


周旭東,男,1973年6月出生,浙江農林大學教授。理學博士(師從國際林聯IUFRO原主席Mike Wingfield教授)、博士後;具有9年在國外留學及工作經歷,2007年應邀回國後就職於中國林科院/國家桉樹中心並組建森林健康研究團隊,2011年11月應邀加盟世界第一大林業集團Suzano研發總部位於以色列的世界最大林業生物技術集團FuturaGene並負責中國區研發中心(上海)林木生物技術改良研發工作及項目;先後與6大洲40多個相關科研機構、大學及植物生物技術公司開展了實際合作及學術交流,與研究領域的國內外同行及林業公司建立了廣泛而良好的聯繫;已發表論文50多篇,多次應邀在國際專業學術大會上作主旨或專題報告;主持過國家自然基金、科技部國際合作重點項目、跨國公司項目及多次參與歐盟項目等;現任中國林學會森林病理分會常務理事、中國林學會桉樹分會常務理事、國家桉樹產業技術創新聯盟專家委員會委員及國家林草局文冠果工程技術研究中心技術委員會委員等;是“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選、國務院特殊津貼專家。
周旭東 [1] 
國    籍
職    稱








Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Govender P & Wingfield BD (2000) Global spread of insect-associated fungi on exotic plantation pines. IUFRO World Series Vol. 11: 107-114. XXI IUFRO World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7-12 August 2000.
Zhou XD, Jacobs K, Morelet M, Ye H, Lieutier F & Wingfield MJ (2000) A newLeptographiumspecies associated withTomicus piniperdeain Southwestern China. Mycoscience 41: 573-578.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2001) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with three pine-infesting bark beetles in South Africa. Sydowia 53: 290-300.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2002) Infection sequence and pathogenicitiy ofOphiostoma ips, Leptographium serpensandL. lundbergiito pines in South Africa. In: Fungal Succession (eds. KD Hyde and EBG Jones). Fungal Diversity 10: 229-240.
Zhou XD, Burgess T, De Beer ZW, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2002) Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for tree pathogen and sapstain agent,Ophiostoma ips. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 309-312.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Ahumada R, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2004) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with two pine-infesting bark beetles from Chile. Fungal Diversity 15: 253-266.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Cibrián D, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2004) Characterisation of Ophiostoma spp. associated with pine bark beetles from Mexico, includingO. pulvinisporumsp.nov. Mycological Research 108: 690-698.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Harrington TC, McNew D, Kirisits T, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2004) Epityfication ofOphiostoma galeiformisand phylogeny of species in theO. galeiformiscomplex. Mycologia 96: 1306-1315.
Kim JJ, Lim YW, Breuil C, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD & Kim GH (2005) A newLeptographiumspecies associated withTomicus piniperdaL. infesting pine logs in Korea. Mycological Research 109: 275-284.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW & Wingfield MJ (2006) DNA sequence comparisons ofOphiostomaspp., includingOphiostoma auroraesp. nov., associated with bark beetles in South Africa. Studies in Mycology 55: 273-281.
Romόn P, Zhou XD, Iturrondobeitia JC, Wingfield MJ & Goldarazena A (2007) Ophiostoma species (Ascomycetes: Ophiostomatales) associated with bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) colonizingPinus radiatain northern Spain. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 53: 756-767.
Zhou XD, Burgess T, De Beer ZW, Lieutier F, Yart A, Klepzig K, Carnegie A, Portales JM, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2007) High inter-continental migration rates and population admixture in the sapstain fungusOphiostoma ips.Molecular Ecology 16: 89-99.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Xie YJ, Pegg GS & Wingfield MJ (2007) DNA-based identification ofQuambalaria piterkacausing severe leaf blight ofCorymbia citriodorain China. Fungal Diversity 25: 245-254.
Zhou XD, Xie YJ, Chen SF & Wingfield MJ (2008) Diseases of eucalypt plantations in China: challenges and opportunities. Fungal Diversity 32: 1-7.
Zhou XD, Jacobs K, Kirisits T, Chhetri DB & Wingfield MJ (2008) A newLeptographiumspecies associated with the root collar weevilHylobitelus chenkupdorjiionPinus wallichianain Bhutan. Persoonia 21: 1-8.
Yamaoka Y, Masuya H, Chung WH, Goto H, To-Anun C, Tokumasu S, Zhou XD & Wingfield MJ (2008) Teleomorph ofLeptographium yunnanensediscovered in crosses between isolates from Thailand, China and Japan. Mycoscience 49: 233-240.
Lu M, Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ & Sun JH (2009) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the invasive pine-infesting bark beetle,Dendroctonus valens,in China. Fungal Diversity 38: 133-145.
Paciura D, Zhou XD, De Beer ZW,Jacobs,Ye H & Wingfield MJ (2010) Characterisation of synnematous bark beetle-associated fungi from China, includingGraphium carbonariumsp.nov. Fungal Diversity 40: 75-88.
Lombard L, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2010)Calonectriaspecies associated with cutting rot ofEucalyptus. Persoonia 24: 1-11.
Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ & Zhou XD (2010) Identification and Pathogenicity ofChrysoporthe cubensisonEucalyptusandSyzygiumspp. in South China. Plant Disease 94: 1143-1150.
Paciura D, De Beer ZW, Jacobs K, Zhou XD, Ye H & Wingfield MJ(2010)Eight newLeptographiumspecies associated with tree-infesting bark beetles in China. Persoonia 25: 94-108.
Grobbelaar JW, De Beer ZW, Bloomer P, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD & Wingfield BD (2010) Discovery ofOphiostoma tsotsionEucalyptuswood chips in China. Mycoscience DOI 10.1007/s10267-010-0081-4.
Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ & Zhou XD (2011) Novel species ofCalonectriaassociated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia 26: 1-12.
Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Slippers B, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ & Zhou XD (2011) Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2011.02431.x
Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ & Zhou XD (2011) High population diversity and increasing importance of theEucalyptusstem canker pathogen,Teratosphaeria zuluensis,in South China. Australiasian Plant Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s13313-011-0051-0.
Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ & Zhou XD (2011) Novel species ofCeloporthefromEucalyptusandSyzygiumtrees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103:1384-1410.
Zhou XD & Wingfield MJ (2011) Eucalypt diseases and their management in China. Keynote paper APPS 2011. Australasian Plant Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s13313-011-0053-y.
Chang RL, RJ Arnold & Zhou XD (2012) Association between enzyme activity levels inEucalyptusclones and their susceptibility to the gall wasp,Leptocybe invasa, in South China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 24:256-264.
Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ & Zhou XD (2013) Taxonomy and pathogenicity ofCeratocystisspecies on Eucalyptus trees in South China, includingC. chinaeucensissp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267-279.
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW & Wingfield MJ (2013) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with conifer-infesting bark beetles in China. Biodiversity Series. 12: 91-98.
Romon P, De Beer ZW, Zhou XD, Duong TA, Wingfield BD & Wingfield MJ (2014) Multigene phylogenies of Ophiostomataceae associated with monterey pine bark beetles in Spain reveal three new fungal species. Mycologia. 106: 119-132.
Wang Y, Arnold R, Li GQ, Xie YJ & Zhou XD (2014) Identification and rapid detection of bacterial wilt in plantationEucalyptusin China. Australian Forestry. 77: 133-139, DOI: 10.1080/00049158.2014.938431.
Yin ML, Duong TA, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD & De Beer ZW (2015) Taxonomy and phylogeny of theLeptographium procerumcomplex, includingLeptographium sinensesp. nov. andLeptographium longiconidiophorumsp. nov. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107: 547–563.
Lombard L, Chen SF, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW & Wingfield MJ (2015) New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance ofCalonectriaspp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.
Yin ML, Duong TA, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD & De Beer ZW (2016) Multigene phylogenies and morphological characterization of five new Ophiostoma spp. associated with spruce-infesting bark beetles in China. Fungal Biology. 120: 454-470.
Chang RL, Duong TA, Taerum SJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD & DE Beer ZW (2017) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with conifer-infesting beetles and their phoretic mites in Yunnan, China. MycoKeys 28: 19–64.
Pan Y, Chen P, Lu J, Zhou XD & Ye H (2017) First report of blue-stain inPinus yunnanensiscaused byOphiostom tingensassociated withTomicus minorin China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 99 (3):805.
Pan Y, Ye H, Lu J, Chen P, Zhou XD, Qiao M & Yu ZF (2018) Isolation and identification ofSydowia polysporaand its pathogenicity onPinus yunnanensisin Southwestern China. Journal of Phytopathology. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12696.
Chang R, Duong TA, Taerum SJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD, Yin M & De Beer ZW (2019) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the spruce bark beetleIps typographus, including 11 new species from China. Persoonia 42: 50–74.
Yin ML, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD, Linnakoski R & De Beer ZW (2019) Taxonomy and phylogeny of theLeptographium olivaceumcomplex (Ophiostomatales, Ascomycota), including descriptions of six new species from China and Europe. MycoKeys 60: 93–123.
Pan Y, Lu J, Zhou XD, Chen P, Zhang HH & Ye H (2020)Leptographium wushanensesp. nov., associated withTomicus armandiionPinus armandiiin Southwestern China. Mycoscience 61: 43-48.
Yin ML, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD & De Beer ZW (2020) Phylogenetic re-evaluation of theGrosmannia penicillatacomplex (Ascomycota, Ophiostomatales), with the description of five new species from China and USA. Fungal Biology 124: 110-124.