


周智,男,1982年9月生,博士,湖南農業大學教授,博士生導師。湖南省光學農業工程技術研究中心主任,生物炭湖南省工程研究中心副主任,湖南農業大學化學學科帶頭人,化學學位點領銜人,應用化學專業負責人。2020年聯合湖南農業大學農學院跨學科組建“農用化學材料學科交叉實驗室”,針對農業生產中的實際問題,運用化學與材料的手段,開展學科交叉研究。科研團隊共有青年教師7人,博士4名,碩士研究生30餘名,本科生40餘名。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    務


周智,男,1982年9月生,教授,博士生導師。2020年獲湖南省科技進步二等獎1項(排名第一),先後獲湖南省百人計劃引進人才(2018)、農業農村部神農青年英才(2022)、教育部霍英東青年科學獎(2022)和中國農學會青年科技獎(2023)等稱號。2020年聯合湖南農業大學農學院跨學科組建“農用化學材料學科交叉實驗室”,針對農業生產中的實際問題,運用化學與材料的手段,開展學科交叉研究。2014年加入湖南農業大學以來,在Chem. Eng. J.ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.Sci. Total Environ.、Bioresource Technol.、Green Chem.Appl. Surf. Sci.iScience、J. Photoch. Photobio. B等期刊上發表SCI論文100餘篇,引用次數3600餘次,H指數31;申請專利70餘項,其中授權專利54項主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家自然科學基金青年項目、國家級稀土專項、湖南省傑出青年基金、湖南省重點研發項目等各類縱向、橫向課題20餘項。 [1] 



2012.12-2013.11:荷蘭埃因霍温理工大學,化學化工學院,國家公派聯合培養博士 [1] 


2021.01-至今:農用化學材料學科交叉聯合實驗室,主任 [1] 


(3)植物生長土壤環境影響與機制研究。 [1] 


本科生:《文獻查閲與專業英語》、《有機化學》、《基礎實驗課》、《作物生長的環境與環境調控》、《設施農業工程》 [1] 
研究生:《文獻檢索與專業英語》、《自然科學素養》 [1] 



1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51974123,植物生長LED燈用發深紅光熒光材料Cax(Al/Ga)y(Zn/Mg)kOn的結構設計和性能研究,2020/01-2023/12,65萬,在研,主持;
2. 湖南省科技創新計劃,2022WZ1022,基於表型檢測的南方早稻工廠化育秧關鍵技術研究,25萬,2023/01-2024/12,在研,主持。
3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,21706060,植物生長燈用Mn4+激活復相結構熒光材料的製備和熱穩定性研究,2018/01-2020/12,25萬,完成,主持;
4. 湖南省重點領域研發計劃,2020WK2016,Cr3+激活遠紅光發射熒光材料的製備與茶氨酸光代謝調控研究,50萬,2021/01/01-2022/12/31,完成,主持;
5. 湖南省傑出青年基金項目,2020JJ2018,LED植物燈用熒光粉SrAl3BO7/Ca14Al10Zn6O35的局域結構調控發光性能研究,50萬,2020/01-2022/12,完成,主持;
6. 湖湘高層次人才聚集工程-創新人才,2019RS1077,50萬,2019/01-2020/01,完成,主持;
7. 湖南省光學農業工程技術研究中心,2018TP2003,150萬,2018/07-2021/07,完成,主持;
8. 湖南省百人計劃,2018/01-2020/12,100萬,完成,主持;
9. 湖南省科技計劃重點項目,2017SK2354,高温催化乾餾處置固體垃圾關鍵技術研究與示範,2018/01-2020/01,30萬,完成,參與(首席科學家);
10. 湖湘高層次人才聚集工程-創新人才,2020RC5007,50萬,2021/01-2022/12,完成,負責人;
11. 湖南省自然科學基金青年項目,2016JJ3065,基於原子沉積技術提高SrAl2O4:Eu2+長餘輝熒光粉化學穩定的研究,2016/07-2019/07,5萬,完成,主持;
12. 長沙市科技計劃項目,面向園藝作物育苗的高效LED植物光源用氮化物紅色熒光粉的合成及性能研究,KH2005114,15萬,2020/08-2022/08,完成,主持;
13. 國家稀土專項,湘財企指[2014]98號,高性能白光LED用稀土氮化物熒光粉工程化製備技術研發,2014/10-2016/09,495萬,完成,主持;
14.湖南省戰略新興產業項目,2014GK1060,白光LED用稀土氮化物和氮氧化物發光材料的關鍵技術開發與應用,2014/09-2016/08,300萬,完成,參與。 [1] 


1. 古茶樹生長環境研究與環境調控技術開發,2022/06-2025/05,30萬,在研,主持;
2. 南方稻區旱地育秧關鍵技術研究與開發,2023/01-2023/12,30萬,在研,主持;
3. 基於多孔吸附與新型包膜的煙草氮肥控釋研究與應用,CS2022KJ01,2022/04-2024/12,140萬,在研,主持;
4. 餐廚垃圾處理全過程臭氣來源分析與控制研究,2021KJC-JS189,2021/09-2023/08,100萬,在研,參與。 [1] 


1. 一種有機固廢熱解處理的組分復配預處理方法,發明專利,ZL 201811483058.0
2. 一種重度污染土地治理方法,發明專利,ZL 201711462979.4
3. 三維立體生物炭的製備方法及其在重金屬吸附中的應用,發明專利,ZL 201910016896.5
4. 一種調控生物炭形貌結構的方法,發明專利,ZL 201910016604.8
5. 一種改善發光材料熱穩定性的方法,發明專利,ZL 201610252311.6
6. 一種改善發光材料化學穩定性的方法,發明專利,ZL 201610250096.6
7. 一種改善發光材料耐水性的方法,發明專利,ZL 201610249795.9
8. 一種養豬場糞水的處理方法,發明專利,ZL 201510662334.X
9. 一種利用LED植物生長光源促進煙草育苗的方法,發明專利,ZL201510632269.6
10. 利用湘油茶果殼製備活性炭的方法和該活性炭及其應用,發明專利,ZL 201510132681.1
11. 一種採用LED光源進行鐵皮石斛育苗和種植的方法,發明專利,ZL201510595933.4
12. 一種氮化物熒光粉的製備方法及其設備,發明專利,ZL 201110444763.1
13. 一種深紅色熒光粉及其應用,發明專利,ZL 201510598725.X
14. 一種白光LED用單一基質熒光粉及其製備方法,發明專利,ZL 201210072400.4
15. 一種白光LED用釩酸鹽基質熒光粉及其製備方法,發明專利,ZL 201210072001.8
16. 一種白光LED用鈦酸鹽Zn2TiO4:Eu3+紅色熒光粉的製備方法,發明專利,ZL201510270490.1
17. 一種氮化物熒光粉的製備方法及其設備,發明專利,ZL 201110444763.1
18. 一種窄帶綠色熒光粉及其製備方法和應用,發明專利,ZL 202110220862.5
19. 一種光調控水稻培養壯苗並提高秧苗抗寒性的方法,發明專利,申請號:202310060141.1
20. 一種光調控提升茶葉茶氨酸含量的方法,發明專利,申請號:202310057706.0
21. 一種餐廚垃圾漿料預處理裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 202120797498.4
22. 一種後端深度水處理裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 202020688068.4
23. 一種雙MBR膜池污水處理系統,實用新型專利,ZL 202020687179.3
24. 一種太陽能LED誘蟲燈,實用新型專利,ZL201620865510.X
25. 一種乾餾生物炭收集系統,實用新型專利,ZL 2017207915528
26. 一種垃圾乾餾生物炭自動回收裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 2017208101029
27. 一種分級處理的固體垃圾粉碎機,實用新型專利,ZL 201720810083X
28. 一種垃圾懸浮式熱風乾燥器,實用新型專利,ZL 2017208100825
29. 一種固體垃圾資源化利用系統,實用新型專利,ZL 2017208198039
30. 一種固體垃圾升降式均勻進料機,實用新型專利,ZL 201721279025.5
31. 一種垃圾乾餾真空進料裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 2017212256893
32. 一種調節混和氣體比例的裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 2017212258992
33. 一種移動式垃圾處理車,實用新型專利,ZL 2017208203107
34. 一種低滲透污染土壤淋洗裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201721280477.5
35. 一種酶分解黑水體處理器,實用新型專利,ZL 201721301835.6
36. 一種烤房綜合利用系統,實用新型專利,ZL 201620865280.7
37. 一種可變光譜的LED植物生長箱,實用新型專利,ZL201620542445.7
38. 一種多肉植物種植裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201620865626.3
39. 一種污泥幹化系統,實用新型專利,ZL 201621486543.X
40. 一種垃圾滲濾液的處理裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201621486530.2
41. 一種污泥催化裂解綜合利用系統,實用新型專利,ZL 201621486541.0
42. 一種水生植物淨化黑臭水體裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201721807797.1
43. 一種發光材料表面改性處理系統,實用新型專利,ZL 201620337950.8
44. LED-臭氧超聲聯用滅藻裝置,實用新型專利,ZL201620539647.6
45. 一種可變光譜與光強的LED藻類培養箱,實用新型專利,ZL 201620542497.4
46. 一種提高青棗品質的全自動太陽能補光系統,實用新型專利,ZL201620539626.4
47. 一種用於觀察植物根系生長的實時可視裝置,實用新型專利,ZL201620538948.7
48. 一種光催化連續降解農藥殘留的裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201620865109.6
49. 一種藻類生長抑制裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201620865254.4
50. 一種太陽能清潔智能煙葉烘烤系統,實用新型專利,ZL 201620861581.2
51. 生物質直接炭化製備炭素活性材料的微波高温反應爐裝置,實用新型專利,ZL201520170972.5
52. 一種超級電容器用活性炭粒度控制專業裝置,實用新型專利,ZL20152017097.0
53. 一種白光LED用鈦酸鹽紅色熒光粉的製備方法,實用新型專利,ZL 201510270490.1
54. 一種生產可控粒徑生物炭的前處理裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201720374747.2
55. 一種生物炭連續自動活化裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201720376627.6
56. 一種污水處理裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201720375198.0
57. 一種帶球磨攪拌粉粹的高壓水熱反應裝置,實用新型專利,ZL 201720386773.7 [1] 


作為第一作者和通訊作者,近年發表的與本項目相關的論文如下: [1] 


1. ShengxiongHuang, Jie Qin, Tao Chen, Cheng Yi, Siyan Zhang, Zhi Zhou*, Nan Zhou**. Co-pyrolysis of different torrefiedChinese herb residues and low-density polyethylene: kinetic and productsdistribution. Sci. Total Environ. 2022, 802, 149752-149761.
2. 高培鑫, 董鵬, 周澤雲, 張曉娟, 李亞男, 楊建奎, 黎倩, 陳可, Molokeev Maxims, 周智*, 夏茂*, 新型植物補光用遠紅光(La, Gd, Y)2MgTiO6:Cr3+熒光粉的光譜調控, 發光學報, 2022, 43, 58-68.
3. JianWang, Bitao Liu*, Wenbo Chen*, Qinping Qiang, Lingling Peng, Tao Han, TianlongZeng, Zhi Zhou*, Zhong Yang,Nikolaevich, Yakovlev Alexey. Variable temperature persistent luminescenceproperties of phosphors with continuous traps. J. Lumin., 2022, 243,118644.
4. Zhi Zhou, Haifeng Zhu, Xu Huang, Yalan She, Yuan Zhong, Jing Wang, Min Liu, WeiLi, Mao Xia*. Anti-thermal-quenching, color-tunable and ultra-narrow-band cyangreen-emitting phosphor for w-LEDs with enhanced color rendering. Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 433, 134079.
5. WeiLuo, Siyan Zhang, Hang Dong, Dongyu Zhang, Tao Wang, Min Song, Zhi Zhou*. Catalyticco-pyrolysis of herb residue and polypropylene for pyrolysis products upgradingand diversification using nickel-X/biochar and ZSM-5 (X=iron, cobalt, copper), BioresourceTechnol. 2022, 349, 126845.
6. Sijin Zhang, Yang Liu, Jiamai Yin, Xiaojuan Zhang, Ya-nanLi, Liujuan Su, Zhi Zhou*,Mao Xia**. A novel Cr3+-activated far-red titanate phosphor:synthesis, luminescence enhancement and application prospect. Mater.Today Chem., 2022, 24, 100835.
7. HaifengZhu, Xu Huang, Ya-nan Li, Ya-lan She, Jing Wang, Wai-Yeung Wong, Min Liu, WeiLi, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia**, Novelultra-high-temperature zero-thermal quenching plant-protecting type blue-greendual-emission KAl11O17:Eu2+,Mn2+phosphors for urban ecological lighting. J.Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 3461-3471.
8. BoLi, Zehao Qian, Jie Qin, Qian He, Shengxiong Huang, Hang Dong, Nan Zhou, MaoXia, Zhi Zhou*,Products distribution during insitu and ex situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of Chinese herb residues. Environ.Sci. Pollut. Res.,2022, 29, 89235-89244.
9. PeixinGao, Qian Li, Cheng Zhou, Ke Chen, Zan Luo, Sijin Zhang, Maxim S. Molokeev,Jing Wang, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia*, High-EfficiencyContinuous-Luminescence-Controllable Performance and Antithermal Quenching inBi3+-Activated Phosphors. Inorg.Chem., 2022, 61, 13104-13114.
10. Shengbo Gu, Leibin Liu, Xiaojie Zhuang, Jinsheng Qiu, Zhi Zhou*, Enhanced Nitrogen Removal in a Pilot-ScaleAnoxicAerobic (AO) Process Coupling PE Carrier and Nitrifying Bacteria PECarrier Performance and Microbial Shift. Sustainability,2022, 14, 1-20.
11. Wei Luo, Hang Dong, Tao Wang, Siyan Zhang, Dongyu Zhang,Bo Li b, Sheng Huang, Jian Hu, Min Song, ZhiZhou*, Co-pyrolysis of Chinese herb residue and polypropyleneover Ni, Fe, Co and CuAC Co-production and formation mechanism of carbonnanomaterials, liquid oil and pyrolysis gas. Energy, 2022, 244, 122634.
12. Wei Luo, Hang Dong, Siyan Zhang, Dongyu Zhang, Tao Wang,Min Song*, Zhi Zhou*,Catalytic Activity andReusability of Nickel-Based Catalysts with Different Biochar Supports duringCopyrolysis of Biomass and Plastic. ACS Sustain.Chem. Eng., 2022, 10, 9933-9945.
13. ZhiZhou, Shuqing Feng,Shujie Gai, Peixin Gao, Chen Xu, Mao Xia, Wenbang Tang*, Xuedan Lu*, Affordablephosphor-converted LEDs with specific light quality facilitate the tobaccoseedling growth with low energy consumption in Industrial Seedling Raising. J. Photoch. Photobio. B, 2022, 235,112564.
14. 蓋淑傑, 王奕雄, 李蘭, 劉碩謙, 李銀花, 程孝, 夏茂, 劉仲華*,周智*, 茶樹生長光調控研究進展, 茶葉科學,2022, 42, 753-767.
15. Shengxiong Huang, Can Lei, Jie Qin, Cheng Yi, Tao Chen,Lingling Yao, Bo Li, Yujiao Wen, ZhiZhou*, Mao Xia, Properties, kinetics and pyrolysis productsdistribution of oxidative torrefied camellia shell in different oxygenconcentration. Energy, 2022, 251,123941.
16. Hang Dong, Meng Liu, XiangZheYan, ZeHao Qian, Yu Xie, Wei Luo, Can Lei, Zhi Zhou*, Pyrolysis gas from biomassand plastics over X-Mo@MgO (X = Ni, Fe, Co) catalysts into functional carbonnanocomposite: Gas reforming reaction and proper process mechanisms. Sci. Total Environ., 2022, 831, 154751.


1. Wei Luo, Zhongyi Fan, Jun Wan, Qing Hu, Hang Dong,Xiaojuan Zhang, Zhi Zhou*,Study on the reusability of kaolin as catalysts for catalytic pyrolysis oflow-density polyethylene. Fuel, 2021, 302, 121164.
2. Wei Luo, Jun Wan, Zhongyi Fan, Qing Hu, Nan Zhou, MaoXia, Min Song, Zhiyong Qi*, Zhi Zhou*,In-situ catalytic pyrolysis of waste tires over clays for high qualitypyrolysis products. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 2021, 46, 6937-6944.
3. Wei Luo, Qing Hu, Zhongyi Fan, Jun Wan, Bin Luo,Zhixiang Yan, ShengXiong Huang, ZhiZhou*, Co-pyrolysis characteristics of different reworked synthetic polymerTypes. J. Energy Inst., 2021, 93, 2232-2237.
4. Wei Luo, Hang Dong, Tao Wang, Siyan Zhang, DongyuZhang, Bo Li, Sheng Huang, Jian Hu, Min Song*, Zhi Zhou*, Co-pyrolysis of Chinese herb residue andpolypropylene over Ni, Fe, Co and Cu/AC: Co-production and formation mechanismof carbon nanomaterials, liquid oil and pyrolysis gas. Energy, 2021,244, 122634.
5. Qian He, Shengxiong Huang, Wei Luo, Yifeng Su, MaoXia, Nan Zhou, Zhi Zhou*.Study on the difference between in-situ and ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis of oilysludge. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2021, 28, 50500-50509.
6. Shengxiong Huang, Jie Qin, Qian He, Yujiao Wen, ShengHuang, Bo Li, Jian Hu, Nan Zhou, ZhiZhou*, Torrefied herb residues in nitrogen, air and oxygen atmosphere:thermal decomposition behavior and pyrolytic products characters. BioresourceTechnol., 2021, 342, 125991.
7. Shengxiong Huang, Yifeng Su, Wei Luo, Qian He, ShengHuang, Nan Zhou*, Zhi Zhou*,Kinetic analysis and in-situ no support catalytic pyrolysis productdistribution of Chinese herb residue. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 2021, 156,105114.
8. Haifeng Zhu, Shuqing Feng, Zihui Kong, Xu Huang, LuPeng, Jing Wang, Wai-Yeung Wong, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia**, Bi3+occupancy rearrangement in K2-xAxMgGeO4phosphor to achieve ultra-broad-band white emission based on alkali metalsubstitution engineering. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2021, 563, 150252.
9. Youcheng Wu, Li Xu, Wang Xin, Tingting Zhang, JialeCao, Bitao Liu, Qinping Qiang, ZhiZhou*, Tao Han, Shixiu Cao, Wei Xiao, Jumeng Wei, Rationalconstruction of 3D MoNi/NiMoOx@NiFe LDH with rapid electron transfer forefficient overall water splitting. Electrochim. Acta, 2021, 369, 137680.
10. Yifeng Su, Yujiao Wen, Wenjing Yang, Xin Zhang, MaoXia, Nan Zhou, Yuanfu Xiong, ZhiZhou*, The mechanism transformation of ramie biochar’s cadmiumadsorption by aging. Bioresource Technol., 2021, 330, 124947.
11. Peixin Gao, Zeyun Zhou, Peng Dong, Qian Li, HonghuiLi, Jing Wang, Zhi Zhou*, MaoXia*. Tuning the luminescence properties of blue and far-red dual emitting Gd2MgTiO6:Bi3+, Cr3+ phosphor for LED plant lamp. J. Am. Ceram.Soc., 2021, 104, 6444-6454.


1. Yongli Zhang, Minghui Li, Zihui Kong, Chao Liang, ChengZhou, Mao Xia*, Zhi Zhou*, Plant habitat-conscious phosphors: Tuneableluminescence properties of Dy3+-doped Ca8ZnY(PO4)7phosphors by co-dopants Mg2+ and B3+. Ceram. Int.,2020, 46, 11717-11725.
2. Nan Zhou, Longhai Liu, Zhipeng Zhou, Ye Zhang, MinghuiLi, Cheng Zhou, Mao Xia*, Zhi Zhou*, Engineering cation vacancies to improve theluminescence properties of Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Mn4+ phosphors for LED plant lamp. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2020,103, 1798-1808.
3. Mao Xia, Yongli Zhang, Minghui Li, Yuan Zhong, Simin Gu,Nan Zhou, Zhi Zhou*, Highthermal stability and blue-violet emitting phosphor CaYAlO4:Ti4+with enhanced emission by Ca2+ vacancies. J. Rare Earths.,2020, 38, 227-233.
4. Nan Zhou, Yufan Wu, Yiran Li, Jiankui Yang, Qing Zhou,Yuwei Guo, Mao Xia, Zhi Zhou*,Interconnected structure Si@TiO2-B/CNTs composite anode applied forhigh-energy lithium-ion batteries. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2020, 500, 144026.
5. Yongli Zhang, Yuding Huang, Minghui Li, Chao Liang,Haifeng Zhu, Yuan Zhong, Nan Yang, ZhiZhou*, Mao Xia*. Tuning the luminescence properties of Mn4+-activatedCaYAlO4 phosphor by co-doping cations for indoor plant cultivation. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2020, 103, 4373-4383.
6. Wei Luo, Yi-Feng Su, Qing Hu, Huai-Lin Yin, Shuo Wang,Li-Jiao Ao, Xiao-Xi Wen, Sheng-Xiong Huang, Nan Zhou, Wei Zhang, Zhi Zhou*, Effect ofCalcium-Based Catalysts on Pyrolysis Liquid Products from Municipal Sludge. BioEnerg.Res., 2020, 13, 887-895.
7. Yuan Zhong, Mao Xia, Zhi Chen, Peixing Gao, H.T. (Bert)Hintzen, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Jing Wang*, Zhi Zhou*,Pyrophosphate phosphor solid solution with high quantum efficiency and thermalstability for efficient LED lighting. iScience, 2020, 23, 100892.
8. Simin Gu, Mao Xia, Cheng Zhou, Zihui Kong, Maxim S.Molokeevc, Li Liu*, Wai-Yeung Wong*, ZhiZhou*, Red shift properties, crystal field theory and nephelauxeticeffect on Mn4+-doped SrMgAl10-yGayO17red phosphor for plant growth LED light. Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 396, 125208.
9. Shujie Gai, Haifeng Zhu, Peixin Gao, Cheng Zhou, ZihuiKong, Maxim S. Molokeevd, Zhiyong Qi, ZhiZhou*, Mao Xia*, Structure analysis, tuningphotoluminescence and enhancing thermal stability on Mn4+-doped La2-xYxMgTiO6red phosphor for agricultural lighting. Ceram. Int., 2020, 46, 20173-20182
10. Wei Luo, Qing Hu, Zhongyi Fan,Jun Wan, Qian He, Shengxiong Huang, Nan Zhou, Min Song, Jiachao Zhang, Zhi Zhou*, Theeffect of different particle sizes and HCl-modified kaolin on catalyticpyrolysis characteristics of reworked polypropylene plastics. Energy,2020, 213, 119080-119088.
11. SunqiLou, Zhi Zhou*, Weijiang Gan, Tongtong Xuan, Zhen Bao, Shuaichen Si,Luyu Cao, Huili Li, Zhiguo Xia, Jianbei Qiu, Ru-Shi Liu, Jing Wang, In situsynthesis of high-efficiency CsPbBr3/CsPb2Br5composite nanocrystals in aqueous solution of microemulsion, Green Chem.,2020, 22, 5257-5261.


1. Mao Xia, Xianbo Wu, Yuan Zhong, Zhi Zhou*, Wai-Yeung Wong*. A novelNa3La(PO4)2/LaPO4:Eu blue-reddual-emitting phosphor with high thermal stability for plant growth lighting. J.Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 2385-2393.
2. Mao Xia, Xianbo Wu, Yuan Zhong,H. T. (Bert) Hintzen, Zhi Zhou*,Jing Wang*. Photoluminescence properties and energy transfer in a novel Sr8ZnY(PO4)7:Tb3+,Eu3+ phosphor with high thermal stability and its great potentialfor application in warm white light emitting diodes. J. Mater. Chem. C,2019,7, 2927-2935.
3. Xianbo Wu, Longhai Liu, Mao Xia,Shengxiong Huang, Yue Zhou, Wang Hu, ZhiZhou*, Nan Zhou*. Enhance the luminescence properties of Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Ti4+phosphor via cation vacancies engineering of Ca2+ and Zn2+.Ceram. Int. 2019, 45, 9977-9985.
4. Mao Xia, Simin Gu, Cheng Zhou,Longhai Liu, Yuan Zhong, Yongli Zhang, ZhiZhou*. Enhanced photoluminescence and energy transfer performance of Y3Al4GaO12:Mn4+, Dy3+ phosphors for plant growth LED lights. RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 9244-9252.
5. Mao Xia, Yiran Li, Yufan Wu,Hongbo Zhang, Jiankui Yang, Nan Zhou, ZhiZhou*, Xiang Xiong*. Improving theelectrochemical properties of a SiO@C/graphite composite anode for high-energylithium-ion batteries by adding lithium fluoride. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019,480, 410-418.
6. Zhi Zhou,YuanZhong, Simin Gu, Yifeng Su, Mao Xia,Yongli Zhang, Nan Zhou, Jing Wang. Exploration of bluish violet emitting phosphorCa3Al4ZnO10:Ti4+ with enhancedemission by Ca2+ vacancies. J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,2019, 102, 1843-1851.
7. Yuan Zhong, Shujie Gai, Mao Xia,Simin Gu, Yongli Zhang, Xianbo Wu, Jing Wang, Nan Zhou*, Zhi Zhou*, Enhancing quantum efficiency and tuningphotoluminescence properties in far-red-emitting phosphor Ca14Ga10Zn6O35:Mn4+based on chemical unit engineering. Chem. Eng. J., 2019, 374, 381-391.
8. Nan Zhou, Yufan Wu, Qing Zhou,Yiran Li, Shihan Liu, Hongbo Zhang, ZhiZhou, Mao Xia*, Enhanced cycling performance and ratecapacity of SiO anode material by compositing with monoclinic TiO2(B). Appl. Surf. Sci., 2019, 486, 292-302.
9. Yuan Zhong, Shujie Gai, YimeiYang, Mao Xia, Ye Zhang, Fanshan Qiu, Fang Xiang, Zhi Zhou*, A novel green phosphor Sr8ZnY(PO4)7:Eu2+,Ln3+ (Ln = Pr, Tm, Yb) with broad emission band for high colorrendering white-lighting-emitting diodes. J. Lumin., 2019,214, 116600.
10. Nan Zhou, Yifan Wang, DenghuiYao, Shikai Li, Jiajie Tang, Da Shen, Xiaoyu Zhu, Liyang Huang, Mei-e Zhong, Zhi Zhou*, Novel wet pyrolysis providingsimultaneous conversion and activation to produce surface-functionalizedbiochars for cadmium remediation. J. Clean. Prod., 2019,211, 63-72.
11. YuanZhong, Nan Zhou, Mao Xia, Yue Zhou, Hongxi Chen, Zhi Zhou*, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties ofnovel red-emitting phosphor SrAl3BO7:Mn4+ withenhanced emission by Mg2+/Zn2+/Ca2+incorporation for plant growth LED lighting. Ceram. Int., 2019,39, 6-9.
12. Xianbo Wu, YiMei Yang, Shujie Gai, Longhai Liu, Zhipeng Zhou, Minghui Li, Yuan Zhong, MaoXia, Nan Zhou*, Zhi Zhou*,Enhancing photoluminescence properties of Mn4+-activated Sr4-xBaxAl14O25red phosphors for plant cultivation LEDs. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2019, 102, 7386-7396.
13. Nan Zhou, Peixing Gao, YimeiYang, Yuan Zhong, Mao Xia, Ye Zhang, Yun Tian, Xiangyang Lu, Zhi Zhou*,Novel orange-red emitting phosphor Sr8ZnY(PO4)7:Sm3+ with enhanced emission based on Mg2+ and Al3+incorporation for plant growth LED lighting. J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E.,2019, 8, 46-55.
14. Nan Zhou, Yifan Wang, Liyang Huang, Jingang Yu, Huanli Chen, Jiajie Tang, Fengjuan Xu, Xiangyang Lu, Mei-e Zhong, Zhi Zhou*, In situ modificationprovided by a novel wet pyrolysis system to enhance surface properties of biocharfor lead immobilization. Colloid Surface A, 2019, 570, 39-47.
15. Yujia Xiang, Zhangyi Xu, Yuyi Wei, Yaoyu Zhou, Xiao Yang,Yuan Yang, Jian Yang, Jiachao Zhang, Lin Luo, Zhi Zhou*, Carbon-basedmaterials as adsorbent for antibiotics removal: Mechanisms and influencingfactors, J. Environ. Manage., 2019, 237, 128-138.


1. 周智, 張永麗, 王變變, 蓋淑傑, 王若仲, 盧向陽, 李瑞蓮, 熒光粉激發型LED光對擬南芥生長髮育的影響, 2018, 53, 502-508.
2. Wei Luo, Jun Fan, Kai Guo,Zhiguang Li, Zhi Zhou*.Evaluation of printing and dyeing sludge pre-treated with the iron flocculationresistance reduction method: incineration characteristics. Res. Environ. Sci.,2018, 31, 353-359.
3. Linjian Dai,Shujie Gai, Ziqian Zhou, Ziheng Deng, Xiaoying Liu, Zhi Zhou*, Xiangyang Lu. Effects of DifferentPhosphor-excited LED Light on the Growth of Tobacco Seedling. J. Nucl. Agr.Sci., 2018, 32, 1442-1447.
4. Zhi Zhou, ZhihuiXu, Qiuju Feng , Nan Zhou*. Effect of pyrolysis condition on the adsorptionmechanism of lead, cadmium and copper on tobacco stem biochar. J. Clean. Prod., 2018, 187, 996-1005.
5. Zhi Zhou, YiranLi, Mao Xia. Nan Zhoua. Enhancing the electrochemical properties ofLiTi2(PO4)3/C anode for aqueous rechargeablelithium battery by Li vacancy. Solid State Ionics, 2018, 315,1-6.
6. Zhi Zhou,YuanZhong, Mao Xia, Nan Zhou, Bingfu Lei, Jing Wang, Fangfang Wu. Tunable dualemission of Ca3Al4ZnO10:Bi3+,Mn4+via energy transfer for indoor plant growth lighting. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018,6, 8914-8922.
7. Zhi Zhou, SiminGu, Yongli Zhang, Fangfang Wu*, Nan Zhou*. Lithium storage performanceimprovement of NaTi2(PO4)3 with nitrogen-dopedcarbon derived from polyaniline. J. Alloy. Compd., 2018,30, 745-752.
8. Zhi Zhou,Bianbian Wang, Yuan Zhong, Wei Zhang, Ye Zhang, Peixing Gao, Nan Zhou. PHdependent hydrothermal synthesis of Ca14Al10Zn6O35:0.15Mn4+ phosphor with enhanced photoluminescence performance andhigh thermal resistance for indoor plant growth lighting. Ceram. Int., 2018,44, 19779-19786.
9. Zhi Zhou, AihuaXiang, Mao Xia, Nan Zhou. Advanced LiTi2(PO4)3anode with high performance for aqueous rechargeable lithium battery. Ceram. Int., 2018,44, 21599-21660.
10. Zhi Zhou, YiranLi, Mao Xia*, Yuan Zhong, Nan Zhou*, H. T. (Bert) Hintzen. Improved luminescence andenergy transfer properties of Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Ti4+, Mn4+ deep-red emitting phosphors with highbrightness for light emitting diode (LED) plant growth lighting. Dalton.T., 2018, 47,13713-13721.


1. Zhi Zhou, Mao Xia, Yuan Zhong, Shujie Gai,Shengxiong Huang, Yun Tian, Xiangyang Lu, Nan Zhou*. Dy3+@Mn4+ co-doped Ca14Ga10-mAlmZn6O35far-red emitting phosphors with high brightness and improved luminescence andenergy transfer properties for plant growth LED lights. J. Mater. Chem. C,2017, 5, 8201-8210.
2. Zhi Zhou, Wei Luo, Hao Huang, Shengxiong Huang, Yongji Xia, Nan Zhou, ZhangxingHe. LiTi2(PO4)3@carbon/graphene hybrid assuperior anode materials for aqueous lithium ion batteries. Ceram.Int., 2017, 43, 99-105.
3. Zhi Zhou, Shengxiong Huang, Wei Luo, Xin Fan, Nan Zhou*, Renzhuo Wan , Dong Fang.Enhanced electrochemical properties of Bi nanowires as anode materials inlithium and sodium batteries, Current Nanotechnol., 2017,13,342-348.
4. NanZhou, Honggang Chen, Qiuju Feng, Denghui Yao, Huanli Chen, Haiyan Wang, Zhi Zhou*, Huiyong Li, Yun Tian,Xiangyang Lu. Effect of phosphoric acid on the surface properties and Pb(II)adsorption mechanisms of hydrochars prepared from fresh banana peels. J.Clean. Prod., 2017,165, 22-23.
5. NanZhou, Shengxiong Huang, Tao Hong, Wei Luo, Yun Tian, Xiangyang Lu, Zhi Zhou*. High-performance LiTi2(PO4)3@carbonanode using double carbon sources for aqueous lithium ion battery. CeramInt., 2017, 43, 9327-9333.
6. LinjianDai, Shengxiong Huang, Yuan Zhong, Zhongwen Rang, Zhi Zhou*. Effects of flux on crystal structure andphotoluminescence properties of the Ba9Lu2Si6O24:Ce3+blue-green-emitting phosphor. Mater Res Bull, 2017, 93, 251-255.
7. NanZhou, Zhi Zhou*. Biocharswith excellent Pb(II) adsorption property produced from fresh and dehydratedbanana peels via hydrothermal carbonization. Bioresource Technol.,2017, 232, 204-210
8. Jinchao Li, Suqin Liu, Zhen He, ZhiZhou*, A novel branched side-chain-type sulfonated polyimide membrane withflexible sulfoalkyl pendants and trifluoromethyl groups for vanadium redox flowbatteries, J. Power Sources, 2017, 347, 114-126.


1. 龔婷, 黃升雄, 羅偉, 周智*, 周南, 劉曉穎, 蓋淑傑, 黃浩. 不同光照條件對茄果類蔬菜幼苗生長髮育的影響. 温室園藝, 2016, 11, 35-41.
2. Zhi Zhou, Nan Zhou*, Xiangyang Lu*, Melvin ten Kate, David Valdesueiro, J. Ruudvan Ommenc, H. T. (Bert) Hintzen. Performance improvement by alumina coatingson Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ phosphor powderdeposited using Atomic Layer Deposition in a fluidized bed reactor, RSCAdv., 2016, 6, 76454-76462.
3. Zhi Zhou*, Nan Zhou*, Mao Xia, Meiso Yokoyama, H. T. (Bert)Hintzen. Research Progress and Application Prospect of Transition Metal Mn4+-Activated Luminescent Materials. J. Mater. Chem. C., 2016, 4,9143-9161.
4. JinchaoLi, Suqin Liu, Zhen He, Zhi Zhou*,Semi-fluorinated sulfonated polyimide membranes with enhanced protonselectivity and stability for vanadium redox flow batteries, Electrochim.Acta, 2016, 216, 320-331.
5. Qingmeng Gan, Suqin Liu, Kuangmin Zhao, Yuanzhan Wu, ZhenHe, Zhi Zhou*, Graphene supportednitrogen-doped porous carbon nanosheets derived from zeolitic imidazolateframework for high performance supercapacitors, RSC Adv., 2016, 6,78947-78953.
6. Jie Teng, Xiang Zeng, Baoyu Yue, Xiuhui Zhao, ZhihangWang, Jingang Yu, Xuan-Ming Xu, Ming Zhong, Xiong-Wei Wu, Wen-Xin Zhou, ZhiZhou*, Dibromocarbene Modified Graphene: Preparation, Characterization and ItsApplication in Removal of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solutions, Nanosci. Nanotech.Let., 2016, 8, 226-231.
7. Zhi Zhou, Nan Zhou, Mao Xia, Meiso Yokoyama, H. T. Hintzen,Research progress and application prospects of transition metal Mn4+-activatedluminescent materials, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 9143-9161.
8. Kuangmin Zhao, Kezhou Lyu, Suqin Liu, Qingmeng Gan, ZhenHe, Zhi Zhou*, Ordered porous Mn3O4@N-dopedcarbon/graphene hybrids derived from metal–organic frameworks forsupercapacitor electrodes, J. Mater. Sci., 2016, 52, 446-457.


1. 周智,周南,李瑞蓮,盧向陽,楊建奎,夏茂,周瀚宇,鍾圓,蓋淑傑。高光效高熱穩定熒光粉激發型LED植物生長燈設計製造與應用示範,湖南省科技進步二等獎(20194132-J2-216-R01)
2. 中國農學會青年科技獎(2023)
3. 教育部霍英東青年科學獎(2022)
4. 農業農村部神農青年英才(2022)
5. 中國環境科學學會青年科學家獎(2022)
6. 湖南省優秀研究生導師團隊負責人(2021)
7. 湖南省高校思想政治工作精品項目負責人(2021)
8. 湖南省百人計劃引進人才(2018)
9. 長沙市“3635”計劃引進人才(2015) [1] 


2017-至今:中國化學會 會員
2018-至今:中國環境學會 會員
2010-至今:中國作物學會 會員
2020-至今:《發光學報》 青年編委
2021-至今:《Bio-char》 編委
2015-2019:長沙市海外高層次人才聯誼會 副會長
2017-2021:長沙市第十二屆政協 委員
2017-2021:長沙市環境科學學會 理事 [1] 