


宋潔,女,博士,北京大學工學院黨委書記 [2]  , 工業工程與管理系長聘教授, 長江學者特聘教授 [2]  [1]  中國工業與應用數學學會副秘書長 [3] 中國系統工程學會理事。 [4] 
國    籍
2021當選為長江特聘教授 [2] 
職    稱



2021年至今 北京大學工學院工業工程與管理系, [2]  教授
07.2018 — 2021 北京大學工學院工業工程與管理系,長聘副教授
07.2012 — 06.2018 北京大學工學院工業工程與管理系,助理教授,副教授
02.2011 — 05.2012 美國威斯康辛州麥迪遜大學工業與系統工程系,博士後


09.2004 — 07.2010 清華大學工業工程系,博士
09.2007 — 09.2008 美國佐治亞理工工業與系統工程學院,聯合培養博士
09.2000 — 07.2004 北京大學數學科學學院,學士


本科生課程: 工程經濟學,建模與仿真 ,概率與數理統計
研究生課程: 建模與仿真,服務運作管理,複雜系統隨機建模與優化,運籌學





2022年北京市高等教育教學成果一等獎 [5] 
2022年日內瓦國際發明特別展金獎 [6] 
2022年華人學者管理科學與工程年會最佳管理實踐獎 [2] 
2021年教育部長江特聘教授 [2] 
2020年 IISE 最佳論文獎 [2] 
2020 IEEE國際電子電氣工程師協會傑出報告人 [2] 
2019年IEEE TASE最佳論文獎 [2] 
北京大學2018年教學優秀獎 [2] 
2017年教育部青年長江學者 [2] 


  1. Song, Jie, Guannan He, Jianxiao Wang, and Pingwen Zhang. "Shaping future low-carbon energy and transportation systems: Digital technologies and applications." iEnergy 1, no. 3 (2022): 285-305.
  2. 李昊林,王娟,謝子龍,王卓明,宋潔.中美歐內部數字治理格局比較研究[J].中國科學院院刊,2022,37(10):1376-1385.
  3. 王娟, 張一, 黃晶, 李由君, 宋潔, & 張平文. (2022). 中國數字生態指數的測算與分析. 電子政務, 3, 4-16.
  4. Li, Yinxiao, Yi Wang, Chongqing Kang, Jie Song, Guannan He, and Qixin Chen. "Improving distributed PV integration with dynamic thermal rating of power distribution equipment." Iscience 25, no. 8 (2022): 104808.
  5. Pan, Xin, Hanqi Wen, Ziwei Wang, Jie Song, and Xing Lin Feng. "Physician ranking optimization based on patients' browse behaviors and resource capacities." Internet Research 31, no. 6 (2021): 2076-2095.
  6. Jin, Ruiyang, Chao Lu, and Jie Song. "Manage distributed energy storage charging and discharging strategy: Models and algorithms." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69.3 (2020): 755-764.
  7. Pan, Xin, Jie Song*, Jingtong Zhao, and Van-Anh Truong. "Online contextual learning with perishable resources allocation." IISE Transactions, Volume 52, Issue 12.2020
  8. Pan, Xin, Jie Song, and Bo Zhang. "Dynamic Resource Allocation in a Hierarchical Appointment System: Optimal Structure and Heuristics." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 17.3 (2020): 1501-1515.
  9. Wen, Hanqi, Jie Song, and Xin Pan. "Physician recommendation on healthcare appointment platforms considering patient choice." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 17.2 (2019): 886-899.
  10. Lin, Junjie, Jie Song, and Chao Lu. "Synchrophasor data analytics: Transmission line parameters online estimation for energy management." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69.3 (2019): 671-681.
  11. Zhang, Fan, Jie Song, Yingzhuo Dai, and Jie Xu. "Semiconductor wafer fabrication production planning using multi-fidelity simulation optimization." International Journal of Production Research 58, no. 21 (2020): 6585-6600.
  12. Jie Song*, Yunzhe Qiu, Jie Xu, Feng Yang.” Multi-fidelity Sampling for Efficient Simulation-based Decision Making in Manufacturing Management”. IISE Transactions, Volume 51 Issue 7,2019.
  13. Gao, Xiaoquan, Jianpei Wen, and Jie Song. "Capacity allocation and revenue sharing in healthcare alliances." Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 32 (2020): 829-851.
  14. Pan, Xin, Jie Song, and Fan Zhang. "Dynamic recommendation of physician assortment with patient preference learning." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16.1 (2018): 115-126.
  15. Jianpei Wen, Hanyu Jiang, Jie Song A stochastic queueing model for capacity allocation in the hierarchical healthcare delivery system. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. 36.(01) (2019): 1950005.
  16. Jie Song, Yaqing Bai, Jianpei Wen Optimal appointment rule design in an outpatient department. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 16(1). 2018
  17. Jingsi Huang, Jie Song*. "Optimal inventory control with sequential online auction in agriculture supply chain: An agent-based simulation optimization approach" International Journal of Production Research. 56(6),2018
  18. Jie Song, Pan Xin, Chao Lu, Hanchen XU. "A simulation-based optimization method for hybrid frequency regulation system configuration" Energies.10(9), 2017
  19. Jingyi Zhang, Chao Lu, Jie Song*. "Dynamic Performance-Based Automatic Generation Control Unit Allocation with Frequency Sensitivity Identification." International Journal of Production Research,54(21),2016
  20. Yunzhe Qiu, Jie Song*, Zekun Liu. "A Simulation Optimisation on the Hierarchical Healthcare Delivery System Patient Flow Based on Multi-fidelity Models". International Journal of Production Research, Volume 54, Issue 21. 2016
  21. Jie Song, Yunzhe Qiu, and Zekun Liu. "Integrating Optimal Simulation Budget Allocation and Genetic Algorithm to Find the Approximate Pareto Patient Flow Distribution". IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Volume 13, Issue1. 2016


  1. 大型城市台區供用電畫像技術及特徵研究 [2]  (項目負責人)上海電科院項目,2019.11-2020.6
  2. 分級醫療體制下的我國醫療資源優化與服務運作管理研究(子課題負責人)國家自然科學基金委重點項目(G71731006),2018.01-2021.12
  3. 考慮患者行為的醫療聯合體協同優化研究(項目負責人)國家自然科學基金面上項目(71671005),2017.1 - 2020.12
  4. 互聯網與大數據環境下高端裝備製造網絡協同管理理論(項目共同負責人)國家自然科學基金重大項目,2017.1 - 2021.12
  5. 患者就醫決策與患者流優化分佈建模分析研究(項目負責人)國家自然科學基金青年基金(71301003),2014.1 - 2016.12
  6. 不同級別醫療機構間患者就診行為與優化分佈研究(項目負責人)教育部博士點新教師基金(20130001120007), 2014.1 - 2016.12
  7. 中國糧食儲備體系仿真優化系統建模研究 (項目負責人)國家2014年度公益項目, 2014.1-2016.12
  8. 新能源和特高壓接入系統的辨識與優化方法研究 (項目負責人)國家電網科研項目,2015.10-2016.12
  9. 北京大學研究生基礎課程建設基金(項目負責人)北京大學研究生院,2014.7 - 2016.7
  10. 成品糧跨區域應急保障體系協同優化研究(項目主要完成人)國家2013年度公益項目,2013.1 - 2015.12


  1. Jie Song, Yunzhe Qiu. "A Multi-objective Simulation Optimization of the Macro-level Patient Flow Distribution". in Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement, H. Yang and E.K. Lee Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
  2. Jianpei, Jie Song. "A Multi-agent-based Simulation Model to Analyze Patients’ Hospital Selection in Hierarchical Health-care Systems" to appear in Stochastic Modeling and Analytics in Healthcare Systems, J. Li, N. Kong and X. Xie Ed., World Scientific Publishing, 2017.
  3. Jie Song, Su Wu. "Patient flow simulation modeling and analysis in urban healthcare delivery system". The Healthcare Management and policy research in Capital. ISBN:9787200088908, Beijing Yanshan Press, 2010.