


國    籍
民    族
職    業
職    務
職    稱
高分子加工物理、新型高分子加工外場形態結構控制儀研製 [1] 
性    別


1993年畢業於西北工業大學高分子材料專業,獲學士學位。1996年畢業於四川聯合大學塑料工程專業,獲碩士學位並留校任教。2003年獲四川大學材料加工工程專業博士學位。1998年任講師,2000年和2003年先後破格晉升副教授、教授,2005年任博士生導師。2008-2009年在美國紐約州立大學Stony Brook分校Benjamin Hsiao教授課題組做訪問學者。 [1] 


2023年4月9日上午,中國民主促進會第十五屆中央委員會專門委員會成立大會在京舉行,當選為中國民主促進會第十五屆中央委員會科技醫衞委員會委員。 [2] 


承擔了國家重點研發計劃項目、國家傑出青年科學基金項目、國家自然科學基金重點項目、863計劃等國家/省部級科研項目30餘項。研究成果在Progress in Polymer Science, Advanced Functional Materials, Materials Horizon, Macromolecules等期刊發表SCI論文300餘篇,SCI他引8000餘次,H因子51。 [1] 


(1) 在加工中通過形態、結構控制,達到通用高分子材料高性能化。主要是通過“擠出-熱拉伸-淬冷”技術,使共混物分散相原位形成微米或亞微米纖維,利用纖維的增強作用實現通用高分子材料的高性能化。
(2) 在加工中通過形態、結構控制,達到高分子材料功能化。主要是通過新型加工方法,使功能無機或有機粒子在聚合物多相體系中擇優分佈於分散相中,分散相通常呈纖維,並形成三維網絡結構。在功能粒子添加量較低時,可獲得良好的功能性,如導電、導磁、阻燃等。
(3) 高分子材料在加工中形態、凝聚態結構形成、發展與演化規律。主要研究在温度場、應力場作用下,高分子多相體系相形態、結晶形態的形成與演化規律。
(4) 廢棄塑料清潔、高效回收利用。主要利用原位微纖化共混物概念,製備基於廢棄熱塑性塑料的原位微纖化共混材料。
(5) 聚氨酯泡沫塑料製備,以及增強和功能化改性。通過在體系中加入各種增強材料、功能材料從而獲得國家關鍵武器等所需的具有功能性(阻尼、抗靜電)的結構聚氨酯泡沫塑料。 [1] 


◎ 四川省學術技術帶頭人(2011)
◎ 國家傑出青年基金獲得者(2009)
◎ 四川省青年科技獎(2007)
◎ 全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎(2006)
◎ 第十屆霍英東優秀青年教師基金獲得者(2006)
◎ 四川大學2005年度青年骨幹教師 (2005)
◎ 首屆教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃入選者”(2004)
◎ 四川省傑出青年基金獲得者(2004)
◎ 教育部創新團隊發展計劃成員(2004)
◎ 2004年四川大學優秀教學成果一等獎,第三完成人
◎ 2004年四川省優秀教學成果二等獎,第四完成人
◎ 2003年度四川大學本科生優秀畢業論文指導教師二等獎
◎ 2001、2002連續入選四川大學“214重點人才支持計劃”三層次
◎ 2003年度四川省科學技術進步三等獎,第一成果完成人
◎ 四川省學術技術帶頭人後備人才(2003) [1] 


講授《高聚物流變與形態》、《橡膠成型加工原理與技術》等課程。 [1] 


  1. 高分子結晶基礎研究
  2. 高分子材料定構加工
  3. 環境友好及醫用高分子材料
  4. 功能高分子材料
  5. 高分子材料服役與可靠性評價 [1] 


(4)《簡明材料科學與技術詞典》,科學出版社,2002年,參加編寫高分子材料部分,合計 15萬字。
(8) invited chapter. In-situ microfibrillar reinforced TP (thermoplastic polymer)-TP composites by slit die extrusion, hot stretching and quenching: fabrication, morphology and properties, in Advaced Research in Polymer Science, p1-32
(9) 《高分子科學前沿與進展》,科學出版社,2006年,編著者之一。 [1] 


[1] Huan Xu, Lan Xie, Xin Jiang, Minna Hakkarainen, Ji, , ng-Bin Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Zhong-Ming Li. Structural Basis fo, r Unique Hierarchical Cylindrites Induced by Ultrahigh Shear Gradient in Single Natural Fiber Reinforced Poly(lactic acid) Green Composites.Biomacromolecules2014,15(5), 1676-1686.
[2] Yan-Fei Huang, Jia-Zhuang Xu, Jian-Shu Li, Ben-Xiang He, Ling Xu, Zhong-Ming Li. Mechanical properties and biocompatibility of melt processed, self-reinforced ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene.Biomaterials2014,35(25), 6687-6697.
[3] Shuai Li, Wei Wu, Ke-Mao Xiu, Fujian Xu, Zhong-Ming Li, Jian-Shu Li. Doxorubicin Loaded pH-Responsive Micelles Capable of Rapid Intracellular Drug Release for Potential Tumor Therapy.J. Biomed. Nanotechnol.2014,10(8), 1480-1489.
[4] Hua-Dong Huang, Chun-Yan Liu, Dan Li, Yan-Hui Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Zhong-MingLi. Ultra-low gas permeability and efficient reinforcement of cellulose nanocomposite films by well aligned graphene oxide nanosheets.J. Mater. Chem. A2014.DOI: 10.1039/C4TA03305A.
[5]Huan Pang, Ling Xu, Ding-Xiang Yan, Zhong-Ming Li. Conductive polymer composites with segregated structures.Prog. Polym. Sci.2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2014.07.007.
[6] Yan-Fei Huang, Jia-Zhuang Xu, Jun-Yi Xu, Zheng-Chi Zhang, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Ling Xu, Zhong-Ming Li. Self-reinforced polyethylene blend for artificial joint application.J. Mater. Chem. B2014,2(8), 971-980.
[7] Ke Wang, Feng Chen, Zhong-Ming Li, Qiang Fu. Control of the hierarchical structure of polymer articles via "structuring" processing.Prog. Polym. Sci.2014,39(5), 891-920.
[8] Jia-Zhuang Xu, Gan-Ji Zhong, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Qiang Fu, Zhong-Ming Li. Low-dimensional carbonaceous nanofiller induced polymer crystallization.Prog. Polym. Sci.2014,39(3), 555-593.
[9] Huan Pang, Yu Bao, Ling Xu, Ding-Xiang Yan, Wei-Qin Zhang, Jian-Hua Wang, Zhong-Ming Li. Double-segregated carbon nanotube-polymer conductive composites as candidates for liquid sensing materials.J. Mater. Chem. A2013,1(13), 4177-4181.
[10] Huan Xu, Gan-Ji Zhong, Qiang Fu, Jun Lei, Wei Jiang, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Zhong-Ming Li. Formation of Shish-Kebabs in Injection-Molded Poly(L-lactic acid) by Application of an Intense Flow Field.ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.2012,4(12), 6773-6783.
[11] Ling Xu, Chen Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Jun Lei, Jia-Zhuang Xu, Benjamin S. Hsiao, , Zhong-Ming Li. Tuning the Superstructure of Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene/Low-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Blend for Artificial Joint Application.ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.2012,4(3), 1521-1529.
[12] Song Tu, Bei-lei Wang, Yuan-wei Chen, Zhong-ming Li, Xiang-lin Luo. Polymeric Nanocubes Spontaneously Formed from Poly(epsilon-caprolactone).ACS Macro. Lett.2012,1(8), 933-936.
[13] Hu Tang, Jing-Bin Chen, Yan Wang, Jia-Zhuang Xu, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Gan-Ji Zhong, Zhong-Ming Li. Shear Flow and Carbon Nanotubes Synergistically Induced Nonisothermal Crystallization of Poly(lactic acid) and Its Application in Injection Molding.Biomacromolecules2012,13(11), 3858-3867.
[14] Huan Pang, Ding-Xiang Yan, Yu Bao, Jin-Bing Chen, Chen Chen, Zhong-Ming Li. Super-tough conducting carbon nanotube/ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene composites with segregated and double-percolated structure.J. Mater. Chem.2012,22(44), 23568-23575.
[15] Ding-Xiang Yan, Peng-Gang Ren, Huan Pang, Qiang Fu, Ming-Bo Yang, Zhong-Ming Li. Efficient electromagnetic interference shielding of lightweight graphene/polystyrene composite.J. Mater. Chem.2012,22(36), 18772-18774.
[16] Meng Ma, Feng Chen, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Hua Deng, Zhong-Ming Li, Qiang Fu. Anisotropic Dewetting Holes with Instability Fronts in Ultrathin Films of Polystyrene/Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Blend.Macromolecules2012,45(11), 4932-4937.
[17] Hao-Ran Yang, Jun Lei, Liangbin Li, Qiang Fu, Zhong-Ming Li. Formation of Inter linked Shish-Kebabs in Injection-Molded Polyethylene under the Coexistence of Lightly Cross-Linked Chain Network and Oscillation Shear Flow.Macromolecules2012,45(16), 6600-6610.
[18] Huan Pang, Chen Chen, Yi-Chuan Zhang, Peng-Gang Ren, Ding-Xiang Yan, Zhong-Ming Li. The effect of electric field, annealing temperature and filler loading on the percolation threshold of polystyrene containing carbon nanotubes and graphene nanosheets.Carbon2011,49(6), 1980-1988.
[19] Yan-Hui Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Jun Lei, Zhong-Ming Li, Benjamin S. Hsiao. In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Study on Isotactic Polypropylene Crystallization under the Coexistence of Shear Flow and Carbon Nanotubes.Macromolecules2011,44(20), 8080-8092.
[20] Jia-Zhuang Xu, Chen Chen, Yan Wang, Hu Tang, Zhong-Ming Li, Benjamin S. Hsiao. Graphene Nanosheets and Shear Flow Induced Crystallization in Isotactic Polypropylene Nanocomposites.Macromolecules2011,44(8), 2808-2818.
[21] Yan-Hui Chen, Yi-Min Mao, Zhong-Ming Li, Benjamin S. Hsiao. Competitive Growth of alpha- and beta-Crystals in beta-Nucleated Isotactic Polypropylene under Shear Flow.Macromolecules2010,43(16), 6760-6771.
[22] Jia-Zhuang Xu, Tao Chen, Chuan-Lu Yang, Zhong-Ming Li, Yi-Min Mao, Bao-Qing Zeng, Benjamin S. Hsiao. Isothermal Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) Induced by Graphene Nanosheets and Carbon Nanotubes: A Comparative Study.Macromolecules2010,43(11), 5000-5008.
[23] Yan-Hui Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Yan Wang, Zhong-Ming Li, Liangbin Li. Unusual Tuning of Mechanical Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene Using Counteraction of Shear Flow and beta-Nucleating Agent on beta-Form Nucleation.Macromolecules2009,42(12), 4343-4348.
[24] Xiao Hu, Haining An, Zhong-Ming Li, Yong Geng, Liangbin Li, Chuanlu Yang. Origin of Carbon Nanotubes Induced Poly(L-Lactide) Crystallization: Surface Induced Conformational Order.Macromolecules2009,42(8), 3215-3218.
[25]Haining An, Baijin Zhao, Zhe Ma, Chunguang Shao, Xiao Wang, Yapeng Fang, Liangbin Li, Zhongming Li. Shear-induced conformational ordering in the melt of isotactic polypropylene.Macromolecules2007,40(14), 4740-4743.
[26]Xiang-Bin Xu, Zhong-Ming Li, Lei Shi, Xiang-Cheng Bian, Zhi-Dong Xiang. Ultralight conductive carbon-nanotube-polymer composite.Small2007,3(3), 408-411.
[27]Hai-Ning An, Bai-Jin Zhao, Zhe Ma, Chun-Guang Shao, Xiao Wang, Ya-Peng Fang, Liang-Bin Li, Zhong-Ming Li. Shear-induced conformational ordering in the melt of isotactic polypropylene.Macromolecules2007,40(14), 4740-4743.
[28]Gan-Ji Zhong, Liang-Bin Li, Eduardo Mendes, Dmytro Byelov, Qiang Fu, Zhong-Ming Li. Suppression of skin-core structure in injection-molded polymer parts by in situ incorporation of a microfibrillar network.Macromolecules2006,39(19), 6771-6775.
[29]Z. M. Li, S. N. Li, M. B. Yang, R. Huang. A novel approach to preparing carbon nanotube reinforced thermoplastic polymer composites.Carbon2005,43(11), 2413-2416.
[30]X. B. Xu, Z. M. Li, M. B. Yang, S. Jiang, R. Huang. The role of the surface microstructure of the microfibrils in an electrically conductive microfibrillar carbon black/poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polyethylene composite.Carbon2005,43(7), 1479-1487.
[31]Z. M. Li, X. B. Xu, A. Lu, K. Z. Shen, R. Huang, M. B. Yang. Carbon black/poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polyethylene composite with electrically conductive in situ microfiber network.Carbon2004,42(2), 428-432. [1] 