


張遠,男,遼寧瀋陽人,研究員 [1]  ,博士生導師 [2] 
2003年北京師範大學環境學院博士畢業,2006年中國環境科學研究院博士後出站 [1]  ,2014年入選科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才 [3]  ,2016年獲中組部第二批萬人計劃領軍人才 [4] 
現任水環境所副所長,流域水生態保護技術學科帶頭人 [1] 
Zhang Yuan
國    籍
民    族
性    別
職    務
中國環境科學研究院水環境所副所長 [1] 



長期從事水生態保護與修復技術、流域水環境模擬優化研究,主持國家重大專項項目“流域水質目標管理技術集成”、“流域水生態承載力調控與污染減排管理技術”以及國家973課題 “湖泊水環境質量演變與區域差異”等10餘項,主持及參與完成了遼河流域水污染防治規劃、淮河流域水污染防治規劃、東江灤河生態安全評估、灤河流域國土江河綜合整治方案以及地方水環境綜合整治項目30餘項。在國內外發表論文233篇(其中第一和通訊作者108篇),發表著作4部,獲得國家發明專利7項。獲得了國家科技進步獎一項,省部級一等獎3項,二等獎2項 [5]  。擔任中國環境學會水環境分會、中國毒理學會環境與生態毒理專業委員會和中國生態學會流域生態學專業委員會的常委,國家“水體污染控制與治理”科技重大專項“流域監控預警主題專家組”副組長,是財政部政府和社會資本合作(PPP)專家、國家國土江河綜合整治專項專家組、環境保護部環境損害評估鑑定評估專家委員會成員、城市黑臭水體治理專家成員 [6] 


1.《海河流域產業結構調整與水污染控制戰略》,2016,中國環境出版社1 [7] 
3.《河流生態調查技術方法》,2011,中國科學出版社2 [8] 
1.Yuan Zhang, Chunming Hu, Tao Yu,Photodegradation of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matters in the Water of Lake Dianchi, China2015, 575-582. [9] 
2. Guo, C., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., Du, P., Liu, S., Lv, J., Xu, F., Meng, W., Xu, J.*,Distribution, source characterization and inventory of perfluoroalkyl substances in Taihu Lake, China, Chemosphere, 2015, 127: 201-207. [10] 
3. Spatial distribution and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments from a hypertrophic plateau Lake Dianchi, China, Environment Monitoring and Assessment 2014,186:12 19-1234. [11] 
4. Distribution, sources and composition of antibiotics in sediment, overlyingwater and pore water from Taihu Lake, China, Science of the Total Environment 2014, 497: 267-273. [12] 
5. Degradation of sulfonamides antibiotics in lake water and sediment Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013,20:237 2-2380. [13] 
6.Yuan Zhang, Guoliang Shi, Changsheng Guo, Jian Xu, Yingze Tian, Yinchang Feng, Seasonal variations of concentrations, profiles and possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from Taihu Lake, China, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2012, 12:933-941. [14] 
7.Yuan Zhang, Wei Meng, Changsheng Guo, Jian Xu, Tao Yu, Wenhong Fan, Lei Li, Determination and partitioning behavior of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids and perfluorooctanesulfonate in water and sediment from Dianchi Lake, China, Chemosphere, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.03.103. [15] 
8.Yuan Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Jian Xu, Yingze Tian, Guoliang Shi, Yinchang Feng, Potential source contributions and risk assessment of PAHs in sediments from Taihu Lake, China: Comparison of three receptor models, Water Research, 2012, 46:3065-3073. [16] 
9.Changsheng Guo, Jian Xu,Yuan Zhang, Yan He, Hierarchical mesoporous TiO2microspheres for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of sulfonamides and the mechanism study, RSC Advances,2012, 2:4720-4727. [17] 
10.GuoLiang Shi, YingZe Tian, ChangSheng Guo, YinChang Feng, Jian Xu,Yuan Zhang*. Sediment–pore water partition of PAH source contributions to the Yellow River using two receptor models,2012,doi:10.1007/s11368-012-0540-y. [18] 
11. Yu Tao,Zhang Yuan, Meng Wei , Hu Xiaona. Characterization of heavy metals in water and sediments in Taihu Lake, China. Environ Monit Assess 2012,184, 7:4367-4382. [19] 
12.Chunming Hu,Yuan Zhang*,Tao Yu, Bo Yao. Spectroscopy characteristics and environmental implications of dissolved organic matters in the sediment of Taihu Lake, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012,21(4a):976-985. [20] 
13.劉偉,張遠,高欣,賈曉波,馬淑芹,劉思思. 渾河流域2010—2014年的魚類羣落和水生態健康變化分析 [J]. 水生生物學報, 2016, 40(5): 968-977. [21] 
14.劉偉,張遠,高欣,賈曉波,馬淑芹,劉思思. 渾河流域魚類羣落特徵及其與環境因子的關係 [J]. 環境工程技術學報, 2016, 6(3): 266-274. [22] 
15.黃榮, 張遠, 萬峻, 孔維靜*, 侯利萍, 美國水體功能分類管理及與我國的比較[J]. 生態科學, 2015, 34(3): 153-161. [23] 
16.張遠,丁森,趙茜,高欣,趙瑞,基於野外數據建立大型底棲動物電導率水質基準的可行性探討. 生態毒理學報,2015,10(1):204-214. [24] 
17.王雲濤,張遠,高欣,賈曉波,馬淑芹. 渾河流域影響魚類羣落分佈的不同尺度環境因子分析. 2015. 中國環境科學學會學術年會論文集. [25] 
18.代丹,張遠,韓雪嬌,馮勝,于濤. 太湖流域污水排放對湖水天然水化學的影響[J].環境科學學報,2015,35(10):3121-3130 *. [26] 
19.鍾振興,張遠*,徐建等.磺胺甲惡唑在沉積物中的降解行為研究.農業環境科學學報,2012,31(4):819-825. [27] 
20.張遠,王丁明,王西琴.太子河流域水庫建設對河流水文情勢的影響。環境科學研究,2012,25(4):363-371. [28] 
21. Yuan Zhang,Guo Fu, Tao Yu, Manhong Shen, Wei Meng and Edwin D. Ongley. 2011. Trans-jurisdictional pollution control options within an integrated water resources management framework in water-scarce north-eastern China. Water Policy,2011 Vol 13(5):624–644. [29] 
22. Yuan Zhang, Yue Lu, Jian Xu, Tao Yu, Wenyan Zhao, Spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from Lake Taihu, China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2011, 87:80-85. [30] 
23.Bu HM, Meng W,Zhang Y.2011. Nitrogen pollution and source identification in the Haicheng River basin in Northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 2011, 409 (18): 3394-3402. [31] 
24.Wang Xiqin,Zhang Yuan*, Zhang Ming, Liu Changming. Fate of COD and ammonia-nitrogen in a highly stressed watercourse in Northern China: the Zhangweinan Canal Basin.Water international, 2011, 36(7):937-946. [32] 
25. Jian Xu, Wei Meng, Lei Li,Yuan Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Photocatalytic Degradation of Tetrabromobisphenol A by Mesoporous BiOBr: Efficacy, Products and Pathway, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2011, 107: 355-362. [33] 
26.Jian Xu, Yan He,Yuan Zhang*, Lei Li, Changsheng Guo, Yuqiu Wang, Adsorption of sulfadiazine by montmorillonite KSF: kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, 20:3035-3043. [34] 
27.Changsheng Guo, Jian Xu, Yan He,Yuan Zhang, Yuqiu Wang, Photodegradation of rhodamine B and methyl orange over one-dimensional TiO2catalysts under visible light irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257:3798-3803. [35] 
28.張遠,陳立斌,渠曉東,孔維靜,遼寧太子河大型水生植物的羣落特徵及其與環境的關係.植物科學學報, 2011.29(5). [36] 
29.殷旭旺,張遠*,渠曉東,劉穎,李慶南。渾河水系着生藻類的羣落結構與生物完整性,應用生態學報,2011,22(10):2732~2740. [37] 
30.康鑫,張遠*,張楠,丁森,李向東,太子河洛氏鱥幼魚棲息地適宜度評估,生態毒理學報,2011, 6(3):310~320. [38] 
31.張遠,張楠,田自強,劉徵濤,雷坤。流域水生態功能分區與質量目標管理技術研究的若干問題. 環境科學學報,2011,31(7):1345~1351. [39] 
32.胡春明,張遠*,于濤,姚波,胡德勝. 2011.太湖典型湖區水體溶解有機質的光譜學特徵.光譜學與光譜分析. 31(11) :3022-3025. [40] 
33.Jian Xu, Laosheng Wu, Andrew C Chang,Yuan Zhang*, Impact of long-term reclaimed wastewater irrigation on agricultural soils: A preliminary assessment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 183:780-786. [41] 
34.Hongmei Wang,Yuan Zhang, Qian Liu,feifei wang, jing nie, yan qian. Examining the relationship between Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR) exposure and Changes of Thyroid Hormone Levels around E-waste ismantling Sites. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 213 (2010) 369–380. [42] 
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