

哈佛大學模擬聯合國大會中國會議(HMUN China)是國際化的中學生模擬聯合國會議之一。
Harvard UniversityModel United Nations China
簡    稱
HMUN China


哈佛大學模擬聯合國大會中國會議 (HMUN China)是國際化的中學生模擬聯合國會議之一,來自全球十餘國家的 1200 名中學生在京參加,共同辯論與 磋商國際熱點問題,在競爭與合作中提升領導力與國際視野。是已有 66 屆會議歷史的哈佛大學模擬聯合國大會 (HMUN) 的全球分會,2019年哈佛模聯中國會議將在中國舉辦第十屆。


Harvard Model United Nations China is a four-day international relations simulation for high school students held annually in downtown Beijing. At HMUN China, delegates gain insight into the workings of the United Nations and the dynamics of international relations by assuming the roles of UN representatives and members of other international bodies and national cabinets. HMUN China is an exciting opportunity for students to debate issues that confront world leaders and to draft resolutions in response to these global issues.
HMUN China 2019 builds upon decades of experience. In 1927, Harvard held its first annual Model League of Nations, followed by the first Model United Nations conference in
1953. In 2010, this HMUN model was brought to the international stage for the first session of HMUN China, when HMUN brought 13 directors to Beijing.
True to the spirit of the United Nations, founded in 1945, HMUN China strives to foster a constructive forum for open dialogue on complex global issues, including international peace and security, and economic and social progress. HMUN China stresses the in-depth examination and resolution of pressing issues, emphasizing process over product. During the conference, students learn the importance of balancing national interests with the needs of the international community, while also learning about the powers and limitations of international negotiation. Delegates will preserve their countries' national policy while negotiating in the face of other, sometimes conflicting, international policies.