

existential sentence
性    質
形    式
特    點


there be結構在英語裏是一種常見的特殊句子結構。它以引詞there(由副詞there變來)開首,後常接動詞be的各種形式,再後才是主語,主語之後又常有表地點和時間的狀語。它像是一種倒裝句,但又非倒裝句,因為這種“倒裝”已成為一種自然的詞序。這種結構中的there本身無詞義,其後的動詞be具有“存在”之意,所以是一實義動詞。


1、there be結構表“存在”,have表“所有”,試比較:
There are several oak trees in the garden. 花園裏有好幾株橡樹。(主語是oak trees)
There’s a telephone in every room. 每一個房間都有一部電話。(強調客觀存在)
There is the book 1 want. 那兒就是我所要的書。(there是副詞,有詞義)
There are some books 1 want. 有一些我所要的書。(there是引詞,無詞義)
3、在there be結構中,be之後加上not或no, 即變成否定句,如:
There is not much doubt about his guilt. 對他的罪行沒有多少懷疑。
There is not much life in a small country village. 一座小村莊沒有多少生氣。
Are there any children in the room? 房間裏有小孩嗎?
Is there anything for me to do? 有什麼事需要我做?
5、there be結構中的動詞be與主語的數必須一致,但主語如是一系列事物,第一個事物為單形可數名詞,謂語動詞則可用單數形式,如:
There is a textbook, a dictionary and some notebooks on the desk.
有時説話人先説出了there is(was),然後才想到要用復形名詞,如:
There’s some things I can’t resist. 有些事物我是不抗拒的。
Men there are yet living who have seen him. 見過他的人有的還活着哩。


1. There is no doing 結構。其意為“不可能…”、“無法…”:
There’s no denying the fact. 這一事實不容否認。
2. There is no difficulty in doing sth結構。意為“做某事沒有困難”:
There is no difficulty in finding his office. 找到了他的辦公室沒費一點勁。
3. There’s no doubt… 結構。意為“毫無疑問…”:
There could be no doubt that he was one of the best writers in this country. 毫無疑問他是這個國家最優秀的作家之一。
4. There is no hurry (to do sth) 句式。其意為“不用急(於做某事)”:
There’s no hurry, do it slowly and carefully. 不用趕時間,要慢慢細心地做。
5.There’s no need for…結構。 其意為“不需要或不必要…”:
There is no need for help. 不需要幫助。
6. There is no question about...結構。其意為“…是毫無疑問的”:
There’s no question about his success. 毫無疑問他會成功。
7. There is no question of doing sth 句式。其意為“做某事是不可能的”:
There is no question of his coming. 他不可能會來。
8. There is no sense in doing sth 結構。意為“做某事沒有意義或好處”:
There’s no sense in waiting three hours. 等三小時是沒有意義的。
9. There’s no point in doing sth 句式。意為“做某事沒有用”:
There’s no point (in) telling her about it. 告訴她沒有用。
There is some difficulty in doing sth意為“做某事有些困難”。
There is much difficulty in doing sth意為“做某事許多困難”。
There’s a need for…意為“需要或有必要…”。


一、there be句式的時態由其中的謂語動詞be來體現,它可以有多種時態形式:
There is still room for improvement. 還有改進餘地。
There is nothing to be done now. 現在沒有辦法了。
There’s going to be trouble. 要出事了。
There will be rain next week. 下星期要下雨。
There was a lot to be done. 有很多事要做。
There wasn’t any change in him. 他沒有什麼變化。
There have been a lot of inquiries. 提出的詢問有很多。
There have been a lot of enquiries. 進行過許多調查。
There had been many such occasions. 曾有許多這種情況。
There had been two sea fights between them. 他們之間發生了兩場海戰。
There would be endless rows if I was at home. 如果我在家會有吵不完的架。
Then there would be a plebiscite. 那麼就會舉行公民投票。


①There will be an English evening in the institute this coming Saturday. 本週六學院裏有英語晚會。
②There has been much talk about the matter. 關於這件事有過很多座談。
①There might still be some vacant seats for you. 可能還有空位子給你們坐。
②There must be no more time wasted. 再不能浪費時間了。
3.除be以外,某些表示存在概念的不及物動詞,如:exist, remain, happen, occur, come, rise, stand, lie, live等,也能用於“there—存在句”。有時謂語動詞也可用seem to be, happen to be, be likely to be, be bound to be等詞組。例如:
①There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies. 兩個物體之間永遠存在着吸引力。
②There remains nothing more to be done. 再沒有別的辦法了。
“there—存在句”的非限定形式是there to be和there being結構,其使用場合決定於其在句中所作的成分。
作賓語時,通常用there to be結構。類似這樣用的及物動詞數量有限,常見的有:expect, mean, intend, want, like, prefer, hate等。例如:
①I’d like there to be a swimming-pool in the garden. 我希望花園裏有個游泳池。
②The students expected there to be another opportunity to do the experiment. 學生們希望再有機會做實驗。
2.作主語和狀語時,使用there being結構。例如:
①There being a bus stop near the house is a great advantage. 公共汽車站離得這麼近,是個很有利的條件。
②There having been no further business, I declared the meeting closed. 由於沒有其它事情,我宣佈散會。
兩種結構都可以作補足成分。如果介詞是for,便只能使用there to be結構;如果介詞不是for,則要用there being結構。例如:
①For there to be life, there must be air and water. 要有生命,就必須有空氣和水。
②There is now some hope of there being a settlement of the dispute. 現在多少有解決爭端的希望了。
There were once a million people in the city, weren’t there? 這個城市曾一度有一百萬居民,對嗎?
There comes the bus, doesn’t it? 汽車來了,是嗎?
①He has made a list of all the papers (which) there are on this subject.他將將所有關於這個題目的論文列了一個單子。
②Kent is supposed to be a gifted footballer (that) there has ever been.人們認為肯特是一名少有的天才運動員。
2.在以 “there be” 開頭的句子中,主語的定語從句有時省略關係代詞。一般來講,按照語法規則,在定語從句中充當主語的關係代詞是不能省略的,但在存在句型中的定語從句卻是個例外,尤其在口語中。例如:
①There is a man downstairs [ ] wants to see you. 樓下有人要見你。
②There is a table [ ] stands in the corner. 牆角放着一張桌子。
國外不少語言學家和辭典編纂家在其著作中都認為:存在句中作表意主語的NP(即名詞短語)應是泛指的,其前面只能有非特指限定詞(如 some,any,a,much,another,零冠詞,基數詞等),而不能有特指限定詞(如the,this,that,these,those,my,your等)。其實這種觀點過於主觀片面。我國著名學者周海中教授在經典論文《存在句之我見》中曾明確提出:NP的前面通常有非特指限定詞,但有時也可以有特指限定詞。他通過豐富的英語實例分析和研究了各種不同語用類型。 [1] 


■there be結構在英語裏是一種常見的特殊句子結構。它以引詞there(由副詞there變來)開首,後常接動詞be的各種形式,再後才是主語,主語之後又常有表地點和時間的狀語。它像是一種倒裝句,但又非倒裝句,因為這種“倒裝”已成為一種自然的詞序。這種結構中的there本身無詞義,其後的動詞be具有“存在”之意,所以是一實義動詞。
There is a garden behind the house. 房子後面有一座花園。
There is nothing but clothing in this cupboard. 這個櫃子裏只有衣服。
There is a telephone box on the comer. 在拐彎處有一個電話間。
If there is any problem, let me know. 如果有什麼問題可以通知我。
There is only one person I could approach. 只有一個人我可以去找。
There is little difference between the two words. 這兩個字沒有什麼差別。
There was a dog there. 那裏有一條狗。
There is a bus-stop just there. 那裏就有公共汽車站。
■there be結構表“存在”,have表“所有”,試比較:
There are several oak trees in the garden. 花園裏有好幾株橡樹。(主語是oak trees)
They have several oak trees in the garden. 他們在花園裏種有好幾株橡樹。(主語是they)
There’s a telephone in every room. 每一個房間都有一部電話。(強調客觀存在)
Every room has a telephone. 每一個房間有電話。(強調電話是每個房間的一固有部分)
There is the book 1 want. 那兒就是我所要的書。(there是副詞,有詞義)
There are some books 1 want. 有一些我所要的書。(there是引詞,無詞義)
■在there be結構中,be之後加上not或no, 即變成否定句,如:
There is no great difficulty. 沒有大的困難。
There is no need to worry. 沒有必要發愁。
There is not much doubt about his guilt. 對他的罪行沒有多少懷疑。
There is not much life in a small country village. 一座小村莊沒有多少生氣。
Are there any children in the room? 房間裏有小孩嗎?
Are there any boys in your group? 你們小組中有男生嗎?
Is there anything for me to do? 有什麼事需要我做?
Is there a doctor available? 能請到醫生嗎?
■there be結構中的動詞be與主語的數必須一致,但主語如是一系列事物,第一個事物為單形可數名詞,謂語動詞則可用單數形式,如:
There is a textbook, a dictionary and some notebooks on the desk. 桌上有一本教科書、一本字典和幾本筆記。
有時説話人先説出了there is(was),然後才想到要用復形名詞,如:
There’s some things I can’t resist. 有些事物我是不抗拒的。
There’s hundreds of people on the waiting list. 登記排隊的人有好幾百。
Men there are yet living who have seen him. 見過他的人有的還活着哩。