

時廣軼,博士,北京大學軟件與微電子學院教授,香港中文大學自動化與計算機輔助工程博士,北京大學微米納米加工技術國家重點實驗室博士後 [2]  。論文30餘篇(全部EI/SCI檢索),其中一篇獲2007年國際機器人與仿生學大會最佳學生論文獎。
國    籍
民    族
職    業
30篇(截至2019年7月) [1] 


北京大學 電子科學與技術 博士後
香港中文大學自動化與計算機輔助工程 博士
北京理工大學 機械電子工程 碩士
北京理工大學 機械電子工程 學士 [1] 


  1. 設計和實現了用於人體運動姿態實時檢測的微慣導傳感系統,研究具有多通道模數轉換功能(包含三維加速度和三維角速度測量ADC)、數據採集功能、數據存儲功能、數據無線傳輸功能的微控制系統電路設計實現
  2. 人體運動姿態數據庫的建立,人體運動姿態特徵提取算法研究,研究人體各種基本運動姿態的時域、頻域特徵,找到有效的人體運動姿態表徵參數,選擇合適的變換減少或去除信息冗餘
  3. 研究人體運動姿態分類識別算法,探索人體運動識別離線學習模式
  1. 具有交叉路口多向道路交通實時全方位監測、交通數據存儲、傳輸和顯示、自動交通事件檢測等功能的交通事件自動監測系統的設計與實現
  2. 開展多源信息特徵融合策略研究:基於音視頻多源交通信息融合,以信息的層次、互聯相關、信息組合等信息融合為依據,形成有效的交通事件特徵向量
  3. 研究交通事件分類技術,設計多級或多層結構、線性或非線性分類器結構的交通事件自動檢測器
  4. 跟蹤學習了德州儀器(TI)達芬奇DSP平台,對系統框架、工作環境、軟件運行、編解碼驅動進行了研究學習,旨在開發獨立的混合音視頻交通事件自動檢測系統
基於微慣導傳感網絡的人體運動捕捉系統研究,國家博士後基金和深圳市科技計劃(非共識創新項目),項目 設計實現了基於MEMS傳感器的三維微慣導傳感單元:
  1. 主要考慮傳感器的體積、靈敏度、準確度、數據讀出功能等指標,研究uIMU單元專用電路,消除因電路特性引起的噪聲
  2. 利用PROTEL DXP 設計微慣導傳感單元電路,布板及調試
  3. 基於GCC(GUN Compiler Collection)的數據採集和傳送的軟件實現
  1. 研究微控制器的結構和應用框架,選定ATMEL MEGA系列作為uIMU主芯片
  2. 研究USB串口通訊,用於傳感數據與計算機的接口
  3. 實現了基於藍牙技術(Bluetooth)的傳感數據無線通信功能
  1. 人體運動模型分析,人體運動微慣導數據的採集
  2. 人體運動微慣導數據庫的建立,包括人體日常動作和摔倒情況
  3. 微機電信號處理及基於PCA(Principle Component Analysis)的特徵選擇
  4. 基於模式識別方法的人體運動分類技術研究:SVM支持向量機(Support Vector Machine), CNN神經網絡(Cascading Neural Network)和 HMM隱式馬爾科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model)
  1. 實時SVM濾波器的設計與實現
  2. 基於TI數字信號處理器的實時算法的設計與實現
  3. 系統測試實驗,驗證人體摔倒檢測的實時性,測試安全氣囊的工作狀況
  1. 基於高功率二氧化碳激光器的三維微管道刻蝕技術
  2. 研製開發基於掩膜犧牲層的微管道刻蝕技術以提高微管道的平整度
  1. 基於力反饋的機器人上臂扭矩柔性誤差補償算法研究
  2. 基於伺服電機和軸角編碼器的機器人上臂控制系統的實現 [1] 


MEMS慣性器件以及碳納米管傳感器設計與應用技術。主要研究微機電信號處理以及高精度慣導系統實現技術,包括運動捕捉系統以及手勢交互界面等。 [1] 


  1. 國家重大專項2009-2012 1050萬(RMB)
  2. 高密度三維繫統級封裝的關鍵技術研究,主研人員
  3. 深圳市基礎研究計劃 2009-2011 10萬(RMB)
  4. 面向運動保護的人體姿態檢測與分析集成微系統研究,項目負責人
  5. 中國高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃) 2007-2009 86萬(RMB)
  6. 基於多源信息融合的交通事件自動檢測技術,團隊組長
  7. 中國博士後科學基金(20080430768)2008-2009 3萬(RMB)
  8. 基於微慣導傳感器的人體運動姿態分類識別技術研究,項目負責人
  9. 深圳市科技計劃非共識創新項目(FG200805200128) 2008-2009 5萬(RMB)
  10. 基於微慣導傳感節點的人體運動捕捉技術研究,項目負責人
  11. 香港創新科技署項目(ITF-UIM-151) 2005-2007 200萬(HKD)
  12. 基於微機電傳感技術的人體移動安全氣囊系統,團隊組長 [1] 


  1. Guangyi Shi, Cheung Shing Chan, Wen Jung Li, Kwok-Sui Leung, Yuexian Zou and Yufeng Jin, “Mobile Human Airbag System for Fall Protection using MEMS Sensors and Embedded SVM Classifier,” IEEE Sensors Journal, VOL. 9, NO.5, May 2009.
  2. Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, Hang Shi, and He Zhao, “Traffic Incident Classification at Intersections Based on Image Sequences by HMM/SVM Classifiers,” Springer, Multimedia and Applications Journal, to appear in December 2009. (As contact author)
  3. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Wen Jung Li, Yufeng Jin, and Pei Guan, “Towards Multi-classification of Human Motions Using Micro IMU and SVM Training Process,” Advanced Materials Research, Section Micro and Nano Technology, Vols. 60-61 (2009) pp 289-193 2009.
  4. Winnie W. Y. Chow, Kin Fong Lei, Guangyi Shi, Wen J. Li, and Qiang Huang, “Micro Fluidic Channel Fabrication by PDMS-Interface Bonding,” Nanotechnology, August 2004.
  5. Guangyi Shi, Wen J. Li, “Human Motion Recognition based on MEMS Sensing Unit using Artificial Intelligence: Classification and Comparison of SVM CNN and HMM,” under preparation for IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering.
  6. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin, “An Intelligent Transportation System based on Information Fusion of Multi Cameras and Microphone Array,” under preparation for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  7. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yiyan Wang, and Hang Shi, “Image Sequences Based Traffic Incident Detection for Signaled Intersections Using HMM,” IEEE International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2009), August 12-14th 2009, ShenhangLiaoning, China.
  8. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yiyan Wang, Hang Shi, and Qiang Peng, “Development of Image Sequences Based Traffic Incident Detection System for Urban Intersection,” IEEE Internationla Conference on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2009), Oct. 17-19th 2009, Tianjin, China.
  9. Hang Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yiyan Wang, Guangyi Shi, and He Zhao, “A Robust Traffic Parameter Extraction Approach for Surveillance System at Urban Intersection,” IEEE Internationla Conference on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2009), Oct. 17-19th 2009, Tianjin, China.
  10. Hang Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yiyan Wang, and Guangyi Shi, “A Robust Traffic Parameter Extraction Method using Texture and Entropy,” in the Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE/IV 2009), June 3-5, 2009, Xi'an, Shanxi, China, pp: 237-241.
  11. Weidong Wang, Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Web Service based Gateway Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks,” The 11th International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT 2009), Phoenix Park, Gangwon-Do, Republic of Korea, February 15-18, 2009, Vol.02, pp:1160-1163.
  12. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin,Yali Zheng, and Wen Jung Li, “Multi-Category Human Motion Recognition based on MEMS Inertial Sensing Data,” IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2009), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, January 5-8, 2009.
  13. Yuexian Zou, Yali Zheng, Yufeng Jin, and Guangyi Shi, “Signal Modulation Schemes Comparison in the Telemetry Unit for Retinal Prosthesis System,” The 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2009), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, January 5-8, 2009.
  14. Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, Yufeng Jin, Yali Zheng, Yili Chen, “Extraocular Image Processing for Retinal Prosthesis based on DSP,” The 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2009), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, January 5-8, 2009.
  15. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin, and Wen Jung Li, “PCA/ICA-Based SVM for Fall Recognition using MEMS Motion,” 2008 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2008), Macao, Dec. 2008.
  16. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin, and Wen Jung Li, “Towards HMM based Human Motion Recognition using MEMS Inertial Sensors,” 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand, December 14-17, 2008.
  17. Guangyi Shi, Cheung Shing Chan, Guanglie Zhang, Wen J. Li, Philip H.W. Leong, and Kwok Sui Leung, “Towards a Mobile Airbag System Using MEMS Sensors and Embedded Intelligence,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO) 2007, Sanya, China.
  18. Guangyi Shi, Cheung Shing Chan, Yilun Luo, Guanglie Zhang, Wen J. Li, Philip H. W. Leong, and Kwok-Sui Leung, “Development of a Human Airbag System for Falling Protection Using MEMS Motion Sensing Technology,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligence Robots and Systems (IEEE IROS) 2006, Beijing, China.
  19. Cheung Shing Chan, Guangyi Shi, Yilun Luo, Guanglie Zhang, Wen J. Li, Philip H. W. Leong, and Kwok-Sui Leung, “A Human-Airbag System for Hip Protection Using MEMS Motion Sensors: Experimental Feasibility Results,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA) 2006, Luoyang, China.
  20. Guangyi Shi, Yilun Luo, Josh Lam, Guanglie Zhang, Wen J. Li, Philip H. W. Leong, Pauline P.Y. Lui, and Kwok-Sui Leung, “Towards a Human Airbag System Using µIMU with SVM Training for Falling-Motion Recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO) 2005, Hong Kong.
  21. Guangyi Shi, Qiang Huang, Wen J. Li, Wenqian Huang, and Yanyun Ren, “Micromachining of Micro Channels in PMMA Substrates Using CO2 Laser and Sacrificial Mask Process,” 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June, 2004, Hangzhou, China.
  22. Guangyi Shi, Qiang Huang, Wen J. Li, Wenqian Huang, Yanyun Ren, Jun Li, and Kejie Li, “Fabrication of Micro Channels in PMMA using CO2 Laser and Sacrificial Mask Process,” IEEE International Conference on Information and Acquisition (IEEE IAC) 2003, Hong Kong.
  23. Guangyi Shi, Qiang Huang, Wen J. Li, Wenqian Huang, Gengchen Shi, and Kejie Li, “Towards Automated Micromachining of PMMA Micro Channels Using CO2 Laser and Sacrificial Mask Process,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE ICRA) 2004, New Orleans, America.
  24. Guanglie Zhang, Guangyi Shi, Yilun Luo, Wong, H., Wen J. Li, Leong P.H.W., and Ming Yiu Wong, “Towards an Ubiquitous Wireless Digital Writing Instrument Using MEMS Motion Sensing Technology,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatroincs (IEEE AIM)2005, Monterey, America.
  25. Zhuxin Dong, Guanglie Zhang, Yilun Luo, Chi Chiu Tsang, Guangyi Shi, Sze Yin Kwok, and Wen J. Li, “A Calibration Method for MEMS Inertial Sensors Based on Optical Tracking,” IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS) 2007, Bangkok, Thailand.
  26. Weiwei Wan, Hong Liu, Guangyi Shi, and Wen J. Li, “Real-time Recognition of Multi-category Human Motion Using Micro IMU Data,” IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA) 2007, Harbin, China.
  27. Weiwei Wan, Hong Liu, Lianzhi Wang, Guangyi Shi, and Wen J. Li, “A Hybrid HMM/SVM Classifier for Motion Recognition Using μIMU Data,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO) 2007, Sanya, China.
  28. Tsang Chi Chiu, Chow Gary Chun Tak, Leong Philip H. W., Zhang Guanglie, Luo Yilun, Dong Zhuxin, Shi Guangyi, Kwok Sze Yin, Wong Heidi Y. Y., and Li Wen J., Wong Ming Yiu, “A Novel Real-Time Error Compensation Methodology for Micro IMU-based Digital Writing Instrument,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO) 2006, Kunming, China.
  29. Luo Yilun, Tsang Chi Chiu, Zhang Guanglie, Dong Zhuxin, Shi Guangyi, Kwok Sze Yin, Li Wen J., Leong Philip H. W., and Wong Ming Yiu, “An Attitude Compensation Technique for a MEMS Motion Sensor Based Digital Writing Instrument,” IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS) 2006, Zhuhai, China.
  30. Winnie W. Y. Chow, Kin Fong Lei, Guanyi Shi, Wen J. Li, and Qiang Huang, “Low Temperature Polymer-Based Substrates Bonding Using PDMS for Micro Fluidic Applications,” Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT MNT 2004), July 2004, Japan. [1] 


  1. 美國專利(授權號:20090183929)“Writing System with Camera,” Guanglie Zhang, Guangyi Shi, Yilunluo, Heidi Yee Yan Wong, Wen Jung Li, Philip Heng Wai Leong, and Ming Yiu Wong. Under reviewing 2009
  2. 中國專利(授權號:CN1616180)“一種基於CO2激光器的三維微管道加工設備”,黃強,時廣軼,石庚辰,李文榮,李科傑,偉民 2005年5月
  3. 中國專利(授權號:CN2650926)“用於微米級管道刻蝕的二氧化碳激光匯聚裝置” 黃強,張志遠,時廣軼,黃文倩,2004年10月 [1] 