

楊雅輝,現任北京大學軟件與微電子學院教授,工程博士/碩士導師。 1999年7月獲中科院計算所計算機系統結構專業工學博士學位,分別於1990年、1987年獲吉林大學計算機系統結構專業工學碩士、工學學士學位,現任北京大學軟件與微電子學院教授,工程博士/碩士導師。主持和參與多項國家級、省部級和企業合作研究項目,出版或參與編寫著作/教材6部,發表學術論文50餘篇,申請專利9項(其中7項已授權),登記軟件著作權6項。
國    籍


網絡規劃與設計》 研究生課程 北京大學精品課程 專業選修課
《計算機網絡及應用》 (二學位專業必修課) [1] 


網絡安全管理 [1] 


雲計算技術 [1] 


國家自然科學基金重點項目“雲存儲的隱私保護和安全保障機制”,“雲存儲分佈式文件系統安全”子課題負責人, 2013—2017
IBM共享大學研究項目“Security Services of Private Storage Cloud”. 負責人之一,2009—2011
科學院的創新項目“NSTLnet IPv6示範系統設計與實驗”,項目組成員,2002-2003
國家自然科學基金面上項目“NSFCnet網絡性能與工程質量測評研究”, 項目組成員,1999-2000
企業項目“廣州寬帶城域網規劃與設計”,項目組成員,1999 [1] 


Shengjun Zhang, Hang Zhou,YahuiYang*,ZhonghaiWu.A Joint Bloom Filter and Cross-encoding for Data Verification and Recovery in Cloud,The 22nd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications(ISCC 2017), July 3-6,2017, Crete,Greece.
LiminLi,YahuiYang*,ZhonghaiWu. IEEE: FMR-PDP: Flexible Multiple-Replica Provable Data Possession in Cloud Storage, The 22nd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2017), July 3-6, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Yang Luo, Tian Puyang, Xiaoning Suny, Qingni Shen,Yahui Yang, Anbang Ruanz, Zhonghai Wu. RestSep: Towards a Test-Oriented Privilege Partitioning Approach for RESTful APIs. The 24IEEE International conference on web Services(ICWS 2017), June 25-30, 2017, Hawaii, US.
Zizhou Sun,Yahui Yang, Qingni Shen, Zhonghai Wu, Xiaochen Li. MB-DDIVR: A Map-based Dynamic Data Integrity Verification and Recovery scheme in Cloud Storage. The 17th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS’15). Springer LNCY: 312-31.
Chuntao Dong, Qingni Shen, Wenting Li,Yahui Yang, Zhonghai Wu. Eavesdropper: A Framework for Detecting the Location of the Processed Result in Hadoop. The Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2015). Springer LNCS: 429-435
Wenting Li, Qingni Shen, Chuntao Dong,Yahui Yangand Zhonghai Wu. DDHCS: Distributed Denial-of-service Threat to YARN Clusters Based on Health Check Service. 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016). Roman, Italy.
Wenting Li, Qingni Shen, Chuntao Dong,Yahui Yangand Zhonghai Wu. DDHCS: Distributed Denial-of-service Threat to YARN Clusters Based on Health Check Service. 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016). Roman, Italy. Accepted.
Fang Yuejian, Wen Zilong, Shen Qingni,Yang Yahui, Wu Zhonghai, POSTER: Ciphertext- policy attribute-based encryption method with secure decryption key generation and outsourcing decryption of ABE ciphertexts. Proceedings of the 11th International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm’15). Springer International Publishing.
Chang Guo,Qingni Shen,Yahui Yang,Zhonghai Wu:User Rank: A User Influence-Based Data Distribution Optimization Method for Privacy Protection in Cloud Storage System.COMPSAC Workshops2015:104-109
Qingni Shen,Yahui Yang, Zhonghai Wu, Xin Yang, Lizhe Zhang, Xi Yu, Zhenmin Lao, Dandan Wang, Min Long. SAPSC: Security Architecture of Private Storage Cloud Based on HDFS. In Proc. of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA-2012), Fukuoka, Japan, March 26-29, 2012
Yahui Yang, Dianbo Jiang , Min Xia, Using Improved GHSOM for Intrusion Detection, Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2010:232-239
Xin Yang, Qingni Shen,Yahui Yang, Sihan Qing. A Way of Key Management in Cloud Storage Based on Trusted Computing. In Proceedings of the 8th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (IFIP NPC2011), pp: 135-145, Changsha, China. 2011.10
Qingni Shen, Xin Yang, Xi Yu, Yahui Yang, Zhonghai Wu. Towards Data Isolation and Collaboration in Storage Cloud. The 2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC2011), pp: 139-146. December 12-15, 2011, Jeju, Korea.
Qingni Shen, Lizhe Zhang, Xin Yang,Yahui Yang, Zhonghai Wu, Ying Zhang. SecDM: Securing Data Migration between Cloud Storage Systems. In Proceedings of 2011 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (CDAS2011), pp: 636-641. December 12-14, Sydney, Australia
Zhen Li,Yahui Yang, Wei Liang, Guangcheng Tan, Probabilistic Fading Counting:An efficient identification method for finding heavy hitters. The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling(ICCASM 2010), October 22-24.
Zhen Li,Yahui Yang, An Adaptive Method for identifying Heavy Hitters Combining Sampling and Data Streaming Counting, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering(ICACTE 2010). August 20-22, 2010.
Yahui Yang, Xiao Han, Min Xia, An improved ART 2-A Model for Mixed Numeric and Categorical Data, International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science(ICIECS2009), 19-20 December, 2009: 86-89
Yahui Yang, Yunfei Chen, Min Xia, An Automated Mechanism of Security Test on Network Protocols, The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS-2009), August 18-20, 2009:503-506.
Dianbo Jiang,Yahui Yang, Min Xia, Research on Intrusion Detection Based on an Improved SOM Neural Network, The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS-2009), 2009:400-403
Yahui Yang, Chunfang Huang, Zhijing Qin, A Network Misuse Detection Mechanism Based on Traffic log, International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009),25-26 April, 2009: 526-529.
Yahui Yang,Yujie Wu,Min Xia,Zhijing Qin, A RFID Network Planning Method based on Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009),25-26 April, 2009: 534-537.
Yahui Yang,Yujie Wu,Zhjing Qin, A RFID Network Planning Method based on Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009),25-26 April, 2009: 534-537.
Ke Xu,Yahui Yang, Tao Chen,Improving BitTorrent Network’s Performance via Deploying Helpers,The 2008 International Conference On Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC 2008),December 17-20,2008: 507-512.
Yahui Yang, Wenjian Miao, Qingni Shen, Optimization of BT Downloading Algorithm for Video Broadcast, International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology(CNMT2009), 18-20 December, 2009:169-172.
Keming Du,Yahui Yang, Policy-Based Time Slot Assignment Algorithm in a MANET, International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in Communication(ICASID 2009), August 20-22, 2009.
Chen Shen, Bin Wang,Yahui Yang, Exploiting Text Content in Image Search by Semi-supervised Learning Techniques. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. October 11-14, 2009. Hyatt Regency Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Chen Shen, Jun Jiao,Yahui Yang, Bin Wang, Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning For Automatic Tag Recommendation. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. October 11-14, 2009. Hyatt Regency Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
楊雅輝, 黃海珍, 沈晴霓, 吳中海,張英:基於增量式GHSOM神經網絡模型的入侵檢測研究.計算機學報,2014,37(05):1216-1224.
楊雅輝, 杜克明: 全網異常流量簇的檢測與確定機制,計算機研究與發展,2009,46(11):1847-1853.
楊雅輝, 鈕振瑛: 徐恪: P2P流媒體系統服務器部署的優化設計, 計算機研究與發展,2010.7: 1219-1224.
楊雅輝: 網絡流量異常檢測及分析的研究,計算機科學, 2008,35(5):108-112.
楊雅輝:IP網絡性能指標體系的研究,通信學報,2002,23(11): 1-7.
楊雅輝,姜電波, 沈晴霓,夏敏:基於改進的GHSOM的入侵檢測研究,通信學報,2011,32(1):121-126.
李臻 ,楊雅輝, 謝高崗,覃光成:一種基於數據流計數技術的概率衰落大業務流識別方法,計算機研究與發展,2011, 48(6)
劉白璐,楊雅輝,沈晴霓,張英:網絡入侵早期檢測方法研究與實現,計算機工程,2013, 39(7): 1-6.
肖三,楊雅輝,沈晴霓:基於微簇的在線網絡異常檢測方法,計算機工程與應用, 2013,49 (06):90-94.
沈晴霓,楊雅輝,禹熹,張力哲,陳鍾. 一種面向多租户雲存儲平台的訪問控制策略.小型微型計算機系統, 2011,32(11): 2223-2229 (中國計算機大會CNCC 2011錄用的優秀論文)
沈晴霓、張力哲、吳中海、楊雅輝. 一種基於動態域劃分的MapReduce安全冗餘調度策略, 通信學報. 2014,35(1):34-46.
劉白璐,楊雅輝,沈晴霓,楊雅輝:一種基於遺傳算法的入侵早期特徵選擇方法. 小型微型計算機系統,已錄用,中國互聯網學術會議ICoC 2013
張英,楊雅輝, 田浩然, 張威, 董晶晶:基於遺傳算法的網絡資源配置優化,計算機科學, 2012, 05期, pp 36-39.
靖紅芳,王斌,楊雅輝: 基於類別分佈的特徵選擇框架,計算機研究與發展,2009,46(9):1586-1593.
夏敏,吳中海,楊雅輝: 基於雙緩衝區的發送速率控制方法,計算機工程,2010,36(5):119-121
苗文健,楊雅輝: 面向視頻播放的BT協議下載算法的改進, 計算機工程與應用,2010,46(18):68-70.
李臻,楊雅輝,張廣興: 大業務流測量採樣算法研究綜述,計算機應用研究,2011,28(1).
楊雅輝,王行剛:一種面向對象的自主網絡管理模型, 通信學報,1999,4.
楊雅輝: 機器學習在Web智能代理中的應用, 清華大學學報,1998,7增刊. [1] 


楊雅輝,姜電波,夏敏,沈晴霓等。一種基於生長型分級自組織映射神經網絡的入侵檢測方法。國家知識產權局。專利授權號: ZL 201010228750.6.
楊雅輝,沈晴霓,張力哲,禹熹,吳尉瀧等。適用於存儲雲間數據安全遷移的方法與系統。國家知識產權局。專利授權號ZL 201110101646.5
楊雅輝,陽時來,沈晴霓,黃海珍。一種基於半監督神經網絡模型的網絡入侵檢測方法。國家知識產權局。專利授權號ZL 201210074813.6
楊雅輝,黃海珍,沈晴霓,吳中海。基於增量式GHSOM神經網絡模型的入侵檢測方法。國家知識產權局。專利申請號CN 201210206778.9
沈晴霓,楊雅輝,勞振明,禹熹,吳尉瀧等,適用於存儲雲內數據安全遷移的方法。國家知識產權局。專利授權號ZL 201110144862.8
楊雅輝,高天辰,沈晴霓,吳中海。一種面向雲服務的UCON多義務訪問控制方法及系統。國家知識產權局。專利授權號ZL 201410066781.4
楊雅輝,李曉晨,沈晴霓,吳中海,方躍堅。一種面向用户的雲存儲數據完整性保護方法。專利申請號CN 201410350589.8 [1] 


登記號 2016SR207598,北京大學,雲存儲數據完整性驗證與恢復軟件。
登記號2011SR052487,2011.3.20, 北京大學,雲存儲客户端數據安全服務軟件
登記號2011SR054439,2011.3.20, 北京大學,雲存儲數據安全訪問服務軟件
登記號2011SR052173,2011.3.20, 北京大學,雲存儲數據安全內遷服務軟件
登記號2011SR054810,2011.3.20, 北京大學,雲存儲數據安全外遷服務軟件 [1] 


張鋭昕主編,楊雅輝參編,《電子政府與電子政務》. 中國人民大學出版社,2010年8月。 (普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材. 國家級精品課程教材)
張鋭昕主編,楊雅輝參編, 《公務員電子政務培訓教程》,清華大學出版社,2004年10月 [1] 