


男,博士、教授,博導,江蘇淮安人。2007年獲南京林業大學博士學位,2013至2014在美國佐治亞理工學院作訪問學者;現任中國林學會木材科學分會常務委員,國際木材解剖學會會員,中國振動工程學會包裝動力專業委員會委員,《包裝工程》雜誌專家委員會委員。主要從事生物質包裝材料教學與科研工作,主持或參與國家級、省部級科研項目15項,現已發表科研論文80餘篇,獲得授權發明專利12項,參與制定國家標準2項,獲教育部技術發明獎1項,教學成果獎2項,學術榮譽稱號2項。 [1] 
職    業
教育部技術發明獎1項,教學成果獎2項,學術榮譽稱號2項 [1] 
性    別
職    稱




[1] Lijie Zhou, Zhaoyang Xu*. Ultralight, highly compressible, hydrophobic and anisotropic lamellar carbon aerogels from graphene/polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanofiber aerogel as oil removing absorbents[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388: 121804
[2] Jiajia Li, Lijie Zhou, Xiangdong Jiang, Sicong Tan, Peng Chen, Huan Zhou, Zhaoyang Xu*. Directional preparation of superhydrophobic magnetic CNF/PVA/MWCNT carbon aerogel[J]. IET Nanobiotechnology, 2019, 13(6): 565-570
[3] Sicong Tan, Jiajia Li, Lijie Zhou, Peng Chen, Zhaoyang Xu*. A new strategy for the improvement of direct use of MOFs as supercapacitor electrodes[J]. Materials letters, 2019, 251:102-105
[4] Wu Weibing, SongRuyuan, Xu Zhaoyang*, Jing Yi, Dai Hongqi, Fang, Guigan. Fluorescent cellulose nanocrystals with responsiveness to solvent polarity and ionic strength[J]. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2018, 275: 490-498
[5] Tan, Sicong; Li, Jiajia; Zhou, Lijie; Chen, Peng; Xu, Zhaoyang*. Hydrophilic carbon fiber paper based electrode coated with graphene for high performance supercapacitors[J]. Materials letters, 2018, 233:278-281
[6] Sicong Tan, Jiajia Li, Lijie Zhou, Peng Chen, Deliang Xu, and Zhaoyang Xu*, Fabrication of a flexible film electrode based on cellulose nanofibers aerogel dispersed with functionalized graphene decorated with SnO2 for supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53:11648–11658
[7] Zhaoyang Xu*, Xiangdong Jiang, Huan Zhou, Jianyu Li. Preparation of magnetic hydrophobic polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)–cellulose nanofiber (CNF) aerogels as effective oil absorbents[J]. Cellulose, 2018, 25(2): 1217-1227
[8] Zhaoyang Xu*, Huan Zhou, Sicong Tan, Xiangdong Jiang, Weibing Wu, Jiangtao Shi and Peng Chen. Ultralight super-hydrophobic carbon aerogels based on cellulose nanofibers/poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide (CNFs/PVA/GO) for highly effective oil-water separation[J]. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018, 9: 508-519
[9] ZhaoYang Xu*, JianYu Li. Enhanced Swelling, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Cellulose Nanofibrils (CNF)/Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) Hydrogels with Controlled Porous Structure[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18, 668-675
[10] ZhaoYang Xu*, Xiangdong Jiang, Sicong Tan, Weibing Wu, Jiangtao Shi, Huan Zhou, Peng Chen. Preparation and characterisation of CNF/MWCNT carbon aerogel as efficient adsorbents[J]. IET Nanobiotechnology, 2018, 12(4):500-504
[11] Zhaoyang Xu*, Huan Zhou, Xiangdong Jiang, Jianyu Li, Fang Huang. Facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/trimethyl chlorosilane-coated cellulose nanofibres aerogel for oil absorption[J]. IET Nanobiotechnology, 2017, 11(8): 929-934
[12] 徐朝陽*,李健昱,石小梅等. 聚乙二醇改性納米纖維素/聚乙烯醇複合水凝膠的製備及性能[J]. 複合材料學報, 2017, 34(4): 708-713
[13] 徐朝陽*,李健昱,江向東,等.MWCNTs增強聚乙二醇-聚乙烯醇複合水凝膠的製備及性能[J]. 複合材料學報,2017, 34(6): 1191-1198
[14] Zhaoyang Xu*,Li J Y,Zhou H,et al. Morphological and swelling behavior of cellulose nanofiber (CNF)/poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogels: poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as porogen[J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 43626-43633
[15] Zhaoyang Xu*, Huang F. Pretreatment Methods for Bioethanol Production [J]. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 174(4): 43-62
[16] Zhaoyang Xu*, Sun Q L, et al. Preparation and characteristics of cellulose nanowhisker reinforced acrylic foams synthesized by freeze-casting[J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 24(4): 12148-12152


(8)參與江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目“納米纖維素氣凝膠熒光傳感器的構築及傳感機制”,2017-2020。 [1] 
  • 1.    徐朝陽  .南京林業大學木材工業學院[引用日期2013-02-25]
  • 2.    徐朝陽  .材料科學與工程學院[引用日期2023-02-21]