


職    務
大連理工大學人工智能大連研究院副院長、科學技術研究院 副院長


1994-09至1998-07 大連理工大學工程力學系 工程力學專業 大學本科
  1998-09至2000-05 吉林省光宇延邊蓄電池有限公司 結構設計 設計員
  2000-09至2007-04 大連理工大學力學系 固體力學專業 碩博直讀
  2007-09至2012-11 大連理工大學汽車工程學院 汽車輕量化 車輛系統動力學 講師
  2009-04至2010-04 美國密西根大學機械工程學院汽車輕量化 車輛系統動力學 訪問學者
  2012-12至今 大連理工大學汽車工程學院 汽車輕量化 車輛系統動力學 副教授 [1] 


汽車工程學會房車分會 秘書長
汽車噪聲振動和安全技術國家重點實驗室 高級訪問學者 [1] 


主要從事汽車電子、多點定位系統算法、汽車輕量化、房車設計開發、電動車設計開發與車輛動力學方面的研究與產業化工作。 [1] 



1、 李偉東 顧錦祥 胡永明 汪鎮濤 韓嘯 邵棋,輕量化粘接技術對車身結構動態性能及NVH特性影響的研究,國家973課題,財政部支持,項目編號2010CB736104,2010.7-2012-12,總經費18萬,到款9萬,個人承擔9萬。
2、 李偉東 胡平 韓嘯 邵棋 吳坤嶽,碳纖維複合材料汽車輕量化零部件研發,大連市經濟與信息化委員會重點項目,其他,2011.1-2013.12,總經費50萬,到款30萬,個人承擔30萬。
3、 胡平 侯文斌 韓小強 鄭國君 李龍 郭威 張向奎 張紅哲 遲瑞豐 靳春寧 申國哲 李偉東等,汽車概念車身數字化設計新方法與新技術,國家863課題,財政部支持,2009.4-2011.3,總經費76萬,到款38萬,個人承擔8萬。
4、 胡平 郭旭 馬寧 申國哲 張向奎 武文華 靳春寧 侯文斌 李偉東 韓小強等,高強度鋼板熱成形關鍵力學問題研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目,財政部支持,2010.1.1-2013.12.31,總經費230萬,到款230萬,個人承擔49萬。
5、 胡平 申國哲 劉立忠 張向奎 靳春寧 韓小強 李偉東等,車身鋼板輕量化與碰撞安全性的數字化設計,國家973課題,財政部支持,2011.01.01-2015.12.31,總經費28.7萬,到款28.7萬,個人承擔10萬。
6、 胡平 申國哲 劉立忠 張向奎 靳春寧 韓小強 李偉東等,車身鋼板熱成型理論與方法,國家973課題,財政部支持,2010.01.01-2014.12.31,總經費64.7萬,到款36萬,個人承擔2萬。
7、 胡平 侯文斌 劉立忠 李偉東 張向奎 申國哲 靳春寧,超高強度汽車結構件熱衝壓技術和裝備生產線,04重大專項,財政部支持,2011.01.01-2013.12.31,總經費240萬,到款240萬,個人承擔40萬。
8、 胡平 申國哲 張向奎 侯文斌 靳春寧 楊姝 李偉東 李曉東等,汽車輕量化的温熱成型技術及裝備,遼寧省科學技術計劃項目,遼寧省科技廳支持,2008.05.31-2009.12.31,總經費30萬,到款30萬,個人承擔2.4萬。
9、 胡平 李偉東 侯文斌 張向奎 申國哲 靳春寧 徐金亭等,車用高強度温熱成型特種模具,遼寧省科學技術計劃項目,遼寧省科技廳支持,2010.01.01-2011.12.01,總經費總經費30萬,到款30萬,個人承擔2萬。
10、 胡平 楊姝 張向奎 申國哲 侯文斌 靳春寧 李偉東等,轎車車身概念設計與精細仿真分析,一般橫向,一汽集團技術中心,2008.3.1-2008.12.31,總經費48萬,到款48萬,個人承擔7萬。
11、Weidong Li, Kunyue Wu, Yu Du, Fatigue analysis of adhesively bonded single lap joints under vibration loads, ASME IDETC/CIE 2012,EI, 通訊作者。
12、Yu Du, Weidong Li, Lightweight design analysis based on a coupled structural-acoustic model for rectangular enclosures, ASME NCAD, EI。
13、Yu Du, Weidong Li, Modeling of frequency responses for earphone designs, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 2012, EI。
15、Weidong Li, Jinxiang Gu, Ping Hu, Kunyue Wu, Vibration analysis of single lap joint with non-uniform adhesive thickness: Experimental and analytical investigation, Advanced Materials Research. Vol.418(2012):1312-1319, EI。
16、Pinghu, Qi Shao, Qian Nie, Weidong Li, Investigation on the load capacity and failure process of T-joint by experiments and numerical method. Advanced Materials Research. Vol.328(2011):1317-1321, EI,通訊作者。
17、Ping Hu, Xiao Han, Long Li, Qi Shao, Weidong Li, Effect of temperature on shear strength of adhesively bonded joints for automobile industry, Advanced Materials Research. Vol.418(2011):1259-1265, EI,通訊作者。
18、Long Li, Ping Hu, Weidong Li, Xiaoqiang Han, Shear strength prediction of single lap joints based on Latin Hypercube method, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.101(2012):681-684, EI。 [2] 


[1]Li, W. D.,Tang, L. P.,Han, X.,Gao, E. P..The effect of constant loading on the mechanical behavior of bulk adhesive[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2017,93(12):993-1007
[2]Li, Weidong,Han, Xiao.Predicting the Strength of Adhesively Bonded T-joints Under Cyclic Temperature using a Cohesive Zone Model[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2016,92(11):892-907
[3]Li, W. D.,Han, X..Strength Prediction of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap Joints Under Salt Spray Environment Using a Cohesive Zone Model[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2016,92(11):916-937
[4]韓嘯,李偉東,胡平.Experimental and modelling study on the strength degradation of adhesive joints after long-term salt spray exposure[A],13th International Triennial Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives,2016
[6]Hu, P.,Li, W. D.,Han, X..Strength Degradation of Adhesively Bonded Single-Lap Joints in a Cyclic-Temperature Environment Using a Cohesive Zone Model[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2015,91(8):587-603
[7]Han, X.,Crocombe, A. D.,Anwar, S. N. R.,Hu, P.,Li, W. D..The Effect of a Hot-Wet Environment on Adhesively Bonded Joints Under a Sustained Load[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2014,90(5-6,SI):420-436
[9]Pang, Jian,Du, Yu,Wu, Kunyue,Hu, Ping,Li, Weidong.Fatigue Analysis of Adhesive Joints Under Vibration Loading[J],JOURNAL OF ADHESION,2013,89(12):899-920
[11]Hu, P.,Han, X.,da Silva, L. F. M.,Li, W. D..Strength prediction of adhesively bonded joints under cyclic thermal loading using a cohesive zone model[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES,2013,41:6-15
[12]Hu, P.,Han, X.,Li, W. D.,Li, L.,Shao, Q..Research on the static strength performance of adhesive single lap joints subjected to extreme temperature environment for automotive industry[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES,2013,41:119-126
[13]李偉東,胡平.Temperature degradation of CFRP and steel bonded structures[A],the 2nd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding 2013,2013
[14]胡平,李偉東.Specimen geometry influence on the tensile fracture toughness of a structural[A],the 2nd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding 2013,2013
[15]李偉東,胡平.Experimental and numerical analysis on fatigue durability of single-lap joints under vibration loads[A],the 2nd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding 2013,2013
[16]杜宇,李偉東.Effect of vibration fatigue on modal properties of single lap adhesive joints[A],the 2nd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding (AB2013),2013
[19]Hu, Ping,Shao, Qi,Li, Weidong,Han, Xiao.Experimental and numerical analysis on load capacity and failure process of T-joint: Effect produced by the bond-line length[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES,2012,38:17-24
[22]Du Y.,Zhang J.,Li W.,Hu P..Lightweight design analysis based on a coupled structural acoustic model for rectangular enclosures[A],ASME 2012 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Conference at InterNoise 2012, NCAD 2012,2012,309-318
[23]Li, Weidong,Wu, Kunyue,Du, Yu,Pang, Jian,Hu, Ping.FATIGUE ANALYSIS OF ADHESIVELY BONDED SINGLE LAP JOINTS UNDER VIBRATION LOADS[A],24th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise,2012,1(PARTS A AND B):389-
[25]胡平,李偉東.Effect of Temperature on Shear Strength of Adhesively Bonded Joints for Automobile Industry[J],Advanced Material Research,2012,328(2011):1259-1265
[26]胡平,李偉東.Shear Strength Prediction of Single Lap Joints Based on Latin Hypercube Method[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,101(2011):681-684
[27]李偉東,胡平.Vibration analysis of single lap adhesive joint with non-uniform adhesive thickness: Experimental and analytical investigation[J],Advanced Material Research,2012,418(2011):1312-1319
[28]胡平,李偉東.Investigation on the Load Capacity and Failure Process of T-joint by Experiments and Numerical Method[J],Advanced Material Research,2012,328(2011):1317-1321
[30]Pang, Jian,Du, Yu,Hu, Ping,Li, Weidong,Ma, Z. D..An Energy Conservation Algorithm for Nonlinear Dynamic Equation[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2012,2012
[31]Du Y.,Li W..Modeling of frequency responses for arbitrary earphone designs[A],161st Meeting Acoustical Society of America 2011,2011,12
[32]李偉東.An Iteration Method for Single-Degree-of-Freedom Nonlinear Dynamical Equation[J],Advances in Vibration Engineering,2008,7(3):217-226 [2] 


侯文斌 胡平 靳春寧 張向奎 申國哲 韓小強 劉立忠 李偉東,汽車車身結構概念設計智能CAE系統,中國汽車工業科學技術獎 中國汽車工業科技進步獎,二等,2011.12.20
大型旋轉機械和振動機械重大振動故障治理與非線性動力學設計技術,於2005年獲得國家科技進步二等獎 [1] 