


國    籍



1. 2007/9–2011/3, 華東理工大學, 計算機應用, 博士
2. 2002/9–2005/7, 新疆大學, 計算機應用, 碩士
3. 1996/9–2000/7, 新疆工學院, 軟件專業, 學士 [1] 


1. 2011/11-至今,新疆大學,軟件學院,教師
2. 2002/9-2011/10,新疆大學,信息科學與工程學院,教師
3. 2000/7-2002/8,新疆工學院,計算機系,教師 [1] 


1. 網絡與信息安全
2. 信譽管理 [1] 


1. 新疆大學博士啓動基金項目,BS120134,分佈式環境下數據可信性建模與應用研究,2013/04-2015/03,結題,主持
2. 新疆維吾爾自治區教育廳項目,XJEDU2013S08,基於雲的可信服務選擇關鍵技術的研究,2013/08-2015/07,結題,主持
3. 新疆維吾爾自治區科技廳項目,2015211C263,雲環境下多副本數據管理關鍵技術的研究,2015/01-2017/12,在研,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金項目,61262088,雲計算環境下應用數據層節能計算研究,2013/01-2016/12,51萬元,結題,參與
5. 國家自然科學基金項目,200065358,自主貢獻機會網絡環境下節點協同機制研究,2013/01-2016/12,43萬元,結題,參與 [1] 


1. 2013年獲新疆維吾爾自治區科學技術進步三等獎,排名第四
2. 2013年第十二屆自治區自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎,排名第一
獲獎名稱:Propagation Model of Reputation in P2P Networks
3. 2014年第十三屆自治區自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎,排名第一
獲獎名稱:Verifiable Storage Structure for Reputation in P2P Networks
獲獎人:孫華,於炯,廖彬,楊興耀 [1] 


[1] Hua Sun, Jiong Yu, Bin Liao and Xing-yao Yang. Verifiable Storage Structure for Reputation in P2P Networks. INFORMATION: An International Interdisciplinary Journal. 15(11B): pp. 4953-4958, 2012.
[2] Hua Sun, Huiqun Yu, Li Li, Nianhua Yang. Local storage structure of reputation information in P2P networks. ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS. 7, pp. 463-467, 2012.
[3] Hua Sun, Li Li, Wenzhong Yang, Yurong Qian. Propagation model of reputation in P2P networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 288, pp.368-377, 2012.
[4] Hua Sun, Huiqun Yu, Nianhua Yang, Li Li. Expression and evaluation of reputation based on fuzzy set theory. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 8(1): pp.129-138, 2011.
[5] Hua Sun, Huiqun Yu, Nianhua Yang, Li Li. Verifiable Reputation Management Scheme Based on RSA Threshold Secret Sharing in P2P Networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 7(8), pp. 2770-2778, 2011.
[6] 孫華, 虞慧羣, 楊年華. 基於P2P的無需第三方驗證的本地信譽存儲管理. 電子學報, 39(3A): pp. 2011. 104-109, 2011.
[7] 孫華, 虞慧羣, 楊年華. 一個P2P環境下的綜合信譽計算模型. 華東理工大學學報, 36(6), pp. 801-806, 2010.
[8] Hua Sun, Li Li. A trustable approach based on fuzzy inference for P2P systems. Advanced Material Research. 121-126, pp. 3914-3918, 2012.
[9] 孫華,於炯,廖彬,楊興耀. P2P下基於RSA密碼機制和門限秘密共享的信譽管理方案.微電與計算機, 30(9), pp. 98-101, 2013.
[10] 廖彬,於炯,孫華,年梅. 基於存儲結構重配置的分佈式存儲系統節能算法. 計算機研究與發展,50(1),pp. 3-18,2013.
[11] 楊興耀,於炯,吐爾根.伊布拉音,錢育蓉,孫華. 考慮項目屬性的協同過濾推薦模型. 計算機應用,33(11),pp. 3062-3066,2013.
[12] 錢育蓉,於炯,王衞源,孫華,廖彬,楊興耀. 雲計算環境下軟硬件節能和負載均衡策略. 計算機應用,33(12),pp. 3326-3330,2013.
[13] 錢育蓉,於炯,賈振紅,孫華,古麗給娜.達列力汗.基於決策樹的典型荒漠草地遙感分類策略. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),41(2),pp. 159-166,2013.
[14] 郭鳳羽,禹龍,田生偉,於炯,孫華. 雲計算環境下對資源聚類的工作流任務調度算法.計算機應用,33(8),pp. 2154-2157,2013.
[15] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun. Modelling UML sequence diagrams with aspect-oriented extended petri nets. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 45(1), pp. 57-65, 2012.
[16] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Modeling activity diagrams with extended Petri nets. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing. 2011, 17(5), pp. 557-567, 2011.
[17] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Modeling UML sequence diagrams using extended Petri nets. Telecommunication Systems. 2011, pp. 1-12.
[18] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Zhilin Qian, Hua Sun. Modeling and quantitatively predicting software security based on stochastic Petri nets. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 55(1-2), pp. 102-112, 2012.
[19] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Scheduling Real-Time Embedded Systems Based on TCPNIA. Journal of Software. 6(3), pp. 340-348, 2011.
[20] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Quantifying software security based on stochastic Petri nets. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 6(9),pp.3049- 3056, 2010.
[21] 楊年華, 虞慧羣, 孫華. 帶抑制弧的時延着色Petri網模型檢測技術. 計算機科學. 38(1),pp.170-176, 2011.
[22] Hua Sun, Huiqun Yu. A propagation model of reputation query request. 2010 the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering. pp.539-543. Chengdu, China, 2011.
[23] Hua Sun, Huiqun Yu, Nianhua Yang, Li Li. Analysis of the performance of reputation query in different frameworks. 2010 the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. pp.436-440. Chengdu, China, 2010.
[24] Hua Sun, Huiqun Yu, Nianhua Yang, Li Li. An anti-cheat reputation storage scheme based on RSA threshold secret sharing and one-way function in P2P networks, 2011 International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, Information Engineering Research Institute, April, 2011, pp.485-491. Wuhan, China, 2011.
[25] 孫華, 虞慧羣, 楊年華. 基於P2P的無需第三方驗證的本地信譽存儲管理. 2010年全國軟件與應用學術會議. 2010. pp.13-22. 中國蘇州, 2010.
[26] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Modeling UML sequence diagrams using extended Petri nets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2010). 2010. pp.596-603. Seoul, Korea, 2010.
[27] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Mapping UML activity diagrams to analyzable Petri net models. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2010). 2010. pp.369-372. Zhangjiajie, China, 2010.
[28] Nianhua Yang, Huiqun Yu, Hua Sun, Zhilin Qian. Modeling UML Activity Diagrams with Aspect Oriented Data Concerned Petri Nets. Proceedings of the fourth Conference on Dependable Computing (CDC 2010). 2010. pp. 313-318. Yichang, Hubei, China, 2010.
[29] Li Li, Hua Sun, The research and design of honeypot system applied in the LAN security, 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science, ICSESS 2011, pp. 360-363, Beijing, China, 2011. [1] 
  • 1.    孫華  .新疆大學軟件學院[引用日期2019-08-12]