


中共黨員,教授,博士,博士生導師。2007-2011年就讀於哈爾濱工業大學,獲生物工程工學學士學位;2011-2015年在英國伯明翰大學(University of Birmingham)師從英國皇家學會會士Vernonica Franklin-Tong教授,獲生物化學博 [1]  士學位,並被授予Dr. SW Challinor Prize;2015-2021年在比利時根特大學(VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology) Moritz Nowack教授實驗室從事博士後研究;2022年加入華中農業大學。長期圍繞虞美人(Papaver rhoeas)自交不親和(self-incompatibility)開展研究,實現了SI系統跨遠距離物種的功能轉移,從理論上證明了虞美人SI系統用於其它物種雜交育種到可行性,為現代作物的雜交育種提供全新的思路和工具。研究成果發表在Science、Current Biology、Plant Physiology等期刊
國    籍
職    務
職    稱


實驗室主要圍繞植物細胞與細胞的互相作用(Cell-to-Cell Communication)展開研究,主要研究方向包括:
1. 生殖細胞之間的互作——自交不親和(Self-incompatibility, SI)。SI指的是植物識別並排斥“自己”的正常可育的花粉的現象。自花授粉能導致隱形有害突變的積累,進而導致物種近交衰退。因此,在進化過程中,許多物種都發展出了SI的機制來抑制自花授粉,促進異交。雜交育種(hybrid breeding)作為當代最重要的育種方式之一,常常受限於作物自交親和的特性,因此,解析植物SI這一生物學特性,在雜交育種中將具有很高的應用價值。同時,SI也是一種研究細胞識別和信號通路的重要模型。該實驗室以虞美人SI為研究對象,希望通過對SI分子機制的解析,實現自交親和與不親和的自由切換,構建一種普適的SI-雜交育種體系。
2. 體細胞之間的互作——嫁接。嫁接是果蔬栽培過程中一項重要的技術,是品質改良和抗性提升的重要手段。然而,嫁接通常只侷限在親緣關係比較近的物種之間。親緣關係遠的兩個物種嫁接之後往往會出現嫁接不親和的生物學現象。這嚴重限制了在果蔬育種育苗過程中對砧木的選擇。該實驗室希望通過遺傳和基因組學的手段,定位並克隆影響嫁接親和性的基因,解析其分子機制;進而通過遺傳改造的方式,打破遠緣嫁接不親和的現象,培育理想的具有廣譜親和性的砧木。


1. Fei Xie#, Hannah Vahldick#, Zongcheng Lin* and Moritz Nowack*. Killing me softly – programmed cell death in plant reproduction from sporogenesis to fertilization. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2022, Accepted.
2. Zongcheng Lin#*, Fei Xie#, Marina Trivino#, Tao Zhao, Frederik Coppens, Lieven Sterck, Maurice Bosch*, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong* and Moritz K. Nowack*. Self-incompatibility requires GPI anchor remodeling by the poppy PGAP1 orthologue HLD1. Current Biology, 2022, 32: 1909–1923.
3. Zongcheng Lin, Fei Xie, Marina Trivino, Mansour Karimi, Maurice Bosch, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong and Moritz K. Nowack*. Ectopic expression of a self-incompatibility module triggers growth arrest and cell death in vegetative cells. Plant Physiology, 2020, 183: 1765–1779.
4. Zongcheng Lin, Deborah J.Eaves, Eugenio Sanchez-Moran, F. Christopher H. Franklin and Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong*. The Papaver rhoeas S determinants confer self-incompatibility to Arabidopsis thaliana in planta. Science, 2015, 350: 684–687.
1. Ludi Wang, Zongcheng Lin, José Carli, Agnieszka Gladala-Kostarz, Julia M. Davies, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong* and Maurice Bosch*. ATP depletion plays a pivotal role in self-incompatibility, revealing a link between cellular energy status, cytosolic acidification and actin remodelling in pollen tubes. New Phytologist, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18350.
2. Tamanna Haque#, Deborah J Eaves#, Zongcheng Lin, Cleidiane G Zampronio, Helen J Cooper, Maurice Bosch, Nicholas Smirnoff, and Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong*. Self-incompatibility triggers irreversible oxidative modification of proteins in incompatible pollen. Plant Physiology, 2020, 183: 1391–1401.
3. Ludi Wang, Marina Triviño, Zongcheng Lin, José Carli, Deborah J Eaves, Daniёl Van Damme, Moritz K. Nowack, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong*, and Maurice Bosch*. New opportunities and insights into Papaver self-incompatibility by imaging engineered Arabidopsis pollen. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71: 2451–2463.
4. Ludi Wang, Zongcheng Lin, Marina Trivino, Moritz K. Nowack, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong* and Maurice Bosch*. Self-incompatibility in Papaver pollen: programmed cell death in an acidic environment. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70: 2113–2123.
5. Zhen Gao#, Anna Daneva#, Yuliya Salanenka, Matthias Van Durme, Marlies Huysmans, Zongcheng Lin, Freya De Winter, Steffen Vanneste, Mansour Karimi, Jan Van de Velde, Klaas Vandepoele, Davy Van de Walle, Koen Dewettinck, Bart N Lambrecht and Moritz K. Nowack* (2018) KIRA1 and ORESARA1 terminate flower receptivity by promoting cell death in the stigma of Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, 2018, 4: 365–375.
6. Deborah J. Eaves, Carlos Flores-Ortiz, Tamanna Haque, Zongcheng Lin, Nianjun Teng and Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong*. Self-incompatibility in Papaver: advances in integrating the signalling network. Biochemical Society Transactions, 2014, 42: 370–376.

