


楊健,男,北京科技大學材料學院材料加工與控制工程系講師 [1] 
職    稱


2006.09—2010.06 燕山大學 金屬材料工程 本科
2010.09—2015.06 燕山大學 材料學 碩博連讀
2015.08— 北京科技大學 材料加工與控制工程 師資博士後 [1] 



本科生公共選修課:材料連接技術概論 [1] 


表面塗層技術;電子封裝微連接技術;第一性原理模擬 [1] 



[1] J. Yang, X.L. Xing, S. Liu, C.C. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Q.X. Yang. Structural and chemical contributions on solubility of silicon and carbon in ferrite studied by first-principles calculations. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695: 2717-2722.
[2] J. Yang, C.X. Wang, X.L. Xing, Y.L. Yang, X.J. Ren, Q.X. Yang. Stress induced phase transition on the medium-high carbon alloy steel hardfacing coating during the work hardening process: Experiments and first-principles calculation. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016, 670: 49-56.
[3] J. Yang, X.R. Hou, P. Zhang, Y.F. Zhou, Y.L. Yang, X.J. Ren, Q.X. Yang. Mechanical properties of the hypereutectoid Fe-Cr-C hardfacing coatings with different nano-Y2O3 additives and the mechanism analysis. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 655: 346-354.
[4] J. Yang, J.H. Huang, D.Y. Fan, S.H. Chen, X.K. Zhao. LaAlO3 as the heterogeneous nucleus of ferrite: Experimental investigation and theoretical calculation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 683: 357-369.
[5] J. Yang, J.H. Huang, D.Y. Fan, S.H. Chen, X.K. Zhao. Comparative investigation on RE(La, Ce)AlO3(100)/γ-Fe(100) interfaces: A first-principles calculation. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 384: 207-216.
[6] J. Yang, J.H. Huang, D.Y. Fan, S.H. Chen. First-principles investigation on the interaction of Boron atom with Nickel part I: From surface adsorption to bulk diffusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 663: 116-122.
[7] J. Yang, J.H. Huang, D.Y. Fan, S.H. Chen, X.K. Zhao. First-principles investigation on the electronic property and bonding configuration of NbC(111)/NbN(111) interface. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 689: 874-884.
[8] J. Yang, J.H. Huang, D.Y. Fan, Z. Ye, S.H. Chen, X.K. Zhao. Temperature and stress simulation of the hardfacing for Cr5Mo1V-RE alloy --- using various technological parameters and experimental verification. Welding Journal, 2016, 8: 309s-323s.
[9] J. Yang, J.H. Huang, D.Y. Fan, S.H. Chen. Microstructure and wear properties of Fe-6wt.%Cr-0.55wt.%C-Xwt.%Nb Laser cladding coating and the mechanism analysis. Materials & Design, 2015, 88: 1031-1041.
[10] J. Yang, X.R. Hou, X.L. Xing, C.X. Wang, Y.L. Yang, X.J. Ren, Q.X. Yang. Effect of FCAW Current on the Hardfacing Layer-Microstructure and Wear Resistance. Welding journal, 2015, 94: 358-365.
[11] J. Yang, P.F. Zhang, Y.F. Zhou, X.L. Xing, X.J. Ren, Y.L. Yang, Q.X. Yang. Mechanical properties of the hardfacing alloys with different La2O3 additives and the mechanism analysis by first-principles calculations. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, 591: 82-89.
[12] J. Yang, J.J. Tian, F.F. Hao, T. Dan, X.J. Ren, Y.L. Yang, Q.X. Yang. Microstructure and wear resistance of the hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy hardfacing metals with different La2O3 additives. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 289: 437-444.
[13]J. Yang, Y.L. Yang, Y.F. Zhou, X.W. Qi, X.J. Ren, Q.X. Yang. High-alloy martensite in the surfacing layer of hot-rolling supporting rollers during the tempering process. Surface & Coating Technology, 2013, 219: 69-74. [1] 


“973”項目專題——XX鋼焊接熔合區/熱影響區XX演變與焊接性,參加。 [1] 


2016年度北京科技大學“優秀博士後”。 [1] 
  • 1.    楊健  .北京科技大學材料學院[引用日期2019-09-16]