

嶽田利,男,1965年4月生。中共黨員,博士,西北農林科技大學教授,博士生導師 [1] 
現任陝西省食品安全專家委員會主任、西北大學食品學院院長。 [2] 
職    業


指導博士生實驗 指導博士生實驗
2013年6月至今,國家楊凌農業綜合試驗工程技術研究中心主任 [1] 


國務院學位委員會食品科學與工程學科評議組成員,國家楊凌農業綜合試驗工程技術研究中心主任,農業部農產品質量安全風險評估實驗室(楊凌)主任。農業部農產品質量安全專家組成員,國家食品藥品監督管理總局食品安全專家組成員,全國農業推廣碩士食品加工與食品安全領域協作組成員,陝西省人大常委會食品安全立法諮詢專家,陝西省食品安全專家委員會政策法規委員會副主任,中國真菌毒素防控科技創新聯盟常務理事,陝西省柑橘產業科技聯盟學術委員會主任,陝西省人民政府食品安全應急管理專家組成員,陝西省食品科學技術學會副理事長,中國農業工程學會農產品加工及貯藏工程分會常務理事,中國農學會農產品加工分會常務理事,中國食品科學技術學會果蔬加工分會常務理事,國家保健產品審評專家,國家新產品評審專家,國家實驗室資質認定(CNAS)評審專家。2005年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃,2006年批准享受國務院政府特殊津貼,2008年入選陝西省“三五”人才第二層次人選,西北農林科技大學首批拔尖人才計劃入選者。擔任《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》(SCI)、《農業工程學報》(EI)、《食品科學》(EI)等國內外期刊編委。 [1] 


食品安全識別控制工程,營養健康食品製造工程。 [1] 


長期致力於食品工程高新技術、食品與發酵工程、食品安全因子識別控制工程技術教學與科研工作,先後承擔本科生“食品安全控制技術”“食品工廠設計”“食品科學與工程導論”等課程,其中“食品工廠設計”課程為校級精品課程。同時,為博士研究生和碩士研究生講授“食品科學博士研究生Seminar”“食品科學與工程研究進展”“食品工程新技術”“食品科學研究方向專題”等課程。 [1] 


(3)李新生,吳三橋,嶽田利,郭念文,薛海龍,江海,張天虎,李澤輝,張志健. 陝西柑橘資源與產業化開發,陝西省科學技術獎二等獎,2014年,第三名;
(7)嶽田利,中國農學會青年科技獎,2002年,第一名。 [1] 


(2)嶽田利、袁亞宏、高振鵬、王軍、王瑩、 胡貽椿、蔡福帶、楊康、裴金金、郭耀東、彭幫柱、趙旭博;2009年4月 “蘋果及果汁生產過程中嗜酸耐熱菌的分離、鑑定、檢測及控制技術”通過教育部成果鑑定,鑑定結論為:國際領先(鑑字【教BP2009】第004號)。
(4)嶽田利、袁亞宏、高振鵬、王雲陽、劉拉平、蔡福帶、蘇青峯、費堅、張飛、彭幫柱、張永辰、管有世、師學文、杜宏強、鄭宏科、王平;2004年9月“蘋果濃縮汁加工全程質量控制技術體系研究與示範”課題通過教育部成果鑑定,鑑定結論為:國際先進(鑑字【教BP2004】第003號)。 [1] 


(9) 李忠宏, 曹淼, 嶽田利, 葛武鵬, 王建龍, 段旭昌. 一種染料親和磁性微球的製備及用於乳清中乳鐵蛋白分離的應用 (ZL201310285276.4);
(10) 李忠宏, 嶽田利, 王建龍, 唐文志, 李榮華, 段旭昌. 用於水溶液中重金屬離子Cr(VI)去除的多孔不鏽鋼基鐵氧化物膜的製備方法(ZL201310031975.6).
(11) 馬惠玲、嶽田利、張東坡、許增巍;蘋果果膠的脱色及生產白色細粉的蘋果果膠的工藝專利證書(已授權);
(12) 李志成、嶽田利;IC50(EC50)計算機軟件1.0著作權證書(已授權); [1] 


(7)果蔬產品質量安全採樣與風險評估——農業部農產品質量安全風險評估重大專項課題, 2012-2016年
(11)基於FT-IR 的蘋果汁中嗜酸耐熱菌快速識別鑑定方法——國家自然基金面上項目, 2011-2013年 [1] 


近年來,發表學術論文近300篇,其中2010年以來第一作者或者通訊作者發表SCI/EI論文共計近100篇, ESI 1%高被引論文2篇。
(1)Guohong, Niu Chen, Liu Bin, Wei jianping, Wang huxuan, Yuan yahong, Yue Tianli*. Protein Abundance Changes Of Zygosaccharomyces Rouxii In Different Sugar Concentrations. International Journal Of Food Microbiology, 2016, 233:44-51. (SCI)
(2)Niuchen, Yuanyahong, Huzhongqiu, Wangzhouli, Liubin, Wanghuxuan, Yue Tianli*. Accessing Spoilage Features Of Osmotolerant Yeasts Identified From Kiwifruit Plantation And Processing Environment In Shaanxi, China. International Journal Of Food Microbiology, 2016, 232:126-133. (SCI )
(3)Huzhongqiu, Lixiaojing, Wanghuxuan, Niuchen, Yuanyahong, Yuetianli*. A Novel Method To Quantify The Activity Of Alcohol Acetyltransferase Using A Sno2-Based Sensor Of Electronic Nose. Food Chemistry. 2016, 203:498-504. (SCI )
(4)Longfangyu, Yangxin, Sunjiao, Zhongqinyue, Weijianping, Qupu, Yuetianli*. Effects Of Combined High Pressure And Thermal Treatment On The Allergenic Potential Of Peanut In A Mouse Model Of Allergy. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2016, 35:133-138.(SCI)
(5)Cairui, Lidongyu, Yuanyahong, Wangzhouli, Guochunfeng, Liubin, Yuetianli*. Extraction, Partial Purification And Characterisation Of Vanillic Acid Decarboxylase From Alicyclobacillus Acidoterrestris Dsm 3923. Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture, 2016, 96(8):2925-2931.(SCI)
(6)Luoying, Lizhao, Yuanyahong, Yuetianli*. Bioadsorption Of Patulin From Kiwi Fruit Juice Onto A Superior Magnetic Chitosan. Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 2016, 667: 101-108. (SCI)
(7)Wanghuxuan, Huzhongqiu, Longfangyu, Guochunfeng, Niuchen, Yuanyahong, Yuetianli*. The Effects Of Stress Factors On The Growth Of Spoilage Yeasts Isolated From Apple-Related Environments In Apple Juice. Journal Of Food Safety, 2016, 36(2):162-171. (SCI)
(8)Cairui, Yuanyahong, Wangzhouli, Wangjun, Yuetianli*. Discrimination Of Alicyclobacillus Strains By Lipase And Esterase Fingerprints. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(5): 1128-1133.(SCI)
(9)Wanghuxuan, Huzhongqiu, Longfangyu, Guochunfeng, Yuanyahong, Yuetianli*. Early Detection Of Zygosaccharomyces Rouxii-Spawned Spoilage In Apple Juice By Electronic Nose Combined With Chemometrics. International Journal Of Food Microbiology, 2016, 217: 68-78.(SCI)
(10)Cairui, Wangzhouli, Yuanyahong, Liubin, Wangling, Yuetianli*. Detection Of Alicyclobacillus Spp. In Fruit Juice By Combination Of Immunomagnetic Separation And A Sybr Green I Real-Time Pcr Assay. Plos One, 2016, 11(1). (SCI)
(11)Luoy, Wangz. L., Yuany. H., Zhouz. K., Yuet. L*. Patulin Adsorption Of A Superior Microorganism Strain With Low Flavour-Affection Of Kiwi Fruit Juice. World Mycotoxin Journal, 2016, 9(2):195-203. (SCI)
(12)Wanghuxuan, Huzhongqiu, Longfangyu, Guochunfeng, Niuchen, Yuanyahong, Yuetianli*. Combined Effect Of Sugar Content And Ph On The Growth Of A Wild Strain Of Zygosaccharomyces Rouxii And Time For Spoilage In Concentrated Apple Juice. Food Control, 2016, 59: 298-305. (SCI)
(13)Yemengqi, Gaozhenpeng, Lizhao, Yuanyahong, Yuetianli*. Rapid Detection Of Volatile Compounds In Apple Wines Using Ft-Nir Spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 2016, 190:701-708.(SCI)
(14)Cai Rui, Yuan Yahong, Wang Zhouli, Guo Chunfeng, Liu Bing, Yue Tianli*. Reduction of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris Spores on Apples by Chlorine Dioxide in Combination with Ultrasound or Shaker. Food Science & Techonology, 2015,8(12):2409-2417(SCI)
(15)Cai Rui, Yuan Yahong, Wang Zhouli, Guo Chunfeng, Liu Bing, Liu LaPing, Wang Yutang, Yue Tianli*. Precursors and metabolic pathway for guaiacol production by Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2015,214:48-53(SCI)
(16)Cai Rui, Yuan Yahong, Wang Zhouli, Guo Chunfeng, Liu Bing, Pan Chunqing, Liu Laping, Yue Tianli*. Effects of preservatives on Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris growth and guaiacol production. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2015,214:145-150. (SCI)
(17)Rui Cai, Zhouli Wang, Yahong Yuan, Bin Liu, Ling Wang, Tianli Yue*. Detection of Alicyclobacillus spp in Fruit Juice by Combination of Immunomagnetic Separation and a SYBR Green I Real-Time PCR Assay. Plos One, 2015, 10(10): e0141049. (SCI)
(18)Huang, Xiao-Chen; Yuan, Yuan, Ya-Hong; Wang, Xiao-Yuan; Jiang, Fei-Hong; Yue, Tian-Li*. Application of Electronic Nose in Tandem with Chemometric Analysis for Detection of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris-Spawned Spoilage in Apple Juice Beverage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8 (6):1295-1304. (SCI)
(19)Huang, Xiao-Chen;Guo, Chun-Feng; Yuan, Ya-Hong; Luo, Xin-Xin; Yue, Tian-Li*. Detection of medicinal off-flavor in apple juice with artificial sensing system and comparison with test panel evaluation and GC-MS. Food Control, 2015,51:270-277. (SCI )
(20)Huang,Xiao-Chen,Yuan,Ya-Hong,Guo,Chun-Feng ,Gekas,Vassilis ,Yue,Tian-Li. Alicyclobacillus in the Fruit Juice Industry: Spoilage, Detection, and Prevention/Control, Food Reviews International, 2015, 31(2):91-124. ( SCI )
(21)Ye, Mengqi ; Gao, Zhenpeng ; Li, Zhao;Yuan, Yahong; Yue, Tianli*. Rapid detection of volatile compounds in apple wines using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 2015,190: 701-708. ( SCI )
(22)Ye, Mengqi; Yue, Tianli*; Gao, Zhenpeng; Yuan, Yahong; Nie, Gang, Analysis of Changes in Minerals Contents during Cider Fermentation Process by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2015, 35(1): 229-233. ( SCI )
(23)Wang Ruonan, Yue Tianli*, Yuan Yahong, Wang Huxuan, Song Yadi, Wang Jun. Differentiation and Identification of Alicyclobacillus Strains by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. 2015,35(11):3073-3077. ( SCI )
(24)Luo Ying, Wang JianGuo, Liu Bing, Wang Zhouli, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli*, Effect of Yeast Cell Morphology, Cell Wall Physical Structure and Chemical Composition on Patulin Adsorption. Plos One, 2015,10(8): e0136045 ( SCI )
(25)Wang Huxuan, Hu Zhongqiu, Long Fangyu, Niu Chen, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli*. Characterization of Osmotolerant Yeasts and Yeast-Like Molds from Apple Orchards and Apple Juice Processing Plants in China and Investigation of Their Spoilage Potential. Journal of Food Science,2015, 80(8):M1850-M1860 ( SCI )
(26)Wang Huxuan, Hu Zhongqiu, Long Fangyu, Guo Chunfeng, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli*. Detection of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Candida tropicalis in a High-Sugar Medium by a Metal Oxide Sensor-Based Electronic Nose and Comparison with Test Panel Evaluation. Journal of Food Protection, 2015,78(11):2052-2063. ( SCI )
(27)Wang, HX ; Hu, Zhongqiu ; Long, Fangyu ; Guo, Chunfeng; Niu, Chen ; Yuan, Yahong ; Yue, Tianli*. Combined effect of sugar content and pH on the growth of a wild strain of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and time for spoilage in concentrated apple juice. Food Control, 2015, 50: 104-110 ( SCI ).
(28)Wang Xiaoyuan, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli*. The application of starch-based ingredients in flavor encapsulation Starch-Starke. Biosynthesis Nutrition, 2015, 67(3-4):225-236. ( SCI )
(29)Wang Xiaoyuan, Yuan Yahong, Huang Xiaochen, Yue Tianli*. Controlled release of protein from core-shell nanofibers prepared by emulsion electrospinning based on green chemical. Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, 2015,132(16),DOI:101002/app41811. ( SCI )
(30)Wang Xiaoyuan, Yue Tianli*, Lee TC. Development of Pleurocidin-poly(vinyl alcohol) electrospun antimicrobial nanofibers to retain antimicrobial activity in food system application. Food Control, 2015, 54:150-157. ( SCI )
(31)Wang Zhouli, Cai Rui, Yue Tianli*, Yuan Yahong, Niu Chen. Preparation and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Chitosan Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bovine Serum Albumin Adsorption. Sep Sci Technol, 2015, 50(2):299-309. ( SCI )
(32)Zhiwei Zhang, Kangquan Guo, Yubin Bai, Jing Dong, Zhenhong Gao, Yahong Yuan, YuanWang, Laping Liu, and Tianli Yue*. Identification, Synthesis, and Safety Assessment of Forchlorfenuron (1-(2-Chloro-4-pyridyl)-3-phenylurea) and Its Metabolites in Kiwifruits. Journal Of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015,63:3059-3066. ( SCI )
(33)Wang Ling, Tianli Yue*, Yuan Yahong, et al. A new insight into the adsorption mechanism of patulin by the heat-inactive lactic acid bacteria cells. Food Control, 2015, 50: 104-110. ( SCI )
(34)Wang Zhouli, Cai Rui, Tianli Yue*, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Chitosan Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bovine Serum Albumin Adsorption. Separation Science And Technology, 2015, 50(2): 299-309. ( SCI )
(35)Ye Mengqi, Tianli Yue*, Gao Zhenpeng, et al. Analysis of Changes in Minerals Contents during Cider Fermentation Process by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Spectroscopy And Spectral Analysis, 2015, 35 (1): 229-233. ( SCI )
(36)Yue Tianli*, Zhang Jiangbo, Yuan Yahong. Spoilage by Alicyclobacillus Bacteria in Juice and Beverage Products: Chemical, Physical, and Combined Control Methods. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety , 2014, 13(5). (SCI)
(37)Hu, Zhongqiu; Li, Lin; Yuan, Yahong; Yue Tianli* , et al. Ultrasensitive and simultaneous determination of twenty-one amino acids and amines in culture media, red wine and beer. Food Chemistry, 2014, 158: 56-65. (SCI)
(38)Wang Zhouli, Cai Rui, Yuan Yahong, Niu chen, Hu Zhongqiu,Yue Tianli*. An immunomagnetic separation-real-time PCR system for the detection of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in fruit products [J]. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2014, 175: 30-35.(SCI)
(39)Wang, Jianguo; Zhang, Yifeng; Yuan, Yahong; Yue Tianli. Immunomodulatory of selenium nano-particles decorated by sulfated Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014, 68: 183-189. (SCI)
(40)Zhou, Zhengkun; Lin, Shiqi; Yue, Tianli; et al. Adsorption of food dyes from aqueous solution by glutaraldehyde cross-linked magnetic chitosan nanoparticles . Journal of Food Engineering, 2014, 126: 133-141. (SCI)
(41)Wang, Jianguo; Yuan, Yahong; Yue, Tianli. Immunostimulatory activities of beta-D-glucan from Ganoderma Lucidum. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 102: 47-54.
(42)Shao, Dongyan; Atungulu, Griffiths G.; Pan, Zhongli; Yue Tianli. Characteristics of Isolation and Functionality of Protein from Tomato Pomace Produced with Different Industrial Processing Methods. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014, 7(2): 532-541.
(43)Ye, Mengqi; Yue, Tianli*; Yuan, Yahong. Changes in the profile of volatile compounds and amino acids during cider fermentation using dessert variety of apples. European Food Research and Technology. 2014, 239(1): 67-77. (SCI)
(44)Zhengkun Zhou,Jue Jin,Tianli Yue*,Tung-Ching Lee.Optimization of Covalent Immobilization of Extracellular Ice Nucleators from Erwinia herbicola on Magnetic Fe3O4/Chitosan Nanoparticles for Potential Application in Freeze Concentration. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014, 14, 1318-1323. (SCI)
(45)Pei Jinjin, Yue Tianli*, Yuan Yahong. Control of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in fruit juices by a newly discovered bacteriocin [J]. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2014, 30(3): 855-863. (SCI)
(46)Li Zhonghong, Cao Miao, Zhang Wengang,Liu Lizhi, Wang Jianlong, Ge Wupeng, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli*, Li Ronghua, Yu William W.. Affinity adsorption of lysozyme with Reactive Red 120 modified magnetic chitosan microspheres [J]. Food Chemistry. 2014,145: 749-755. (SCI)
(47)Wang Zhouli, Wang Jun, Yue Tianli*, Yahong Yuan, Cai Rui, Niu Chen. Immunomagnetic separation combined with polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in apple juice. Plos one, 2013, 8(12): e82376. (SCI)
(48)Zhou Zhengkun, Lin, Shiqi, Yue Tianli*, Lee Tung-Ching. Adsorption of food dyes from aqueous solution by glutaraldehyde cross-linked magnetic chitosan nanoparticles [J]. Journal of Food Engineering. 2014, 126: 133-141. (SCI)
(49)Yaodong Guo, Zhengkun Zhou, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue*. Survey of patulin in apple juice concentrates in Shaanxi (China) and its dietary intake. Food Control. 2013, 34: 570-573. (SCI)
(50)Yaodong Guo, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue*. Aflatoxin M1 in Milk Products in China and Dietary Risk Assessment. Journal of Food Protection. 2013, 76(5): 849–853. (SCI)
(51)Jiangbo Zhang, Tianli Yue*, Yahong Yuan. Alicyclobacillus Contamination in the Production Line of Kiwi Products in China. Plos One. 2013, 8(7): 1-13. (SCI)
(52)Xubo Zhao, Donald W. Schaffner, Tianli Yue*. Quantification of aflatoxin risk associated with Chinese spices: Point and probability risk assessments for aflatoxin B1. Food Control. 2013, 33: 366-377. (SCI)
(53)Caixia Guo, Tianli Yue*, Yahong Yuan, Zhouli Wang, Yaodong Guo, Ling Wang, Zhao Li. Biosorption of patulin from apple juice by caustic treated waste cider yeast biomass. Food Control. 2013, 32: 99-104. (SCI)
(54)Jing Guo, Tianli Yue,* Yahong Yuan, and Yutang Wang. Chemometric Classification of Apple Juices According to Variety and Geographical Origin Based on Polyphenolic Profiles. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61: 6949−6963. (SCI)
(55)Jinjin Pei, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue*. Primary characterization of bacteriocin paracin C-A novel bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus paracasei. Food Control. 2013, 34: 168-176. (SCI)
(56)J. Pei, Y. Yuan and T. Yue*. Characterization of bacteriocin bificin C6165: a novel bacteriocin. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2013, 114: 1273-1284. (SCI)
(57)Yue, Tianli, Pei, Jinjin, Yuan, Yahong. Purification and Characterization of Anti-Alicyclobacillus Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Journal of Food Protection. 2013, 7: 1575-1581. (SCI)
(58)Zhengkun Zhou, Feihong Jiang, Tung-Ching Lee, Tianli Yue*. Two-step preparation of nano-scaled magnetic chitosan particles using Triton X-100 reversed-phase water-in-oil microemulsion system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013, 581: 843–848. (SCI)
(59)Zhouli Wang, Tianli Yue*, Yahong Yuan, Rui Cai, Chen Niu, Caixia Guo. Preparation of immunomagnetic nanoparticles for the separation and enrichment of Alicyclobacillus spp. in apple juice. Food Research International. 2013, 54: 302–310. (SCI)
(60)Zhouli Wang, Tianli Yue*, Yahong Yuan, Rui Cai, Chen Niu, Caixia Guo. Development and evaluation of an immunomagnetic separation–ELISA for the detection of Alicyclobacillus spp. in apple juice. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2013, 166: 28–33. (SCI)
(61)Zhouli Wang, Tianli Yue∗, Yahong Yuan, Rui Cai, Chen Niu, Caixia Guo. Kinetics of adsorption of bovine serum albumin on magnetic carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2013, 58: 57– 65. (SCI)
(62)Guo Caixia, Yue Tianli*, Yuan Yahong, Wang Zhouli, Wang Ling, Cai Rui. Study on mechanism of inactivated cider yeast absorbing patulin by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2013.33(3): 672-676. (SCI)
(63)Yue Tian li*, Bai Xuelian, Zhang Huawei, Yuan Yahong. Fractionation and anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenol-enriched extracts from apple pomace. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology. 2012, 7(1), 28-32. (SCI)
(64)Yue Tianli*, Shao Dongyan, Yuanyahong, Wang Zhoulu, Qiang Chunyan. Ultrasound-assisted extraction, HPLC analysis, and antioxidant activity of polyphenols from unripe apple. Journal of Separation Science. 2012, 35: 2138–2145. (SCI)
(65)Guo Jing, Yue Tianli*, Yuan Yahong. Feature Selection and Recognition from Nonspecific Volatile Profiles for Discrimination of Apple Juices According to Variety and Geographical Origin. Journal of Food Science. 2012, 77(10): C1090-C1096. (SCI)
(66)Guo Caixia, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli*, Hatab Shamma, Wang Zhouli. Binding mechanism of patulin to heat-treated yeast cell. Letters in applied microbiology.2012, 55(6): 453-459. (SCI)
(67)Guo Caixia, Yue Tianli*, Hatab Shamma, Yuan Yahong. Ability of Inactivated Yeast Powder To Adsorb Patulin from Apple Juice. Journal of Food Protection. 2012, 75(3): 585-590. (SCI)
(68)Hatab Shamma, Yue Tianli*, Mohamad, O. Reduction of Patulin in Aqueous Solution by Lactic Acid Bacteria. Journal of Food Science. 2012, 77( 4): M238-M241. (SCI)
(69)Hatab Shamma, Yue Tianli*, Mohamad, O. Removal of patulin from apple juice using inactivated lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2012, 112(5): 892-899. (SCI)
(70)Wang, Y., Liu, X., Xiao, C., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Xiao, H., Cui, L., Xiang, Q., Yue, T*. HPLC determination of Aflatoxin M1in liquid milk and milk powder using solid phase extraction on OASIS HLB. Food Control. 2012, 21(8): 131-134. (SCI)
(71)Wang, Z., Yue, T.*, Yuan, Y., Cai, R., Guo, C., Wang, X., & Niu, C. Development of Polyclonal Antibody-Based Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Detection of Alicyclobacillus Strains in Apple Juice. Journal of Food Science. 2012, 77(11): M643-M649. (SCI)
(72)Yuan, Y., Tian, Y.*, & Yue, T. Improvement of Coenzyme Q10 Production: Mutagenesis Induced by High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2012, Article ID 607329, 8 pages. (SCI)
(73)Shao, D., Griffiths G. Atungulu, Pan, Z., Tian, Y.*. Zhang, A., Li, X. Study of Optimal Extraction Conditions for Achieving High Yield and Antioxidant Activity of Tomato Seed Oil. Journal of Food Science. 2012, 77(8): E202-E208.(SCI)
(74)Wang J, Tian, Y.L*, Yuan YH, Lu XN, Shin JH, Rasco B. Discrimination of Alicyclobacillus Strains Using Nitrocellulose Membrane Filter and Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science. 2011, 76(2): M137-M142.(SCI)
(75)Yue TL*, Dong QF, Guo CX, Worobo R W. Reducing Patulin Contamination in Apple Juice by Using Inactive Yeast. Journal of Food Protection. 2011, 74(1): 149-153.(SCI)
(76)Bai XL, Yue TL*, Yuan YH, Zhang HW. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenols from apple pomace using response surface methodology and HPLC analysis. Journal of Separation Science. 2011, 33(23-24): 3751-3758.(SCI)
(77)Bai XL, Yue TL*, Yuan YH, Zhang HW. Bis [4-(2-benzoyl oxidoethenyl)-3- hydroxyphenyl benzoato]diethanolcobalt. Acta crystallographica section e-structure reports. 2010, 66(8): M1038-U1039.(SCI)
(78)Wang Y, Yue TL*, Yuan YH, et al. Isolation and identification of thermo-acidophilic bacteria from orchards in China. Journal of Food Protection. 2010, 73(2):390-394.(SCI)
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