


張光林,男,1981年4月生,上海市青年拔尖人才,上海市曙光學者,信息科學與技術學院教授(破格)、博士生導師、副院長。校工程專業學位評定委員會委員,校教學委員會委員,院教授委員會委員。 [1] 
國    籍
職    務
性    別


主要從事無線通信網絡、5G車聯網、能源互聯網、智能邊緣計算、機器學習及其應用等方面科研工作,主持國家自然科學基金項目3項,上海市委組織部青年拔尖人才開發計劃項目,上海市科委國際科技合作項目2項,上海市教委曙光計劃項目,上海市教委科研創新項目,上海市教委選拔培養優秀青年教師基金項目,及中央高校交叉重點、勵志計劃、自由探索、青年教師項目等;主持國家電網上海電力科學研究院委託科技項目及國家電網上海電力公司委託科技項目等多項企業合作項目。近年來在IEEE/ACM TON、IEEE JSAC、TCOM、TWC、TCC、TVT、TII、TCST、TNSE、JIOT、ACM TOSN、MOBICOM、TURC、IEEE GLOBECOM、ICC等國內外重要學術期刊和會議上發表論SCI/EI論文80餘篇,授權國家發明專利25項。
擔任中國科協卓越期刊《中國通信》(China Communications)(SCI)編委、Plos One(SCI)編委、IEEE Access(SCI)編委、《通信與信息網絡學報》(Journal of Communications and Information Networks,JCIN)編委、《東華大學學報(英文版)》編委;ACM MOBIHOC 2020本地組委會主席,中國圖靈大會ACM TURC 2017-2021本地組委會或程序委員會副主席;IEEE ICDCS 2019,IEEE GLOBECOM 2016-2018,IEEE ICC 2014-2018,IEEE VTC 2017等國際學術會議程序委員會委員。獲歐洲學術創新聯盟MLICOM 2016最佳論文獎,2017-2019連續三年獲ACM中國傑出服務獎(Outstanding Service Award)。










1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,面向邊緣智能的車聯網計算通信與路徑規劃,2021/01-2024/12,57萬元,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,內容中心車聯網容量分析與緩存優化研究,2018/01-2021/12,59萬元,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,具有時延限制的大規模車載網絡容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,25萬元,主持
4. 上海市曙光計劃項目,2021.01-2023.12,15
5. 上海市青年拔尖人才開發計劃項目,2020/01-2022/12,15萬,主持
6. 上海市科委國際科技合作項目,智慧城市中基於跨技術通信的軟件定義車聯網頻譜感測網絡架構及資源優化研究,2020/09-2023/08,45萬元,主持
7. 上海市科委國際科技合作項目,含分佈式電源和儲能裝置的智能微電網網絡化調控關鍵技術研究,2015/09-2018/08,50萬元,主持
8. 上海市教委科研創新項目,基於定向天線和時延限制的大規模無線車載網容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,8萬元,主持
9. 教育部中央高校交叉重點項目,物聯網移動邊緣計算及在智能可穿戴技術中的應用,2020/01-2022/12,50萬元,主持
10. 教育部中央高校勵志計劃,大規模無線網絡性能優化與評價,2015/01-2017/12,50萬,主持
11. 教育部中央高校自由探索項目,大規模無線社會網絡容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,10萬,主持
12. 上海市教委優秀青年基金,圖上的隨機遊動及其在通信中的應用,2007/01-2009/12,5萬,主持
13. 國家電網上海電力科學研究院科技項目,全站CVT誤差在線監測技術研究,2021/01-2021/12,89.9
14. 國家電網上海市電力公司科技項目,SF6分佈式智能傳感及預警技術研究,2021/01-2021/12,59.9


[1] Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “Competitive Online Stay-or-Switch Algorithms With Minimum Commitment and Switching Cost,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2022.3183142. (SCI, IF: 3.56)
[2] P. Zhao, J. Tao, K. Lu, Guanglin Zhang*, F. Gao, “Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Joint Optimization of Delay and Privacy in Multiple-User MEC Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2022.3140231. (SCI, IF: 4.714)
[3] W. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang*, S. Mao, “Joint Parallel Offloading and Load Balancing for Cooperative-MEC Systems With Delay Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(4): 4249-4263, 2022. (SCI, IF: 5.033)
[4] M. Chen, Z. Shen, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Intelligent Energy Scheduling in Renewable Integrated Microgrid with Bidirectional Electricity-to-Hydrogen Conversion,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TNSE.2022.3158988. (SCI, IF: 5.213)
[5] L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Joint Partial Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in Mobility-Aware MEC System,” China Communications, 2022. (SCI, IF: 2.688)
[6] Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “Two-timescale Mobile User Association and Hybrid Generator on/off Control for Green Cellular Networks with Energy Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3185300. (SCI, IF: 5.033)
[7] Guanglin Zhang, S. Ni, P. Zhao, “Learning-Based Joint Optimization of Energy Delay and Privacy in Multiple-User Edge-Cloud Collaboration MEC Systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(2):1491-1502, 2022. (SCI, IF: 9.515)
[8] G. Huang, P. Zhao, Guanglin Zhang*, “Real-Time Battery Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3145849. (SCI, IF: 9.515)
[9] Y. Cao, H. Wang, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, “Smart Online Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles via Customized Actor–Critic Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(1):684-694, 2022. (SCI, IF: 9.515)
[10] C. Guo, D. Li, X. Chen, Guanglin Zhang, “An adaptive V2R communication strategy based on data delivery delay estimation in VANETs,” Vehicular Communications, 34, 100444, 2022. (SCI, IF:6.910)
[11] Guanglin Zhang, S. Zhang, Z. Shen, W. Zhang, and L. Wang, “Joint Service Caching, Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20(8):5288-5300,2021. (SCI, IF: 6.779)
[12] Z. Shen, C. Wu, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Real-time Energy Management for Microgrid with EV Station and CHP Generation,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 8(2): 1492-1501, 2021. (SCI, IF: 5.213)
[13] M. Huang, Y. Yi, Guanglin Zhang*, “Service Caching and Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled Intelligent Connected Vehicles,” Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science), 26(5): 670-679, 2021. (EI)
[14] J. Ren, D. Li, L.Zhang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Scaling Performance Analysis and Optimization Based on the Node Spatial Distribution in Mobile Content-Centric Networks,” Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing. 2021: 8880015:1-8880015:17 (2021).(SCI, IF:1.819)
[15] Guanglin Zhang, S. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Shen, and L. Wang, “Distributed Energy Management for Multiple Data Centers with Renewable Resources and Energy Storages,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2020.3031881. (SCI, IF: 4.714)
[16] P. Zhao, J. Sun, Guanglin Zhang*, “DAML: Practical Secure Protocol for Data Aggregation Based on Machine Learning,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 16(4): 34:1-34:18 (2020). (SCI, IF:2.469)
[17] P. Zhao, W. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, Z. Li, L. Wang, “Preserving Privacy in WiFi Localization With Plausible Dummy Locations,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(10): 11909-11925 (2020). (SCI, IF: 5.033)
[18] Guanglin Zhang, A. Zhang, P. Zhao, “LocMIA: Membership Inference Attacks Against Aggregated Location Data,” IEEE Internet Things Journal, 7(12): 11778-11788, 2020. (SCI一區, IF: 9.515)
[19] Guanglin Zhang, S. Ni, P. Zhao, “Enhancing Privacy Preservation in Speech Data Publishing,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2983228 (SCI一區, IF: 9.515)
[20] Guanglin Zhang, A. Zhang, P. Zhao, J. Sun, “Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Scheme in Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization,” IEEE Systems Journal, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2977970 (SCI, IF: 4.463)
[21] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, X. Ding, R. Curtmola, and C. Borcea. “Dynamic Interior Point Method for Vehicular Traffic Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2020.2983434. (SCI, IF: 5.033)
[22] Guanglin Zhang, Z. Shen, L. Wang, “Online Energy Management for Microgrids With CHP Co-Generation and Energy Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(2): 533-541, 2020. (SCI, IF: 4.883)
[23] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Shen, L. Wang, “Distributed Energy Management for Multiuser Mobile-Edge Computing Systems With Energy Harvesting Devices and QoS Constraints,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(3): 4035-4048, 2019. (SCI, IF: 9.515)
[24] Guanglin Zhang, Z. Shen, Z. Li, L. Wang, “Energy Scheduling for Networked Microgrids with Co-Generation and Energy Storage,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(5): 7722-7736, 2019. (SCI, IF: 9.515)
[25] Guanglin Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Cao, D. Li, and L. Wang, “Energy-Delay Tradeoff for Dynamic Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing System with Energy Harvesting Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(10): 4642-4655, 2018. (SCI, IF: 7.377)
[26] P. Zhao, H. Jiang, J. Li, F. Zeng, Z. Xiao, K. Xie, Guanglin Zhang, “Synthesizing Privacy Preserving Traces: Enhancing Plausibility With Social Networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking. 27(6): 2391-2404, 2019. (SCI, IF: 3.56)
[27] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, and M. Zhai, “Real-Time Path Planning in Urban Area via VANET-Assisted Traffic Information Sharing,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(7): 5638-5649, 2018. (SCI, IF: 5.339)
[28] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Cao, L. Wang, D. Li, “Operation Cost Minimization for Base Stations With Heterogenous Energy Supplies and Sleep-Awake Mode: A Two-Timescale Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 4(4): 908-918, 2018. (SCI, IF: 4.341)
[29] Guanglin Zhang, J. Liu, and J. Ren, “Multicast Capacity of Cache Enabled Content-Centric Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” China Communications, 14(7): 1-9, 2017. (SCI, IF: 2.688)
[30] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Wang, X. Tian, J. Liu, X. Gan, H. Yu and L. Qian, “Multicast Capacity for Hybrid VANETs with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(4): 818-833, 2012. (SCI, IF: 9.302)
[31] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Wang, and M. Guizani, “Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint,”IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58(7): 2097-2106, 2010. (SCI, IF: 5.69)
[32] W. Zhang, J. Yang, Guanglin Zhang, L. Yang, and C.K. Yeo, “TV White Space and Its Applications in Future Wireless Networks & Communications: A Survey,” IET Communications, 2018, 12(20), 2521-2532. (SCI)
[33] X. Ying, J. Zhang, L. Yan, Y. Cheng, Guanglin Zhang, M. Chen, and R. Chandra, “Exploring Indoor White Spaces in Metropolises,” ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 9(1): 9:1-9:25, 2017. (SCI, IF: 3.196)
[34] C. Chau, Guanglin Zhang, and M. Chen, “Cost Minimizing Online Algorithms for Energy Storage Management with Worst-case Guarantee,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(6): 2691-2702, 2016. (SCI, IF: 10.486)
[35] D. Li, H. Zhao, F. Tian, B. Huang, Y. Xu, Guanglin Zhang, “Multipath network coding and multicasting for content sharing in wireless P2P networks: A potential game approach,” Computer Communications, 96: 17-28, 2016. (SCI, IF: 3.338)
[36] L. Fu, L. Qian, X. Tian, H. Tang, N. Liu, Guanglin Zhang and X. Wang, “Percolation Degree of Secondary Users in Cognitive Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(10):1994-2005, 2012. (SCI, IF: 9.302)
[37] W. Fan, W. Zhang, L. Wang, T. Liu, and Guanglin Zhang*, “Joint Offloading and Resource Allocation in Cooperative Blockchain-Enabled MEC System,” ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference - China (ACM TURC), New York, NY, USA, 136-140, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3472634.3472666.
[38] M. Ge, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, L. Wang, “Joint Optimization of Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in UAV-Assisted MEC Networks,” China Automation Congress (CAC), 2021.
[39] X. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, “Joint Optimization Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Cloud Computing Networks with Delay Constraints,” IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), 2020.
[40] S. Zhang, Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “Cost Minimization for Geo-Distributed Data Centers with Renewable Resources and Energy Storages,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Hawaii, Big Inland, USA, Dec., 2019.
[41] P. Zhao, J. Sun, A. Zhang, S. Ni, Guanglin Zhang, “P3S2: practical secure protocol for speech data publishing,” ACM TURC, 33:1-5, 2019.
[42] T. Cao, Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “LSTM-Aided Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Microgrid with Energy Storage and EV Charging,” MSN, 2019: 13-18.
[43] Guanglin Zhang, M. Qin, Z. Shen, and L. Wang, "Energy Management for Smart Base Stations with Heterogeneous Energy Harvesting Devices," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec, 2018.
[44] Y. Cao, Guanglin Zhang*, D. Li, and L. Wang, "Online Energy Management for Smart Communities with Heterogeneous Demands," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec, 2018.
[45] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Cao, and D. Li, “Energy Cost Reduction for Hybrid Energy Supply Base Stations with Sleep Mode Techniques,” IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC), Kansas City, USA, May, 2018.
[46] Guanglin Zhang, K. Yi, W. Zhang, D. Li, “Cost Reduction for Micro-Grid Powered Data Center Networks with Energy Storage Devices,” Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2018.
[47] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Shen and L. Wang, “Energy Management for Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems with Energy Harvesting Devices and QoS Constraints,” IEEE International Workshop on Sustainable Edge Computing for IoT systems, ICCCN, 2018.
[48] C. Qi, Guanglin Zhang*, W. Zhang, and D. Li, “An Indoor TV White Space Resource Collecting and APs Locations Selecting Scheme,” IEEE CBD 2017.
[49] J. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, D. Li, J. Ren, “Capacity of Content-Centric Hybrid Wireless Networks,” EAI MLICOM, 2016.
[50] Y. Shen, X. Ou, J. Xu, Guanglin Zhang*, L. Wang, and D. Li, “Optimal Energy Storage Management for Microgris with ON/OFF Co-Generator: A Two-Time-Scale Approach,” IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Orlando, Florida, USA, December, 2015.
[51] X. Ou, Y. Shen, Z. Zeng, Guanglin Zhang*, and L. Wang, “Cost Minimization Online Energy Management for Microgrids with Power and Thermal Storages,” Workshop on WiMAN, IEEE ICCCN, 2015.
[52] L. Mak, M. Chen, Guanglin Zhang, L. Huang, and H. Zeng, “Online Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle,” ACM E-energy, 2015, Poster.
[53] X. Ying, J. Zhang, L. Yan, Guanglin Zhang, M. Chen, and R. Chandra, “Exploring Indoor White Spaces in Metropolises,” ACM MOBICOM, 2013.
[54] Guanglin Zhang, L. Wang, “Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Transmission Uncertainty,” IEEE ICCC workshop D2D communications, 2013.
[55] X. Cao, J. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, L. Fu and X. Wang, “Heterogeneous Multicast Networks With Wireless Helping Networks,” the 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, (WASA), 2012.
[56] Guangin Zhang, Y. Xu and X. Wang, “Multicast Capacity for Hybrid MANETs with Direction Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE GLOBLECOM, 2011.
1. 張光林;陳茗,一種能源互聯網混合能量系統及其調度方法,申請公佈日: 2022.01.28
2. 易雨菡;張光林,一種多用户移動邊緣計算系統中最優化成本和時延方法,申請公佈日: 2021.02.19
3. 黃夢婷;劉肖燕;張光林,一種車聯網信息處理時延優化方法,申請公佈日: 2020.07.31
4. 張安琪;趙萍;張光林,一種針對聚合位置數據的成員推測攻擊系統,申請公佈日: 2020.07.17
5. 徐瓏婷;魏郅林;季云云;張光林;賈逢德,一種基於恆定常數頻域變換下的語音增強方法,申請公佈日: 2020.07.10
6. 張光林;倪思帆;趙萍,基於隱私保護的語音數據處理方法,申請公佈日: 2020.04.10
7. 張光林;黃淦;趙萍,電動汽車能源管理與分配方法,申請公佈日: 2020.04.07
8. 張光林;王璐瑤;沈至榕;張文倩;王琳,一種基於強化學習的多用户移動邊緣計算遷移方法,申請公佈日: 2020.02.21
9. 張光林;沈至榕;王璐瑤;王琳;王琛焱,一種基於服務質量的多智能電網資源協同管理方法,申請公佈日: 2020.02.21
10. 瞿斌傑;孫韶媛;趙國順;張光林;翟夢琳,基於時空雙流卷積神經網絡的跨視角步態識別方法,申請公佈日: 2020.01.14
11. 張磊;趙康寧;倪琴;徐瓏婷;張光林,複雜室內環境下一種基於改進粒子濾波的無線定位方法,申請公佈日: 2019.10.15
12. 廖書亞; 李德敏;徐夢然;郭暢;曹永勝;張光林,一種基於VANETs的停車場推薦方法,授權公告日: 2022.01.11
13. 張安琪;趙萍;張光林一種針對聚合位置數據系統的隱私保護性能評估系統,授權公告日: 2021.12.10
14. 曹永勝;李德敏;張光林;汪浩,一種無樁式電動汽車充電停車位決策系統,授權公告日: 2021.12.07
15. 張安琪;趙萍;張光林,基於WiFi指紋室內定位的輕量級隱私保護系統及方法,授權公告日: 2021.11.12
16. 李德敏;王俊傑;張愛平;曹夢琦;徐夢然;廖書亞;張光林,一種VANET環境下結合預測信息的路徑規劃方法,授權公告日: 2021.11.09
17. 徐夢然;李德敏;廖書亞;胡星星;湯孝陽;張光林,在車載自組織網絡RSU缺失場景下的路網信息收集方法,授權公告日: 2021.11.09
18. 李德敏;曹夢琦;張愛平;王俊傑;徐夢然;廖書亞;張光林,車載自組織網中不同RSU場景下的路網信息收集方法,授權公告日: 2021.11.02
19. 曹永勝;李德敏;張光林,一種密碼記錄系統,授權公告日: 2021.10.26
20. 黃夢婷;劉肖燕;張光林,一種車聯網信息處理時延優化方法,授權公告日: 2021.10.15
21. 趙萍;陶佳偉;張光林,基於能量採集設備的移動邊緣計算系統雙層負載平衡方法,授權公告日: 2021.08.27
22. 徐瓏婷;張光林;趙萍;張磊;季云云,身份矢量x-vector線性變換下的説話人識別方法,授權公告日: 2021.08.20
23. 趙萍;趙小薈;張光林;李德敏,抵禦位置數據中毒攻擊的車聯網位置數據處理方法和裝置,授權公告日: 2021.07.20
24. 徐夢然; 李德敏;王俊傑;廖書亞;胡偉;李悦;張光林,一種基於不同信號燈狀態的區域分簇方法,授權公告日: 2021.07.02
25. 趙萍;黃代玉;徐瓏婷;張光林,車聯網中基於博弈的位置數據中毒攻擊原型系統,授權公告日: 2021.05.11
26. 張光林;吳長樂;曹永勝;張文倩;李德敏,多輛電動汽車在微電網系統中的分佈式實時能量分配方法,授權公告日: 2021.04.02
27. 易開江;張光林;吳長樂;張文倩;李德敏,一種數據中心成本優化方法,授權公告日: 2021.03.19
28. 趙萍;高西林;張光林;李德敏,LBS中抵禦推測攻擊的位置數據的處理方法和處理裝置,授權公告日: 2021.03.05
29. 李德敏; 張愛平;王俊傑;曹夢琦;徐夢然;廖書亞;張光林,一種基於VANETs的車輛防碰撞路由方法,授權公告日: 2020.12.18
30. 李龍龍;張光林,一種智能微電網分佈式能源調度方法,授權公告日: 2020.05.26
31. 曹永勝;李德敏;張光林;丁紳一;王珊珊,一種紅外無人機自主電網巡檢系,授權公告日: 2019.06.21
32. 餘園林;李德敏;張光林;崔照遠;張曉露,一種車載自組織中車輛均勻分佈下的分層多跳鏈路方法,授權公告日: 2019.04.09
33. 張曉露;李德敏;張光林,一種基於公交車骨幹網的停車場選擇系,授權公告日: 2018.12.04
34. 餘園林; 李德敏;崔照遠;郭暢;王澤陽;張光林;張曉露,一種基於泊車與尋車的停車系,授權公告日: 2018.12.04
35. 張曉露;李德敏;吳思畏;張光林,一種基於車載網絡的停車場信息的獲取方法,授權公告日: 2017.12.22
36. 王小明; 李德敏;陳建斌;張曉露;張光林;湯海涅,一種地震行業集羣多鏈路節點監控系,授權公告日: 2017.02.22
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