

姚軍虎,男,1962年2月生,陝西寶雞人,中共黨員,博士,西北農林科技大學教授,博士生導師,動物科技學院院長。 [1] 
職    業
職    務


姚軍虎 姚軍虎
1984年本科畢業於西北農學院(現西北農林科技大學),1987年碩士研究生畢業於西北農業大學,1998年獲四川農業大學農學博士學位。1987年-1990年在陝西省農業科學院工作,1990年調入西北農業大學(現西北農林科技大學)任教,曾任動物科技學院副院長,西北農林科技大學動物營養與飼料科學研究所所長,陝西省飼料工程技術研究中心主任。 [1] 


國務院第七屆畜牧學科評議組成員、第四屆全國畜牧學科高峯論壇秘書長、中國畜牧獸醫學會動物營養學分會常務理事、陝西省飼料產業技術創新戰略聯盟理事長、寶雞市政府農業顧問。中國動物營養學會常務理事,中國飼料營養價值與畜禽飼養標準研究委員會委員,寶雞市動物營養專家大院首席專家,深圳康達爾(高陵)飼料有限公司、美國NOVUS公司等技術顧問。 [1] 
2020年11月2日,擔任全國動物營養指導委員會委員。 [2] 


反芻動物營養。 [1] 


主講研究生《動物營養研究進展》、《動物營養學研究方法》。 [1] 


[3]Bio-efficacy of Three Heat Steady Phytase in Broiler and Correlation with in Vitro Phosphorus Release Estimation,Research Trial Agreement between NWAFU and NOVUS,2010-2011,5萬元。
[18]羊產業綠色低碳日糧的研製與示範 ,農業部重大農技推廣服務試點項目,2016,40萬元。 [1] 


[1] Liu L, Qin DK, Wang XF, Feng Y, Yang XJ, Yao JH. Effect of immune stress on growth pe1rformance and energy metabolism in broiler chickens. Food and Agricultural Immunology ,2015, 26(2):194-203.
[2] Liu L, Shen J, Zhao C, Wang XF, Yao JH, Yang XJ. Dietary Astragalus polysaccharide alleviated immunological stress in broilers exposed to lipopolysaccharide. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,2015, 72:624-632.
[3] Wang XF, Li YL, Shen J, Wang SY, Yao JH, Yang XJ. Effect of Astragalus polysaccharide and its sulfated derivative on growth performance and immune condition of lipopolysaccharide-treated broilers. International journal of biological macromolecules ,2015, 76, 188-194.
[4] K. Liu, Y. Liu, S. M. Liu, M. Xu, Z. P. Yu, X. Wang, Y. C. Cao, and J. H. Yao. Relationships between leucine and the pancreatic exocrine function for improving starch digestibility in ruminants. Journal of Dairy Science , 2015, 98: 2576-2582.
[5] Xiaofei Wang, Qinqin Zhou, Jing Shen, Junhu Yao, and Xiaojun Yang. Effect of different doses of Newcastle disease vaccine immunization on growth performance, plasma variables and immune response of broilers. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2015,6(3):317-321.
[6] 胡如久,汪菲,李晶,姚軍虎*,楊小軍*. 一次注射N-亮氨酸示蹤法檢測雞內源氨基酸損失量適宜參數的研究. 動物營養學報,2015,27(10):3047-3056.
[7] Li, F., Yang, X. J., Cao, Y. C., Li, S. X., Yao, J. H*.,Li, Z. J., Sun, F. F. Effects of dietary effective fiber to rumen degradable starch ratios on the risk of sub-acute ruminal acidosis and rumen content fatty acids composition in dairy goat. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2014, 189: 54-62.
[8] Li, F., Cao, Y.C., Liu, N.N., Yang, X.J., Yao, J.H*.,Yan, D.B. Subacute ruminal acidosis challenge changed in situ degradability of feedstuffs in dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science, 2014, 97: 5101-5109.
[9]Li, F., Li, Z.J., Li, S.X., Ferguson, J. D., Cao, Y.C., Yao, J. H*.,Sun, F. F., Wang, X., Yang, T. Effect of dietary physically effective fiber on ruminal fermentation and the fatty acid profile of milk in dairy goats. Journal of D airy S cience , 2014, 97(4):2281-2290.[10] Wang X,F.,Shen, J., Li, S.Z., Yang, X. J., Yao, J. H*.Sulfated Astragalus polysaccharide regulates the inflammatory reaction in LPS-infected broiler chicks. In ternational J ournal of B iological M acromolecules , 2014, 69: 146-150.
[11] Yu Z P, Xu M, Wang F, Liu, K., Yao, J. H*.,Wu,Z.,Qin, D.K., Sun, F. F.Effect of duodenal infusion of leucine and phenylalanine on intestinal enzyme activities and starch digestibility in goats. Livestock Science , 2014, 162: 134-140.
[12] Liu,L., Qin,D.K., Wang,X.F., Feng, Y., Yang, X. J., Yao, J. H*.Effect of immune stress on growth performance and energy metabolism in broiler chickens. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2014: 1-10.
[13] 姚軍虎*, 李飛, 李發弟, 孫菲菲. 反芻動物有效纖維評價體系及需要量. 動物營養學報, 2014, 26(10): 3168-3174.
[14] 孫菲菲, 曹陽春, 李生祥, 韓金濤, 姚軍虎*. 膽鹼對奶牛圍產期代謝的調控. 動物營養學報, 2014, 26(1):26-33.
[15]曹力, 楊小軍, 劉南南, 李宗軍, 孫菲菲, 武曉紅, 姚軍虎*. L.fermentum1 .2029對壞死性腸炎肉雞迴腸上皮緊密連接蛋白表達的影響. 中國獸醫學報, 2014, 34(1):127-130.
[16] 李飛, 徐明, 曹陽春, 孫菲菲, 楊昕澗, 姚軍虎*, 李東清 . Meta分析方法優化泌乳奶牛日糧碳水化合物平衡指數. 畜牧獸醫學報,2014, 45(9):1457-1466.
[17]劉嬋娟, 趙向輝, 李朝雲, 曹陽春, 汪菲, 姚軍虎*. 日糧非纖維性碳水化合物來源對體外瘤胃發酵和養分利用的影響. 西北農林科技大學學報: 自然科學版, 2014, 42(3): 28-33.
[18]Z. P. Yu, M. Xu, K. Liu,J. H. Yao, H. X. Yu and F. Wang. Leucine markedly regulates pancreatic exocrine secretion ingoats. Journal of Animal Physiology and Anima l Nutrition , 2014, 98(1):169-177.
[19]F. Li , L. M. Zhang , X. H. Wu , C. Y. Li , X. J. Yang , Y. Dong , A. Lemme ,J. C. Han , and J. H. Yao. 2013. Effects of metabolizable energy and balancedprotein on egg production, quality, and components of Lohmann Brown laying hens. J. Appl. Poult. Res . 22 :36–46.
[20] A. M. Fouad, H. K. El-Senousey, X. J. Yang and J. H. Yao. 2013. Dietary L-arginine supplementation reduces abdominal fatcontent by modulating lipid metabolism in broiler chickens. Animal, 7, 8:1239-1245.
[21]F. Li, Y. Liu, R. Q. Yin, X. J. Yang, J. H.Yao, F. F. Sun, G. J. Li, Y. R. Liu, Y. J. Sun. 2013. Nitrogen-Corrected True Metabolizable Energy and Amino Acid Digestibility of Chinese Corn Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles in Adult Cecectomized Roosters. Asian-Aust. J. Anim . Sci. , 26(6): 838-844.
[22] Z. P. Yu, M. Xu, J. H. Yao, K. Liu, F. Li, Y. Liu, F. Wang, F. F. Sun and N. N. Liu. 2013. Regulation of pancreatic exocrine secretion in goats: differential effects of short- and long-term duodenal phenylalanine treatment. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition , 97(3):431-438.
[23]劉南南,姚軍虎. 2013. 營養素和激素對乳蛋白合成過程中哺乳動物雷帕黴素靶蛋白信號通路調節作用的研究進展. 動物營養學報,25 (6):1158-1163.
[24] ZHAO Xiang-hui, LIU Chan-juan, LI Chao-yun and YAO Jun-hu. 2013. Effects of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fiber and Sucrose Supplementation onRuminal Fermentation, Microbial Synthesis, and Populations of RuminalCellulolytic Bacteria Using the RumenSimulation Technique (RUSITEC). Journal of Integrative Agriculture ,2013, 12(8): 1471-1480.
[25]Xiaofei Wang, Siyu Wang, Yulong Li, Fei Wang, Xiaojun Yang, Junhu Yao. 2013. Sulfated Astragalus polysaccharide can regulate the inflammatory reaction induced by LPS in Caco2 cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,60:248-252 .
[26] 劉燁,劉凱,徐明,呂長榮,曹陽春,姚軍虎. 2013. 十二指腸灌注亮氨酸對奶牛胰腺澱粉酶分泌的影響. 動物營養學報,25 (8):1783-1788.
[27]胡如久,王影,王瀟,楊婷,陳思,楊小軍,姚軍虎. 2013. 葡萄籽提取物對蛋雞生產性能和蛋黃膽固醇含量的影響. 動物營養學報,25 (9):2074-2081.
[28]Xiaofei Wang, Yulong Li, Xiaojun Yang, Junhu Yao. 2013. Astragalus polysaccharide reduces inflammatory response by decreasing permeability of LPS-infected Caco2 cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,61:347-352.
[29]姚軍虎. 2013. 反芻動物碳水化合物高效利用的綜合調控. 飼料工業,34(17):1-12.
[30]劉嬋娟,趙向輝,徐明,曹陽春,楊婷,姚軍虎. 2013. 基於CPMDairy的幾種我國常用奶牛飼料原料聚類分析. 動物營養學報,25(10):2325-2336.
[31]Y.C. Cao, Y. Gao, M. Xu, N.N. Liu, X.H. Zhao, C.J. Liu, Y. Liu, J.H. Yao. 2013. Effect of ADL to aNDF ratio and ryegrass particle length on chewing, ruminal fermentation, and in situ degradability in goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology ,186 (2013) 112–119
[32]Zhao, X. H., C. J. Liu, Y. Liu, C. Y. Li, and J. H. Yao. 2013. Effects of replacing dietary starch with neutral detergent-soluble fibre on ruminal fermentation, microbial synthesis and populations of ruminal cellulolytic bacteria using the rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition ,97:1161-1169.
[33]Funing Wang, Lin Lu,Sufen Li,Songbai Liu, Liyang Zhang, Junhu Yao,Xugang Luo. 2012. Relative Bioavailability of Manganese Proteinatefor Broilers Fed a Conventional Corn–SoybeanMeal Diet. Biol Trace Elem Res ., 2012, 146:181-186.
[34]Y. Feng, X. J. Yang,Y. B. Wang, W.L.Li, Y. Liu, R.Q.Yin and J. H. Yao. 2012.Effects of immune stress on performance parameters, intestinal enzyme activityand mRNA expression of intestinal transporters in broiler chickens. Asian-Aust.Anim.Sci ., 25(5):701-707.
[35] 張林,張海軍,武書庚,嶽洪源,姚軍虎,齊廣海. 2012. 單色光間歇性刺激雞胚對肉仔雞胸肉生長及肉品質的影響. 中國農業科學,45(5):951-9579
[36]Xiaojun YANG, Lelun ZHONG, Xiaofang AN, Nan ZHANG, Limin ZHANG, Jincheng HAN, Junhu YAO, Charron COTE and Yajing SUN. 2011.Effects of diets supplemented with zinc and manganese on performance and related parameters in laying hens. Animal Science Journal , 2012, 83,474-481.
[37]Li Cao, Xiaojun Yang, Feifei Sun, Chanjuan Liu andJunhu Yao. 2012. Lactobacillus Strain with High Adhesion StimulatesIntestinal Mucin Expression in Broiler. J. Poult. Sci ., 49: 273-281.
[38] Jincheng Han, Yin Liu, Junhu Yao, Jiaqing Wang, Hongxia Qu, Yongfeng Yan,Jie Yue, Jinlong Ding, Zitao Shi and Xianshun Dong. 2012. Dietary Calcium Levels Reduce the Efficacy of One Alpha-Hydroxycholecalciferol in Phosphorus-Deficient Diets of Broilers. J. Poult. Sci ., 49: 34-38.
[40]L. Zhang , H. J. Zhang , X. Qiao , H. Y. Yue , S. G. Wu , J. H. Yao, and G. H. Qi. 2012.Effect of monochromatic light stimuli during embryogenesis on musculargrowth, chemical composition, and meat quality of breast muscle in male broilers. Poult . Sci ., 91 :1026-1031.
[41]Cao Li , X. J. Yang , Z. J. Li , F. F. Sun , X. H. Wu , and J. H. Yao. 2012.Reduced lesions in chickens with Clostridium perfringens-inducednecrotic enteritis by Lactobacillus fermentum 1.2029 . Poult . Sci .,91 :3065-3071.
[42]馮焱,楊小軍*,胡雄兵,劉燁,尹瑞卿,覃定奎,姚軍虎. 2012. 免疫應激對肉雞腸道微生物區系的影響. 農業生物技術學報,20(7): 807-814.
[43]趙向輝,劉嬋娟,劉燁,李朝雲,姚軍虎.日糧可降解蛋白與非纖維性碳水化合物對人工瘤胃發酵、微生物合成以及纖維分解菌菌羣的影響. 中國農業科學,2012, 45(22):4668-4677.
[44]A.M. Fouad, H.K. El-Senousey, X.J. Yang and J.H. Yao.2012.Role of Dietary L-Arginine in Poultry Production. International Journal of Poultry Science ,11 (11): 718-729.
[45]Xiao-Hong Wu,Ye Liu, lin Zhang, Fei Li, Fei wang, Li Cao, Xiao-Jun Yang, Jun-Hu Yao. 2012. Effect of Natural Vitamin E level and Duration of Supplementation on Growth Performance, Breast Meat Quality and Oxidative Stability of Broilers. J. Anim. Vet Adv. 11(18):3268-3275. [1] 


[1] 姚軍虎(第一位,FCG-2012-2-115-01). 2010. 高效綠色飼料生產關鍵技術研究與示範.全國農牧漁業豐收獎農業技術推廣成果二等獎。
[2] 2013年度寶鋼優秀教師獎。
[3]姚軍虎(第二位,13-3-13-R2). 2013.蛋雞高效綠色飼料生產關鍵技術研發與推廣. 陝西省科學技術獎三等獎。
[4] 2008、2010、2015學校優秀教師。 [1] 


[1] 姚軍虎.奶牛精準營養管理系統,2013.03,中國,授權號:2013SR026769.
[2] 姚軍虎.奶牛體況評分軟件,2012.08,中國,授權號:2012SR124182.
[3] 姚軍虎,劉凱,劉燁,徐明.一種牛用手術護理欄,2015.02,中國,授權號:ZL201320206406.6.
[4] 曹陽春,姚軍虎,孫菲菲,楊紅建.一種新型反芻動物飼料,2015.02,中國,授權號:201310232289.5.
[5] 徐明,杜莎,張博,姚軍虎.一種圓筒式TMR分析篩,2012.12,中國,授權號:ZL201220024443.0.
[7] 曹陽春,姚軍虎,王臘梅,王碭碭,李宗軍,孫菲菲,魏筱詩,任豪,楊昕澗,鄭立新.一種奶牛飼養舍,2016.02,中國,授權號:ZL201520782103.8. [1] 