

作    者
中國3幕11場話劇.1979年12月由中央實驗話劇院在北京首演.劇本以試製新型飛機為背景,寫某飛機制造廠新任黨委書記梁言明和他的老戰友、分廠黨委書記於冠羣在一系列問題上的分歧與衝突.樑上任之初,適遇飛機試飛失敗,直接原因是分廠生產的關鍵部件不合格,根本原因是於冠羣思想僵化,對新形勢不能適應.他對粉碎“四人幫”後的思想解放、生動活潑的政治局面處處看不順眼,為“保險”,堅持不為冤案平反,不執行知識分子政策,甚至不惜飛機試驗再次失敗.作者站在實踐是檢驗真理唯一標準的立場上,批判了現代迷信的僵化思想,有一定現實意義.China's three screen plays 11 games. Author ZHAO Zi-Xiong .1979-year in December by the CentralExperimentalTheaterCompanypremiered in Beijing. The script in order to trial new aircraft as the background, write an aircraft manufacturer's new party secretary Liang and his old comrade in arms implicit, factory party secretary in the CA differences on a range of issues and conflicts. Liang assumed office, fitness event of the aircraft flight test failure, a direct result of factory production of key components of failure simply because of ideological rigidity in the CA, to the new situation can not meet. his smashing of the "Gang of Four" after the liberation of the mind, a lively political situation everywhere dislike for the "insurance", adhere to injustice is not rehabilitated, non-implementation of the policy on intellectuals, even at the aircraft test failed again. By Station In practice, the sole criterion for testing truth position to criticize the ideological rigidity of modern superstition has some practical significance.