


《工程管理專業英語》是2018年機械工業出版社出版的圖書。本書內容新穎、覆蓋面廣、系統性強、可讀性好, 是學習工程管理專業英語的實用教材。既可供高等院校的工程管理專業和土木工程相關專業師生使用,也可作為工程管理專業人員及其他有興趣人員的學習參考書。
作    者


本書以培養和提高讀者閲讀和筆譯工程管理專業英語文獻資料的能力為目標, 增加了工程英語對話, 具有一定的實用性。
本書素材選自近年來國內外工程管理各領域的經典教材、專著、論文,內容涉及工程管理各領域當前的狀況和新進展。本書主要內容包括項目管理體系、工程管理專業概論、工程項目前期策劃、工程項目投標和招標管理、工程合同管理、工程成本管理、工程進度管理、工程施工現場管理、工程質量與安全、工程信息管理、工程風險管理、工程索賠、爭端和仲裁、國際工程商務談判。本書內容新穎、覆蓋面廣、系統性強、可讀性好, 是學習工程管理專業英語的實用教材。
本書既可供高等院校的工程管理專業和土木工程相關專業師生使用,也可作為工程管理專業人員及其他有興趣人員的學習參考書。 [1] 


目 錄
前 言
Unit 1 Management System 1
Part I Reading and Translating 1
Professional Knowledge Guidance 1
Text Introduction to Project Management 1
Passage A The Project Life Cycle 5
Passage B Selection of Professional Services 7
Part II Speaking 11
Company Presentation 11
Unit 2 Project Management 12
Part I Reading and Translating 12
Professional Knowledge Guidance 12
Text Project Management for Construction 12
Passage A Project Management and Construction Project 17
Passage B The Changing Environment of the Construction Industry 21
Part II Speaking 24
Discussion of a Project at a Preliminary Phase 24
Unit 3 Construction Project of Planning and Decision 26
Part I Reading and Translating 26
Professional Knowledge Guidance 26
Text Strategic Planning and Project Programming 26
Passage A Project Life Cycle and Economic Feasibility 30
Passage B Basic Concepts of Economic Evaluation 31
Part II Speaking 35
Talks Between the Owner and the Program Manager 35
Unit 4 Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects 37
Part I Reading and Translating 37
Professional Knowledge Guidance 37
Text Standard Bidding/ Tendering Documents 37
Passage A The Bidding / Tendering Process 44
Passage B Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects 47
Part II Speaking 52
Collecting Tender Document 52
Unit 5 Contract Management of Construction Projects 54
Part I Reading and Translating 54
Professional Knowledge Guidance 54
Text Project Contract Management 54
Passage A Types of Contracts 61
Passage B Contract Provisions for Risk Allocation 64
Part II Speaking 67
The Owner Hands Over the Site Late 67
Unit 6 Management of Engineering Cost 69
Part I Reading and Translating 69
Professional Knowledge Guidance 69
Text Project Cost Estimate and Cost Control 69
Passage A Cost Estimate 75
Passage B The Construction Project Budget 78
Part II Speaking 81
Project Estimating 81
Unit 7 Project Planning and Scheduling 83
Part I Reading and Translating 83
Professional Knowledge Guidance 83
Text Construction Planing 83
Passage A Defining Work Tasks 86
Passage B Work Plan 90
Part II Speaking 93
Project Programming 93
Unit 8 Construction Site Management 95
Part I Reading and Translating 95
Professional Knowledge Guidance 95
Text Factors Affecting Job-Site Productivity 95
Passage A Choice of Equipment and Standard Production Rates 99
Passage B Material Procurement and Delivery 101
Part II Speaking 104
Field Management 104
Unit 9 Quali