

朱礎豪(Cho-Ho Chu),數學家,香港中文大學數學學士、英國威爾士大學博士,倫敦瑪麗女王大學數學科學學院榮休教授。 [1-2] 
Cho-Ho Chu
職    業
職    稱


朱礎豪1970年畢業於香港中文大學數學系,獲得學士學位 [3]  ,之後獲得英國威爾士大學博士學位。 [4] 
曾任倫敦瑪麗女王大學數學講座教授 [5]  ,現為該校榮休教授。 [1] 


  • 科研成就
  1. (with Kang-Tae Kim, Sejun Kim) Infinite dimensional holomorphic homogeneous regular domains,J. Geometric Analysis 30 (2020) 223-247.
  2. (with H. Hamada, T. Honda, G. Kohr) Bloch space of a bounded symmetric domain and composition operators,Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 13 (2019) 479-492.
  3. (with Lina Oliveira) Tits-Kantor-Koecher Lie algebras of JB*-triples, J. Algebra 512 (2018) 465-492.
  4. (with Xin Li) Amenability, Reiter's condition and Liouville property , J. Funct. Analysis 274 (2018) 3291-3324.
  5. Jordan structures in bounded symmetric domains, in Geometric function theory in higher dimension(Springer INdAM series 26, Springer, 2017) 43-61.
  6. Infinite dimensional Jordan algebras and symmetric cones, J. Algebra 491 (2017) 357-371.
  7. (with M. Rigby) Horoballs and iteration of holomorphic maps on bounded symmetric domains, Advances in Math. 311 (2017) 338-377.
  8. (with H. Hamada, T. Honda, G. Kohr) Bloch functions on bounded symmetric domains, J. Funct. Analysis 272 (2017) 2412-2441.
  9. (with B. Russo) Cohomology of Jordan triples via Lie algebras, Contemp. Math., Amer. Math. Soc. 672 (2016) 127-157.
  10. (with H. Hamada, T. Honda, G. Kohr) Distortion of locally biholomorphic Bloch mappings on bounded symmetric domains,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 441 (2016) 830-843.
  11. (with L. Li) Separably injective C*-algebras, Arch. Math. 106 (2016) 553-559.
  12. Iteration of holomorphic maps on Lie balls, Advances in Math. 264 (2014) 114-154.
  13. (with M. Rigby) Iteration of self-maps on a product of Hilbert balls, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 411 (2014) 773-786.
  14. (with M. Victoria Velasco) Automatic continuity of homomorphisms in non-associative Banach algebras,Cand. J. Math. 65 (2013) 989-1004.
  15. Jordan structures in Banach spaces, Operators & Matrices 6 (2012) 347-356.
  16. (with M. Amini) Harmonic functions on hypergroups, J. Funct. Analysis 261 (2011) 1835-1864.
  17. (with C. Chen) Hypercyclicity of weighted translations on groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011) 2839-2846.
  18. (with A.T-M. Lau) Harmonic functions on topological groups and symmetric spaces, Math. Z. 268 (2011) 649-673.
  19. (with H. Hamada, T. Honda, G. Kohr) Distorsion theorems for convex mappings on homogeneous balls, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 369 (2010) 437-442.
  20. (with O.F. Bandtlow) Eigenvalue decay of operators on harmonic function spaces, Bull. London Math. Soc. 41 (2009) 903-915.
  21. (with C. Chen) Hypercyclicity of weighted convolution operators on homogeneous spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009) 2709-2718.
  22. (with H. Hamada, T. Honda, G. Kohr) Starlike and convex rational mappings on infinite dimensional domains,Mathematische Nachrichten 282 (2009) 160-168.
  23. Jordan triples and Riemannian symmetric spaces, Advances in Math. 219 (2008) 2029-2057.
  24. (with C. Chen) Spectrum of a homogeneous graph, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 347 (2008) 573-582.
  25. (with Z. Qian) Dirichlet forms and Markov semigroups on non-associative vector bundles,Studies in Adv. Math., Amer. Math. Soc. 42 (2008) 433-445. [6] 
Differential geometry and its applications 2005
Jordan structures in analysis and geometry 2006
BIRS conference, Banff 2007
Hermitian symmetric spaces, Jordan algebras and related problems CIRM (Luminy) 2008
Jordan structures: nonassociative analysis and geometry 2008
Jordan theory and analysis at NCTS 2010
ICM Satellite Conference India, 2010
Differential geometry and its applications 2011
Jordan thoery, analysis and related topics 2012
NIMS Hot Topics Workshop Korea, 2013
Jordan Geometric Analysis and Applications London, 2014
Workshop on Operator Algebra and Harmonic Analysis Sanya, China, 2015
Differential Geometry and its Applications 2015
Young Functional Analysts Workshop Belfast, 2016
Analysis on manifolds with symmetries and related structures Bath, 2016
11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications 2016
Geometric function theory in higher dimension Cortona, 2016
Order Structures, Jordan Algebras and Geometry Leiden, 2017
Complex Analysis and Geometry - XXIII Levico Terme (Trento) 2017
25th ICFIDCAA Hong Kong, 2017
Journee SL2R Nancy, 2017
Advances in Geometric and Analytic Theory of Convex Cones Jeju, 2019 [6] 