

林忠財(LING TUNG CHAI),男,馬來西亞華裔,湖南大學教授,國家基金委外國資深學者基金項目獲得者,高層次青年人才,東盟工程技術院Fellow,香港混凝土學會Fellow,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering副主編。中國高校首位Robert L'Hermite獎獲得者,連續三年入選全球前2%頂尖科學家。專注固廢資源化利用與CO2技術研究,主持負責國家基金委、科技部、省重點研發計劃(“一帶一路”專項)、香港創新科技局項目等19項。在Nature Sustainability等發表SCI論文140餘篇(一作/通訊110餘篇),h-index為44,授權專利12項 [1] 
林忠財教授曾在中國香港、馬來西亞、美國、英國從事科學研究工作 [1] 擔任美國聯邦公路管理局的高級研究員、英國伯明翰大學土木工程學院的講師、中國香港納米及先進材料研發院的項目主管、中國香港理工大學研究員等職位。2次被聘為伯明翰大學博士學位答辯委員會成員,先後多次被國內大學邀請作專題講座,是多個國際學術組織會員或理事會成員,同時是多個國際刊物審稿人。 [1] 
林忠財(LING Tung-Chai ) [2] 
國    籍
馬來西亞 [3] 
民    族
馬來西亞 [1] 
1980年12月23日 [2] 
博士研究生 [1] 
職    業
教師 [1] 
固廢資源化、水泥和固廢碳化處理、生命週期評價 [1]  [4] 
2022年國家基金委外國資深學者基金項目獲得者 [2] 
2020年“羅伯特·赫爾米特獎”(Robert L'Hermite Medal)獲得者(中國高校首位) [1] 
2020年入選斯坦福大學評選的World Top 2%(career-long impact)科學家 [1] 
東盟工程技術院Fellow [1] 
2021年XPRIZE中國預熱賽TOP10 [8] 
綠色建築材料;碳化;水泥基材料;固體廢棄物;人造骨料;生命週期評價 [1]  [4] 



2008 Ph.D. (Civil Engineering), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia.
2005 M.Eng. (Highway & Traffic), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia.
2003 B.Eng.(Civil), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia. [5] 


Jun 2015 – Jan 2016, United States National Academies Senior Research Associate, Federal Highway Administration, USA (美國聯邦公路管理局)
Jun 2014 – May 2015, Project Leader, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited, HK (項目主管,中國香港納米及先進材料研發院)
Jan 2014 – Jun 2014, Research Fellow, PolyU Technology & Consultancy Company Limited (研究員,中國香港理大科技及顧問有限公司)
Mar 2012 – Dec 2013, Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK (大學講師-終身職位,英國伯明翰大學)
Jun 2009 – Feb 2012, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK (博士後研究員,中國香港理工大學) [5] 


· 東盟工程技術院,2022年至今 [1] 
· 中國香港混凝土學會,2016年至今 [1] 
· American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2020年至今 [1] 
· Engineering,2022年至今 [1] 
· Waste Disposal &Sustainable Energy(WDSE),2022年至今 [1] 
· Road Materials andPavement Design(RMPD),2021年至今 [1] 
· 湖南大學學報(自然科學版)青年編委會委員,2021年至今 [1] 
· International Journalof Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials,2019年至今 [1] 
·浙江大學學報:A卷英文版,2016年至今 [1] 
· 國際材料與結構研究實驗聯合會(RILEM)資深會員,2016年至今 [1] 
· 中國硅酸鹽學會固廢與生態材料分會第二屆理事會建築固廢學術委員會委員,2021年至今 [1] 
· 美國混凝土協會(American ConcreteInstitute,ACI),2016年至今 [1] 
· 美國混凝土協會555分會,2016年至今 [1] 
· 美國混凝土協會中國分會理事,2016年至今 [1] 
· Advances in Materials Science and Engineering(Special Issue- Alternative Cementitious Materials and Their Composites),2019年至今 [1] 
審稿人 [1] 
Cement and Concrete Composites期刊封面 Cement and Concrete Composites期刊封面 [6]
· Cement and Concrete Composites (水泥與混凝土複合材料)
· Environmental Science & Technology(環境科學與技術)
· Journal of Cleaner Production(清潔生產雜誌)
· Recourses, Conservation and Recycling (資源,保存及回收)
· Waste Management (廢棄物管理)
· Construction and Building Materials (建築與建築材料)
· Materials and Structures(材料與結構)
· Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (土木工程材料雜誌)
· Thermochimica Acta (熱化學學報)
· International Journal of Pavement Engineering(國際路面工程學雜誌)
· Journal of Electronic Imaging(電子成像雜誌)
Journal of Cleaner Production期刊封面 Journal of Cleaner Production期刊封面 [7]
· International Journal of Physical Science
· Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology
· Second Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE2013)


林忠財 林忠財
· 2021年獲XPRIZE(碳去除大賽)中國預熱賽TOP10 [8] 
· 2021年Emerged in World Top 2% (career-long impact) Scientists 2019 Rankings by Stanford University, 2020 [1] 
· 2020年被授予“羅伯特·赫爾米特獎”(Robert L'Hermite Medal) [1] 
· 2020年入選馬來西亞“十大傑青三十強”
· 2020年Emerged in World Top 2% (career-long impact) Scientists 2019 Rankings by Stanford University, 2019
· 2020年被評為高被引文章-Most Cited Paper Award 2020 from Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal (RCR, 136:187-197)
· 2019年被評為ESI高被引文章-ESI Hot Papar and Highly Cited Paper(RCR, 136:187-197)
· 2018年被評為湖南大學首批 “天職學者”
· 2017年被評為湖南大學 “嶽麓學者計劃” (晨星A崗)
· 2016年評為香港混凝土學會會士-Fellow of Hong Kong Concrete Institute
· 2015年入選馬來西亞“十大傑青三十強” [1] 
· 2014年入選美國國家科學研究委員會高級研究員資助 [1] 
· 第四屆國際建築納米技術研討會優秀論文,並推薦發表在Cement and Concrete Composites (SCI雜誌), 2012 [1] 
· 固體廢棄物國際會議:邁向可持續資源管理優秀論文,並推薦發表在Environmental Technology (SCI雜誌), 2011 [1] 
· 題目為“利用再生輪胎在混凝土鋪路磚”的論文被土木工程師學會(ICE)雜誌選為其中一個2010年最佳發表作品 [1] 
“讀萬卷書,行萬里路”2016湖南大學博士論壇之林忠財教授 “讀萬卷書,行萬里路”2016湖南大學博士論壇之林忠財教授
· 在第7屆馬來西亞路面會議2007獲得最佳論文獎 [1] 
· UTM獎學金 (2003-2005) [1] 
· UTM學院院長捐贈基金 (1999-2000) [1] 


  1. Shao, X., Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Comparative Life cycle assessment of fast-curing methods for dry-mix and wet-mix cement pastes. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, In Press.
  2. Shao, X., Mehdizadeh, Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Life cycle assessment of upcycling waste slag via CO2 pre-treatment: Comparative study of carbonation routes. Journal of Cleaner Production, In Press.
  3. Mehdizadeh, H., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). CO2-fixing and recovery of high-purity vaterite CaCO3 from recycled concrete fines. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, In press.
  4. Jiang, Y., Li, L., Lu, J.X., Shen, P.L., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2022). Enhancing the microstructure and surface texture of recycled concrete fine aggregate via magnesium-modified carbonation. Cement and Concrete Research, 162: 106967.
  5. Liu, Y., Ren, R.F., Garcia-Troncoso, N., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Roles of enhanced ITZ in improving the mechanical properties of concrete prepared with different types of recycled aggregates. Journal of Building Engineering, 60: 105197.
  6. Wang, A., Ren, P.F., Zeng, Q., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Performance investigation and optimization of the granulation-CO2 concentration for the production of high-strength BOFS aggregates. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 64: 102160.
  7. Mehdizadeh, H., Shao, X., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Enhancement of early age cementitious properties of yellow phosphorus slag via CO2 aqueous carbonation. Cement and Concrete Composites, 133: 104702.
  8. Jiang, Y., Li, L., Lu, J.-x., Shen, P., Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.S.* (2022). Mechanism of carbonating recycled concrete fines in aqueous environment: The particle size effect. Cement and Concrete Composites, 133: 104655.
  9. Wang, X.L., Guo, M.Z., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Review on CO2 curing of non-hydraulic calcium silicates cements: Mechanism, carbonation and performance. Cement and Concrete Composites, 133: 104641.
  10. Song, Q.F., Guo, M.Z.*, Ling, T.C.* (2022). A review of elevated-temperature properties of alternative binders: Supplementary cementitious materials and alkali-activated materials. Construction and Building Materials, 341: 127894.
  11. Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Response surface methodology for the optimization of CO2 uptake using waste concrete powder. Construction and Building Materials, 340: 127758.
  12. Wu, Y.Q., Mehdizadeh, H., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). High-temperature CO2 for accelerating the carbonation of recycled concrete fines. Journal of Building Engineering, 52: 104526.
  13. Tiong, M., Li, X.M., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Effects of moulding pressure and w/c induced pore water saturation on the CO2 curing efficiency of dry-mix cement blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 335: 127509.
  14. Deng, S.X., Ren, P.F., Jiang, Y., Shao, X., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Use of CO2-active BOFS binder in the production of artificial aggregates with waste concrete powder. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 182: 106332.
  15. Mehdizadeh, H., Cheng, X.F., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Upcycling of waste hydrated cement paste containing high-volume supplementary cementitious materials via CO2 pre-treatment. Journal of Building Engineering, 52: 104396.
  16. Vanoutrive, H., Heede, P.V.d., Alderet, N., Andrade, C., Bansal, T., Camões, A., Cizer, Ö., Belie, N.D., Ducman, V., Etxeberria, M., Frederickx, L., Grengg, C., Ignjatović, I., Ling, T.C., Liu, Z.Y., Garcia-Lodeiro, I., Lothenbach, B., Martinez, C.M., Sanchez-Montero, J., Olonade, K., Palomo, A., Phung, O.T., Rebolledo, N., Sakoparnig, M., Sideris, K., Thiel, C., Visalakshi, T., Vollpracht, A., Greve-Dierfeld, S.v., Wei, J.X., Wu, B., Zając, M., Zhao, Z.F., Gruyaert1, E.* (2022). Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: Outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements. Materials and Structures, 55: 99.
  17. Wang, Y.T., Mo, K.H., Du, H.J., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Effects of CO2 curing treatment on alkali-silica reaction of mortars containing glass aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 323: 126637.
  18. Chen, R.M., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Offsetting strength loss in concrete via ITZ enhancement: From the perspective of utilizing new alternative aggregate. Cement and Concrete Composites, 127: 104385.
  19. Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.*, Zhong, X.Z. (2022). Effects of accelerated carbonation and high temperatures exposure on the properties of EAFS and BOFS pressed blocks. Journal of Building Engineering, 45: 103504.
  20. Ren, P.F., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2022). CO2 pretreatment of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash and its feasible use as supplementary cementitious material. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424(Part B): 127457.
  21. Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.*, Pan, S.-Y. (2022). Environmental benefit assessment of steel slag utilization and carbonation: A systematic review. Science of the Total Environment, 806: 150280.
  22. Liu, Y.X., Zhang, Y.L., Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.* (2022). The impact of limestone/metakaolin ratio on the performance and hydration of ternary blended cement. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, In Press.
  23. Wang, X.L., Guo, M.Z., Yue, G.B., Li, Q.Y., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Synthesis of high belite sulfoaluminate cement with high volume of mixed solid wastes. Cement and Concrete Research, 158: 106845.
  24. Zhang, Y.L., Liu, Y.X., Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Influence of kaolinite content in coal-series metakaolin and soft metakaolin on the performance of cement blends with and without limestone. Materials and Structures, 55:115.
  25. Li, L.F., Zhang, Y.L., Liu, Y.X., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Upcycling coal- and soft-series metakaolin in blended cement with limestone. Construction and Building Materials, 327: 126965.
  26. Zhang, L.J., Mo, K.H.*, Yap, S.P., Gencel, O., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Effect of fibers addition on mechanical properties of eco-friendly phosphogypsum-based composite at high temperatures. Journal of Building Engineering, 61: 105247.
  27. Xiao, Y.J., Pham, B.T., Guo, M.-Z., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Influence of luminescent powder type and characteristic on the glow light performance of architectural glass mortar. Journal of Building Engineering, 58: 105021.
  28. Zhang, L.J., Mo, K.H.*, Yap, S.P., Gencel, O., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Mechanical strength, water resistance and drying shrinkage of lightweight hemihydrate phosphogypsum-cement composite with ground granulated blast furnace slag and recycled waste glass. Construction and Building Materials, 345: 128232.
  29. Xiao, Y.J., Pham, B.T., Guo, M.-Z., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Use of luminescent-glass aggregates for the production of decorative architectural mortar. Journal of Building Engineering, 50: 104233.
  30. Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C.*, Guo, M.-Z. (2022). Upcycling of wastes for sustainable controlled low-strength material: A review on strength and excavatability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(12): 16799-16816.
  31. Xiao, Y.J., Tiong, M., Mo, K.H., Guo, M.-Z., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Recycling Bayer and sintering red muds in brick production: A review. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 23(5): 335-57.
  32. Radwan, M.K.H., Mo, K.H.*, Onn, C.C., Ng, C.G., Ling, T.C.* (2022). Waste press mud in enhancing the performance of glass powder blended cement. Construction and Building Materials, 313: 125469.
  33. Tan, T.H.*, Mo, K.H., Lai, S.H., Ling, T.C. (2022). Investigation on the copper ion removal potential of a facile-fabricated foamed geopolymer sphere for wastewater remediation. Cleaner Materials, 100088.
  34. Tie, T.S., Mo, K.H., Alengaram, U.J., Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C. (2022) Study on the use of lightweight expanded perlite and vermiculite aggregates in blended cement mortars. European Journal of Environmental and Civil engineering, 26(8): 3612-31.
  35. Mengting Ma, Ling, T.C.*, Mehdizadeh, H. (2021). Effect of direct carbonation routes of basic oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) on strength and hydration of blended cemnet paste. Construction and Building Materials, In Press.
  36. Xinzhuo Zhong, Lufan Li, Yi Jiang, Ling, T.C.* (2021). Elucidating the dominant and interaction effects of temperature, CO2 pressure and carbonation time in carbonating steel slag blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 302: 124158.
  37. Qifeng Song, Ming-Zhi Guo*, Lei Wang, Ling, T.C. (2021). Use of steel slag as sustainable construction materials: A review of accelerated carbonation treatment. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 173: 105740.
  38. Yu-xuan Liu, Ling, T.C.*, Min wang and Yu-You Wu (2021). The synergic performance and mechanism of blended cement with limestone and calcined low-kaolinite coal gangue. Construction and Building Materials, In Press.
  39. Lufan Li, Yi Jiang, Shu-Yuan Pan, Ling, T.C.* (2021). Comparative life cycle assessment to maximize CO2 sequestration of steel slag products. Construction and Building Materials, 298:123876.
  40. Ren. P.F., Ling, T.C.* (2021). Roles of Chlorine and Sulphate in MSWIFA in GGBFS Binder: Hydration, Mechanical Properties and Stabilization Considerations. Environmental Pollution, 284:117175.
  41. Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, Q. (2021). Examining the influence of recycled concrete aggregate on the hardened properties of self-compacting concrete. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12: 1133-1141.
  42. Mehdizadeh, H., Jia, X.X., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2021). Effect of water-to-cement ratio induced hydration on the accelerated carbonation of cement pastes. Environmental Pollution, 280: 116914.
  43. Guo, M.Z., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2021). Highly-efficient green photocatalytic cementitious materials with robust weathering resistance: From laboratory to application. Environmental Pollution, 273: 116510.
  44. Mehdizadeh, H., Meng, Y.Z., Guo, M.Z., Ling, T.C.* (2021). Roles of CO2 curing induced calcium carbonates on high temperature properties of dry-mixed cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, In Press.
  45. Guo, M.-Z., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2021). Stress-strain behaviour of cement mortars containing recycled glass during and after exposure to elevated temperatures. Cement and Concrete Composites, 118: 103970.
  46. Ren, P.F., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2021). Recent advances in artificial aggregate production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 291: 125215
  47. Liu, Y.X., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2021). Progress in developing self-consolidating concrete (SCC) constituting recycled concrete aggregates: A review. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 28, 522-537.
  48. Mo, K.H.*, Ling, T.C., Tan T.H., Leong, G.W., Yuen, C.W., Shah, S.N. (2021). Alkali-silica reactivity of lightweight aggregate: A brief overview. Construction and Building Materials, 270: 121444.
  49. Tang, C.X., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2021). Raman spectroscopy used as a tool to understand the mechanism of concrete durability—A review. Construction and Building Materials, 268: 121079.
  50. Mehdizadeh, H., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, X.F., Pan, S.Y., Mo, K.H. (2021). CO2 treatment of hydrated cement powder: Characterization and application Consideration. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33 (4): 04021041.
  51. Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, Q., Mo, K.H. (2021). Synergistic effect of pre-carbonated slurry and mixing sequence on the performance of self-compacting recycled aggregate modified mortar. Waste and Biomass Valorization, In press.
  52. Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). CO2 sequestration of fresh concrete slurry waste: Optimization of CO2 uptake and feasible use as a potential cement binder. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 42: 101330.
  53. Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). Valorization of waste powders from cement-concrete life cycle: A pathway to circular future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 268: 122358.
  54. Jia, X.X., Ling, T.C.*, Mehdizadeh, H., Mo, K.H. (2020). Impact of CO2 curing on the microhardness and strength of 0.35 w/c cement paste: Comparative study of internal/surface layers. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5): 11849-60.
  55. Mehdizadeh, H., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, X.F., Mo, K.H. (2020). Effect of particle size and CO2 treatment of waste cement powder on properties of cement paste. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 48: 522-531.
  56. Li, X.M., Ling, T.C.* (2020). Instant CO2 curing for dry-mix pressed cement pastes: Consideration of CO2 concentrations coupled with further water curing. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 38: 348-354.
  57. Jiang, Y., Ling, T.C.*, Shi, M.J. (2020) Strength enhancement of artificial aggregate prepared with waste concrete powder and its impact on concrete properties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 257: 120515.
  58. Pan, S.-Y.*, Chen, Y.-H., Fan, L.-S., Kim, H., Gao, X., Ling, T.-C., Chiang, P.-C., Pei, S.-L., Gu, G. (2020). CO2 mineralization and utilization by alkaline solid wastes for potential carbon reduction. Nature Sustainability, 3: 399-405.
  59. Jiang, Y., Ling, T.C.*. (2020). Production of artificial aggregates from steel-making slag: Influences of accelerated carbonation during granulation and/or post-curing. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 36: 135-144.
  60. Lippiatt, N., Ling, T.C.*, Pan, S.Y. (2020). Towards carbon-neutral construction materials: Carbonation of cement-based materials and the future perspective. Journal of Building Engineering, 28: 101062.
  61. Lippiatt, N., Ling, T.C.*., Eggermont, S. (2019). Combining hydration and carbonation of cement using super-saturated aqueous CO2 solution. Construction and Building Materials, 229: 116825.
  62. Zhang, Y.L., Ling, T.C.*. (2020). Reactivity activation of coal gangue and its impact on the properties of cement-based materials – A review. Construction and Building Materials, 234: 117424.
  63. Yang, S.Q., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2020). High temperature performance of wet-mix and dry-mix mortars prepared with different contents and size gradings of glass aggregates: hot test and cold test. Cement and Concrete Composites, 108: 103548.
  64. Li, X.M., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). Functions and impacts of plastic/rubber wastes as eco-friendly aggregate in concrete - A review. Construction and Building Materials, 240: 117869.
  65. Tan, T.H., Mo, K.H.*, Ling, T.-C.*, Lai, S.H. (2020). Current development of geopolymer as alternative adsorbent for heavy metal removal. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 18: 100684.
  66. Drissi, S., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). Development of leak-free phase change material aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 230:117029.
  67. Tie T.T., Mo, K.H.*, Putra, A., Loo, S.C., Alengaram, U.J., Ling, T.C.* (2020). Sound absorption performance of modified concrete: A review. Journal of Building Engineering, 30, 101219.
  68. Mo, K.H., Hussin, M.N., Ling, T.C., Sulong, N.H.R., Lee, F.W. Yuen, C.W. (2020). Development of lightweight aggregate mortar skin layer for an innovative sandwich concrete composite. Journal of Building Engineering, 27:100941.
  69. Ewe, B., Mo, K.H.*, Lee, F.W., Yuen, C.W., Ling, T.C. (2020). Strength performances of brick assemblies strengthened with basalt textile reinforced mortar. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 48 In Press, DOI: 10.1520/JTE20170792 [1] 


(1) Tee How Tan, Kim Hung Mo, Sai Hin Lai, Tung-Chai Ling (2022). Encyclopedia of Green Materials, Geopolymer as an adsorbent in wastewater treatment process. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4921-
(2) Pengfei Ren, Kim Hung Mo, Tung-Chai Ling (2022). Low Carbon Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous Wastes, Chapter 10: Stabilization/solidification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824004-5.00030-X
(3) Kim Hung Mo, Tung-Chai Ling (2022). Low Carbon Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous Wastes, Chapter 22: Utilization of coal fly ash and bottom ash in brick and block products. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824004-5.00026-8
(4) Tung-Chai Ling, Sarra Drissi, Kim Hung Mo (2020). Smart Nanoconcretes and Cement-Based Materials: Properties, Modelling and Applications, Chapter 14: Use of phase change materials in nano-concrete for energy savings. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817854-6.00014-3
(5) Senthil Kumar Kaliyavaradhan, Tung-Chai Ling (2019). Use of Recycled Plastics in Eco-efficient Concrete, Chapter 17: Performance of concrete with PVC fibres, Pages 369-385. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102676-2.00017-7
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