


梁斌,哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)土木與環境工程學院,教授、博導。2014年博士畢業於哈爾濱工業大學環境科學與工程專業,攻讀博士期間受國家留學基金委資助於美國俄克拉荷馬大學環境基因組學研究所聯合培養2年(合作導師:周集中教授)。2014年起在中國科學院生態環境研究中心任助理研究員。2020年加入哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)先後任副教授、教授 [1] 
國    籍
職    業



2010-09至2014-07,哈爾濱工業大學, 市政與環境工程學院,環境科學與工程/工學博士
2007-09至2010-07,南京農業大學,生命科學學院 ,微生物學/理學碩士
2003-09至2007-07,吉林農業大學,生命科學學院,生物工程/工學學士 [1] 


2021-08至今, 哈爾濱工業大學(深圳), 土木與環境工程學院,教授
2020-07至2021-08, 哈爾濱工業大學(深圳), 土木與環境工程學院,副教授
2014-07至2020-07, 中國科學院生態環境研究中心, 助理研究員 [1] 


1. 國家自然科學基金委基金項目通訊評議專家(2021-)
2. 全國材料與器件科學家智庫環境材料專家委員會委員(2021-)
3. 2019年擔任SCI期刊Frontiers in Environmental Science客座編輯(Guest Editor)
4. SCI 與國內重要期刊受邀審稿人:Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Applied and Environmental Microbiology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Bioresource Technology、Science of The Total Environment、International biodeterioration & Biodegradation、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Journal of Environmental Science、Current Microbiology、Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、Environmental Science & Ecotechnology、Environmental Research、Frontiers in Microbiology、Journal of Biotechnology、Fundamental Research、微生物學報、微生物學通報、生物工程學報、中國環境科學 [1] 


研究生課程:生物降解原理與技術,32學時 [1] 


主要從事新污染物的水生態風險識別與阻控研究,在水再生處理過程中風險性有機污染物(如抗菌劑、含氮有機物、滷代有機物)微生物降解轉化原理、生態風險識別方法與綠色阻控技術方面開展了系統工作。 [1] 
典型水環境化學與生物污染物污染分佈特徵、風險識別與評價 [1] 


主持或作為核心骨幹參加國家級課題十餘項,其中主持國家自然基金項目2項,在環境及微生物領域主流期刊發表SCI論文90餘篇,以(共同)第一/通訊作者在Environ. Sci. Technol.、Water Res.、Appl. Environ. Microbiol.等權威期刊發表SCI論文35篇,合著英文著作1部(Springer),授權發明專利4項,參與編制團體標準1項,總引用3400餘次(Google Scholar),H因子34;2020年獲國家技術發明二等獎、2017年獲環境保護科學技術一等獎和2021年獲產學研合作創新成果一等獎(均排名第4),2015 年獲微生物生態青年科技創新獎一等獎,2012年獲教育部博士研究生學術新人獎。 [1] 


1.國家自然科學基金委員會, 面上項目, 31870102, 鞘脂菌CAP-1降解氯黴素的途徑與分子機制, 2019-01至2022-12, 59萬, 在研, 主持
2.“深圳市海外高層次人才”引進科研啓動金項目,2021-04至2023-12,300萬,在研, 主持
3.哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)科研啓動項目,2020-07至2022-12,10萬,在研, 主持
4.國家自然科學基金委員會, 青年項目, 31500084, 微生物-電極耦合系統強化底泥中氯代抗菌劑降解及分子機制, 2016-01至2018-12, 20萬元, 已結題, 主持
5.國家自然科學基金委員會, NSFC-ISF(中以)合作與交流項目, 41961144024, 基於電化學厭氧反應器-基因組代謝模型構建揭示土壤污染生物修復的動力學過程及機制, 2019-10至2022-09, 35/175萬, 在研, 參加(子課題負責人)
6.山東省重點研發計劃項目, 2020CXGC011202, 面向高耗能、重污染行業的綠色高效清潔生產關鍵技術集成及應用, 2020-12至2023-12, 86/1833萬, 在研, 參加(子課題負責人)
8.中國科學院重點部署項目課題, KFZD-SW-219, 活性污泥微生物組功能網絡解析及調節機制, 2017-10至2020-01, 60/500萬, 已結題, 參加(子任務負責人)
9.中國科學院重點部署項目課題, ZDRW-ZS-2016-5-5, 京津冀典型工業場地複合污染修復關鍵技術研發與示範, 2016-01至2019-12, 50/350萬, 已結題, 參加(子任務負責人)
10.國家自然科學基金委員會, NSFC-EU項目(中歐)合作與交流項目, 31861133001, 弱電能介入型生物強化處理系統中毒害性有機污染物的定向轉化及調控機制, 2019-01至2022-12, 500萬, 在研, 參加(核心骨幹) [1] 


在環境及微生物領域主流期刊發表SCI收錄論文90餘篇,總引用3400餘次(Google Scholar),H因子34;以(共同)第一/通訊作者在Environ. Sci. Technol.,Water Res.,Appl. Environ. Microbiol.等權威期刊發表SCI論文35篇,合著英文著作1部(Springer,2019)
發表雜誌論文(Selected Publications)
Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Bin Liang*, Liying Zhang, Deyong Kong, Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang. Complete genome sequences of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole-mineralizing bacteria Paenarthrobacter sp. P27 and Norcardiodes sp. N27. Environ. Res., 2022, 204:112013. (*Corresponding author)
Hao Wang#, Hui Yun#, Xiaodan Ma, Minghan Li, Mengyuan Qi, Ling Wang, Zhiling Li, Shuhong Gao, Yu Tao, Bin Liang*, Aijie Wang. Bioelectrochemical catabolism of triclocarban through the cascade acclimation of triclocarban-hydrolyzing and chloroanilines-oxidizing microbial communities. Environ. Res., 2022, 210:112880. (#Co-first author)
Mengyuan Qi, Bin Liang*, Long Zhang, Xiaodan Ma, Lei Yan, Wenchen Dong, Deyong Kong, Liying Zhang, Haizhen Zhu, Shu-Hong Gao, Jiandong Jiang, Shuang-Jiang Liu, Philippe F.-X Corvini, Aijie Wang*. Microbial interactions drive the complete catabolism of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in activated sludge microbiomes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2021,55(5): 3270-3282.
Aijie Wang*, Ke Shi, Daliang Ning, Haoyi Cheng, Hongcheng Wang, Wenzong Liu, Shuhong Gao, Zhiling Li, Jinglong Han, Bin Liang*, Jizhong Zhou. Electrical selection for planktonic sludge microbial community function and assembly. Water Res., 2021, 206:117744.
Hui Yun, Bin Liang*, Yangcheng Ding, Si Li, Zhenfei Wang, Aman Khana, Peng Zhang, Pengyun Zhang, Aijuan Zhou, Aijie Wang, Xiangkai Li*. Fate of antibiotic resistance genes during temperature-changed psychrophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge. Water Res., 2021, 194, 116926.
Kaichao Yang, Yingxin Zhao*, Min Ji, Zhiling Li, Siyuan Zhai, Xu Zhou, Qian Wang, Can Wang, Bin Liang*. Challenges and opportunities for the biodegradation of chlorophenols: Aerobic, anaerobic and bioelectrochemical processes. Water Res., 2021, 193: 116862. (Review paper)
Yang Bai, Bin Liang*, Hui Yun, Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Cong Huang, Aijie Wang. Combined bioaugmentation with electro-biostimulation for improved bioremediation of antimicrobial triclocarban and PAHs complexly contaminated sediments. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 403:123937.
Ke Shi, Bin Liang*, Qiu Guo, Youkang Zhao, Hafiz Muhammad AdeelSharif, Zhiling Li, E Chen, Aijie Wang. Accelerated bioremediation of a complexly contaminated river sediment through ZVI-electrode combined stimulation. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 413, 125392.
Yangcheng Ding#, Bin Liang#, Wenli Jiang, Jinglong Han*, Awoke Guadie, Hui Yun, Haoyi Cheng, Renjun Yang, Shuang-Jiang Liu, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Effect of preferential UV photolysis on the source control of antibiotic resistome during subsequent biological treatment systems. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 414: 125484.
Xiaodan Ma, Bin Liang*, Mengyuan Qi, Hui Yun, Ke Shi, Zhiling Li, Yuanqiang Guo, Peisheng Yan, Shuang-Jiang Liu, Aijie Wang*. Novel pathway for chloramphenicol catabolism in the activated sludge bacterial isolate Sphingobium sp. CAP-1. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020, 54:7591-7600.
Bin Liang, Hui Yun*, Deyong Kong, Yangcheng Ding, Xiangkai Li, Alisa S. Vangnai, Aijie Wang. Bioaugmentation of triclocarban and its dechlorinated congeners contaminated soil with functional degraders and the bacterial community response. Environ. Res., 2020, 180:108840.
Hui Yun, Bin Liang*, Deyong Kong, Xiangkai Li, Aijie Wang. Fate, risk and removal of triclocarban: a critical review. J. Hazard. Mater., 2020, 387:121944. (Review paper)
Bin Liang#, Hao-Yi Cheng#, De-Yong Kong, Shu-Hong Gao, Fei Sun, Dan Cui, Fan-Ying Kong, Ai-Juan Zhou, Wen-Zong Liu, Nan-Qi Ren, Wei-Min Wu, Ai-Jie Wang*, Duu-Jong Lee*. Accelerated reduction of chlorinated nitroaromatic antibiotic chloramphenicol by biocathode. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47, 5353-5361.
Hui Yun, Bin Liang*, Jiguo Qiu, Long Zhang, Youkang Zhao, Jiandong Jiang, Aijie Wang*. Functional characterization of a novel amidase involved in biotransformation of triclocarban and its dehalogenated congeners in Ochrobactrum sp. TCC-2. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51(1): 291-300.
Bin Liang, Jincai Ma, Weiwei Cai, Zhiling Li, Wenzong Liu, Mengyuan Qi, Youkang Zhao, Xiaodan Ma, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang*, Jizhong Zhou. Response of chloramphenicol-reducing biocathode resistome to continuous electrical stimulation. Water Res., 2019, 148, 398-406. (連續3年ESI highly cited paper)
Bin Liang, Deyong Kong, Jincai Ma, Chongqing Wen, Tong Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Low temperature acclimation with electrical stimulation enhance the biocathode functioning stability for antibiotics detoxification. Water Res., 2016, 100: 157-168.
Bin Liang, Haoyi Cheng, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Jincai Ma, Hao Yu, Deyong, Kong, Wenzong Liu, Nanqi Ren, Liyou Wu, Aijie Wang*, Duu-Jong Lee*, Jizhong Zhou. Microbial community structure and function of nitrobenzene reduction biocathode in response to carbon source switchover. Water Res., 2014, 54(1), 137-148.
Hao-Yi Cheng#, Bin Liang#, Yang Mu, Min-Hua Cui, Kun Li, Wei-Min Wu, Ai-Jie Wang*. Stimulation of oxygen to bioanode for energy recovery from recalcitrant organic matter aniline in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Water Res., 2015, 81: 72-83.
Deyong Kong#, Bin Liang#, Hui Yun, Haoyi Cheng, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren*. Cathodic degradation of antibiotics: Characterization and pathway analysis. Water Res., 2015, 72: 281-292.
Bin Liang#, Guangli Wang#, Yanfu Zhao, Kai Chen, Shunpeng Li, Jiandong Jiang*. Facilitation of bacterial adaptation to chlorothalonil-contaminated sites by horizontal transfer of the chlorothalonil hydrolytic dehalogenase gene. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2011, 77(12): 4268-4272.
Bin Liang, Jiandong Jiang*, Jun Zhang, Yanfu Zhao and Shunpeng Li. Horizontal transfer of dehalogenase genes involved in the catalysis of chlorinated compounds: evidence and ecological role. Crit. Rev. Microbiol., 2012, 38(2): 95-110. (Review paper)
Bin Liang, Deyong Kong*, Mengyuan Qi, Hui Yun, Zhiling Li, Ke Shi, E Chen, Alisa S. Vangnai, Aijie Wang*. Anaerobic biodegradation of trimethoprim with sulfate as an electron acceptor. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2019, 13(6): 84.
Bin Liang, Qian Yao, Haoyi Cheng, Shuhong Gao, Fanying Kong, Dan Cui, Yuqi Guo, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang*. Enhanced degradation of azo dye alizarin yellow R in a combined process of iron-carbon microelectrolysis and aerobic bio-contact oxidation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2012, 19 (5):1385-1391.
Bin Liang, Chengli Yang, Mingbo Gong, Yanfu Zhao, Jun Zhang, Changxiong Zhu*, Jiandong Jiang, Shunpeng Li*. Adsorption and degradation of triazophos, chlorpyrifos and their main hydrolytic metabolites in paddy soil from Chaohu Lake, China. J. Environ. Manage., 2011, 92: 2229-2234.
Bin Liang, Rong Li, Dong Jiang, Jiquan Sun, Jiguo Qiu, Yanfu Zhao, Shunpeng Li, Jiandong Jiang*. Hydrolytic dechlorination of chlorothalonil by Ochrobactrum sp. CTN-11 isolated from a chlorothalonil-contaminated soil. Curr. Microbiol., 2010, 61: 226-233.
Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Jincai Ma, Hui Yun, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Hao Wang, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang*. Enhanced bioelectroremediation of a complexly contaminated river sediment through stimulating electroactive degraders with methanol supply. J. Hazard. Mater., 2018, 349: 168-176.
Hui Yun, Bin Liang*, De-Yong Kong, Hao-Yi Cheng, Zhi-Ling Li, Ya-Bing Gu, Hua-Qun Yin, Ai-Jie Wang*. Polarity inversion of bioanode for biocathodic reduction of aromatic pollutants. J. Hazard. Mater., 2017, 331: 280-288.
Youkang Zhao, Yang Bai, Qiu Guo, Zhiling Li, Mengyuan Qi, Xiaodan Ma, Hao Wang, Deyong Kong, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang*. Bioremediation of contaminated urban river sediment with methanol stimulation: Metabolic processes accompanied with microbial community changes. Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 653: 649-657.
Deyong Kong, Hui Yun, Dan Cui, Mengyuan Qi, Chunyan Shao, Dichen Cui, Nanqi Ren, Bin Liang*, Aijie Wang. Response of antimicrobial nitrofurazone-degrading biocathode communities to different cathode potentials. Bioresour. Technol., 2017, 241: 951-958.
Mengyuan Qi, Bin Liang*, Rongrong Chen, Xun Sun, Zhiling Li, Xiaodan Ma, Youkang Zhao, Deyong Kong, Jun Wang, Aijie Wang*. Effects of surface charge, hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity on functional biocathode catalytic efficiency and community structure. Chemosphere, 2018, 202: 105-110.
Xiaodan Ma, Mengyuan Qi, Zhiling Li, Youkang Zhao, Peisheng Yan, Bin Liang*, Aijie Wang*. Characterization of an efficient chloramphenicol-mineralizing bacterial consortium. Chemosphere, 2019, 222: 149-155.
Hui Yun, Bin Liang*, Deyong Kong, Aijie Wang*. Improving biocathode community multifunctionality by polarity inversion for simultaneous bioelectroreduction processes in domestic wastewater. Chemosphere, 2018, 194: 553-561.
Shu-Hong Gao, Lai Peng, Yiwen Liu, Xu Zhou, Bing-Jie Ni, Philip L Bond, Bin Liang*, Ai-Jie Wang*. Bioelectrochemical reduction of an azo dye by a Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 formed biocathode. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr., 2016, 115: 250-256.
Hui Yun, Bin Liang*, Deyong Kong, Zhiling Li, Guoshu Qi, Aijie Wang*. Enhanced biotransformation of Triclocarban by Ochrobactrum sp. TCC-1 under anoxic nitrate respiration conditions. Curr. Microbiol., 2017, 74(4): 491-498.
Guangli Wang#, Bin Liang#, Feng Li* and Shunpeng Li*. Recent advances in the biodegradation of chlorothalonil. Curr. Microbiol., 2011, 63:450-457. (Review paper) [1] 


Ai-Jie Wang, Bin Liang, Zhi-Ling Li, Hao-Yi Cheng (Editors). Bioelectrochemistry Stimulated Environmental Remediation-From Bioelectrorespiration to Bioelectrodegradation. Springer, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8542-0; ISBN 978-981-10-8542-0
Bin Liang, Mengyuan Qi, Hui Yun, Youkang Zhao, Yang Bai, Deyong Kong, Aijie Wang*. Electrode-respiring microbiomes associated with the enhanced bioelectrodegradation function. Invited Chapter. Springer. Edited by Ai-Jie Wang, Bin Liang, Zhi-Ling Li, Hao-Yi Cheng. 2019 [1] 


2021年,工業污水深度淨化技術與裝備, 產學研合作創新成果一等獎, 中國產學研合作促進會,排名第4
2012年,博士研究生學術新人獎,教育部 [1] 