


李曉龍,男。博士學歷。瀋陽工業大學高電壓與電力系統研究所所長,瀋陽工業大學翔源青年學者,英國利物浦大學訪問學者,主要從事高壓電力設備研發,電力設備狀態檢測等研究工作。發表SCI/EI論文50餘篇,申請/授權發明專利20餘項,主持國家自然科學基金項目、遼寧省教育廳科技項目、全國重點實驗室開放課題、國家電網公司總部項目(課題)等各類科技項目10餘項。現為IEEE PES(中國)電力開斷技術委員會電弧基礎理論分委會副秘書長、高壓絕緣技術委員會高壓試驗與測試技術分委會理事、高壓絕緣技術委員會氣體放電技術分委會理事、輸配電技術委員會配電分委會配電運行維護工作組委員,中國電機工程學會高電壓專委會青年學組委員、中國電工技術學會等離子體及應用專委會青年委員,擔任國家自然科學基金函評專家、瀋陽市科技計劃項目評審專家,入選遼寧省“百千萬人才工程”、瀋陽市拔尖人才。 [1] 
李曉龍 [1] 
國    籍
中國 [1] 
天津大學 [1] 
博士 [1] 
職    業
教師 [1] 
電氣工程及其自動化 [1] 
職    務
副教授 [1] 



2018.09-2019.09,英國利物浦大學,電氣與電子工程系,訪問學者,合作導師:Jiu Dun Yan
2008.09–2012.06,天津大學,電氣工程及其自動化,學士 [1] 


[1] 瀋陽工業大學“翔源學者”青年項目,2023.09-2025.08,項目負責人
[2] C4F7N/CO2/O2環保氣體斷路器噴口燒蝕機理與電弧動態特性研究,遼寧省教育廳面上項目,2023.09-2025.08,項目負責人
[3] 噴口燒蝕對C4F7N/CO2/O2混合氣體電弧特性影響機理研究,電網環境保護國家重點實驗室開放基金項目,2023.06-2024.12,項目負責人
[4] 電弧燒蝕特性測試服務,中國電力科學研究院有限公司科技項目,2022.07-2023.4,項目負責人
[5] 基於光纖傳像的GIS內部多譜段光學成像關鍵技術研究,國家電網公司總部科技項目,2022.01-2024.12,課題負責人
[6] 融合高速光學成像與局放信號檢測的GIS設備內部金屬異物檢測技術研究,國家電網公司總部科技項目,2021.01-2023.12,課題負責人
[7] GIS盆式絕緣子狀態檢測與壽命評估系統研製,吉林省電力科學研究院有限公司科技項目,2021.01-2021.12,項目負責人
[8] 電-熱複合場下高壓直流GIS/GIL絕緣子表面電荷積聚機理,遼寧省教育廳青年科技人才“育苗”項目,2019.07-2021.06,項目負責人
[9] 電-熱複合場下高壓直流GIS/GIL絕緣子沿面閃絡機理研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,2019.01-2021.12,項目負責人 [1] 


[1] Xiaolong Li, Mingde Wan, Wen Wang, Zhenxin Geng, and Xin Lin, Temperature and electric field distribution of tri-post insulator in DC-GIL based on numerical multiphysics modeling, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, v 17, n 6, p 1232-1242, March 2023.
[2] Xiaolong Li, Guangkuo Zhang, Chen Cao, Yan Shi, Jie Li, and Wenzhi Chang, Effects of volume and surface conductivity on the surface charge and electric field characteristics of the tri-post insulator in SF6-filled ±500 kV DC-GIL, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, v 17, n 1, p 230-239, January 2023.
[3] Xiaolong Li, Guangkuo Zhang, Chen Cao, Yan Shi, Ying Lin, and Wenzhi Chang. Transient surface charging of tri-post insulator in SF6-filled DC-GIL Effects of electric conductivity, gas pressure and voltage amplitude, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, v 16, n 21, p 4444-4458, November 2022.
[4] Xiaolong Li, Songling Han, Wen Wang, Zhenxin Geng, and Xin Lin, Influence of volume and surface conductivity on the transient surface charge characteristics of DC-GIL insulator under thermal–electric coupled fields, IET Science, Measurement and Technology, v 16, n 8, p 479-490, October 2022.
[5] Xiaolong Li, Guangkuo Zhang, Junran Jia, Chen Cao, and Xin Lin, Improved method in calculating the surface charge distribution of DC-GIL insulators with 3D geometry models, IET Science, Measurement and Technology, v 16, n 7, p 400-411, September 2022. Wiley Top Cited Article 2021-2022
[6] Xiaolong Li, Mingde Wan, Guangkuo Zhang, and Xin Lin, Surface charge characteristics of DC-GIL insulator under multiphysics fields: 3-D Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, v 29, n 4, p 1608-1616, August 2022.
[7] Xiaolong Li, Mingde Wan, Guangkuo Zhang, and Xin Lin, Surface charge characteristics of DC-GIL insulator under multiphysics coupled field: effects of ambient temperature, load current, and gas pressure, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, v 29, n 4, p 1530-1539, August 2022.
[8] Xiaolong Li, Songling Han, Wen Wang, Zhenxin Geng, and Xin Lin, Transient surface charge of SF6-filled direct current gas-insulated transmission lines insulator under thermal-electric coupled fields: effects of ambient temperature, load current and gas pressure, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, v 16, n 13, p 2688-2700, July 2022.
[9] Xiaolong Li, Guangkuo Zhang, and Xin Lin, Influence of geometry and operation conditions on the surface charge characteristics of DC-GIL spacer, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, v 16, n 9, p 1768-1779, May 2022.
[10] Xiaolong Li, Songling Han, Mingde Wan, Wen Wang, Zhenxin Geng, and Xin Lin, Transient surface charge characteristics of DC-GIL insulator under thermal-electric coupled fields, IEEE Access, v 10, p 19447-19457, February 2022.
[11] Xiaolong Li, Chen Cao, and Xin Lin, Influence of conducting particle on DC flashover characteristics and tracking property of GIS/GIL insulator, IEEE Access, v 10, p 17212-17220, February 2022.
[12] Xiaolong Li, Chen Cao, and Xin Lin, Improved image analysis method to evaluate tracking property under successive flashover based on fractal theory, Energies, v 14, n 24, December 2021.
[13] Xiaolong Li, Mingde Wan, Shouyi Yan, and Xin Lin, Temperature and electric field distribution characteristics of a DC-GIL basin-type spacer with 3D modelling and simulation, Energies, v 14, n 23, December 2021. Feature paper [1] 


[1] 一種基於液體導熱的電介質熱刺激電流試驗裝置及方法,專利號:ZL201810449900.2
[2] 一種基於相變儲能的氣體絕緣設備保温裝置,專利號:ZL202211471126.8
[3] 一種粒子性放電實驗平台異物釋放裝置及GIL試驗系統,專利號:ZL202211450002.1
[4] 多變量內置式全景感知的變壓器狀態綜合模糊評價方法,專利號:ZL202210915554.9 [1] 


Xiaolong Li and Wen Wang, Advances in Energy Research: 4th Edition, Vide Leaf, 2022. [1] 


IEEE PES(中國)電力開斷技術委員會電弧基礎理論分委會副秘書長
IEEE PES(中國)高壓絕緣技術委員會高壓試驗與測試技術分委會理事
IEEE PES(中國)高壓絕緣技術委員會氣體放電技術分委會理事
全國本科畢業論文( 設計 )抽檢評審專家庫專家
瀋陽市科技計劃項目評審專家 [1] 
  • 1.    李曉龍  .瀋陽工業大學電氣工程學院.2021-09-03[引用日期2023-10-11]