


中科院長春光機所光學系統先進製造全國重點實驗室研究員、博導、前牛津大學高級研究員 [2]  [4-5] 
國    籍
1983年 [1] 
University of Bristol [1] 
博士 [1] 
共發表SCI和EI收錄的論文30餘篇 [1] 
聯合創立牛津光子工程中心 [1] 
職    稱


李備,前牛津大學高級研究員 [2]  、中國科學院長春光學精密機械與物 [3]  理研究所光學系統先進製造全國重點實驗室研究員、長春長光辰英生物科學儀器有限公司總經理 [1]  ,近十年來在英國多個頂級實驗室學習和工作,並參與完成歐盟和英國多個科研項目,項目總資金超過1300萬英鎊 [1]  。博士期間師從英國布里斯托大學餘思遠教授,在不到三年的時間裏取得博士學位,並在全光網絡研究方面取得了大量世界領先的創新成果。


包括光學顯微和光譜學、自適應光學(adaptive optics)、3D Holoscopic 成像、 激光直接製造技術、環形半導體激光 (SRL)、光纖通信、光學非線性、光子器件集成、 [4]  細胞生物學,神經科學和醫學成像,負責多個動態顯微鏡相關研究項目。共發表SCI和EI收錄的論文30餘篇,具備優秀的科研創新能力以及創新成果產業化推進的能力 [1] 


布里斯托大學 (University of Bristol) [1]  ,英國(10/2006-09/2009)光子學博士


2014年,與Martin Booth教授成立牛津光子工程中心承接企業項目,解決了聯合利華、先正達、科磊等公司產品檢測速度與精度以及產品開發等方面的問題,研發設計的產品目前均為多家公司主導產品。目前主要開展拉曼單細胞測量與單細胞分選技術的研究,該技術將帶動智能醫療、儀器製造、藥物研發、環境、農業,海洋生物研究等眾多產業的快速發展 [1] 
2009年獲得英國布里斯托大學博士,曾任牛津大學高級研究員 [1] 


(1) 長白山特聘領軍人才, 省級, 2021
(2) 第九屆中國創新創業大賽(吉林賽區), 二等獎, 省級, 2020
(3) 2020年“創客中國”吉林省中小企業創新創業大賽, 一等獎, 省級, 2020
(4) 第六屆“創青春”中國青年創新創業大賽全國賽, 三等獎, 國家級, 2019
(5) 第六屆“創青春”吉林省青年創新創業大賽商工(初創組), 一等獎, 省級, 2019
(6) 中國科學院先進醫療器械產業孵化聯盟路演, 一等獎, 其他, 2018 [4] 


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[2] 梁鵬, 劉博, 王鈺, 薛瑩, 李備. 單細胞分選技術在微生物分離與培養中的應用與展望. 微生物學報[J]. 2021, [3] Cuifen Gan, Rongrong Wu, Yeshen Luo, Jianhua Song, Dizhou Luo, Bei Li, Yonggang Yang, Meiying Xu, Hideaki Nojiri. Visualizing and Isolating Iron-Reducing Microorganisms at the Single-Cell Level. Applied and Environmental Microbiology[J]. 2021, 87(3)
[4] 於鎧銘, 包曉棟, 李備, 洪喜, 劉景鑫. 面向生物醫學檢測的拉曼光譜圖像機器學習算法研究. 中國醫療設備[J]. 2021, 36(8): 26-29
[5] Liang, Peng, Shang, Lindong, Wang, Yuntong, Booth, Martin J, Li, Bei, 李備. Laser induced forward transfer isolating complex-shaped cell by beam shaping. BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2021, 12(11): 7024-7032, [6] Wang, Yi, Xu, Jiabao, Kong, Lingchao, Li, Bei, Li, Hang, Huang, Wei E, Zheng, Chunmiao, 李備. Raman-activated sorting of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in human gut microbiota. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2020, 22(7): 2613-2624
[7] 李備, 張來明, 李文傑. 單細胞拉曼分選技術在大腸桿菌分離中的應用. 生物化工[J]. 2020, 6(2): 75-77
[8] 李備, 張來明, 李文傑, 楊暢. 微系統中細胞分選方法淺析. 生物化工[J]. 2020, 6(1): 133-134+137
[9] Yang, Yifan, Zhu, Ming, Wang, Yuqing, Yang, Hang, Wu, Yanfeng, Li, Bei, 李備. Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Cell Pseudo-Color Image Based on Raman Technology. SENSORS[J]. 2019, 19(19)
[10] Li Bei. Fast multiplane functional imaging combining acousto-optic switching and remote focusing. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging -Proceedings of SPIE. 2017, [11] Li Bei. Toward multi-focal spot remote focusing two-photon microscopy for high speed imaging. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging -Proceedings of SPIE. 2017, [12] 李備. Dynamic Hyperlinker: Innovative Solution for 3D Video Content Search and Retrieval. Journal of Computer and Communications[J]. 2016, [13] Li, Bei, Borri, Paola, Langbein, Wolfgang, 李備. Dual/differential coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering module for multiphoton microscopes with a femtosecond Ti:sapphire oscillator. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS[J]. 2013, 18(6)
[14] Li, B, Memon, M I, Lu, D, Mezosi, G, Wang, Z, Sorel, M, Yu, S, IEEE. Cavity-Enhanced Four-Wave-Mixing in an Integrated Semiconductor Ring Laser for All-Optical Digital Logic Operations. PS: 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS IN SWITCHINGnull. 2009, 157-+
[15] Memon, Muhammad Irfan, Li, Bei, Mezosi, Gabor, Wang, Zhuoran, Sorel, Marc, Yu, Siyuan. Modulation Bandwidth Enhancement in Optical Injection-Locked Semiconductor Ring Laser. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS[J]. 2009, 21(24): 1792-1794
[16] Li B, Memon M I, Mezosi G, Wang Z, Sorel M, Yu S, IEEE. Optical Static Random Access Memory Cell using an Integrated Semiconductor Ring Laser. PS: 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS IN SWITCHINGnull. 2009, 228-+
[17] Li, B, Lu, D, Memon, M I, Mezosi, G, Wang, Z, Sorel, M, Yu, S. All-optical digital logic AND and XOR gates using four-wave-mixing in monolithically integrated semiconductor ring lasers. ELECTRONICS LETTERS[J]. 2009, 45(13)
[18] Li Bei. All-optical signal processing functions using semiconductor ring lasers. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. 2009, [19] Li Bei. Cavity-enhanced four-wave-mixing in an integratedsemiconductor ring laser for all-optical logic operations. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. 2009, [20] Li, Bei, Memon, Muhammad Irfan, Mezosi, Gabor, Wang, Zhuoran, Sorel, Marc, Yu, Siyuan. Characterization of All-Optical Regeneration Potentials of a Bistable Semiconductor Ring Laser. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2009, 27(19): 4233-4240
[21] Li Bei. All-Optical digital logic XOR gate using bistable semiconductor ring lasers. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009, [22] Memon, Muhammad Irfan, Mezosi, Gabor, Li, Bei, Lu, Dan, Wang, Zhuoran, Sorel, Marc, Yu, Siyuan. Generation and Modulation of Tunable mm-Wave Optical Signals Using Semiconductor Ring Laser. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS[J]. 2009, 21(9-12): 733-735
[23] Thakulsukanant, Kornkamol, Li, Bei, Memon, Irfan, Mezosi, Gabor, Wang, Zhuoran, Sorel, Marc, Yu, Siyuan. All-Optical Label Swapping Using Bistable Semiconductor Ring Laser in an Optical Switching Node. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2009, 27(5-8): 631-638
[24] Lu, D, Mezosi, G, Li, B, Memon, M I, Wang, Z, Sorel, M, Jian, S S, Yu, S. Configurable all-optical multicast using cavity-enhanced four wave mixing in semiconductor ring laser. ELECTRONICS LETTERS[J]. 2008, 44(23): 1374-+
[25] Li, B, Memon, M I, Mezosi, G, Yuan, G, Wang, Z, Sorel, M, Yu, S. All-optical response of semiconductor ring laser to dual-optical injections. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS[J]. 2008, 20(9-12): 770-772
[26] Yuan, Guohui, Wang, Zhuoran, Li, Bei, Memon, Muhammad Irfan, Yu, Siyuan. Theoretical and experimental studies on bistability in semiconductor ring lasers with two optical injections. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS[J]. 2008, 14(3): 903-910 [4] 