


劉良,1957年7月生於湖南省常德市漢壽縣,著名中醫內科學專家 [1]  ,醫學博士,博士研究生導師,一級教授,中國工程院院士 [2] 美國國家發明家科學院院士 [3] 中國醫學科學院學部委員 [18]  ,中國中醫科學院學部委員,現任中醫證候全國重點實驗室主任、廣州中醫藥大學中西醫融合創新研究院院長、廣州中醫藥大學學術委員會主任、廣東省中醫藥科學院首席科學家 [23-24] 澳門科技大學第三任校長 [21]  、榮譽校長、講座教授 [4] 
劉良於1982年、1985年和1990年先後在廣州中醫藥大學獲中醫學學士、中西醫結合碩士和中西醫結合博士學位,並於1986年起在廣州中醫藥大學任教;1992年至1994年,在德國漢諾威醫學院分子藥理研究所及埃爾朗根-紐倫堡大學馬普臨牀免疫與風濕研究所作訪問學者;1997年至2000年擔任廣州中醫藥大學副校長;2000年至2011年先後擔任香港浸會大學中醫藥學院常務副院長、院長,並於2009年創立香港浸會大學岑堯寬岑碧泉紀念癌症炎症研究中心併兼任主任;2011年至2012年擔任澳門科技大學副校長兼中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳門科技大學)主任 [4]  ;2013年至2020年擔任澳門科技大學第三任校長 [21]  ;2019年當選澳門首位中國工程院院士 [5] 美國國家發明家科學院院士 [3]  ;2020年被聘為中國醫學科學院學部委員 [18]  ;2021年1月起擔任澳門科技大學榮譽校長、講座教授 [4] 
劉良主要從事中醫藥診治風濕免疫病臨牀中藥學、抗關節炎與抗癌藥物研究 [4] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業



1992年-1994年,在德國漢諾威醫學院分子藥理研究所及埃爾朗根-紐倫堡大學馬普臨牀免疫與風濕研究所擔任訪問學者,從事中藥抗關節炎及免疫藥理研究 [4] 


2021年1月, 任澳門科技大學榮譽校長、講座教授 [4] 
澳門科技大學第三任校長劉良 澳門科技大學第三任校長劉良



  • 科研綜述
劉良長期從事中醫藥診療風濕病的臨牀和研究⼯作。他帶領的研究團隊首次在國際上創建了類風濕關節炎等風濕病IgG硫酸化N-糖鏈分子診斷新方法,國際學術期刊Nature Reviews Rheumatology為此專門發表研究亮點新聞,認為該方法解決了血清抗體陰性風濕病難診斷的技術難題,新發現的血清標誌物應用前景廣闊。
作為專家委員會主席,劉良主持制定了《世界衞生組織亞太區傳統醫學發展策略》(2010-2020)和《中醫拔罐治療臨牀規範》。 [4] 
  • 學術論著
截至2019年11月,劉良在SCI英文學術期刊發表研究論文230餘篇,累計影響因子逾1060,包括Science和Nature增刊、Nature Medicine、Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases、Nature Communications、Microbiome、Pharmacology & Therapeutics等國際期刊。 [6] 
據2019年12月澳門科技大學官網顯示,劉良主編或參與編寫出版學術專著及教材18部,包括一套三冊的中醫英文專著《Essentials of Chinese Medicine》,由出版機構Springer出版發行;主編出版《中藥臨牀安全與合理用藥》專著。 [4] 
根據廣州中醫藥大學官網顯示,劉良院士在SCI學術期刊發表論文逾300篇,出版專著/教材20部。 [25] 
1. Fan XX, Pan HD, Li Y, Guo RJ, Leung Elaine LH, Liu L*. Novel therapeutic strategy for cancerand autoimmune conditions: Modulating cell metabolism and redox capacity.Pharmacology and Therapeutics. June 2018.
2. Li RZ, Fan XX, Duan FG, Jiang ZB, Pan HD, Luo LX, Zhou YL, Li Y, YaoXJ, Leung EL*, Liu L*.Proscillaridin A induces apoptosis and suppresses non-small-cell lung cancer tumorgrowth via calcium-induced DR4 upregulation. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Jun 13:9(6):696.
3. Pan HD, Guo RJ , Zhu J, Wang Q, Ju YM, Xie Y, Zheng YF, Wang ZF, Li T, Liu ZQ,Lu LL, Li F,Tong B, Xiao L, Xu X, Li RZ, Yuan ZW, Yang HM, Wang J, Kristiansen K, Jia HJ* and Liu L*. Agene catalogue of the Sprague-Dawley rat gut metagenome. GigaScience, May, 2018.
4. Zhu GY, Yang J, Yao X, Yang X, Fu J, Liu X, Bai LP, Liu L, Jiang ZH. (±)-sativamides a and b,two pairs of racemic nor-lignanamide enantiomers from the fruits of cannabis sativa(hemp seed) [J]. The Journal of organic chemistry, 2018, 83 (4), pp 2376–2381.
5. Wang QQ, Xu JH, Li Y, Huang JM, Jiang ZB, Wang YW, Liu L, Leung EL, Yao XJ. Identificationof a novel protein arginine methyltransferase 5 inhibitor in non-small cell lung cancer bystructure-based virtual screening [J]. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2018, 9:173.
6. Wan HY, Chen JL, Zhu XZ, Liu L, Wang JF, Zhu XM. Titania-coated gold nano-bipyramids forblocking autophagy flux and sensitizing cancer cells to proteasome inhibitor-induceddeath [J]. Advanced Science, 2018, 5 (3):1700585.
7. Su XH, Li T, Liu ZQ, Huang QC, Liao KS, Ren RT, Lu LL, Qi XX, Wang MJ, Chen JY, Zhou H,Leung EL, Pan HD, Liu J, Wang H, Huang LF, Liu L*. Licochalcone activates keap1-nrf2signaling to suppress arthritis via phosphorylation of p62 at serine 349 [J]. Free RadicalBiology and Medicine, 2018, 115:471-483.
8. Liu XY, Yang KY, Wang MQ, Kwok JSL, Zeng X, Yang ZY, Xiao XJ, Lau CPY, Li Y, Huang ZM, BaJG, Yim AK, Quyang CY, Ngai SM, Chan TF, Leung EL, Liu L, Liu ZG, Tsui SK. High-qualityassembly of dermatophagoides pteronyssinus genome and transcriptome reveals a widerange of novel allergens [J]. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018 Jan 2. pii:S0091-6749(17)33013-0.
9. Wu JJ, Guo ZZ, Zhu YF, Huang ZJ, Gong X, Li YH, Son WJ, Li XY, Lou YM, Zhu LJ, Lu LL, LiuZQ, Liu L*. A systematic review of pharmacokinetic studies on herbal drug fuzi:Implications for fuzi as personalized medicine [J]. Phytomedicine, 2018, Mar 1. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2018.03.001
10. Chen TB, Zuo YH, Dong GT, Liu L*, Zhou H. An integrated strategy for rapid discovery andidentification of quality markers in guanxin kangtai preparation using uhplc-tof/ms andmultivariate statistical analysis [J]. Phytomedicine, 2018 Mar 6. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2018.03.005.
11. Leung EL, Luo LX, Liu ZQ, Wong VK, Lu LL, Xie Y, Zhang N, Qu YQ, Fan XX, Li Y, Huang M,Xiao DK, Huang J, Zhou YL, He JX, Ding J, Yao XJ, Ward DC, Liu L*. Inhibition of krasdependentlung cancer cell growth by deltarasin: Blockage of autophagy increases itscytotoxicity [J]. Cell death & disease, 2018, 9 (2):216.
12. Fan XX, Leung EL, Xie Y, Liu ZQ, Zheng YF, Yao XJ, Lu LL, Wu JL, He JX, Yuan ZW, Fu J, WeiCL, Huang J, Xiao DK, Luo LX, Jiang ZB, Zhou YL, Kam RK, Liu L*. Suppression of lipogenesisvia reactive oxygen species–ampk signaling for treating malignant and proliferativediseases [J]. Antioxidants & redox signaling, 2018, 28 (5):339-357.
13. Zhuo Y, Wu JL, Yan X, Guo MQ, Liu N, Zhou H, Liu L*, Li N*. Strategy for hepatotoxicityprediction induced by drug reactive metabolites using human liver microsome and online2d-nano-lc-ms analysis [J]. Analytical chemistry, 2017, 89 (24):13167-13175.
14. Zhu MZ, Li N, Wang YT, Liu N, Guo MQ, Sun BQ, Zhou H, Liu L*, Wu JL*. Acid/salt/phgradient improved resolution and sensitivity in proteomics study using 2d scx-rp lc–ms [J].Journal of proteome research, 2017, 16 (9):3470-3475.
15. Yu J, Kong L, Zhang A, Han Y, Liu Z, Sun H, Liu L, Wang X. High-throughput metabolomicsfor discovering potential metabolite biomarkers and metabolic mechanism from theappswe/ps1de9 transgenic model of alzheimer’s disease [J]. Journal of proteomeresearch, 2017, 16 (9):3219-3228.
16. Zhou H, Liu JX, Luo JF, Cheng CS, Leung EL, Li Y, Su XH, Liu ZQ, Chen TB, Duan FG, Dong Y,Zuo YH, Li C, Lio CK, Li T, Luo P, Xie Y, Yao XJ, Wang PX, Liu L*. Suppressing mpges-1expression by sinomenine ameliorates inflammation and arthritis [J]. Biochemicalpharmacology, 2017, 142:133-144.
17. Yuan ZW, Li YZ, Liu ZQ, Feng SL, Zhou H, Liu CX, Liu L*, Xie Y*. Role of tangeretin as apotential bioavailability enhancer for silybin: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacologicalstudies [J]. Pharmacological research, 2018, 128:153-166.
18. Wu AG, Zeng W, Wong VK, Zhu YZ, Lo AC, Liu L*, Law BY*. Hederagenin and α-hederinpromote degradation of proteins in neurodegenerative diseases and improve motordeficits in mptp-mice [J]. Pharmacological research, 2017, 115:25-44.
19. Wu JJ, Zhu YF, Guo ZZ, Lou YM, He SG, Guan Y, Zhu LJ, Liu ZQ, Lu LL*, Liu L*. Aconitumalkaloids, the major components of aconitum species, affect expression of multidrugresistance-associated protein 2 and breast cancer resistance protein by activating thenrf2-mediated signalling pathway. Phytomedicine, 2017 Dec 8. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2017.12.
20. Wang Y, Zhou C, Gao H, Li C, Li D, Liu P, Huang M, Shen X*, Liu L*. Therapeutic effect ofcryptotanshinone on experimental rheumatoid arthritis through downregulating p300mediated-stat3 acetylation [J]. Biochemical pharmacology, 2017, 138:119-129.
21. Wang QQ, Li Y, Xu JH, Wang YW, Leung EL, Liu L*, Yao XJ*. Selective inhibition mechanismof rvx-208 to the second bromodomain of bromo and extraterminal proteins: Insight frommicrosecond molecular dynamics simulations. Scientific reports, 2017, 7 (1):8857.
22. Wang JR, Gao WN, Grimm R, Jiang S, Liang Y, Ye H, Li ZG, Yau LF, Huang H, Liu J, Jiang M,Meng Q, Tong TT, Huang HH, Lee S, Zeng X, Liu L*, Jiang ZH*. A method to identify tracesulfated igg n-glycans as biomarkers for rheumatoid arthritis. Nature communications,2017, 8 (1):631.
23. Luo LX, Li Y, Liu ZQ, Fan XX, Duan FG, Li RZ, Yao XJ, Leung EL, Liu L*. Honokiol inducesapoptosis, G1 arrest, and autophagy in kras mutant lung cancer cells. Frontiers inpharmacology, 2017, 8:199.
24. Ren X, Chen L, Xie J, Zhang Z, Dong G, Liang J, Liu L, Zhou H, Luo P. Resveratrol amelioratesmitochondrial elongation via drp1/parkin/pink1 signaling in senescent-likecardiomyocytes [J]. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2017, 2017: 4175353.
25. Li X, Fan XX, Jiang ZB, Loo WT, Yao XJ, Leung EL*, Chow LW*, Liu L*. Shikonin inhibitsgefitinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer by inhibiting trxr and activating the egfrproteasomal degradation pathway. Pharmacological research, 2017, 115:45-55.
26. Law BY, Mok SW, Chen J, Michelangeli F, Jiang ZH, Han Y, Qu YQ, Qiu CL, Xu SW, Xue WW,Yao XJ, Javed MH, Coghi P, Liu L*. N-desmethyldauricine induces autophagic cell death inapoptosis-defective cells via ca2+ mobilization. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2017, 8:388.
27. Huang L, Dong Y, Wu J, Wang P, Zhou H, Li T, Liu L*. Sinomenine-induced histaminerelease-like anaphylactoid reactions are blocked by tranilast via inhibiting nf-κb signaling.Pharmacological research, 2017, 125:150-160.
28. He F, Wang CJ, Xie Y, Cheng CS, Liu ZQ, Liu L*, Zhou H*. Simultaneous quantification ofnine aconitum alkaloids in aconiti lateralis radix praeparata and related products usinguhplc–qqq–ms/ms. Scientific reports, 2017, 7 (1):13023.
29. Dias IRDSR, Mok SW, Gordillo-Martínez F, Khan I, Hsiao WW, Law BY, Wong VK*, Liu L*.The calcium-induced regulation in the molecular and transcriptional circuitry of humaninflammatory response and autoimmunity. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 8:962.
30. Wu WJ, Jia WW, Liu XH, Pan LL, Zhang QY, Yang D, Shen XY, Liu L, Zhu YZ. S-propargylcysteineattenuates inflammatory response in rheumatoid arthritis by modulating thenrf2-are signaling pathway. Redox biology, 2016, 10:157-167.
31. Wu J, Lin N, Li F, Zhang G, He S, Zhu Y, Ou R, Li N, Liu S, Feng L, Liu L, Liu Z, Lu L. Inductionof p-glycoprotein expression and activity by aconitum alkaloids: Implication for clinicaldrug–drug interactions. Scientific reports, 2016, 6:25343.
32. Wong VK, Law BY, Yao XJ, Chen X, Xu SW, Liu L*, Leung EL*. Advanced research technologyfor discovery of new effective compounds from chinese herbal medicine and theirmolecular targets. Pharmacological research, 2016, 111:546-555.
33. Su X, Huang Q, Chen J, Wang M, Pan H, Wang R, Zhou H, Zhou Z, Liu J, Yang F, Li T*, Liu L*.Calycosin suppresses expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines via the activation ofp62/nrf2-linked heme oxygenase 1 in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts.Pharmacological research, 2016, 113:695-704.
34. Liu J, Tang J, Zuo Y, Yu Y, Luo P, Yao X, Dong Y, Wang P, Liu L*, Zhou H*. Stauntoside binhibits macrophage activation by inhibiting nf-κb and erk mapk signalling.Pharmacological research, 2016, 111:303-315.
35. Leung EL, Fan XX, Wong MP, Jiang ZH, Liu ZQ, Yao XJ, Lu LL, Zhou YL, Yau LF, Tin VP, Liu L*.Targeting tyrosine kinase inhibitor-resistant non-small cell lung cancer by inducingepidermal growth factor receptor degradation via methionine 790 oxidation.Antioxidants & redox signaling, 2016, 24 (5):263-279.
36. Huang Z, Huang Q, Ji L, Wang Y, Qi X, Liu L, Liu Z, Lu L. Epigenetic regulation of activeChinese herbal components for cancer prevention and treatment: A follow-up review [J].Pharmacological research, 2016, 114:1-12.
37. Huang L, Pi J, Wu J, Zhou H, Cai J, Li T*, Liu L*. A rapid and sensitive assay based on particleanalysis for cell degranulation detection in basophils and mast cells [J]. Pharmacologicalresearch, 2016, 111:374-383.
38. Feng S-L, Yuan Z-W, Yao X-J, Ma W-Z, Liu L, Liu Z-Q, Xie Y. Tangeretin, a citruspentamethoxyflavone, antagonizes abcb1-mediated multidrug resistance by inhibiting itstransport function [J]. Pharmacological research, 2016, 110:193-204.
39. Zhang X, Zhang D, Jia H, Feng Q, Wang D, Liang D, Wu X, Li J, Tang L, Li Y, Lan Z, Chen B, LiY, Zhong H, Xie H, Jie Z, Chen W, Tang S, Xu X, Wang X, Cai X, Liu S, XIa Y, Li J, Qiao X, AIAamaJY, Chen H, Wang L, Wu QJ, Zhang F, Zheng W, Li Y, Zhang M, Luo G, Xue W, Xiao L,Li J, Chen W, Xu X, Yin Y, Yang H, Wang J, Kristiansen K, Liu L, Li T, Huang Q, Li Y, Wang J.The oral and gut microbiomes are perturbed in rheumatoid arthritis and partlynormalized after treatment [J]. Nature medicine, 2015, 21 (8):895.
40. Yuan ZW, Leung EL, Fan XX, Zhou H, Ma WZ, Liu L*, Xie Y*. Quantitative evaluation ofberberine subcellular distribution and cellular accumulation in non-small cell lung cancercells by uplc–ms/ms [J]. Talanta, 2015, 144:20-28.
41. Yang ZF, Leung EL, Liu L, Jiang ZH, Zhong N. Developing influenza treatments usingtraditional chinese medicine [J]. Science, 2015, 347 (6219):S35-S37.
42. Wu AG, Wong VK, Zeng W, Liu L*, Law BY*. Identification of novel autophagic radixpolygalae fraction by cell membrane chromatography and uhplc-(q) tof-ms fordegradation of neurodegenerative disease proteins [J]. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:17199.
43. Lu LL, Liu XH, Leung EL, Wang Y, Shi J, Hu M, Liu L*, Liu ZQ*. The bioavailability barrier andpersonalized traditional chinese medicine [J]. Science, 2015, 350 (6262):S79-S81.
44. Fan XX, Yao XJ, Xu SW, Wong VK, He JX, Ding J, Xue WW, Mujtaba T, Michelangeli F, HuangM, Huang J, Xiao DK, Jiang ZB, Zhou YL, Kam RK, Liu L*, Leung EL*. (z) 3, 4, 5, 4ʹ-transtetramethoxystilbene,a new analogue of resveratrol, inhibits gefitinb-resistant non-smallcell lung cancer via selectively elevating intracellular calcium level [J]. Scientific reports,2015, 5:16348.
45. Wang JR, Zhang H, Yau LF, Mi JN, Lee S, Lee KC, Hu P, Liu L*, Jiang ZH*. Improvedsphingolipidomic approach based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography andmultiple mass spectrometries with application to cellular neurotoxicity [J]. Analyticalchemistry, 2014, 86 (12):5688-5696.
46. Leung EL, Wong VK, Jiang ZH, Li T, Liu L*. Integrated network-based medicine: The role oftraditional chinese medicine in developing a new generation of medicine [J]. Science,2014, 346 (6216):S16-S18.
47. Law BY, Chan WK, Xu SW, Wang JR, Bai LP, Liu L*, Wong VK*. Natural small-moleculeenhancers of autophagy induce autophagic cell death in apoptosis-defective cells [J].Scientific reports, 2014, 4:5510.
48. Wong VK, Li T, Law BY, Ma ED, Yip N, Michelangeli F, Law CK, Zhang M, Lam KY, Chan PL,Liu L*. Saikosaponin-d, a novel serca inhibitor, induces autophagic cell death in apoptosisdefectivecells [J]. Cell death & disease, 2013, 4 (7):e720.
49. Leung EL, Cao Z-W, Jiang Z-H, Zhou H, Liu L*. Network-based drug discovery by integratingsystems biology and computational technologies [J]. Briefings in bioinformatics, 2012, 14(4):491-505.
50. Liu L*, Leung EL, Tian X. Perspective: The clinical trial barriers [J]. Nature, 2011, 480(7378):S100-S100. [4] 
  • 承擔項目
據2019年12月澳門科技大學官網顯示,劉良先後承擔或參與了國家自然科學基⾦委員會重點和麪上項目、國家科技部重大基礎研究項目(973計劃和攀登計劃)、國家重大新藥創制計劃、廣東省科學基金、香港研究資助局、澳門特區政府科學技術發展基金、香港創新科技署、香港賽馬會中藥研究院等政府機構資助及企業合作研究項目50多項。 [4] 
  • 科研成果獎勵
國家科學技術進步獎二等獎(主要完成人) [7] 
國家科學技術進步獎二等獎(第一完成人) [9] 
教育部自然科學獎一等獎(第一完成人) [10] 
教育部自然科學獎一等獎(第一完成人) [11] 
  • 專利授權
截至2019年11月,劉良以第一發明人獲國際專利27項。 [6] 


  • 指導學生
自1997年至2009年10月,劉良作為主導師或協助導師培養博士及碩士研究生27名,指導博士後研究人員2名,同時參與研究生及本科生教學,帶教學生臨牀實習。 [12] 
  • 講座報告
2009年10月,劉良在安徽醫科大學作了題為《中藥化學成分藥理活性的合理評價與研發複合成分中藥新藥》的講座,詳細介紹了中藥複方的基礎研究及其實驗室的最新研究結果,充分肯定了中藥複方的研究前景。 [12] 
2013年3月,劉良率領研究團隊出席由澳門科技大學主辦、澳門科學技術發展基金協辦的國家科學技術進步獎成果分享會“中藥研究成功之路-從臨牀到實驗室,再回到臨牀”。 [13] 


科學中國人》年度人物 [4] 
首屆“全國創新爭先獎 [14] 
香港社會企業研究院榮譽院士 [15] 
澳門特別行政區政府2018年度榮譽獎狀 [16] 
中國工程院院士(醫藥衞生學部) [2] 
美國國家發明家科學院院士(NAI Fellow) [3] 
中國醫學科學院學部委員 [18] 


  • 現任職務
劉良擔任世界衞生組織傳統醫學項目顧問、國際標準化組織(ISO)中醫藥技術委員會TC249第一工作組主席、世界中醫藥學會聯合會中醫藥免疫專業委員會會長、澳門風濕病研究國際合作聯盟主席、澳門特區政府人才發展委員會委員、科技委員會委員等職務。 [6] 
劉良是10多種中英文期刊的副主編或編委,包括SCI期刊《Phytomedicine》副主編,及《Pharmacological Research》和《Frontiers of Medicine》等期刊的編委。 [4] 
2021年3月,受聘擔任省部共建中醫濕證國家重點實驗室廣東省中醫藥科學院學術委員會副主任 [17] 
2022年10月,獲聘廣藥集團首席科學家、廣藥研究總院名譽院 [22] 
  • 曾任職務
劉良曾任國家科技部新藥研究與開發專家委員會委員、中華中醫藥學會理事、中國中西醫結合學會中藥專業委員會副主任委員、國家中醫藥管理局及廣東省科技項目及成果評審專家、澳門特區政府醫務委員會委員、香港衞生署榮譽顧問、香港特區政府中藥研究及發展委員會委員、香港賽馬會中藥研究院董事局董事、香港中醫藥管理委員會委員及多箇中醫藥專業社團的榮譽顧問等。 [4] 


劉良當選為中國工程院院士,彰顯他在傳承創新發展中醫藥所取得的成就獲得國家高度認可,也是澳門科技大學學科建設和高層次人才隊伍建設的重大突破,對於提高大學以及澳門的科技創新水平、引領和推動醫藥衞生事業發展具有重大意義 [19] 澳門科技大學評)
劉良院士在演講中慷慨傳授了數十年的教育管理經驗、科研學術成果,貫穿其中的家國情懷、中醫情懷以及感恩母校和恩師的情懷,彰顯了一個優秀科學家和教育家的博大胸襟 [20]  。(時任廣州醫科大學黨委書記張建華評
劉良教授為攻克風濕免疫病、推動中醫藥現代化和國際化、促進粵港澳三地高等教育合作與發展,以及帶領澳門科技大學快速發展做出了卓著貢獻 [15] (香港社會企業研究院評)
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