


國    籍
職    稱


2006年-2007年在法國里昂第一大學微生物生態學實驗室(UMR CNRS 5557)訪問研究。
2012年- 上海交通大學生命科學技術學院,微生物代謝國家重點實驗室 研究員
2006年起擔任中國微生物學會環境微生物專業委員會委員,上海市微生物學會環境微生物專業委員會委員。2011年起任上海市微生物學會理事,2015年起任上海市微生物學會副秘書長 [2]  ,《微生物學通報》編委。


1. MengmengJi, Hao Tian, Xiaogang Wu, Ji Li, Ying Zhu, Guojun Wu, Ting Xu, Xiaojun Zhang*. Enhanced N2O emission rate infield soil undergoing conventional intensive fertilization is attributed to theshifts of denitrifying guilds. Pedosphere 2021, 31(1): 145-156. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160.
2. Xinyu Zhang, Guanzhou Chen, Shiqi Zhong,Tianting Wang, Mengmeng Ji, Xiaogang Wu, Xiaojun Zhang*. Antibiotic-inducedrole interchange between rare and predominant bacteria retained the function ofa bacterial community for denitrifying quinoline degradation. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2020,129:1598-1608. DOI:10.1111/jam.14755.
3. Xinxin Wu, Xiaogang Wu, Ji Li, Qiaoyu Wu,Yiming Ma, Weikang Sui, Liping Zhao, Xiaojun Zhang*. Cross-feedingbetween members of Thauera spp. and Rhodococcus spp. drives quinoline-denitrifyingdegradation in a hypoxic bioreactor.mSphere, 2020,5(2): e00246-20. DOI: 10.1128/mSphere.00246-20.
4. Xiaogang Wu, Yun Wang, Ying Zhu, Hao Tian, QinX, Changzheng Cui, Liping Zhao, Pascal Simonet, Xiaojun Zhang*.Variability in the response of bacterial community assembly to environmentalselection and biotic factors depends on the immigrated bacteria, as revealed bya soil microcosm experiment. mSystem, 2019, 4:e00496-19.https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00496-19.
5. Xiaogang Wu, Ji Li, Mengmeng Ji, Qiaoyu Wu,Xinxin Wu, Yiming Ma, Weikang Sui, Liping Zhao, Xiaojun Zhang*.Non-synchronous structural and functional dynamics during the coalescence oftwo distinct soil bacterial communities. Frontiersin Microbiology, 2019, 10:1125. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01125.
6. Liu Binbin, Xiaojun Zhang, LarsSnipen, Lars R. Bakken, Asa Frostegard. Rapid succession of activelytranscribing denitrifier populations in agricultural soil during an anoxicspell. Frontier in Microbiology,2019, 9:3208. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03208.
7. Xianchao Qin, Mengmeng Ji, Xiaogang Wu,Chunjie Li, Yueshu Gao, Ji Li, Qiaoyu Wu, Xiaojun Zhang*, Zhenjia Zhang*. Response of treatment performanceand microbial community structure to the temporary suspension of an industrialanaerobic bioreactor. Science of theTotal Environment, 2019,646:229-237. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.309.
8. Xianchao Qin, Xiaogang Wu, Lingfang Li, Chunjie Li, and Zhenjia Zhang Xiaojun Zhang*. Temporal and spatial investigation of the bacterial community andperformance of an advanced anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed (AnaEG)treating starch processing wastewater. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:589. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00589
9. Yun Wang, Hao Tian, Fei Huang,Wenmin Long, Qianpeng Zhang, Jing Wang, Ying Zhu, Xiaogang Wu, Guanzhou Chen, Liping Zhao, Lars R.Bakken, Åsa Frostegård, Xiaojun Zhang*. Time-resolved analysis of a denitrifying bacterial community revealeda core microbiome responsible for the anaerobic degradation of quinolone. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 14778. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15122-0
10. Ying Zhu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xiaogang Wu, Guanzhou Chen, Lars R. Bakken, Liping Zhao, Åsa Frostegård, XiaojunZhang*.Carbon-driven enrichment of the crucial nitrate reducing bacteria in limed peatsoil microcosms. Letter in AppliedMicrobiology. 2017, 65:159-164.
11. Yang Liuqing, Xiaojun Zhang*, Xiaotang Ju*. Linkage between N2O emission andfunctional gene abundance in an intensively managed calcareous fluvo-aquicsoil. Scientific Reports.2017, 7:43283 | DOI: 10.1038/srep43283.
12. Joseph Nesme, Wafa Achouak, Spiros N. Agathos, Mark Bailey, PetrBaldrian, Dominique Brunel, Asa Frostegård, Thierry Heulin, Janet K. Jansson,Edouard Jurkevitch, Kristiina L. Kruus, George A. Kowalchuk, Antonio Lagares,Hilary M. Lappin-Scott, Philippe Lemanceau, Denis Le Paslier, InesMandic-Mulec, J. Colin Murrell, David D. Myrold, Renaud Nalin, PaoloNannipieri, Josh D. Neufeld, Fergal O’Gara, John J. Parnell, Alfred Pühler,Victor Pylro, Juan L. Ramos, Luiz F. W. Roesch, Michael Schloter, Christa Schleper,Alexander Sczyrba, Angela Sessitsch, Sara Sjöling, Jan Sørensen, Søren J.Sørensen, Christoph C. Tebbe, Edward Topp, George Tsiamis, Jan Dirk van Elsas,Geertje van Keulen, Franco Widmer, Michael Wagner, Tong Zhang, Xiaojun Zhang, Liping Zhao, Yong-GuanZhu, Timothy M. Vogel and PascalSimonet.Backto the Future of Soil Metagenomics. Frontier inMicrobiology, 2016, 7:73. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00073
13. Fei Huang, Ling Ge, Bo Zhang,Yun Wang, Hao Tian, Liping Zhao, Yiliang He, Xiaojun Zhang*. A fullerene colloidal suspension stimulatesthe growth and denitrification ability of wastewater treatment sludge derivedbacteria. Chemosphere, 2014,108:411–417.
14. Xiaojun Zhang*, Jeseph Nesme, Pascal Simonet and Åsa Frostegård. Fate ofinvading bacteria in soil and survival of transformants after simulated uptakeof transgenes, as evaluated by a model system based on lindane degradation. Research in Microbiology,2012, 163:200-210. 10.1016/j.resmic.2012.01.007
15. Guang Zhao, Fang Ma, Li Wei,Hong Chua, Chein-Chi Chang, Xiao-JunZhang. Electricity generation from cattle dungusing microbial fuel cell technology during anaerobic acidogenesis and thedevelopment of microbial populations. WasteManagement, 2012, 32(9):1651-1658.
16. Zhang X*, Yue S,Zhong H, Hua W, Chen R, Cao Y, and Zhao L. A diverse bacterial community in an anoxic quinoline-degrading bioreactor determined by using pyrosequencing andclone library analysis. Applied Microbial and Biotechnology,2011, 91:425–434.
17. Wang Tingting, Zhang Xiaojun*, Zhang Menghui, Wang Linghua, Zhao Liping. Development of a fluorophore-ribosomal DNA restriction typingmethod for monitoring structural shifts of microbial communities. Archivesin Microbiology, 2011, 193:341–350.
18. Mao Y, Zhang X*, Xia X, Zhong H, Zhao L. Versatilearomatic compound-degrading capacity and microdiversity of Thauera strains isolated from a coking wastewater treatmentbioreactor. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010,37:927-934.


近年來主要從事環境微生物生態學的研究工作。研究方向為微生物生態學。主要從事工業廢水微生物處理過程微生物羣落結構與功能分析、功能菌分離、功能基因的克隆、農業土壤環境的分子生態學等方面的研究工作。研究的重點是對焦化廢水這一難降解工業廢水的微生物羣落的深入研究,通過以喹啉反硝化降解反應器為模型揭示了菌羣結構和特定基因組成及其變化規律;特別關注Thauera屬細菌這類重要的污染物分解菌,創建了一套分析Thauera屬細菌的方法,為研究重要降解功能菌奠定了良好基礎;在分子標識物引導的羣落內關鍵菌羣的分離技術方面有所創新,並分離了一批反硝化降解菌,研究了這些降解菌的特性。研究農田土壤系統中反硝化菌羣與氮循環關係,揭示了反硝化基因表達與調控機制。先後主持了4項國家自然科學基金面上項目、及科技部重點研發計劃子課題、863重點項目子課題、教育部留學回國人員啓動基金、上海市農委重點科技攻關項目、多項上海市國際合作項目等科研課題,作為骨幹參加了中石化科技創新項目等科研課題。曾獲上海交通大學晨星學者、優秀教師等獎勵。現任中國微生物學會環境微生物專業委員會委員,上海市微生物學會常務理事、副秘書長。發表學術論文一百餘篇。 [1] 