


楊文華,男、1988.09生,工學博士,仲愷農業工程學院輕工食品學院副教授,仲愷傑出學者。 [1] 
研究領域包括:(1)用液相色譜-質譜法純化和表徵食物過敏原;(2)開發新型食品加工方法,降低食品蛋白質的致敏性;(3)利用質譜技術探討食品加工誘導食品蛋白變應原性降低的機理;(4)通過美拉德糖基化反應制備香精香料;(5)農副產品的開發與利用,如禽血、禽骨、魚皮、魚鱗資源的利用及產品研發。 [1] 


2019.09-2021.09University of Massachusetts Amherst,Department of Chemistry,博士後
2015.09-2016.09University of Massachusetts Amherst,Department of Chemistry,訪問學者
2006.09-2010.07東華理工大學,化學生物與材料工程學院,生物科學(理學學士) [1] 


1. 中國食品協會高級會員
2. 美國化學協會會員 [1] 


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,翻譯後修飾影響卵清蛋白過敏表位的分子機制(32372336,主持,在研,50萬,2024.01.01至2027.12.31)
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,脈衝電場複合磷酸化修飾降低卵清蛋白致敏性的分子機制研究(32001644,主持,在研,24萬,2021.01.01至2023.12.31)
3. 國家留學生基金委面上項目,基於生物質譜技術的食品蛋白質過敏性消減機制研究(201908360133,主持,完成,30萬,2019.09.08至2023.09.08)
4. 仲愷農業工程學院仲愷學者人才項目,水產食品加工與營養健康研究(KA23YY31820,主持,在研,130萬元,2023.01.01至2025.12.31)
5. 廣州市基礎與應用基礎項目,超聲波協同乙酰化修飾降低β-乳球蛋白的分子機制(SL2022A04J01086,主持,在研,5萬,2023.04.01至2025.03.31)
6. 廣東省嶺南特色食品科學與技術重點實驗室開放基金項目,低頻超聲-琥珀酰化降低卵清蛋白致敏性的分子機制(主持,完成,5萬,2022.07.01至2023.06.30) [1] 
7. 興寧市肉鴿產業園技術服務項目,屠宰後鴿血高附加值回收利用(D122222G9-08,主持,完成,30萬,2022.07.01至2023.06.30)
8. 貴州高原藍夢菇業科技有限公司合作項目,香菇功能性產品深加工技術研究與應用(D12320736,主持,完成,15.75萬,2022.02.22至2023.08.31)
9. 廣東聿津食品有限合作項目,肉類酶解技術基礎研究(D122207O3,主持,在研,10萬,2022.10.01至2023.09.30)
10. 江西省教育廳科技項目,草魚過敏原小清蛋白異構體純化、鑑定及其過敏性消減(GJJ180862,主持,完成,2萬,2019.01.01至2020.12.31)
11. 宜春學院博士科研啓動項目,淡水魚過敏蛋白分離、純化和鑑定(3350100050,主持,完成,15萬元,2018.06.15至2021.06.14) [1] 


1. Wenhua Yang, Daniil G. Ivanov, Igor A. Kaltashov*. Extending the capabilities of intact-mass analyses to monoclonal immunoglobulins of the E-isotype (IgE), mAbs, 2022, 14(1): 2103906.(SCI二區)
2. Wenhua Yang*, Wenjing Duan, Qiuhong Li, Dengle Duan, Qin Wang. Phosphorylation of ovalbumin after pulsed electric fields pretreatment: Effects on conformation and immunoglobulin G/immunoglobulin E-binding ability. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9: 1-9.(SCI二區)
3. Wenhua Yang*, Zongcai Tu, David Julian Mcclements, Igor A. Kaltashov. A systematic assessment of structural heterogeneity and IgG/IgE-binding of ovalbumin, Food & Function, 2021, 12(17): 8130-8140.(SCI一區,Top期刊)
4. Wenhua Yang*, Zongcai Tu, Qiuhong Li, Igor A. Kaltashov, David Julian Mcclements. Utilization of sonication-glycation to improve the functional properties of ovalbumin: A high-resolution mass spectrometry study, Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 119: 106822.(SCI一區,Top期刊)
5. lWenhua Yang, Zongcai Tu*, Hui Wang*, Lu Zhang, Igor A. Kaltashov, Yunlong Zhao, Honglin Yao, Chendi Niu, Wenfeng Ye. The mechanism of reduced IgG/IgE-binding of β-lactoglobulin by pulsed electric field pretreatment combined with glycation revealed by ECD/FTICR-MS, Food & Function, 2018, 9(1): 417-425.(SCI一區,Top期刊)
6. Wenhua Yang, Zongcai Tu*, Hui Wang*, Lu Zhang, Qidong Song. Glycation of ovalbumin after high-intensity ultrasound pretreatment: Effects on conformation, IgG/IgE binding ability and antioxidant activity, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98(10), 3767-3773.(SCI二區) [1] 
7. Wenhua Yang, Zongcai Tu*, Hui Wang*, Lu Zhang, Yuanyuan Gao, Xue Li, Ming Tian. Immunogenic and structural properties of ovalbumin treated by pulsed electric fields, International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 20(sup3): S3164-S3176.
8. Guang-xian Liu, Zong-cai Tu*, Wenhua Yang, Hui Wang*, Lu Zhang, Da Ma, Tao Huang, Jun Liu, Xue Li. Investigation into allergenicity reduction and glycation sites of glycated β-lactoglobulin with ultrasound pretreatment by high-resolution mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry, 2018, 252, 97-107.(SCI一區,Top期刊)
9. Igor A. Kaltashov*, Jake W. Pawlowski, Wenhua Yang, Khaja Muneeruddin, Honglin Yao, Cedric E. Bobst and Andrei N. LC/MS at the whole protein level: Studies of biomolecular structure and interactions using native LC/MS and cross-path reactive chromatography (XP-RC) MS, Methods, 2018, 144: 14-26.(SCI一區,Top期刊)
10. Wenhua Yang, Zongcai Tu*, Hui Wang*, Lu Zhang, Shengsheng Xu, Chendi Niu, Honglin Yao, Igor A. Kaltashov. Mechanism of reduction in IgG and IgE binding of β-Lactoglobulin induced by ultrasound pretreatment combined with dry-state glycation: A study using conventional spectrometry and high-resolution mass spectrometry, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(36): 8018-8027.(SCI一區,Top期刊) [1] 
11. Wen-Hua Yang, Zong-Cai Tu*, Hui Wang*, Xue Li, Ming Tian. High-intensity ultrasound enhances the immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgE binding of ovalbumin, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017, 97(9): 2714-2720.(SCI二區)
12. Yuan Chen, Zongcai Tu*, Hui Wang*, Lu Zhang, Xiaomei Sha, Juanjuan Pang, Ping Yang, Guangxian Liu, Wenhua Yang. Glycation of β-lactoglobulin under dynamic high pressure microfluidization treatment: Effects on IgE-binding capacity and conformation, Food Research International, 2016, 89(Part 1): 882-888. (SCI一區) [1] 
13. 楊文華,李海星,劉曉華,曹鬱生*.黃麴黴毒素B1降解酶的分離純化及其酶學特性[J].食品科學2014, 35(19): 164-168.
14. 楊文華,劉曉華,李文明,李海星,曹鬱生*.施氏假單胞菌F4產黃麴黴毒素B1降解酶條件的優化[J].食品科學, 2013, 34(9): 256-261.
15. 塗宗財,楊文華,王輝,李雪,李如一,田明.一種低致敏性嬰幼兒配方奶粉製備方法,專利號:ZL 201410626548.7.(已轉化
16. 塗宗財,李雪,王輝,楊文華,田明.超聲波微波輔助糖基化反應制備低過敏性乳清蛋白粉,專利號:201510429236.1.
17. 塗宗財,黃濤,王輝,劉光憲,李如一,楊文華.一種高膠融温度魚鱗明膠的製備方法,專利號:ZL 201410526469.9
18. 大宗淡水魚傳統產品的工業化加工技術,2015,江西科學技術出版社,書號:ISBN 978-7-5390-5246-5(編委). [1] 
  • 1.    楊文華  .仲愷農業工程學院研究生處.2023-08-31[引用日期2023-10-14]