


國    籍
職    務
職    稱
性    別


1995-1999年 本科 四川大學生命科學學院生物基地班
1999-2002年 碩士 四川大學生命科學學院生化與分子生物學專業
2002-2006年 博士 英國斯特萊斯克萊德大學 University of Strathclyde格拉斯哥大學University of Glasgow兩所大學聯合授予生命科學專業博士學位,博士畢業至2012年9月在英國聖安德魯斯大學James Naismith教授領導國際知名結構生物學實驗室從事研究工作6年,2012年10月回四川大學生命科學學院工作。 [1] 


結構生物學研究主要通過X-射線晶體衍射、核磁共振或電鏡的方法直觀反映生物大分子的靜、動態結構及其相互作用,直接闡明基本生命現象,因而成為現代生命科學研究的重要主流前沿方向。本課題組主要運用X-射線單晶衍射分析對一系列首次發現的具有特殊催化功能的酶進行了三維結構解析,並結合其他酶學研究方法,直觀反映酶的催化過程,透徹揭示了這些酶的化學反應機理,為酶功能的改造和運用,新型藥物的設計開發提供了理論基礎。 [1] 


Yang J., Wang Y., Wang T., Jiang J., Botting C., Liu H., Chen Q., Yang J., Naismith J., Zhu X.*, Chen L.*, Pironetin reacts covalently with Cysteine-316 of α-tubulin to destabilize microtubule. Nat Commun, 2016 (accepted and online) (共同通訊聯繫人)
Zhao Y., Yan B., Yang T., Jiang J., Wei H., Zhu X.*, Purification and crystallographic analysis of a FAD-dependent halogenase from Streptomyces sp. JCM9888. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun, 71:972-976, 2015 (通訊聯繫人)
Zhu G., Ren S., Xi L., Du L.*, Zhu X.*, Temperature induced structural transitions from native to unfolded aggregated states of tobacco etch virus protease. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1082: 80-90, 2015 (共同通訊聯繫人)
Wang Z., Xiang Q., Zhu X., Dong H., He C., Wang H., Zhang Y., Wang W.,* Dong C.,* Structural and functional studies of conserved nucleotide-binding protein LptB in lipopolysaccharide transport. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 452(3): 443-449, 2014
Koehnke J, Bent AF, Zollman D, Smith K, Houssen WE, Zhu X., Mann G, Lebl T, Scharff R, Shirran S, Botting CH, Jaspars M, Schwarz-Linek U, Naismith JH., The cyanobactin heterocyclase enzyme: a processive adenylase that operates with a defined order of reaction, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 52(52):13991-13996, 2013
Lapthorn AJ*, Zhu X., Ellis EM, The diversity of microbial aldo/keto reductases from Escherichia coli K12, Chem Biol Interact, 25; 202(1-3):168-77, 2013
Zhu X., Yan X., Carter L., Liu H., Graham S., Coote P. and Naismith J.H*, A model for 3-methyladenine recognition by 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase I (TAG) from Staphylococcus aureus, Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun, 68 (6): 610-615, 2012
Zhu X., van Pée K.-H. and Naismith J.H*, The ternary complex of PrnB (the second enzyme in pyrrolnitrin biosynthesis pathway), tryptophan and cyanide yields new mechanistic insights into the indolamine dioxygenase superfamily, J Biol Chem, 285: 21126-21133, 2010
Zhu X., Laurentis W.D., Leang K., Hermann J., Ihlefeld K., van Pée K.-H. and Naismith J.H.*, Structural insights in the regioselectivity in the enzymatic chlorination of tryptophan, J Mol Biol, 391: 74-85, 2009
Flecks S., Patallo E.P., Zhu X., Ernyei A.J.,Seifert G., Schneider A. Dong C. Naismith J.H. and van Pée K.-H.*, New Insights into the Mechanism of Enzymatic Chlorination of Tryptophan, Angew Chem Int Ed, 47:9533 -9536, 2008
Deng H., Huang F., Naismith J.H., O'Hagan D., Spencer J.B. and Zhu X., Biological Fluorination in Streptomyces cattleya: The Fluorinase, in Fluorine and Health: Molecular Imaging, Biomedical Materials and Pharmaceuticals, Chapter 18, 761-777, 2008
Zhu X., Robinson D.A., McEwan A.R., O’Hagan D. and Naismith J.H.*, Mechanism of EnzymaticFluorination in Streptomyces cattleya, J Am Chem Soc, 129: 14597-14604, 2007
Zhu X., Lapthorn A.* and Ellis E., The crystal structure of mouse succinic semialdehyde reductase AKR7A5: The structural basis for substrate specificity, Biochemistry, 45: 1562-1570, 2006 [1] 
  • 1.    朱曉峯  .四川大學生命科學學院[引用日期2019-08-19]