


張寶亮,西北工業大學教授,博士生導師,陝西省青年科技新星 [3] 西北工業大學翱翔青年學者 [4]  ,陝西省百篇優秀博士學位論文獎獲得者。現任西北工業大學化學與化工學院副院長,陝西省化學會理事、副秘書長,《離子交換與吸附》期刊青年編委 [5]  ,陝西省功能高分子吸附分離工程技術研究中心、西安市功能有機多孔材料重點實驗室 [6]  副主任。2008年7月畢業於西北工業大學理學院,化學工程與工藝專業,獲工學學士學位。同年,進入西北工業大學理學院進行研究生階段學習,2013年12月獲理學博士學位。2014年1月任教於西北工業大學化學與化工學院。主要從事複雜結構顆粒設計與合成方法學、多孔材料在吸附分離純化中的應用方面的研究工作,已在Nano Today、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Carbon、Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊發表SCI論文200餘篇,獲權國家發明專利50餘項。 [7]  主持國家自然科學基金項目3項、國防重點項目1項、省部級基金項目4項、西北工業大學基礎研究基金項目3項,聯合主持海軍預言項目1項,參與國家自然金重點項目、面上項目各1項、軍品配套項目2項。榮獲國家科技進步二等獎1項、陝西省科學技術二等獎1項、國家產學研優秀成果獎1項、陝西省國防科技進步一等獎1項 [8]  [1] 
國    籍
民    族
陝西省青年科技新星 陝西省百篇優秀博士學位論文獎獲得者 西北工業大學翱翔青年學者 中國化學會會員 [3]  [7] 
職    務
職    稱


2008.09-2009.06 西北工業大學 高分子化學與物理 碩士階段學習
2009.09-2013.12 西北工業大學 高分子化學與物理 碩博連讀 [2] 


2014.01-2017.06 西北工業大學理學院應用化學系,講師;
2016.07-2022 西北工業大學理學院應用化學系,碩士生導師;
2017.06-2020.07 西北工業大學理學院應用化學系,副教授; [2] 
2018.07-2022 西北工業大學化學與化工學院 博士生導師;
2020.07-2022 西北工業大學化學化工學院 教授。


陝西省化學會理事、副秘書長,《離子交換與吸附》期刊青年編委 [5]  ,中國化學會會員。


主持國家自然科學基金——國際(地區)合作與交流項目一項“The preparation of protein imprinting liquid crystal photochromic membranes and visual detection of separation processes”,2017.04.01-2019.03.31
主持西北工業大學科研啓動項目一項“新型高效磁性蛋白分子印跡微球材料的結構調控與應用研究” [2] 


自2014年起,主講本科生《精細化工開發與設計》課程,自2016年起主講研究生《膠體界面化學》課程 [2] 


人才稱號 “陝西省青年科技新星”,2018.10
陝西省國防科學技術進步一等獎:“系列新型吸附功能高分子材料製備與應用技術” ,第三完成人,2015.07
陝西省百篇優秀博士論文:“多功能新型磁性複合微球的結構調控與應用”,第一完成人,2016.12 [2] 


1. 博士招生專業:
2. 學術型碩士招生專業:
3. 專業型碩士招生專業:
4. 依託材料科學與工程博士後流動站接收青年學者開展博士後研究。
歡迎對研究方向感興趣的學子報考。 [2] 





70. Wu, Fei., Ling, Mengyun., Wan, Lingyun., Liu, Pei., Wang, Yabin., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Three-dimensional FeMZn (M=Co or Ni) MOFs: ions coordinated self-assembling process and boosting microwave absorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 435 (2022), 134905.
69. Yang, Ke., Cui,Yuhong., Wan, Lingyun., Zhang, Qiuyu**., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. MOF-derived magnetic-dielectric balanced Co@ZnO@N-doped carbon composite materials for strong microwave absorption. Carbon, 190 (2022), 366-375.
68. Yang, Ke., Cui,Yuhong., Wan, Lingyun., Wang, Yabin., Tariq, Muhammad., Liu, Pei., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Preparation of three-dimensional Mo2C/NC@MXene and its efficient electromagnetic absorption properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c10933.
67. Xu, Jia., Liu, Zihao., Wang, Jiqi., Liu, Pei*., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Preparation of core-shell C@TiO2 composite microspheres with wrinkled morphology and its microwave absorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 607 (2022), 1036-1049.
66. Liu, Zihao., Cui,Yuhong., Li, Qiang., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of folded MXene/MoS2 composite microspheres with optimal composition and their microwave absorbing properties. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 607 (2022), 633-644.


65. Zhang, Yunfei., Ren, Jianquan., Yang, Zuoting., Ma, Yiran., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of surface-imprinted magnetic wrinkled microspheres and their specific adsorption of BSA. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60 (2021), 11277-11288.
64. Wang, Jiqi., Ren, Jianquan., Li, Qiang., Liu, Yifan., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Synthesis and microwave absorbing properities of N-doped carbon microsphere composites with concavo-convex surface. Carbon, 184 (2021), 195-206.
63. Yang, Zuoting., Cui, Yuhong., Zhang, Yunfei., Liu, Pei., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*..SIdentification of imprinted sites by fluorescence detection method based on reversible dynamic bond modified template protein. Composites Part B: Engineering, 223 (2021), 109154.
62. Yang, Ke., Cui,Yuhong., Liu, Zihao., Liu, Pei., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*..Design of core–shell structure NC@MoS2 hierarchical nanotubes as high-performance electromagnetic wave absorber. Chemical Engineering Journal, 426 (2021), 131308.
61. Wang, Yabin*., Zhang, Baoliang*., Ding, Xiuping., Du, Xin*.. Dendritic mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles (DMONs): Chemical composition, structural architecture, and promising applications. Nano Today, 39 (2021), 101231.
60. Yang, Zuoting., Zhang, Yunfei., Ren, Jianquan., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Cobalt-Iron Double Ion-Bovine Serum Albumin Chelation-Assisted Thermo-Sensitive Surface-Imprinted Nanocage with High Specificity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
59. Jin, Le., Wang, Jiqi., Wu, Fei., Yin, Yanan., Zhang, Baoliang*.. MXene@Fe3O4 microspheres/fibers composite microwave absorbing materials: Optimum composition and performance evaluation. Carbon, 182 (2021), 770-780.
58. Ahmad, Mudasir., Ren, Jianquan., Zhang, Yunfei., Kou, Hao., Mehraj-ud-din Naik., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Simple and facile preparation of tunable chitosan tubular nanocomposite microspheres for fast uranium (VI) removal from seawater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 427 (2021), 130934.
57. Wu, Fei., Li, Qiang., Liu, Zihao., Shah, Tariq., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of binary MOF-derived hybrid nanoflowers via selective assembly and their microwave absorbing properties. Carbon, 182 (2021), 484-496.
56. Wu, Fei., Liu, Zihao., Wang, Jiqi., Shah, Tariq., Liu, Pei., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Template-free self-assembly of MXene and CoNi-bimetal MOF into intertwined one-dimensional heterostructure and its microwave absorbing properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 422 (2021), 130591.
55. Xu, Jia., Liu, Zihao., Li, Qiang., Wang, Yabin., Shah, Tariq., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Wrinkled Fe3O4@C magnetic composite microspheres: Regulation of magnetic content and their microwave absorbing performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 601 (2021), 397-410.
54. Yang, Ke., Ren, Jianquan., Cui,Yuhong., Wang, Yabin., Shah, Tariq., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of porous tubular carbon fibers from the fruits of Platanus orientalis and their high oil adsorption properties. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (2021), 105706.
53. Wang, Jiqi., Li, Qiang., Ren, Jianquan., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang Baoliang*.. Synthesis of bowknot-like N-doped Co@C magnetic nanoparticlesconstituted by acicular structural units for excellent microwave absorption. Carbon, 181 (2021), 28-39.
52. Cui,Yuhong., Liu, Zihao., Zhang, Yunfei., Liu, Pei., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Wrinkled three-dimensional porous MXene/Ni composite microspheres for efficient broadband microwave absorption. Carbon, 181 (2021), 58-68.
51. Cui, Yuhong., Liu, Zihao., Li, Xuexiang., Ren, Jianquan., Wang, Yabin., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. MOF-Derived Yolk-Shell Co@ZnO/Ni@NC Nanocage: Structure control and electromagnetic wave absorption performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 600 (2021), 99-110.
50. Yang, Ke., Cui, Yuhong., Li, Qiang., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*..Bimetallic MOFs-derived yolk-shell structure ZnCo/NC@TiO2 and its microwave absorbing properties. Applied Surface Science, 556 (2021), 149715.
49. Wu, Fei., Liu, Zihao., Xiu, Tao., Zhu, Baolei., Liu, Pei., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of ultralight helical porous carbon fibers with CNTs-confined Ni nanoparticles for enhanced microwave absorption. Composites Part B: Engineering , 215 (2021), 108814.
48. Ahmad, Mudasir., Chen, Junjie., Yang, Ke., Shah, Tariq., Mehraj-ud-din Naik., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*..Preparation of amidoxime modified porous organic polymer flowers for selective uranium recovery from seawater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 418 (2021), 129370.
47. Cui,Yuhong., Wu, Fei., Wang, Jiqi., Wang, Yabin., Shah, Tariq., Liu, Pei., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Three dimensional porous MXene/CNTs microspheres: Preparation, characterization and microwave absorbing properties. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, (2021), 106378.
46. Wang, Jiqi., Wu, Fei., Cui, Yuhong., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang Baoliang*.. Efficient synthesis of N-doped porous carbon nanoribbon composites with selective microwave absorption performance in common wavebands. Carbon, 175 (2021), 164-175.
45. Yang, Ke., Ren, Jianquan., Cui, Yuhong., Shah, Tariq., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang Baoliang*.. Length controllable tubular carbon nanofibers: Surface adjustment and oil adsorption performances. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 615 (2021),126272.
44. Wu, Fei., Yang, Ke., Li, Qiang., Shah, Tariq., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang Baoliang*.. Biomass-derived 3D magnetic porous carbon fibers with a helical/chiral structure toward superior microwave absorption. Carbon, 173 (2021), 918-931.
43. Zhou, Jingjing., Wang, Mingqi., Zhang Baoliang*., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. Metal coordination assisted thermo-sensitive magnetic imprinted microspheres for selective adsorption and efficient elution of proteins. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 612 (2021),125981.
42. Wang, Yufei., Ma, Yong., Zhou, Jingjing., Su, Kehe., Zhang, Baoliang*., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. MnO2 corolla-like magnetic molecularly imprinted microspheres with enhanced adsorption capacity and specificity recognition to bovine serum albumin. Chemical Engineering Journal, 405 (2021),126655.


41. Yang, Zuoting., Wang, Jiqi., Shah, Tariq., Liu, Pei. Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Development of surface imprinted heterogeneous nitrogen-doped magnetic carbon nanotubes as promising materials for protein separation and purification. Talanta. 121760.
40. Yang, Zuoting., Yang, Ke., Cui,Yuhong., Shah, Tariq., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Synthesis of surface imprinted polymers based on wrinkled flower-like magnetic graphene microspheres with favorable recognition ability for BSA. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 74 (2021), 203-215.
39. Cui,Yuhong., Yang, Ke., Wang, Jiqi., Shah, Tariq., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Preparation of pleated RGO/MXene/Fe3O4 microsphere and its absorption properties for electromagnetic wave. Carbon, 172 (2021), 1-14.
38. Chen, Junjie., Yang, Ke., Wang, Jiqi., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Peanut-like yolk/core-shell MnO/C microspheres for improved lithium storage and the formation mechanism of MnCO3 precursors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 849 (2020), 156637.
37. Chen, Junjie., Yang, Ke., Huyan, Yu., Shah, Tariq., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Highly monodisperse dumbbell-like yolk-shell manganese monoxide/ carbon microspheres for lithium storage and their lithiation evolution. Carbon,170 (2020), 37-48.
36. Huyan, Yu., Chen, Junjie., Yang, Ke., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Tailoring carboxyl tubular carbon nanofibers/MnO2 composites for high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 00 (2020),1-13.
35. Zhou, Jingjing., Su, Zhengzhou., Wang, Mingqi., Wang, Yufei., Wang, Jianping., Zhang, Baoliang* & Zhang, Qiuyu* .. Thiolactone-based conjugation assisted magnetic imprinted microspheres for specific capturing target proteins. Chemical Engineering Journal, 399 (2020), 125767.
34. Yang, Zuoting., Chen, Junjie., Yang, Ke., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*. . Preparation of BSA surface imprinted manganese dioxide-loaded tubular carbon fibers with excellent specific rebinding to target protein. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 570 (2020), 182-196.
33. Xu, Jia., Cui,Yuhong., Wang, Jiqi., Fan, Yihao., Shah, Tariq., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of wrinkled carbon microspheres and the effect of surface roughness on the microwave absorbing properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 401 (2020), 126027.
32.Wu, Fei., Liu, Pei., Wang, Jiqi. , Shah, Tariq., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Fabrication of magnetic tubular fiber with multi-layer heterostructure and its microwave absorbing properties. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 577 (2020), 242–255.
31.Ahmad, Mudasir., Wu,Fei., Cui, Yuhong., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Preparation of novel bifunctional magnetic tubular nanofibers and their application in efficient and irreversible uranium trap from aqueous solution. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8(21), 7825-7838.
30. Wang, Jiqi., Wu,Fei., Cui, Yuhong., Chen, Junjie., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Facile synthesis of tubular magnetic carbon nanofibers by hypercrosslinked polymer design for microwave adsorption. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
29. Wang, Jiqi. , Cui, Yuhong., Wu, Fei., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020).Core-shell structured Fe/Fe3O4@TCNFs@TiO2 magnetic hybrid nanofibers: preparation and electromagnetic parameters regulation for enhanced microwave absorption. Carbon, 165.275-285.
28. Ahmad, Mudasir. , Yang, Ke., Li, Lingxuan., Fan, Yihao., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Modified tubular carbon nanofibers for adsorption of uranium(vi) from water. ACS Applied Nano Materials.
27. Ahmad, Mudasir., Wang, Jiqi., Yang, Zuoting., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Ultrasonic-assisted preparation of amidoxime functionalized silica framework via oil-water emulsion method for selective uranium adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 389, 124441.
26. Yang, Zuoting., Chen, Junjie., Wang, Jiqi., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Self-driven BSA surface imprinted magnetic tubular carbon nanofibers: fabrication and adsorption performance. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8(8), 3241-3252.
25. Wang, Jiqi., Wu, Fei., Yang, Zuoting., Shah, Tariq., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Preparation of CTCNFs/Co9S8 hybrid nanofibers with enhanced microwave absorption performance. Nanotechnology, 31(22), 225605.
24. Ahmad, Mudasir., Wang, Jiqi., Xu, Jia., Yang, Zuoting., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Novel synthetic method for magnetic sulphonated tubular trap for efficient mercury removal from wastewater. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 523-535.


23. Xu, Jia., Chen, Junjie., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2019). Novel Synthetic Method for Magnetic Porous Carbon Materials for Efficient Adsorption of Organic Pollutants from Aqueous Solution. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 64(12), 5974-5984.
22. Ahmad, Mudasir., Wang, Jiqi., Xu, Jia., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2020). Magnetic tubular carbon nanofibers as efficient Cu(II) ion adsorbent from wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 252, 119825.
21. Wang, Yufei., Ma, Yong., Zhou, Jingjing., Su, Kehe., Zhang, Baoliang*., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2020). Thermo-sensitive surface molecularly imprinted magnetic microspheres based on bio-macromolecules and their specific recognition of bovine serum albumin. Journal of Separation Science, 43(5), 996-1002.
20. Wang, Yufei., Zhou, Jingjing., Gu, Huimin., Jia, Xiangkun., Su, Kehe., Zhang, Baoliang*., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2019). Preparation of Anti‐Nonspecific Adsorption Chitosan‐Based Bovine Serum Albumin Imprinted Polymers with Outstanding Adsorption Capacity and Selective Recognition Ability Based on Magnetic Microspheres. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 304(4).
19. Huyan, Yu., Wang, Jiqi., Chen, Junjie., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2019). Magnetic tubular carbon nanofibers as anode electrodes for high‐performance lithium‐ion batteries. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(14), 8242-8256.
18. Wang, Jiqi., Yang, Zuoting., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Hepeng., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2019). A novel synthetic method for tubular nanofibers. Polymer Chemistry, 10(31), 4239-4245.
17. Wang, Jiqi., Huyan, Yu., Yang, Zuoting., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2019). Tubular carbon nanofibers: Synthesis, characterization and applications in microwave absorption. Carbon, 152, 255-266.
16. Yang, Zuoting., Xu, Jia., Wang, Jiqi., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2019). Design and preparation of self-driven BSA surface imprinted tubular carbon nanofibers and their specific adsorption performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 923-934.
15. Wang, Jiqi., Yang, Zuoting., Xu, Jia., Ahmad, Mudasir., Zhang, Hepeng., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Qiuyu., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Surface Microstructure Regulation of Porous Polymer Microspheres by Volume Contraction of Phase Separation Process in Traditional Suspension Polymerization System. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2019.
14. Wang, Jiqi., Huyan, Yu., Yang, Zuoting., Zhang, Hepeng., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Baoliang*.. (2019). Preparation of surface protein imprinted thermosensitive polymer monolithic column and its specific adsorption for BSA. Talanta, 526-536.
13. Zhou, Jingjing., Wang, Yufei., Ma, Yong., Zhang, Qiuyu*., & Zhang, Baoliang*.. Surface molecularly imprinted thermo-sensitive polymers based on lightweight hollow magnetic microspheres for specific recognition of BSA. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 486(AUG.30):265-273.


12. Zhang, Baoliang*., Huyan, Yu., Wang, Jiqi., Zhang, Qiuyu*., & Zhang, Hepeng*.. (2018). Synthesis of CeO2 nanoparticles with different morphologies and their properties as peroxidase mimic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(4), 2218-2227.
11. Zhang, Baoliang*., Chen, Junjie., Wang, Jiqi., Huyan, Yu., Zhang, Hepeng*., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2018). Flowerlike BSA/Zn3(PO4)2/Fe3O4 Magnetic Hybrid Particles: Preparation and Application to Adsorption of Copper Ions. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 63(10), 3913-3922.
10. Liu, Yin., Fan, Xinlong., Jia, Xiangkun., Chen, Xin., Zhang, Aibo., Zhang, Baoliang*., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2018). Preparation of Magnetic Hyper-Cross-Linked Polymers for the Efficient Removal of Antibiotics from Water. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6(1), 210-222.
9. Zhang, Hepeng*., Wu, Chen., Wang, Wenbin. Bu, Jun., Zhou, Fengtao., Zhang, Baoliang*., & Zhang, Qiuyu.. (2018). Effect of Ceria on redox-catalytic property in mild condition: A solvent-free route for imine synthesis at low temperature. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 209-217.


8. Zhang, Baoliang*., Huyan, Yu., Wang, Jiqi., Chen, Xin., Zhang, Hepeng*., Zhang, Qiuyu.. Fe3O4 @SiO2 @CCS porous magnetic microspheres as adsorbent for removal of organic dyes in aqueous phase[J]. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2017:S0925838817341312.
7. Li, Xiangjie., Zhou, Jingjing., Tian, Lei., Wang, Yufei., Zhang, Baoliang*., Zhang, Hepeng., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. Preparation of anti-nonspecific adsorption polydopamine-based surface protein-imprinted magnetic microspheres with the assistance of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine and its application for protein recognition. Sensors & Actuators B Chemical, 2017.


6. Zhang, Baoliang., Li, Peitao., Zhang, Hepeng*., Wang, Hai., Li, Xiangjie., Tian, Lei., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2016). Preparation of lipase/Zn3(PO4)2 hybrid nanoflower and its catalytic performance as an immobilized enzyme. Chemical Engineering Journal, 287-297.
5. Zhang, Baoliang., Li, Peitao., Zhang, Hepeng*., Li, Xiangjie., Tian, Lei., Wang, Hai.,& Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2016). Red-blood-cell-like BSA/Zn3(PO4)2 hybrid particles: Preparation and application to adsorption of heavy metal ions. Applied Surface Science, 328-338.


4. Zhang, Baoliang., Zhang, Hepeng*., Tian, Lei., Li, Xiangjie., Li, Wei., Fan, Xinlong.,& Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2015). Magnetic microcapsules with inner asymmetric structure: Controlled preparation, mechanism, and application to drug release. Chemical Engineering Journal, 235-244.
3. Li, Xiangjie., Zhou, Jingjing., Tian, Lei., Li, Wei., Zhang Baoliang & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2016). Effect of crosslinking degree and thickness of thermosensitive imprinted layers on recognition and elution efficiency of protein imprinted magnetic microspheres. Sensors and Actuators B-chemical, 225(225), 436-445.


2. Zhang, Baoliang., Zhang, Hepeng*., Fan, Xinlong., Li, Xiangjie., Yin, Dezhong., & Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2013). Preparation of thermoresponsive Fe3O4/P(acrylic acid–methyl methacrylate–N-isopropylacrylamide) magnetic composite microspheres with controlled shell thickness and its releasing property for phenolphthalein. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 51-58.
1. Zhang, Baoliang., Zhang, Hepeng*., Li, Xiangjie., Lei, Xingfeng., Li, Chunmei., Yin, Dezhong.,& Zhang, Qiuyu*.. (2013). Synthesis of BSA/Fe3O4 magnetic composite microspheres for adsorption of antibiotics. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 33(7), 4401-4408.