

《殘缺之月》是2000年Orion Publishing出版的圖書,作者是Michael Connelly。
作    者
Michael Connelly
Orion Publishing
頁    數
416 頁
類    別
英文原版書、Literature & Fiction(文學與虛構類)
Void Moon
定    價
91.5 元
裝    幀



一個年輕女人發現自己被困在了一場騙局可能使她失去一件事她價值超過她的生活…凱西黑已經吸引回刑事職業賭徒放棄了她- - - - - - - - - - - -他們的獎金搶劫是由一個主張太完美了,小姐。工作順利,除了那個目標有太多的錢。它只能是指某人非常強大的將會是真的十分生氣。


A young woman finds herself caught up in a scam which may cost her the one thing she values more than her life...Cassie Black has been lured back to the criminal profession she gave up - robbing gamblers of their winnings - by a proposition that is just too good to miss. The job goes as planned, except that the target has too much money. It can only mean someone very powerful is going to be very angry indeed. Cassie finds herself on the run from a killer who seems to know her every move in advance. Worse still, he is closing in on the one thing Cassie will do anything to protect.



殘缺之月 殘缺之月


A former police reporter for the Los Angeles Times, Michael Connelly is the author of twelve acclaimed Harry Bosch thrillers and several other bestselling novels. He lives in Tampa, Florida, with his wife and daughter.


"Cassie Black, a resourceful ex-con, plans to burgle the Las Vegas casino's high roller suite where, five years before, a previous attempt resulted in her arrest and the death of her lover. It's an intriguing premise, and L.J. Ganser delivers a mesmerizing and nuanced performance. In creating Jack Karch, the bon vivant Vegas private eye who moonlights as a hit man, Ganser settles on a genial, almost charming delivery, underplaying the character's sinister psychopathology and adding to the suspense. As hunted and hunter race across the twists and turns of the novel's shadowy landscape, author and reader combine to make all the right moves. A Grand Central hardcover."
--Publishers Weekly
"Even though Harry Bosch is nowhere to be found, Connelly has written his best book to date. In the past, Connelly's leads have been in law enforcement. His new protagonist, Cassie Black, is an ex-con who needs to make one more score in order to fulfill the dream that sustained her in prison. The first part of the novel follows a Mission Impossible-style crime. Something happens during this caper that propels the rest of the book as Cassie is relentlessly pursued by Jack Karch, a ruthless investigator for a casino who leaves no witnesses alive. Cassie has a secret that she will protect at all costs, and while this secret is obvious, other aspects of this fast-paced thriller are surprising indeed. In astrology, a void moon is considered bad luck, but Connelly's Void Moon is better than a four-leaf clover. Highly recommended."
--Library Journal