


楊 欣,女,中山大學環境科學與工程學院教授、博士生導師,環境科學系系主任。
本科畢業於南開大學環境科學系,2002 年進入香港科技大學進行深造,2007 年獲香港科技大學土木和環境工程系博士學位,後於北卡羅萊納大學師從 Philip C. Singer 教授從事博士後工作。主要從事水污染控制技術和飲用水安全方面研究,包括消毒技術及消毒副產物形成機理與控制,微量污染物的遷移轉化與控制技術等。主持包括國家自然基金優秀青年基金和廣東省傑出青年基金在內的課題十餘項。在國際重要學術期刊上發表SCI收錄論文80餘篇,3篇論文入選ESI高被引論文。任國際水協會中國青年委員會委員、中國環境科學學會環境化學分會委員,Water Science & Technology: Water Supply客座編輯,Bulletin Environmental Contamination and Toxicology亞洲區副編輯。



2004-2007,香港科技大學土木和環境工程系博士學位 [1] 


2005.03-2005.06,Arizona State University,訪問學者
2007.09-2009.03,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill環境科學與工程系,博士後
2015.6-2015.9, University of New South Wales,訪問學者
2016.1至今,中山大學環境科學與工程學院,教授 [1] 


研究生:《環境分析技術》《環境污染過程與修復》 [1] 


2.飲用水安全 [1] 


2019年,中山大學優秀碩士生導師 [1] 



  1. 城市污水中新型微污染物的監測及控制技術研究,國家重點研發計劃政府間/港澳台重點專項項目,2019-2022。
  2. 紫外光/氯聯用體系中含氮消毒副產物的生成機理研究,國家自然科學基金,2019-2022。
  3. 二氧化氯耦合紫外/氯高級氧化工藝的淨水技術研發,廣東省科技創新戰略專項資金項目,2018-2020。
  4. 消毒副產物的生成與控制,國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金,2017-2019。
  5. 金屬離子和有機質共存對典型PPCPs光降解行為影響機制研究,國家自然科學基金,2016-2019。
  6. 新型含氮消毒副產物的生成機理與風險控制研究,廣東省傑出青年基金,2015-2019。
  7. 新型持久性有機物在電子廢棄物污染源及周邊區域的遷移轉化與修復,國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(青年973計劃),2015-2019,骨幹成員。
  8. 複合二氧化氯在飲用水消毒中的應用改進與示範,廣東省科技計劃項目, 2017-2019。
  9. 農村飲用水二氧化氯消毒中的反應機制及風險評估,中山大學重大項目培育和新興交叉學科培育計劃項目,2017.4-2018.12。
  10. 太陽光聯合氯滅活微生物和降解有機物的技術研究,廣東省科技計劃項目,2015-2017。
  11. 國標新增物質三氯水合乙醛的濃度水平、生成及控制研究,深圳市科技計劃項目,2014-2016。
  12. 新型含氮消毒副產物滷代硝基甲烷(HNMs)的生成機理及控制研究,國家自然科學基金,2011-2013。
  13. 典型抗生素在珠江三角洲地區水體中的分佈與去除,中山大學青年教師培育項目,2011-2013。
  14. 飲用水中溴代消毒副產物的生成機理及控制技術研究,中山大學青年教師重點培育項目,2011-2012。 [1] 


  1. Lei, Y., Cheng, S., Luo, N.,Yang, X.*and An, T. (2019). Rate constants and mechanisms of the reactions of Cl·and Cl2·–with trace organic contaminants.Environmental Science & Technology53(19), 11170-11182.
  2. Zhang, X., Zhai, J., Zhong, Y. andYang, X.*(2019). Degradation and DBP formations from pyrimidines and purines bases during sequential or simultaneous use of UV and chlorine.Water Research165, 115023.
  3. Zhang, X., He, J., Lei, Y., Qiu, Z., Cheng, S. andYang, X.*(2019). Combining solar irradiation with chlorination enhances the photochemical decomposition of microcystin-LR.Water Research159, 324-332.
  4. Gan, W., Huang, S., Ge, Y., Bond, T., Westerhoff, P., Zhai, J. andYang, X.*(2019). Chlorite formation during ClO2oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances.Water Research159, 348-357.
  5. Gan, W., Ge, Y., Zhu, H., Huang, H. andYang, X.*(2019). ClO2pre-oxidation changes the yields and formation pathways of chloroform and chloral hydrate from phenolic precursors during chlorination.Water Research148, 250-260.
  6. Zhong, Y., Gan, W., Du, Y., Huang, H., Wu, Q., Xiang, Y., Shang, C. andYang, X.*(2019). Disinfection byproducts and their toxicity in wastewater effluents treated by the mixing oxidant of ClO2/Cl2.Water Research162, 471-481.
  7. Wang, Y., Chen, S.Y.,Yang, X.*, Wu, Y., Huang, X.F., He, E.K., Qiu, R.L. and Wang, S.Z.* (2019). Enhanced removal of Cr(VI) in the Fe(III)/natural polyphenols system: role of the in situ generated Fe(II).Journal of Hazardous Materials377, 321-329.
  8. Cheng, S., Zhang, X.,Yang, X.*Shang, C., Song, W., Fang, J. and Pan, Y. (2018) The Multiple Role of Bromide Ion in PPCPs Degradation under UV/Chlorine Treatment.Environmental Science & Technology52(4), 1806-1816.
  9. Pan, Y., Garg, S., Waite, T.D. andYang, X*. (2018) Copper Inhibition of Triplet-Induced Reactions Involving Natural Organic Matter.Environmental Science & Technology52(5), 2742-2750.
  10. Huang, S., Gan, W., Yan, M., Zhang, X., Zhong, Y. andYang, X.*(2018) Differential UV–vis absorbance can characterize the reaction of organic matter with ClO2.Water Research139, 442-449.
  11. Pan, Y., Cheng, S.,Yang, X.*, Ren, J., Fang, J., Shang, C., Song, W., Lian, L. and Zhang, X. (2017) UV/chlorine treatment of carbamazepine: Transformation products and their formation kinetics.Water Research116, 254-265.
  12. Wang, Y., Chen, S.Y.,Yang, X.*, Huang, X.F., Yang, Y., He, E.K., Wang, S. and Qiu, R.L.* (2017) Degradation of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) by a nano zerovalent iron-activated persulfate process: The effect of metal ions.Chemical Engineering Journal317, 613-622.
  13. Li, Y., Pan, Y., Lian, L., Yan, S., Song, W*. andYang, X.*(2017) Photosensitized degradation of acetaminophen in natural organic matter solutions: The role of triplet states and oxygen.Water Research109, 266-273.
  14. Yang, X.*, Sun, J., Fu, W., Shang, C.*, Li, Y., Chen, Y., Gan, W., Fang, J. (2016) PPCP degradation by UV/chlorine treatment and its impact on DBP formation potential in real waters.Water Research,98, 309-318.
  15. Pan, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Wang, Y., Li, Y.,Yang, X.* (2016) The photodegradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in various environmental matrices: Kinetics and mechanisms.Chemical Engineering Journal,297, 74-96.
  16. Gan. W.H., Bond, T.,Yang, X.* Westerhoff, P. (2015) Role of Chlorine Dioxide in N-Nitrosodimethylamine Formation from Oxidation of Model Amines.Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (19), 11429–11437.
  17. Li, Y.Y., Song, W.H., Fu, W.J., Tsang, D.S.W.,Yang, X.* (2015) The roles of halides in the acetaminophen degradation by UV/H2O2treatment: Kinetics, mechanisms, and products analysis.Chemical Engineering Journal, 271, 214-222.
  18. Gan, W.H., Sharma, V.K., Zhang, X., Yang, L.,Yang, X.* (2015) Investigation of disinfection byproducts formation in ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation of NOM and its model compounds followed by chlorination.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 292, 197–204.
  19. Guo, W., Shan, Y.,Yang, X.*(2014) Factors affecting the formation of iodo-trihalomethanes during oxidation with chlorine dioxide.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 264, 91–97.
  20. Deng, Z.,Yang, X.,Shang, C., Zhang, X.R. (2014) Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Differentiating Chlorine Substitution in Disinfection Byproduct Formation.Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 4877-4884.
  21. Yang, X.*, Guo, W., Zhang, X., Chen, F., Ye, T., Liu, W. (2013) Formation of disinfection by-products after pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide or ferrate.Water Research, 47(15), 5856–5864.
  22. Meng, F.*, Huang, G.,Yang, X.*, Li, Z., Li, J., Cao, J., Wang, Z., Sun, L. (2013) Identifying the sources and fate of anthropogenically impacted dissolved organic matter (DOM) in urbanized rivers.Water Research, 47(14-15), 5027-5039.
  23. Yang X.*, Shang C., Shen, Q.Q., Chen, B.Y., Westerhoff, P., Peng, J.F., Guo, W.H. (2012) Nitrogen Origins and the Role of Ozonation in the Formation of Haloacetonitriles and Halonitromethanes in Chlorine Water Treatment.Environmental Science & Technology, 46(23), 12832-12838.
  24. Yang X.*, Peng, J.F., Chen, B.Y., Guo, W.H., Liang, Y.M., Liu W., Liu, L. (2012) Effects of Ozone and Ozone/Peroxide Pretreatments on Disinfection Byproduct Formation during Subsequent Chlorination and Chloramination.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 239-240, 348-354.
  25. Yang X.*, Guo, W.H., and Shen, Q.Q. (2011) Formation of disinfection byproducts from chlor(am)ination of algal organic matter.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 197, 378-388.
  26. Yang X.*,Flowers, R.C., Weinberg H.S., and Singer, P.C. (2011) Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in an Advanced Wastewater Reclamation Plant.Water Research, 45(16): 5218-5228..
  27. Yang X.*,Fan C.H., Shang C. and Zhao Q. (2010) Nitrogenous disinfection byproducts formation and nitrogen origin exploration during chloramination of nitrogenous organic compounds,Water Research, 44(9),2691-2702.
  28. Yang X.*, Shang C., Lee, W., Westerhoff, P. and Fan, C. (2008) Correlations between organic matter properties and DBP formation during chloramination,Water Research, 42(8-9), 2329-2339.
  29. Yang X., Shang C. and Westerhoff, P. (2007) Factors affecting formation of haloacetonitriles, haloketones, chloropicrin and cyanogen halides during chloramination,Water Research, 41(6), 1193-1200.
  30. Yang X., Shang C. and Huang J-C (2005) DBP formation in breakpoint chlorination of wastewater,Water Research, 39(19), 4755-4767.
  31. Yang X.and Shang C. (2005) Quantification of aqueous cyanogen chloride and cyanogen bromide in environmental samples by MIMS,Water Research, 39(9), 1709-1718.
  32. Yang X., Shang C. (2004) Chlorination byproduct formation in the presence of humic acid, model nitrogenous organic compounds, ammonia and bromide,Environmental Science & Technology, 38(19), 4995-5001.
  33. 徐建;楊欣;戴樹桂;劉廣良(2003)涕滅威在水體懸浮顆粒物上的吸附行為,環境科學, 02期, pp 87-91. [1] 