


張利,女, 1979年5月出生於四川省廣安市,博士,中山大學化學學院教授、博士生導師。



1997.09-2001.07 中山大學化學與化學工程學院 學士 (畢業論文指導老師:康北笙教授)
2001.09-2004.07 中山大學化學與化學工程學院 碩士 (導師:康北笙教授)
2004.09-2008.07 香港科技大學化學系 博士 (導師:賈國成教授)
2008.08-2010.08 美國The Scripps Research Institute, 博士後 (合作導師:Prof. Valery V. Fokin) [1] 


2010.09-2019.01 中山大學化學學院,副教授,碩士生導師
2016.08-2019.01 中山大學化學學院,副教授,博士生導師
2019.02-今 中山大學化學學院,教授,博士生導師 [1] 


高等有機化學(金屬有機部分,12學時,研究生) [1] 


金屬有機化學與催化:將具有優異催化性能的金屬有機均相催化劑(主要包括銅鹽、雙核銠羧酸配合物和鉑族金屬卟啉)引入到金屬-有機多孔材料中,發展新型的異相催化劑,研究它們在有機反應中的催化性能和選擇性(如化學、位置和立體選擇性)。目前重點開展的課題是“卟啉金屬-有機框架的設計、合成以及催化性能研究”,其中催化反應集中在卡賓/氮賓轉移反應和CO2捕獲與轉化反應。 [1] 



1. 國家基金面上項目,“卟啉金屬-有機框架的合成和在二氧化碳捕獲和轉換上的應用研究”,項目編號21773314 (65萬,主持,2018.01-2021.12),在研。
2. 廣東省“百千萬工程青年拔尖人才”,2017.09-2020.09,10萬元,在研。
3. 廣州科技計劃科學研究專項一般項目,“卟啉金屬-有機框架的合成以及在可見光催化反應中的應用研究”,項目編號201707010168(20萬,主持,2017.05-2020.04),在研。
4. 高校基本科研業務費,重大項目培育和新興交叉學科培育計劃項目,“金屬-有機框架材料在環境和能源領域的催化研究”,項目編號16lgjc68(20萬,主持,2016.06-2018.05),已結題。
5. 國家基金面上項目,“具有胺化催化性能的金屬-有機框架的合成與反應研究”,項目編號21373278 (80萬,主持,2014.01-2017.12),已結題。
6. 國家青年基金,“過渡金屬催化胺化”,項目編號21102186 (25萬,主持,2012.01-2014.12),已結題。
7. 中山大學“百人計劃”啓動基金 (20萬,主持,2010.10-2012.10),已結題。 [1] 


1. Li Zhang*, Jiewei Liu, Cheng-Yong Su*, “Application of Metal-Organic Frameworks in CO2 Capture and Conversion”, Noncovalent Interactions in Catalysis, The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019, 455-478.
2. 張利和蘇成勇,“金屬-有機框架異相超分子催化材料”,《納米材料前沿》叢書之《金屬-有機框架材料》,化學工業出版社,2017,89-153。 [1] 


以第一作者或通訊作者在Chem. Soc. Rev.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. EdChem. Sci.ACS CatalAppl. Catal.,B.J. Mater. Chem. AChemSusChem等雜誌上發表28篇SCI論文,引用次數超過600的論文有2篇,單篇論文最高引用次數為1181。
  1. Jiewei Liu, Yan-Zhong Fan, Xin Li, Zhangwen Wei, Yao-Wei Xu,Li Zhang*,⁠ and Cheng-Yong Su⁠*, “A porous rhodium(III)-porphyrin metal-organic framework as an efficient and selective photocatalyst for CO2⁠ reduction”,Appl. Catal., B.,2018,231, 173-181 (IF = 11.698, Cited by 3 times).
  2. Jiewei Liu#, Yan-Zhong Fan#, Xin Li, Yao-Wei Xu,Li Zhang*,⁠ and Cheng-Yong Su⁠*, “Catalytic Space Engineering in Porphyrin Metal-Organic Frameworks for Combinatorial CO2Capture and Conversion under Low Concentration”,ChemSusChem,2018,11(14), 2340-2347 (IF = 7.411).
  3. Yingxia Wang, Hao Cui,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “An Acid Stable Metal-Organic Framework as an Efficient and Recyclable Catalyst for the O-H Insertion Reaction of Carboxylic Acids”,ChemCatChem,2018,10(7), 3901-3906 (IF = 4.674).
  4. Lianfen Chen#, Hao Cui#, Yanhu Wang, Xiang Liang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Carbene insertion into N–H bonds with size-selectivity induced by a microporous ruthenium–porphyrin metal–organic framework”,Dalton Trans.,2018,47(11), 3940-3946(IF = 4.099, Cited by 6 times).
  5. Gang Liu, Yanhu Wang, Baofu Zhu,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su, “A porous metal-organic aerogel based on dirhodium paddlewheels as an efficient and stable heterogeneous catalyst towards the reduction reaction of aldehyde and ketone”,New J. Chem.,2018,42(14), 11358-11363 (IF = 3.201).
  6. 梁祥,陳蓮芬,張利*和蘇成勇*,“金屬-有機框架在光催化上的應用”,科學通報,2018,63(3), 248-265 (IF = 1.649)。
  1. Yingxia Wang, Hao Cui, Zhangwen Wei, Hai-Ping Wang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Engineering Catalytic Coordination Space in a Chemical Stable Ir-Porphyrin MOF with Confinement Effect Inverting Conventional Si-H Insertion Chemoselectivity”,Chem. Sci.,2017,8(1), 775-780 (IF = 9.063, Cited by 22 times, Highlighted bySynfacts,2017,3,323).
  2. Jian Kang, Lianfen Chen, Hao Cui,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “N-H Insertion Reactions Catalyzed by a Dirhodium Metal-Organic Cage: A Facile and Recyclable Approach for C-N Bond Formation”,Chin. J. Chem.2017,35(6), 964-968 (IF = 2.378, Cited by 2 times).
  1. Dong Zhu, Jun Ma, Kui Luo, Hongguang Fu,Li Zhang*, and Shifa Zhu*, “Enantioselective Intramolecular C-H insertion of Donor- and Donor/Donor-Carbenes via Non-Diazo Approach”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016,55(29),8452-8456 (IF = 12.102, Cited by 34 times, Highlighted bySynfacts,2016,12,828 andChin. J. Org. Chem.2016,36, 1970).
  2. Baofu Zhu, Gang Liu, Lianfen Chen, Liqin Qiu, Liuping Chen, Jianyong Zhang,Li Zhang*, Mihail Barboiu, Rui Si, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Metal-Organic Aerogels Based on Dinuclear Rhodium Paddle-Wheel Units: Design, Synthesis and Catalysis”,Inorg. Chem. Front.,2016,3(5),702-708 (IF = 5.106, Cited by 3 times).
  3. Hao Cui, Yingxia Wang, Yanhu Wang, Yanzhong Fan,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “A Stable and Porous Iridium(III)-Porphyrin Metal-Organic Framework: Synthesis, Structure and Catalysis”,CrystEngComm,2016,18(12),2203-2209 (IF = 3.303, Cited by 31 times).
  1. Lianfen Chen, Tao Yang, Hao Cui, Tao Cai,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “A Porous Metal-Organic Cage Constructed from Dirhodium Paddle-Wheels: Synthesis, Structure and Catalysis”,J. Mater. Chem. A,2015,3(40), 20201-20209 (IF =9.931, Cited by 12 times).
  2. Lianfen Chen, Jian Kang, Hao Cui, Yingxia Wang, Lan Liu,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Homochiral coordination cages assembled from dinuclear paddlewheel nodes and enantiopure ditopic ligands: syntheses, structures and catalysis”,Dalton Trans.,2015,44(27), 12180–12188 (IF = 4.099, Cited by 10 times).
  3. Jian Kang, Baofu Zhu, Jiewei Liu, Bo Wang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Chiral dirhodium catalysts derived from L-serine, L-threonine and L-cysteine: design, synthesis and application”,Org. Chem. Front.,2015,2(8), 890-907 (IF = 5.455, Cited by 7 times).
  1. Jiewei Liu, Lianfen Chen, Hao Cui, Jiangyong Zhang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Applications of metal-organic frameworks in heterogeneous supramolecular catalysis”,Chem. Soc. Rev.2014,43(16), 6011-6061 (IF = 40.182, Cited by 1181 times, ESI Highly Cited Paper).
  1. Qi-Ting He, Xiang-Ping Li, Lian-Fen Chen,Li Zhang*, Wei Wang, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Nanosized coordination cages incorporating multiple Cu(I) reactive sites: host-gest modulated catalytic activity”,ACS Catal.2013,3(1), 1-9 (IF = 11.384, Cited by 23 times).
  2. Tao Yang, Hao Cui, Changhe Zhang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “From homogeneous to heterogeneous catalysis of the three-component coupling of oxysulfonyl azides, alkynes, and amines”,ChemCatChem,2013,5(10), 3131-3138 (IF = 4.674, Cited by 23 times).
  3. Tao Yang, Hao Cui, Changhe Zhang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Porous metal-organic framework catalyzing the three-component coupling of sulfonyl azide, alkyne and amine”,Inorg. Chem.2013,52(15), 9053-9059 (IF = 4.7, Cited by 43 times).
  1. Xiao-Ming Lin, Ting-Ting Li, Yi-Wei Wang,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Two Zn(II) metal-organic frameworks with coordinatively unsaturated metal sites: structures, adsorption and catalysis”,Chem. Asian J.,2012,7(12), 2796-2804 (IF = 3.692, Cited by 69 times).
  2. Xiao-Ming Lin, Ting-Ting Li, Lian-Fen Chen,Li Zhang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, “Two ligand-functionalized Pb(II) metal-organic frameworks: structures and catalytic performances”,Dalton Trans.,2012,41(34), 10422-10429 (IF = 4.099, Cited by 49 times).
  1. Li Zhang, Herman H.-Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams, Zhenyang Lin*, and Guochen Jia*, “Reactions of Cp*RuCl(COD) with alkynes: Isolation of dinuclear metallacyclopentatriene complexes”,Organometallics,2008,27(19), 5122-5129 (IF = 4.051, Cited by 15 times).
  1. Li Zhang, Li Dang, Ting Bin Wen, Herman H. -Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams, Zhenyang Lin*, and Guochen Jia*, “Cyclometalation of 2-vinylpyridine with MCl2(PPh3)3and MHCl(PPh3)3(M = Ru, Os),Organometallics,2007,26(11), 2849-2860 (IF = 4.051, Cited by 22 times).
  1. Li Zhang, Xinguo Chen, Peng Xue, Herman H. -Y. Sun, Ian D. Williams, K. Barry Sharpless, Valery V. Fokin*, and Guochen Jia*, “Ruthenium-catalyzed cycloaddition of alkynes and organic azides”,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2005,127(46), 15998-15999 (IF = 14.357, Cited by 696 times).
  2. Li Zhang, Xing-Qiang Lü, Chun-Long Chen, Hai-Yan Tan, Hua-Xin Zhang, and Bei-Sheng Kang*, Nanosized silver(I) coordination networks of mixed bix-diphosphine (bix=1,4-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene),Cryst. Growth Des.,2005,5(1), 283-287 (IF = 3.972, Cited by 74 times).
  3. Li Zhang, Xing-Qiang Lü, Qian Zhang, Chun-Long Chen and Bei-Sheng Kang*, “Coordination modes of diphosphines in silver(I)–diphosphine complexes mediated by 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine (tptz)”,Transit. Metal. Chem.,2005,30(1), 76-81 (IF = 1.261, Cited by 31 times).
  1. Li Zhang, Hua-Xin Zhang, Chun-Long Chen, Liang-Rong Deng, and Bei-Sheng Kang*, “Modulation of the coordination environment of silver(I) in bis(diphenylphosphino)methane complexes by selection of heterocyclic thiolato ligands”,Inorg. Chim. Acta,2003,355, 49-56 (IF = 2.002, Cited by 35 times).
  2. Li Zhang, Chun-Long Chen, Qian Zhang, Hua-Xin Zhang and Bei-Sheng Kang*, “mu-1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane-kappa P-2 : P '-bis[2,2 '-bipyridylsilver(I)]ditetrafluoroborate”,Acta Crystallographica Section E,2003,59, M536-M537 (IF = 0.347, Cited by 9 times).
  1. 張利,劉俊,鄧良容,張華新,蔡躍鵬,劉漢欽和康北笙*,雙齒膦參與的非均三腳架配位銀化合物的合成、結構與表徵,化學學報,2002,60(4), 566-568 (IF = 2.286, Cited by 1 time). [1] 


1. 張利,“卟啉金屬-有機框架在異相催化中的應用研究”,全國第十九屆大環化學暨第十一屆超分子化學學術討論會,呼倫貝爾,2018年8月16-19日,邀請報告。
2. 張利,“卟啉金屬-有機框架應用於選擇性催化反應”,第十屆有機化學學術會議,深圳,2017年12月19-21日,口頭報告。
3. 張利,“卟啉金屬-有機框架在CO2捕獲和轉換上的應用研究”,第七屆嶺南有機化學論壇暨第二屆國際有機化學會議,廣州,2017年11月10-13日,口頭報告。
4. 張利,“卟啉金屬-有機框架在CO2轉換上的應用研究”,第四屆卟啉與酞菁學術研討會,青島,2017年7月6-9日,邀請報告。
5. 張利,“卟啉金屬-有機框架的合成以及在卡賓轉移反應中的應用研究”,2017年中西部地區無機化學化工學術研討會,西安,2017年4月28-30日,口頭報告。
6. 張利,“卟啉金屬-有機框架的合成和反應研究”,全國第十八屆大環暨第十屆超分子化學學術討論會會議,長沙,2016年8月25-28日,口頭報告。 [1] 


1. 中山大學第八屆校級教學成果獎二等獎,“深化《基礎化學實驗》教學改革,培養厚基礎、強創新、高素質的化學拔尖人才”(教學團隊主要成員,2017年)
2. 廣東特支計劃百千萬青年拔尖人才(2016年)
3. 中山大學“芙蘭獎”(超分子結構與材料化學團隊主要成員,2016年)
4. 英國皇家化學會“ Top 1%高被引中國作者”(2016年榜單)
5. 中山大學化學與化學工程學院青年教師講課比賽二等獎(2011年) [1] 