


潘良明,男,博士,曾任重慶大學能源與動力工程學院黨委書記。 [1]  作為課題負責人承擔了“973”項目課題兩項,國家自然科學基金項目三項,總裝備部預研基金四項國家級項目,企業新產品開發及應用基礎研究等橫向項目。近年來在國內外學術刊物和國際學術會議上發表論文130餘篇,其中在包括International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Journal of Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME、Nuclear Engineering and Design、Applied Thermal Engineering等在內的國際雜誌發表論文50餘篇,已被SCI/EI收錄100餘篇。獲教育部2004年科技進步獎一等獎及有色冶金工業協會科技進步獎二等獎各1項。曾任全國動力工程領域工程碩士協調組組長,全國工程碩士指導委培養質量研究組成員。現為教育部核工程類教指委委員,核反應堆熱工水力技術實驗室學術委員,深圳核反應堆安全省級重點實驗室學術委員,全國反應堆熱工流體專委會委員,中國核學會核工程力學分會理事,四川省核學會常務理事等,擔任ICONE、PBNC、WORTH等多個國際會議的Track主席或技術委員會委員。是美國ASME會員,中國核學會會員,中國工程熱物理學會會員。
國    籍
民    族





核科學與技術重慶市一級重點學科學術帶頭人。長期從事反應堆熱工水力及安全分析、傳熱傳質、兩相流方面的實驗、理論及數值模擬研究工作;在相變問題CFD方法、汽泡動力學相關問題等方面發表了較多研究論文。分別於2013年和2004年公派美國Purdue University核工程系及University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee機械系進行訪問及高級訪問研究。


1. 反應堆熱工分析及安全評價
2. 氣液兩相及多相流動傳熱與工程應用
3. 多相流及相變問題的計算機模擬
4. 熱工問題中的可視化方法及測量技術


1Liu, Hang; Pan, Liang-ming*; Hibiki, Takashi; Zhou, Wen-xiong; Ren, Quan-yao; Li, Song-song (2018), One-dimensional interfacial area transport for bubbly two-phase flow in vertical 5×5 rod bundle, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72:257-273
2Quan-yao Ren, Liang-ming Pan*, Wen-xiong Zhou, Hang Liu, Ting-pu Ye (2018), Drift-flux model of sub-channel in vertical rod bundles with spacer grids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126: 946-956
3 Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Hao-jie Huang, Run-gang Yan (2018) , Rupture of Thin Liquid Film Based Premature Critical Heat Flux Prediction in Microchannel , International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 125: 933-942
4 Quan-yao Ren, Liang-ming Pan*, Wen-xiong Zhou, Si-jia Du, Zhong-chun Li (2018), Phase distribution characteristics of bubbly flow in 5×5 vertical rod bundles with mixing vane spacer grids, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 96:451-459
5Ren, Q.-y., W.-x. Zhou, S.-j. Du, Z.-c. Li and L.-m. Pan* (2018). "Sub-channel flow regime maps in vertical rod bundles with spacer grids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 122: 1138-1152.
6 Pan, L.-m*., R.-g. Yan, H.-j. Huang, H. He and P.-f. Li (2018). "Experimental study on the flow boiling pressure drop characteristics in parallel multiple microchannels." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116: 642-654.
7 Huang, H., V. K. Dhir and L.-M. Pan (2017). Bubble profile reconstruction with miniaturized sensors in a microchannel. 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS 2017, April 9, 2017 - April 12, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, United states, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
8Huang, H., Dhir, V.K. & Pan, L., Liquid film thickness measurement underneath a gas slug with miniaturized sensor matrix in a microchannel, Microfluid Nanofluid (2017) 21: 159.
9Muhao Zhang, Liang-ming Pan*, Peng Ju, Xiaohong Yang, Mamoru Ishii, The mechanism of bubbly to slug flow regime transition in air-water two phase flow: A new transition criterion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108 (2017) 1579–1590
10 Lie Wei, Liang-Ming Pan*, Yan-Ming Zhao, Quan-Yao Ren, Wen-Zhi Zhang, Numerical study of adiabatic two-phase flow patterns in vertical rectangular narrow channels, Applied Thermal Engineering 110 (2017) 1101–1110
11 Hui He, Peng-fei Li, Run-gang Yan, Liang-ming Pan*, (2016) Modeling of reversal flow and pressure fluctuation in rectangular microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 1024–1033
12 Pan, Liang-Ming; Zhang, Muhao; Ju, Peng; He, Hui; Ishii, Mamoru, (2016), Vertical co-current two-phase flow regime identification using fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and ReliefF attribute weighting technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95:393-404
13Hongbo Liu, Liang-Ming Pan*, Jian Wen, (2016), Numerical simulation of hydrogen bubble growth at an electrode surface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94(1):192-199,
14Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii.(2015). Experimental Study and Modeling of Disturbance Wave Height of Vertical Annular Flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89:165–175.
15Liangming Pan*; Hui He; Peng Ju; Takashi Hibiki; Mamoru Ishii. (2015). The influences of gas-liquid interfacial properties on interfacial shear stress for vertical annular flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89:1172–1183.
16Pan, Liang-Ming*; Zhang, Muhao; Ju, Peng; He, Hui; Ishii, Mamoru. (2016). Vertical co-current two-phase flow regime identification using fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and ReliefF attribute weighting technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95:393-404.
17Hongbo Liu, Liangming Pan*, Haojie Huang, Qijun Qin, Pengfei Li, Jian Wen, (2015), Hydrogen bubble growth at micro-electrode under magnetic field, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 754: 22–29.
18Hongbo Liu, Liang-Ming Pan*, Jian Wen.(2016). Numerical simulation of hydrogen bubble growth at an electrode surface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94(1):192-199.
19Hui He, Liangming Pan*, Yao Wu, Deqi Chen. (2015). An Analytic Model of Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux on an Immerged Downward Facing Curved Surface, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 289:73–80.
20Jia-jia Deng, Liang-ming Pan*, Deqi Chen, Yu-quan Dong, Cheng-mu Wang, Hang Liu, Mei-qiang Kang. (2014). Numerical Simulation and Field Test Study of Desulfurization Wastewater Evaporation Treatment through Flue Gas, Water Science and Technology, 70(7): 1285-1291.
21Yan Yang, Liang-ming Pan*, Jian-jun Xu.(2014). Effects of microgravity on Marangoni convection and growth characteristic of a single bubble, ActaAstronautica, 100: 129–139.
22Liang-ming Pan*, Zhi-wei Tan, De-qi Chen, Long-changXue.(2012). Numerical investigation of vapor bubble condensation characteristics of subcooled flow boiling in vertical rectangular channel. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 248:126–136.
23De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan*, Song Ren. (2012). Prediction of Bubble Detachment Diameter in Flow Boiling Based on Force Analysis, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 243 263–271.
24De-wen Yuan, Liang-ming Pan *, De-qi Chen, et al. (2011). Bubble Behavior of High Subcooling Flow Boiling at Different System Pressure in Vertical Narrow Channel, Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(16): 3512-3520.
25Jing-hua Wei, Liang-ming Pan*, De-qi Chen, et al. (2011).Numerical simulation of bubble behaviors in subcooled flow boiling under swing motion, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 241:2898– 2908.
26De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan *, De-wen Yuan, et al. (2011). The nature of bubble growth under different system pressures in a narrow channel. Nuclear Engineering & Design, 241(3): 785–791.
27De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan*, De-wen Yuan, Xiao-jun Wang. (2010). Dual Model of Bubble Growth in Vertical Rectangular Narrow Channel, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(8):1004-1007.
28Pan, L. M.*, H. C. Ji, et al. (2009). "An experimental investigation for cold-state flow field of regenerative heating annular furnace." Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(16): 3426-3430.
29Pan, L. M.*, J. W. Deng, et al. (2009). "Numerical simulation of a thermal-bubble actuated diffuser-nozzle valveless pump." Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 52(10): 2967-2972.
30Liang-Ming Pan, Tien-Chien Jen, Chuan He et al. (2006). “Heat Transfer and Bubble Movement of Two-Side and One-Side Heating Subcooled Flow Boiling in Vertical Narrow Channels”. Journal of Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME, 128(8):838-842.
31Tien-Chien Jen, Liangming Pan, Longjian Li, et al. (2006). “The acceleration of charged nano-particles in gas stream of supersonic de-Laval-type nozzle coupled with static electric field”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(5-6):613-621.
  • 1.    領導之窗  .重慶大學能源與動力工程學院[引用日期2024-01-04]