


吳晟,博士,副研究員,中國顆粒協會青年理事會理事,主要從事大氣氣溶膠理化特性方面的研究,包括氣溶膠光學特性,氣溶膠垂直分佈, 質譜數據應用,大氣灰霾能見度,以及PM2.5來源解析。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
主要研究方向 [2]  :
氣溶膠光學特性,氣溶膠垂直分佈, 質譜數據應用,大氣灰霾能見度, PM2.5來源解析,大氣採樣技術,大氣數據處理
教育經歷 [2] 
2015 香港科技大學哲學博士
2007 香港科技大學理學碩士
2006 北京理工大學工學學士
工作經歷 [2] 
2018年10月至今 暨南大學質譜儀器與大氣環境研究所,副研究員
2016年12月至2019年7月 暨南大學質譜儀器與大氣環境研究所,博士後,合作導師:周振
2015年3月至2016年11月 香港科技大學 環境系,博士後 合作導師:鬱建珍
2007年9月至2010年1月 香港科技大學 環境研究所 研究助理
在國際學術刊物上發表SCI論文19篇 [3]  ,其中以第一作者/通訊作者6篇, 第二作者2篇,具體如下
  1. Wu, C*., Wu, D., and Yu, J. Z*.: Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of Secondary Organic Carbon Using One‐Year of Hourly Organic and Elemental Carbon Data. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos, 124, 2774-2795 doi:10.1029/2018JD029290, 2019 (A1二區,IF=3.38 Top期刊)
  2. Wu, C.*, Wu, D., and Yu, J. Z*.: Quantifying black carbon light absorption enhancement with a novel statistical approach, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 289-309, doi:10.5194/acp-18-289-2018, 2018. (A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  3. Wu, C. and Yu, J. Z*.: Evaluation of linear regression techniques for atmospheric applications: the importance of appropriate weighting, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1233-1250, doi:10.5194/amt-11-1233-2018, 2018. (A1二區,IF=3.25 )
  4. Wu, C., Huang, X. H. H., Ng, W. M., Griffith, S. M., and Yu, J. Z*.: Inter-comparison of NIOSH and IMPROVE protocols for OC and EC determination: Implications for inter-protocol data conversion, Atmos. Meas. Tech.doi:10.5194/amt-9-4547-2016, 2016. (A1二區,IF=3.25 )
  5. Wu, C.and Yu, J. Z*.: Determination of primary combustion source organic carbon-to-elemental carbon (OC / EC) ratio using ambient OC and EC measurements: secondary OC-EC correlation minimization method, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,16, 5453-5465, doi:10.5194/acp-16-5453-2016, 2016. (A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  6. Wu, C., Ng, W. M., Huang, J., Wu, D., and Yu, J. Z*.: Determination of Elemental and Organic Carbon in PM2.5 in the Pearl River Delta Region: Inter-Instrument (Sunset vs. DRI Model 2001 Thermal/Optical Carbon Analyzer) and Inter-Protocol Comparisons (IMPROVE vs. ACE-Asia Protocol), Aerosol Sci Tech, 46, 610-621, doi:10.1080/02786826.2011.649313, 2012 (A1三區,IF=2.09 )
  7. Wu, D.*, Wu, C., Liao, B., Chen, H., Wu, M., Li, F., Tan, H., Deng, T., Li, H., Jiang, D., and Yu, J. Z*.: Black carbon over the South China Sea and in various continental locations in South China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 12257-12270, doi:10.5194/acp-13-12257-2013, 2013. (A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  8. Yu, H., Wu, C., Wu, D., and Yu, J. Z.*: Size distributions of elemental carbon and its contribution to light extinction in urban and rural locations in the pearl river delta region, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 5107-5119, doi:10.5194/acp-10-5107-2010, 2010. (A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  9. Wang, Q., Han, Y., Ye, J., Liu, S., Pongpiachan, S., Zhang, N., Han, Y., Tian, J., Wu, C., Long, X., Zhang, Q., Zhang, W., Zhao, Z., and Cao, J.: High Contribution of Secondary Brown Carbon to Aerosol Light Absorption in the Southeastern Margin of Tibetan Plateau, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 4962-4970, doi: 10.1029/2019gl082731, 2019. (A1一區,IF=4.5 Top期刊)
  10. Ji, D., Gao, M., Maenhaut, W.*, He, J., Wu, C., Cheng, L., Gao, W., Sun, Y., Sun, J., Xin, J., Wang, L., and Wang, Y.: The carbonaceous aerosol levels still remain a challenge in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China: Insights from continuous high temporal resolution measurements in multiple cities, Environ. Int., 126, 171-183, doi:10.1016/j.envint.2019.02.034, 2019. (A1一區,IF=7.32 Top期刊)
  11. 11. Liu, B., He, M. M., Wu, C., Li, J., Li, Y., Lau, N. T., Yu, J. Z., Lau, A. K. H., Fung, J. C. H., Hoi, K. I., Mok, K. M., Chan, C. K., and Li, Y. J*.: Potential exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and black carbon on jogging trails in Macau, Atmos. Environ., 198, 23-33, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.10.024, 2019. (A1二區,IF=4.12 Top期刊)
  12. Deng, T., Wang, T., Wang*, S., Zou, Y., Yin, C., Li, F., Liu, L., Wang, N., Song, L., Wu, C., and Wu, D.: Impact of typhoon periphery on high ozone and high aerosol pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, Sci.Total.Environ., 668, 617-630, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.450, 2019. (A1二區,IF=4.98 Top期刊)
  13. Qin, Y. M., Tan, H. B., Li, Y. J., Li*, Z. J., Schurman, M. I., Liu, L., Wu, C., and Chan, C. K.*: Chemical characteristics of brown carbon in atmospheric particles at a suburban site near Guangzhou, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 16409-16418, doi:10.5194/acp-18-16409-2018, 2018.(A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  14. Wang, Q., Huang, X. H. H., Tam, F. C. V., Zhang, X., Liu, K. M., Yeung, C., Feng, Y., Cheng, Y. Y., Wong, Y. K., Ng, W. M., Wu, C., Zhang, Q., Zhang, T., Lau, N. T., Yuan, Z., Lau, A. K. H., and Yu, J. Z.*: Source apportionment of fine particulate matter in Macao, China with and without organic tracers: A comparative study using positive matrix factorization, Atmos. Environ., doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.10.057, 2018. (A1二區,IF=4.12 Top期刊)
  15. Li, Y., Huang, H. X. H., Griffith, S. M., Wu, C., Lau, A. K. H., and Yu, J. Z.*: Quantifying the relationship between visibility degradation and PM2.5 constituents at a suburban site in Hong Kong: Differentiating contributions from hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic compounds, Sci.Total.Environ., 575, 1571-1581, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.082, 2017. (A1二區,IF=4.98 Top期刊)
  16. Cheng, C., Li, M.*, Chan, C. K., Tong, H., Chen, C., Chen, D., Wu, D., Li, L.,Wu, C., Cheng, P., Gao, W., Huang, Z., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Fu, Z., Bi, Y., and Zhou, Z.*: Mixing state of oxalicacid containingparticles in the rural area of Pearl River Delta, China: implications for the formation mechanism of oxalic acid, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 9519-9533, doi:10.5194/acp-17-9519-2017, 2017. (A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  17. Cheung, H. H. Y., Tan, H., Xu, H., Li, F., Wu, C., Yu, J. Z., and Chan, C. K.*: Measurements of non-volatile aerosols with a VTDMA and their correlations with carbonaceous aerosols in Guangzhou, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 8431-8446, doi:10.5194/acp-16-8431-2016, 2016. (A1一區,IF=5.5 Top期刊)
  18. Zhou, Y., Huang, X. H. H., Griffith, S. M., Li, M., Li, L., Zhou, Z., Wu, C., Meng, J., Chan, C. K., Louie, P. K. K., and Yu, J. Z.*: A field measurement based scaling approach for quantification of major ions, organic carbon, and elemental carbon using a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer, Atmos. Environ., 143, 300-312, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.08.054, 2016. (A1二區,IF=4.12 Top期刊)
  19. Deng, X.*, Wu, D., Yu, J., Lau, A. K., Li, F., Tan, H., Yuan, Z., Ng, W. M., Deng, T., and Wu, C.: Characterization of secondary aerosol and its extinction effects on visibility over the Pearl River Delta Region, China, J Air Waste Manage, 63, 1012-1021, 2013. (A1四區,IF=1.78)
中文核心發表文章14篇,其中通訊作者2篇 [2] 
程丁, 吳晟*, 吳兑*, 劉建, 宋烺, 孫天林, 毛夏, 江崟, 劉愛明: 深圳市城區和郊區黑碳氣溶膠對比研究, 中國環境科學, 38, 1653-1662, doi: 10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.2018.0195, 2018. (EI檢索收錄)
程丁, 吳晟*, 吳兑*, 劉建, 田智林: 廣州市城區乾濕季黑碳氣溶膠污染特徵及來源分析, 環境科學學報, 38, 2223-2232, doi: 10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2018.0010, 2018.
軟件著作權(5項) [2] 
Scatter Plot 海量數據線性迴歸分析及繪圖軟件,吳晟,2017SR316009
學術兼職與國際交流活動 [2] 
中國顆粒學會 青年理事會理事
在國內外重要學術會議口頭報告6次。包括IAC2014 RAQM3,4,5, 大氣環境年會等
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (IF=5.5)
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (IF=3.25)
Science of the Total Environment (IF=4.98)
Environmental Pollution (IF=4.3)
Atmospheric Research (IF=3.85) 優秀審稿人
Atmospheric Environment (IF=4.12)
Journal of Aerosol Science (IF=2.09)