


林晨,男,經濟學博士,中國人民大學科研處處長,中國人民大學應用經濟學院教授、博士生導師。 [1] 
國    籍
職    業
職    稱


2007.04–2010.03 日本早稻田大學 經濟學博士
2005.09–2007.06 中國人民大學 國民經濟學碩士
2001.09–2005.06 北京第二外國語學院 日語/國際經濟與貿易學士 [1] 


2022.07–至今 中國人民大學科研處處長、期刊管理中心主任
2020.08–至今 中國人民大學應用經濟學院 教授
2019.03–2020.08 中國人民大學應用經濟學院 副教授
2016.09–2019.03 中國人民大學經濟學院 副教授
2015.09–2016.09 山東大學經濟研究院 教授
2013.02–2016.09 山東大學經濟研究院 副院長
2010.08–2015.09 山東大學經濟研究院 副教授
2010.04–2010.08 日本早稻田大學政治經濟學部 助理研究員 [1] 


國民經濟學、投入產出經濟學 [1] 


國家高層次人才計劃青年項目,2022 [1] 


收入分配、鮑莫爾成本病與製造業佔比[J].數量經濟技術經濟研究. 2023.5
漸進式市場化改革、產業政策與經濟增長——基於產業鏈的視角[J].中國工業經濟. 2023.4
外部產業投資與區域協調發展——來自“三線建設”地區的證據[J].經濟研究. 2022.3
對中國特色哲學社會科學創新發展的主要任務和工作思路的思考[J]. 中國人民大學學報. 2022.3
Saving less in China facilitates global CO2 mitigation. Nature Communications. 1, 2020.
Tracing the consumption origins of wastewater and sludge for a Chinese city based on waste input-output analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020.
人工智能、經濟增長與居民消費改善——基於資本結構優化的視角[J].中國工業經濟. 2020.2
產業基本性與重點產業選擇[J]. 統計研究. 2020.6
China’s CO2 emission structure for 1957-2017 through transitions in economic and environmental policies. Journal of Cleaner Production. 255, 2020.
人工智能、老齡化與經濟增長[J]. 經濟研究, 2019, 7.
The energy implication of China's food system transformation. With Song, F., Reardon, T., Tian, X. Applied Energy. 240, 2019.
Approaches to solving China’s marine plastic pollution and CO2 emission problems. With Shinichiro Nakamura. Economic Systems Research. 2018.
重工業優先發展戰略對經濟發展的長期影響——基於歷史投入產出表的理論和實證研究[J]. 經濟學(季刊), 2018, 17(2).
價格管制、要素流動限制與城鄉二元經濟——基於歷史投入產出表的理論和實證研究[J]. 農業經濟問題, 2018.
Characterizing the role of built environment stocks in human development and emission growth. with Liu, G. and Müller, D.B.. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 123, 2017.
Optimization of Ecological Industrial Chain design based on reliability theory e a case study. with Wang, Q., Zuo, J., Zhang, J., and Hong, J. Journal of Cleaner Production. 124, 2016.
Is biomass energy really clean? An environmental life-cycle perspective on biomass- based electricity generation in China. with Xu, C., Hong, J., Chen, J., Han, X., and L, X. Journal of Cleaner Production. 133, 2016.
China’s carbon footprint: a regional perspective on the effect of transitions in consump- tion and production patterns. with Tian, X., Chang, M., and Tanikawa, H. Applied Energy. 123(15), 2014.
The power of visible hands: An environmental structural decomposition analysis con- sidering the People’s Daily effect. with Li, J. and Li, D.Z. Economic Systems Research. 26(4), 2014
Robust Linear Optimization Under Matrix Completion. with Wen, S., Xu, F., and Wen, Z. Science China Mathematics. 55(1), 2013.
Considering Variations in Waste Composition during Waste Input-Output Modeling. with Li, J.and Huang, S. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 17(6), 2013
Does the South to North Water Transfer Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Water Consumption within China? with Suh, S. and Pfister, S. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 16(4): 647-654, 2012
Identifying Lowest-emission Choices and Environmental Pareto Frontiers for Wastewater Treatment: Wastewater Treatment Input-Output Model Based Linear Programming. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 15(3): 367-380, 2011
Hybrid Input-output Analysis of Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Impacts: A Case Study for the Tokyo Metropolis. Ecological Economics 68(7): 2096-2105, 2009 [1] 


中國投入產出學會 常務理事
國際投入產出學會(IIOA)成員 [1] 