


國    籍
民    族
職    業
資源管理與政策、環境與生態管理、礦業工程管理 [1] 
職    務
職    稱
教授 [1] 
性    別


發表中英文學術期刊論文60餘篇,其中在Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Applied Energy、Energy、Energy Policy、Journal of Environmental Management、Resources, Conservation & Recycling、Earth’s Future、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、Ecological Indicators、Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation等系列國際期刊發表第一或通訊作者SSCI\SCI論文36篇,包括JCR一區國際期刊論文26篇,2篇進入ESI高被引1%熱點論文(Hot Papers)。出版第一作者專著2部,參編著作十餘部(含第二作者3部)。
曾獲霍英東教育基金會第十七屆高等院校青年教師獎 [1] 



主要為資源管理與政策、環境與生態管理、礦業工程管理。 [1] 


  1. Zhang, B., Qian, W., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Wu, X.F.*, Sun, X.D., Qiao, H.*, 2020. Uneven development within China: Implications for interprovincial energy, water and arable land requirements. Journal of Environmental Management 261, 110231.(SCI) [2-3] 
  2. Gao, J.L., Guan, C.H., Zhang, B.*, 2020. China's CH4 emissions from coal mining: A review of current bottom-up inventories. Science of the Total Environment 725, 138295.(SCI) [2]  [4] 
  3. Zhang, B., Jin, P.F., Qiao, H.*, Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A., Ahmad, B., 2019. Exergy analysis of Chinese agriculture. Ecological Indicators 105, 279-291.(SCI) [2]  [5] 
  4. Zhang, B.*, Zhao, X.L., Wu, X.F., Han, M.Y., Guan, C.H.*, Song, S.J., 2018. Consumption-based accounting of global anthropogenic CH4 emissions. Earth’s Future 6, 1349-1363.(SCI) [2]  [6] 
  5. Zhang, B., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., Meng, J.*, 2018. Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions in China 2012: Inventory and supply chain analysis. Earth’s Future 6, 103-116.(SCI) [2]  [7] 
  6. Zhang, B.*, Meng, Z., Zhang, L.X., Sun, X.D., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A., Ahmad, B., 2018. Exergy-based systems account of national resource utilization: China 2012. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 132, 324-338.(SCI) [2]  [8] 
  7. Zhang, B., Qu, X., Meng, J.*, Sun, X.D., 2017. Identifying primary energy requirements in structural path analysis: a case study of China 2012. Applied Energy 191, 425-435(SCI) [2]  [9] 
  8. Zhang, B.*, Yang, T.R., Chen, B., Sun, X.D., 2016. China’s regional CH4 emissions: Characteristics, interregional transfer and mitigation policies. Applied Energy 184, 1184-1195.(SCI) [2]  [10] 
  9. Zhang, B.*, Chen, Z.M.*, Qiao, H., Chen, B., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A., 2015. China's non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions: Inventory and input–output analysis. Ecological informatics 26, 101-110. (SCI) [2]  [11] 
  10. Zhang, B.*, Qiao, H., Chen, B., 2015. Embodied energy uses by China’s four municipalities: A study based on multi-regional input–output model. Ecological Modelling 318, 138-149. [2]  [12] 
  11. Zhang B.*, Chen G.Q.. China's CH4and CO2emissions: Bottom-up estimation and comparative analysis. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 2014.01.022. (SCI) [2]  [13] 
  12. Zhang, B., Chen, G.Q., 2014 Methane emissions in China 2007. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 30, 886-902. (SCI) [2]  [14] 
  13. Zhang, B.*, Chen, Z.M.*, Qiao, H., Chen, B., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A., 2015. China's non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions: Inventory and input-output analysis. Ecological informatics, 26, 101-110. [2]  [15] 
  14. Zhang, B.*, Qiao, H., Chen, B., 2014. Embodied energy uses by China's four municipalities: A study based on multi-regional input-output model. Ecological modeling, 2014.10.007. [2]  [16] 
  15. Zhang B.*, Chen Z.M., Xia X.H., Xu X.Y., Chen Y.B., 2013. The impact of domestic trade on China's regional energy uses: A multi-regional input–output modeling. Energy Policy 63, 1169–1181. (SSCI, SCI) [2]  [17] 
  16. Zhang, B., Chen, G.Q., Xia, X.H., Li, S.C., Chen, Z.M., Ji, X., 2012. Environmental emissions by Chinese industry: Exergy based unifying assessment. Energy Policy 45, 490-501. (SSCI, SCI) [2]  [18] 
  17. Zhang, B.*, Peng, B., Liu, M., 2012. Exergetic assessment for resources input and environmental emissions by Chinese industry during 1997–2006. The Scientific World Journal, doi:10.1100/2012/692746. (SCI) [2]  [19] 
  18. Zhang, B.*, Peng, S., Xu, X., Wang, L., 2011. Embodiment analysis for greenhouse gas emissions by Chinese economy based on Global Thermodynamic Potentials. Energies 4, 1897–1915. (SCI) [2]  [20] 
  19. Zhang, B., Chen, G.Q., 2010. Physical sustainability assessment for the China society: Exergy-based systems account for resources use and environmental emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14(6), 1527-1545. (SCI) [2]  [21] 
  20. Zhang, B., Chen, G.Q., 2010. Methane emissions by Chinese economy: Inventory and embodiment analysis. Energy Policy 38(8), 4304-4316. (SSCI, SCI) [2]  [22] 
  21. Zhou, S.Y., Zhang, B.*, Cai, Z.F., 2010. Emergy analysis of a farm biogas project in China: A biophysical perspective of agricultural ecological engineering. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15(5), 1408-1418. (SCI) [2]  [23] 
  22. Chen, G.Q., Zhang, B., 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions in China 2007: Inventories and input-output analysis. Energy Policy 38(10), 6180-6193. (SSCI, SCI) [2]  [24] 


  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:中國能源相關甲烷排放清單開發及多尺度應用研究(編號:71774161)(主持) [25] 
  2. 國家重點研發計劃子課題:燃料電池、尾氣催化燃燒單元的能量平衡計算及設計(編號:2017YFB0601905-2) [2] 
  3. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:嵌入水資源和環境排放的社會系統可用能利用核算、模擬與評價(課題編號:71403270)(主持) [26] 
  4. 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目:我國能源活動相關的甲烷排放特徵、系統減排潛力與最優對策模型研究(課題編號:12YJC790255)(主持) [27] 
  5. 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金資助課題(新教師類):基於exergy方法的我國社會資源利用模式、系統效率及其影響因素研究(課題編號:20120023120002)(主持) [28] 
  6. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目:中國氫能源與燃料電池發展戰略研究(參與) [1] 
  7. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目課題:新形勢下能源新技術產業發展戰略研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  8. 中國工程院重點諮詢項目:我國燃料電池技術發展現狀及面向2035重大戰略研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  9. 中國工程院重點諮詢項目課題:西部地區煤炭資源與水資源協同發展戰略與工程科技研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  10. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目課題:綠色低碳產業發展戰略研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  11. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目課題:中國工程科技2035發展戰略研究(能源與礦業領域)(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  12. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目課題:廢棄礦井生態開發與工業旅遊戰略研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  13. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目課題:能源新技術戰略性新興產業重大行動計劃研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  14. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目課題:西部煤炭資源清潔高效利用發展戰略研究(參與,執筆人) [1] 
  15. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目“中國可持續發展礦產資源戰略研究”煤炭資源可持續發展戰略研究課題(參與,執筆人) [29] 
  16. 國家自然科學基金項目“基於不完全信息博弈模型的航空碳税和碳關税政策應對策略研究”(課題編號:71373262)(參與) [30] 
  17. 中國工程院重大諮詢項目“‘十三五’戰略性新興產業培育與發展規劃研究”新能源規劃研究課題(參與) [31] 
  18. 國家自然科學基金項目:煤炭資源可持續發展戰略研究(課題編號:L1222016) [32] 
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