

嚴建兵,男,1976年5月出生,湖北崇陽人。2003年博士畢業於華中農業大學生命科學技術學院 [19]  ,曾任華中農業大學植物科學技術學院院長 [1]  ,華中農業大學生命科學院副院長 [18]  ;現任第十四屆全國政協委員,華中農業大學教授 [16] 副校 [17]  [45] 作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室副主任 [15]  ,民盟湖北省委會副主委。 [87] 
2022年榮獲L. Stadler Mid-Career Award國際學術獎 [88]  。2018年榮獲第七屆中國僑界貢獻獎二等獎 [20]  ;2017年,嚴建兵入選中組部第三批“萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人才 [21]  ;2016年5月,入選科技部2015年創新人才計劃中青年科技創新領軍人才 [3]  ,並獲第14屆中國青年科技獎 [4]  [47]  ,榮獲2016年度國家技術發明獎二等獎(第二完成人 [22]  。2016年4月,入選教育部“長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授 [46]  ;2015年10月,嚴建兵獲“國家傑出青年科學基金”資助 [2]  ;入選農業部“農業科研傑出人才” [44]  ;此外,其領銜的玉米種質資源創新和分子育種團隊入選2015年度湖北省自然科學基金創新羣體 [5]  ,農業部農業科研傑出人才及其創新團隊 [6]  ;2013年教育部科技成果獎一等獎(第二完成人 [27]  ;2012年獲國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基 [23]  [48]  、榮獲湖北省青年五四獎章光榮稱 [24]  ;2011年入選教育部“新世紀人才計劃”、榮獲第43屆“杜邦青年教授獎” [25]  ;2010年榮獲日本“國際青年農業科學家獎” [26] 
國    籍
民    族
1976年5月 [52] 
博士 [19] 
職    業
副校長 [17] 
職    務
華中農業大學副校長 [85] 
玉米基因組學與分子育種 [49] 
籍    貫
性    別
職    稱
民盟盟員 [87] 


玉米的基因組學和分子育種 [31] 


嚴建兵 嚴建兵
嚴建兵,男,博士,教授,1976年5月出生。2003年博士畢業於華中農業大學生命科學技術學院。畢業後受聘於中國農業大學作物遺傳育種系講師,曾任華中農業大學生命科學學院副院長、植物科學技術學院院長,現為華中農業大學副校長、植物科學技術學院教授,作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室副主任。以第一作者或通訊作者(含共同)在Nat Genet(3篇 [53-55]  ), Nat Commun(7篇 [56-62]  ), PNAS [63]  , PLoS Genet [64]  , Plant Cell(2篇 [65-66]  ), New Phytol(2篇 [67-68]  ), Mol Plant(8篇 [69-76]  ), Plant J(4篇 [77-80]  ), Plant Physiol(4篇 [81-84]  )、中國科學和科學通報等主流期刊發表論文150餘篇 [28]  ,多次應邀在國際國內學術會議上做大會報告。為國內外30餘家家期刊的審稿人,並擔任期刊Plant Journal [29]  , Theoretical and Applied Genetics [7]  , Molecular Breeding [8]  ,BMC Plant Biology [9]  和Journal of Integrative Plant Biology [10]  等雜誌編委。


1995.9-1999.7 華中農業大學生命科學技術學院 生物技術專業 獲學士學位
1992.9-1995.7 湖北省崇陽縣第一中學學習


2003年 中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院和中國農業大學國家玉米改良中心工作,任講師
2005年 在中國農業大學晉升為副教授
2006-2008年 在國際玉米小麥改良中心(CIMMYT)和康奈爾大學從事博士後研究
2008年,被聘為CIMMYT副科學家(Associate Scientist)。
2009年,被聘為科學家(Scientist),主要從事玉米重要性狀的關聯分析和連鎖分析。在CIMMYT期間主持或者主要參加了多個國際重大項目,如代際挑戰計劃(Generation Challenge Program),蓋茨梅琳達基金(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation),豐收計劃(Harvest-Plus project)等。
2021年12月27日,全國農業專業學位研究生教育指導委員會委員。 [86] 
第十四屆全國政協委員 [90]  ,中國民主同盟第十三屆中央委員會委員 [89] 


玉米單倍體誘導機制的遺傳和分子解析 [39]  (國家自然基金委重點項目)
甜玉米品質遺傳基礎解析及關鍵基因挖掘和利用(國家自然基金委聯合基金項目) [38] 


2010年度日本國際青年農業科學家獎(Japan International Award for Yong Agricultural Researchers) [11] 
2011年度第43屆杜邦青年教授獎(DupontYoung Professor Award) [12] 
2011年教育部新世紀人才計劃 [43] 
2012年湖北五四青年獎章 [32] 
2012年優秀青年基金 [33] 
2013年入選中組部青年拔尖人才 [13] 
2013年 榮獲教育部科技成果獎一等獎(第二完成人) [34] 
2014年榮獲國際玉米小麥改良中心青年傑出校友 [37] 
2015年入選農業部“農業科研傑出人才”,帶領的玉米團隊入選農業部“創新團隊” [36]  和湖北省自然基金委創新團隊 [35] 
2015年國家傑出青年科學基金 [2] 
2016年入選第14屆中國青年科技獎 [4] 
2016年入選科技部2015年創新人才推進計劃中青年科技創新領軍人才 [3] 
2016年入選“長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授 [50] 
2016年榮獲國家技術發明獎二等獎(第二完成人) [40] 
2017年入選第三批“萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人才 [41] 
2018年榮獲第七屆中國僑界貢獻獎二等獎 [42] 
2022年榮獲L. Stadler Mid-Career Award(劉易斯•斯塔德勒中期職業生涯獎)國際學術獎 [88] 


2023年5月26日,被授予第三屆全國創新爭先獎狀。 [91] 


嚴建兵教授在本學科主流雜誌上發表SCI論文157篇:其中4篇在線,以第一作者或通訊作者(含共同)在Nat Genet(3篇), Nat Commun(7篇), PNAS, PLoS Genet, Plant Cell(2篇), New Phytol(2篇), Mol Plant(8篇), Plant J(4篇), Plant Physiol(4篇)等期刊發表論文81篇。論文累計被引頻次總計7305次,單篇最高被引476次,H-index為45(基於Web of Science,20210307)。 [30]  [51] 
  • Liang Y#, Liu H#, Yan J*, Tian F* (2021) Natural Variation in Crops: Realized Understanding, Continuing Promise. Annu Rev Plant Biol, doi: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-080720-090632
  • Li W, Yu Y, Wang L, Luo Y, Peng Y, Xu Y, Liu X, Wu S, Jian L, Xu J, Xiao Y*, Yan J*(2021) The genetic architecture of the dynamic changes in grain moisture in maize. Plant Biotechnol J, doi: 10.1111/pbi.13541
  • Yang N*, Yan J*(2021) New genomic approaches for enhancing maize genetic improvement. Curr Opin Plant Biol, doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2020.11.002
  • Liu N, Du Y, Warburton ML, Xiao Y*, Yan J*(2020) Phenotypic plasticity contributes to maize adaptation and heterosis. Mol Biol Evol, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msaa283
  • Liu J*, Fernie AR, Yan J*(2020) Crop breeding - from experience-based selection to precision design. J Plant Physiol, 256:153313
  • Liu J, Li J, Wang H*, Yan J*(2020) Application of Deep Learning in Genomics. Sci China Life Sci, 63(12):1860-1878
  • Li Q*, Yan J* (2020) Sustainable agriculture in the era of omics: knowledge-driven crop breeding. Genome Biol, 21(1):154
  • Gui S, Yang L, Li J, Luo J, Xu X, Yuan J, Chen L, Li W, Yang X, Wu S, Li S, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Gao Q, Yang N*, Yan J* (2020) ZEAMAP, a comprehensive database adapted to the maize multi-omics era. iScience, 23(6):101241
  • Luo C, Femie AR, Yan J* (2020) Single-Cell Genomics and Epigenomics: Technologies and Applications in Plants. Trends Plant Sci, 25(10):1030-1040
  • Huang J, Lu G, Liu L, Raihan MS, Xu J, Jian L, Zhao L, Thu M. Tran, Zhang Q, Liu J, Li W, Wei C, Braun DM, Li Q, Fernie AR, Jackson D*, Yan J* (2020) The kernel size-related quantitative trait locus qKW9 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein that affects photosynthesis and grain filling. Plant Physiol, 183(4):1696-1709
  • Fernie AR*, Yan J* (2020) Targeting Key Genes to Tailor Old and New Crops for a Greener Agriculture. Mol Plant, 13(3):354-356
  • Wang S#, Tian L#, Liu H#, Li X, Zang J, Chen X, Jia X, Zheng X, Chen Y, Yan J*, Wu L* (2020) Large-scale Discovery of Non-conventional Peptides in Maize and Arabidopsis Through an Integrated Peptidogenomic Pipeline. Mol Plant, 13 (7): 1078-1093
  • Liu H#, Jian L#, Xu J#, Zhang Q, Zhang M, Jin M, Peng Y, Yan J, Han B, Liu J, Gao F, Liu X, Huang L, Wei W, Ding Y, Yang X, Li Z, Zhang M, Sun J, Bai M, Song W, Chen H, Sun X, Li W, Lu Y, Liu Y, Zhao J, Qian Y, Jackson D, Fernie AR, Yan J* (2020) High-Throughput CRISPR/Cas9 Mutagenesis Streamlines Trait Gene Identification in Maize. Plant Cell, 32(5):1397-1413
  • Liu H#, Wang X#, Xiao Y#, Luo J#, Qiao F#, Yang W#, Zhang R#, Meng Y, Sun J, Yan S, Peng Y, Niu L, Jian L, Song W, Yan J, Li C, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Warburton ML, Zhao J*, Yan J* (2020) CUBIC: an atlas of genetic architecturepromises directed maize improvement. Genome Biol, 21(1):20
  • Liu J*, Fernie AR, Yan J*(2020) The past, present and future of maize improvement – domestication, genomics and functional genomic routes towards crop enhancement. Plant Commun, 1,100010
  • Yang N, Wu Shen, Yan J* (2019) Structural variation in complex genome: detection, integration and function. Sci China Life Sci, 62(8): 1098-1100
  • Peng Y#, Xiong D#, Zhao L, Ouyang W, Wang S, Sun J, Zhang Q, Guan P, Xie L, Li W, Li G*, Yan J*, Li X* (2019) Chromatin interaction maps reveal genetic regulation for quantitative traits in maize. Nat Commun, 10(1):2632
  • Yan J*, Tan BC (2019) Maize biology: From functional genomics to breeding application. J Integr Plant Biol, 2019, 61(6):654-657
  • Zhan W, Liu J, Pan Q, Wang H, Yan S, Li K, Deng M, Li W, Liu N, Kong Q, Fernie AR, Yan J* (2019) An allele of ZmPORB2 encoding a protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase promotes tocopherol accumulation in both leaves and kernels of maize. Plant J, 100(1):114-127
  • Yang N#, Liu J#, Gao Q#, Gui S, Chen L, Yang L, Huang J, Deng T, Luo J, He L, Wang Y, Xu P, Peng Y, Shi Z, Lan L, Ma Z, Yang X, Zhang Q, Bai M, Li S, Li W, Liu L, Jackson D, Yan J* (2019) Genome assembly of a tropical maize inbred line provides insights into structural variation and crop improvement. Nat Genet, 51(6):1052-1059
  • Fernie AR*, Yan J* (2019) De Novo Domestication: An Alternative Route toward New Crops for the Future. Mol Plant, 12(5):615-631
  • Li K#, Wen W#, Alseekh S, Yang X, Guo H, Li W, Wang L, Pan Q, Zhan W, Liu J, Li Y, Wu X, Brotman Y, Willmitzer L, Li J*, Fernie AR*, Yan J* (2019) Large-scale metabolite quantitative trait locus analysis provides new insights for high-quality maize improvement. Plant J, 99(2):216-230
  • Li X#, Chen L#, Zhang Q, Sun Y, Li Q*, Yan J* (2019) BRIF-Seq: Bisulfite-Converted Randomly Integrated Fragments Sequencing at the Single-Cell Level. Mol Plant, 12(3):438-446
  • Luo C#, Li X*#, Zhang Q, Yan J*(2019) Single gametophyte sequencing reveals that crossover events differ between sexes in maize. Nat Commun, 10(1):785
  • Wen W#, Jin M#, Li K, Liu H, Xiao Y, Zhao M, Alseekh S, Li W, de Abreu E Lima F, Brotman Y, Willmitzer L, Fernie AR*, Yan J* (2018) An Integrated Multi-layered Analysis of the Metabolic Networks of Different Tissues Uncovers Key Genetic Components of Primary Metabolism in Maize. Plant J, 93(6): 1116–1128
  • Wang H, Xu S, Fan Y, Liu N, Zhan W, Liu H, Xiao Y, Li K, Pan Q, Li W, Deng M, Liu J, Jin M, Yang X, Li J, Li Q*, Yan J* (2018) Beyond pathways: genetic dissection of tocopherol content in maize kernels by combining linkage and association analyses. Plant Biotechnol J, 16(8):1464-1475
  • Liu H*, Yan J*(2018) Crop genome-wide association study: A harvest of biological relevance. Plant J, 97(1): 8-18
  • Jin M, Liu X*, Jia W, Liu H, Li W, Peng Y, Du Y, Wang Y, Yin Y, Zhang X, Liu Q, Deng M, Li N, Cui C, Hao D, Yan J* (2018) ZmCOL3, a CCT gene represses flowering in maize by interfering with the circadian clock and activating expression of ZmCCT. J Integr Plant Biol, 60(6):465-480
  • Ma H, Li G, Würschum T, Zhang Y, Zheng D, Yang X, Li J, Liu W*, Yan J*, Chen S* (2018) Genome-Wide Association Study of Haploid Male Fertility in Maize (Zea Mays L.). Front Plant Sci, 9:974
  • Liu C#, Li X#, Meng D#, Zhong Y, Chen C, Dong X, Xu X, Chen B, Li W, Li L, Tian X, Zhao H, Song W, Luo H, Zhang Q, Lai J, Jin W*, Yan J*(2017) A 4-bp Insertion at ZmPLA1 Encoding a Putative Phospholipase A Generates Haploid Induction in Maize. Mol Plant, 10(3):520-522
  • Liu H#, Luo X#, Niu L, Xiao Y, Chen L, Liu J, Wang X, Jin M, Li W, Zhang Q, Yan J*(2017) Distant eQTLs and non-coding sequences play critical roles in regulating gene expression and quantitative trait variation in maize. Mol Plant, 10(3):414-426
  • Zhang X#, Huang C#, Wu D, Qiao F, Li W, Duan L, Wang K, Xiao Y, Chen G, Liu Q, Xiong L, Yang W*, Yan J*(2017) High-throughput phenotyping and QTL mapping reveals the genetic architecture of maize plant growth. Plant Physiol, 173(3):1554-1564
  • Xiao Y#, Liu H#, Wu L#, Warburton M, Yan J*(2017) Genome-wide association studies in maize: praise and stargaze. Mol Plant, 10(3):359-374
  • Liu J, Huang J, Guo H, Lan L, Wang H, Xu Y, Yang X, Li W, Tong H, Xiao Y, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Liu HJ, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Zhan W, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Li Q*, Yan J*(2017) The Conserved and Unique Genetic Architecture of Kernel Size and Weight in Maize and Rice. Plant Physiol, 175(2):774-785
  • Yang N#, Xu X#, Wang R, Peng W, Cai L, Song J, Li W, Luo X, Niu L, Wang Y, Jin M, Chen L, Luo J, Deng M, Wang L, Pan Q, Liu F, Jackson D, Yang X, Chen L*, Yan J*(2017) Contributions of Zea mays subspecies mexicana haplotypes to modern maize. Nat Commun, 8(1):1874
  • Li X#, Meng D#, Chen S, Luo H, Zhang Q, Jin W*, Yan J* (2017) Single nucleus sequencing reveals spermatid chromosome fragmentation as a possible cause of maize haploid induction. Nat Commun, 8(1):991
  • Deng M, Li D, Luo J, Xiao Y, Liu H, Pan Q, Zhang X, Jin M, Zhao M, Yan J*(2017) The genetic architecture of amino acids dissection by association and linkage analysis in maize. Plant Biotechnol J, 15(10):1250-1263
  • Pan Q, Xu Y, Li K, Peng Y, Zhan W, Li W, Li L*, Yan J*(2017) The Genetic Basis of Plant Architecture in 10 Maize Recombinant Inbred Line Populations. Plant Physiol, 175(2):858-873
  • Liu H*, Yan J*(2017) RICE DOMESTICATION An imperfect African solution. Nat Plants, 3(6):17083
  • Raihan MS, Liu J, Huang J, Guo H, Pan QC, Yan J*(2016)Multi-environment QTL analysis of grain morphology traits and fine mapping of a kernel-width QTL in Zheng58 × SK maize population. Theor Appl Genet, 129:1465–1477
  • Pan Q, Li L, Yang X, Tong H, Xu S, Li Z, Li W, Muehlbauer G, Li J, Yan J* (2016) Genome-wide recombination dynamics are associated with phenotypic variation in maize. New Phytol, 210(3):1083-1094
  • Xiao Y, Tong H, Yang X, Xu S, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan M, Luo Y, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhan Wei, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Cai Y, Xu G, Wang W, Zheng D,Yan J* (2016) Genome-wide dissection of the maize ear genetic architecture by using multiple populations. New Phytol, 210(3):1095-1106
  • Jin M#, Liu H#, He C#, Fu J*, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Xie W, Wang G, Yan J*(2016) Maize pan-transcriptome provides novel insights into genome complexity and quantitative trait variation. Sci Rep-UK6:18936
  • Liu J, Deng M, Guo H, Raihan D, Luo J, Xu Y, Dong X, Yan J* (2015) Maize orthologs of rice GS5 and their trans-regulator are associated with kernel development. J Integr Plant Biol,57(11):943-953
  • Ding J, Ali F, Chen G, Li H, Mahuku G, Yang N, Narro L, Magorokosho C, Makumbi D, Yan J*(2015) Genome-wide association mapping reveals novel sources of resistance to northern corn leaf blight in maize. BMC Plant Biol,15:206
  • Wen W, Li K, Alseekh S, Omranian N, Zhao L, Zhou Y, Xiao Y, Jin M, Yang N, Liu H, Florian A, Li W, Pan Q, Nikoloski Z, Yan J*, Fernie A* (2015) Genetic Determinants of the Network of Primary Metabolism and Their Relationships to Plant Performance in a Maize Recombinant Inbred Line Population. Plant Cell, 27(7): 1839–1856
  • Xing A, Gao Y, Ye L, Zhang W, Cai L, Ching A, Llaca V, Johnson B, Liu L, Yang XH, Kang D*, Yan J*, Li J* (2015) A rare SNP mutation in Brachytic2 moderately reduces plant height and increases yield potential in maize. J Exp Bot,66 (13): 3791-3801
  • Liu H, Wang X, Warburton M, Wen W, Jin M, Deng M, Liu J, Tong H, Pan Q, Yang X, Yan J*(2015) Genomic, Transcriptomic, and Phenomic Variation Reveals the Complex Adaptation of Modern Maize Breeding. Mol Plant, 8(6): 871-84
  • Li X, Li L, Yan J* (2015) Dissecting meiotic recombination based on tetrad analysis by single microspore sequencing in maize. Nat Commun,6: 6648
  • Guo T, Yang N, Tong H, Pang Q, Yang X, Tang J, Wang J, Li J, Yan J* (2014) Genetic basis of grain yield heterosis in an “immortalized F2s” maize population. Theor Appl Genet,127: 2149-2158
  • Yang N, Lu Y, Yang X, Huang J, Zhou Y, Ali F, Wen W, Liu J, Li J, Yan J*(2014) Genome Wide Association Studies Using a New Nonparametric Model Reveal the Genetic Architecture of 17 Agronomic Traits in an Enlarged Maize Association Panel. PLoS Genet, 10(9):e1004573
  • Wen W, Li D, Li X, Gao Y, Li W, Li H, Liu J, Liu H, Chen W, Luo J*, Yan J* (2014) Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights. Nat Commun,5:3438
  • Wang W, Li X, Zheng J, Chen L, Luo L, Liu J, Qian X, Yan J*, Wang J*, Wang G* (2013) RNA sequencing reveals the complex regulatory network in the maize kernel. Nat Commun,4:2832
  • Yang Q, Li Z, Li W, Ku L, Ye J, Li K, Yang N, Li Y, Zhong T, Li J, Chen Y*, Yan J*, Yang X*, Xu M* (2013) CACTA-like transposable element in ZmCCT attenuated photoperiod sensitivity and accelerated the postdomestication spread of maize. ProcNatlAcadSciUSA,110(42):16969-16974
  • Xue Y, Warburton ML, Sawkins M, Zhang X, Setter T, Xu Y, Grudloyma P, Gethi J, Ribaut JM, Li W, Zhang X, Zheng Y, Yan J* (2013) Genome-wide association analysis for nine agronomic traits in maize under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. Theo rAppl Genet, 126(10): 2587-2596
  • Ali F, Pan Q, Chen G, Zahid KR, Yan J* (2013) Evidence of multiple disease resistance (MDR) and implication of meta-analysis in marker assisted selection. PLoS ONE, 8 (7): e68150
  • Fu Z, Chai Y, Zhou Y, Yang X, Warburton ML, Xu S, Cai Y, Zhang D, Li J, Yan J* (2013) Natural variation in the sequence of PSY1 and frequency of favorable polymorphisms among tropical and temperate maize germplasm. Theor Appl Genet,126(4):923-35
  • Li H, Peng Z, Yang X, Wang W, Fu J, Wang J, Han Y, Chai Y, Guo T, Yang N, Liu J, Warburton ML, Cheng Y, Hao X, Zhang P, Zhao J, Liu Y, Wang G*, Li J*, Yan J*(2013) Genome-wide association study dissects the genetic architecture of oil biosynthesis in maize kernels. Nat Genet,45(1): 43-50
  • Pan Q, Ali F, Yang X, Li J, Yan J* (2012) Exploring the genetic characteristics of two recombinant inbred line populations via high-density SNP markers in maize. PLoS ONE, 7(12): e52777
  • Xu S, Zhang D, Cai Y, Zhou Y, Shah T, Ali F, Li Q, Li Z, Wang W, Li J, Yang X, Yan J* (2012) Dissecting tocopherols content in maize (Zea mays L.), using two segregating populations and high-density single nucleotide polymorphism markers. BMC Plant Biol, 12:201
  • Li Q, Yang X, Xu S, Cai Y, Zhang D, Han Y, Li L, Zhang Z, Gao S, Li J*, Yan J* (2012) Genome-wide association studies identified three independent polymorphisms associated with α-tocopherol content in maize kernels. PLoS ONE, 7 (5): e36807
  • Ali F, Yan J* (2012) Disease resistance in maize and the role of molecular breeding in defending against global threat. J Integr Plant Biol,54(3): 134-151
  • Yang X, Gao S, Xu S, Zhang Z, Prasanna BM, Li L, Li J, Yan J* (2011) Characterization of a global germplasm collection and its potential utilization for analysis of complex quantitative traits in maize. Mol Breeding, 28 (4): 511-526
  • Wen W, Araus JL, Shah T, Cairns J, Mahuku G, Bänziger M, Torres JL, Sánchez C, Yan J* (2011) Molecular characterization of a diverse maize inbred line collection and its potential utilization for stress tolerance improvement. Crop Sci,51 (6): 2569-2581
  • Li L, Li H, Li Q, Yang X, Zheng D, Warburton ML, Chai Y, Zhang P, Guo Y, Yan J*, Li J* (2011) An 11-bp Insertion in Zea mays fatb reduces the palmitic acid content of fatty acids in maize grain. PLoS ONE, 6 (9): e24699
  • Yang X, Xu Y, Shah T, Li H, Han Z, Li J, Yan J* (2011) Comparison of SSRs and SNPs in assessment of genetic relatedness in maize. Genetica,139 (8): 1045-1054
  • Yan J*, Warburton ML, Crouch J (2011) Association mapping for enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) genetic improvement. Crop Sci,51 (2): 433-449
  • Zhou J, Guo Y, Gao Y, Li J, Yan J* (2011)A SSR linkage map of maize × teosinte F2 population and analysis of segregation distortion. Agr Sci China, 10 (2): 166-174
  • Wen W, Taba S, Shah T, Tovar VHC, Yan J* (2011) Detection of genetic integrity of conserved maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm in genebanks using SNP markers. Genet Resour Crop Ev,58 (2): 189-207
  • Yang X, Yan J*, Shah T, Warburton ML, Li Q, Li L, Gao Y, Chai Y, Fu Z, Zhou Y, Xu S, Bai G, Meng Y, Zheng Y, Li J* (2010) Genetic analysis and characterization of a new maize association mapping panel for quantitative trait loci dissection. Theor Appl Genet, 121 (3): 417-431
  • Li Q, Li L, Yang X, Warburton M, Bai G, Dai J, Li J, Yan J* (2010) Relationship, evolutionary fate and function of two maize co-orthologs of rice GW2 associated with kernel size and weight. BMC Plant Biol,10 (1): 143
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做一件事情很容易,但一輩子都專注於做一件事情就很難,誰做到了,誰就是偉大的。是什麼東西讓一個人堅持不懈、孜孜不倦一輩子做一件事情呢?我想光有激情不夠,你還得有登高望遠一覽天下的氣魄和胸懷。我非常喜歡中央電視台的一個廣告語,怎麼説的呢?大意是“心有多大,舞台就有多大”。一隻待在井裏的青蛙永遠都認為天只有井口那麼大。毫無疑問,美國仍然是世界上最強大的國家,美國為什麼這麼強大呢?我似乎有一些答案,因為工作上的關係,我參與了中國和美國自然科學基金的申請,大家知道,國家自然科學基金仍然是目前中美兩國最重要的科研資助體系之一。我們在準備美國基金申請書的時候,開篇必然是:我們要研究的問題對世界、對非洲多麼重要。但是中國基金申請書開篇通常卻是:我們要研究的問題對中國,或者説對中國的某個地區是多麼重要。這就是差別。所以我特別希望母校能開一門“農業與國家安全” 的課程,不是糧食安全,是“國家安全”,通過這門課程來告訴大家我們做的事情對中國,對世界是多麼重要。
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