragg band gaps in flexural beams carrying periodic arrays of beam-like resonators. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2013. 135(4):041006 (SCI收錄)
[36] Shengbing Chen, Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Xisen Wen. Wave propagation and attenuation in plates with periodic arrays of shunted piezo-patches. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2013. 332(6):1520-1532 (SCI收錄)
[37] Chen Sheng-Bing, Wen Ji-Hong, Wang Gang and Wen Xi-Sen. Tunable band gaps in acoustic metamaterials with periodic arrays of resonant shunted piezos. Chinese Physics B. 2013. 22(7):074301 (SCI收錄) [1] 


[1] 王剛. 聲子晶體局域共振帶隙機理及減振特性研究. 長沙 國防科技大學出版社 2009.9 (ISBN978-7-81099-605-1)
[2] 温熙森,温激鴻,鬱殿龍,王剛,劉耀宗,韓小云. 聲子晶體. 北京 國防工業出版社 2009.8 (ISBN978-7-118-06342-4) [1] 


1、 2013年國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目獲得者(批准號:51322502);
2、 2013年度軍隊科技進步三等獎(排名第3,“XX吸聲材料聲學性能並行仿真軟件”,Z2013YH319-3)
3、 2011年度湖南省自然科學一等獎(排名第3,“聲子晶體帶隙理論及減振降噪應用基礎研究”,20112049-Z1-213-D01);
4、 2008年度全國優秀博士學位論文獲得者。 [1] 