


曾祥遠,北京理工大學自動化學院教授,工學博士,博士生導師 [1] 


2017-至今,副教授、博士生導師 [1] 


2.智能光學組合導航定位方法與技術 [1] 


1. Xiangyuan Zeng, Tongge Wen, Yang Yu, Christian Circi*. Potential hop reachable domain over surfaces of small bodies. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 112: 106600.
2. Tongge Wen, Xiangyuan Zeng*, Christian Circi, Yang Gao. Hop Reachable Domain on Irregularly Shaped Asteroids. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2020, 43(7): 1269-1283.
3. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Giovanni Vulpetti, Christian Circi. Solar sail H-reversal trajectory: A review of its advances and applications. Astrodynamics, 2019, 3(1): 1-15.
4. Yonglong Zhang, Xiangyaun Zeng*, Christian Circi, Giovanni Vulpetti. The motion of surface particles for the asteroid 101955 Bennu. Acta Astronautica, 2019, 163: 3-10.
5. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Yonglong Zhang, Yang Yu, Xiangdong Liu. The dipole segment model as an approximation of axisymmetrical elongated asteroids. The Astronomical Journal, 2018, 155(2): 85.
6. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Xiangdong Liu. Searching for time optimal periodic orbits near irregularly shaped asteroids by using an indirect method. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2017, 53(3): 1221-1229.
7. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li, K. T. Alfriend. Solar sail body-fixed hovering around elongated asteroids. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2016, 39(6): 1223-1231.
8. Xiangyuan Zeng, Fanghua Jiang*, Junfeng Li, Hexi Baoyin. Study on the connection between the rotating mass dipole and natural elongated bodies. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015, 356(1): 29-42.
9. Xiangyuan Zeng, Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li*. Earth-crossing asteroid intercept mission with a solar sail spacecraft. IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine, 2014, 29(10): 4-15.
10. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li. Fast solar sail rendezvous mission to near Earth asteroids. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 105: 40-56.
11. Xiangyuan Zeng*, K. T. Alfriend, S. R. Vadali. Solar sail planar multireversal periodic orbits. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014, 37(2): 674-681.
12. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Kyle T. Alfriend, S. R. Vadali. Three-dimensional time optimal multi-reversal orbit by using solar sailing. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 2013, 60(3): 378-395.
13. Xiangyuan Zeng*, K. T. Alfriend, Junfeng Li, S. R. Vadali. Optimal solar sail trajectory analysis for interstellar missions. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 2012. 59(3): 502-516.
14. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li and Shengping Gong. Three-dimensional time optimal double angular momentum reversal trajectory using solar sails. Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy, 2011, 111(4): 415-430.
15. Xiangyuan Zeng*, Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li, and Shengping Gong. Feasibility analysis of the angular momentum reversal trajectory via hodograph method for high performance solar sails. Science China Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(11): 2951-2957. [1] 


1. Advances in Space Research副主編(國際空間研究委員會官方SCI期刊)
2. Astrodynamics期刊編委、秘書、天問一號和Hayabusa2等專輯客座主編
3. Space: Science & Technology青年編委
4. 動力學與控制學報青年編委
5. 北京高校青年教師創新教研工作室主任
6. 第四屆高等工程教育學科力學教學委員會秘書長
7. 美國AIAA航天動力學技術委員會委員
8. 國際空間帆會議組委會委員、候任主席
9. 第五屆全國航天動力學與控制青年學者論壇大會共同主席
10. 意大利羅馬大學博士學位論文國際通訊評審專家
11. 教育部學位論文評審專家 [1] 


1. 2021,中國慣性技術學會優秀碩士學位論文指導教師
2. 2021,北京理工大學教學成果特等獎(排名第4)、北京理工大學教書育人獎
3. 2020,北京高校青年教師教學比賽論文一等獎
4. 2019,北京高校青年教師教學比賽一等獎、最佳教案獎、最佳教學回顧獎
5. 2018,Astrodynamics期刊突出貢獻獎
6. 2017,中國科協青年人才託舉工程(中國力學學會) [1] 