


劉瑞芳,女,河南濮陽人,理學博士,教授 [1]  ,博士生導師 [1]  。美國《數學評論》評論員 [1]  ,研究方向為圖譜理論、代數圖論、圖論及其應用 [1] 
Ruifang Liu
國    籍
民    族
職    業
教師 [1] 
圖譜理論、代數圖論、圖論及其應用 [1] 


劉瑞芳,女,理學博士 [1]  ,教授 [1]  ,博士生導師 [1]  。河南省教育廳學術技術帶頭人 [1]  ,河南省優青基金獲得者 [1]  。河南省優秀碩士學位論文指導教師 [1]  ,河南省高等學校青年骨幹教師 [1]  。中國工業與應用數學學會圖論組合及應用專業委員會委員 [1]  ,河南省運籌學會常務理事 [1]  ,美國《數學評論》評論員 [1]  。曾在美國西弗吉尼亞大學數學系和香港浸會大學數學系進行學術訪問 [1] 


  1. 2020年獲得河南省教育廳學術技術帶頭人. [1] 
  2. 2018年獲得河南省優秀碩士學位論文指導教師. [1] 
  3. 2017年獲得鄭州大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師. [1] 
  4. 2016年獲得河南省高等學校青年骨幹教師. [1] 
  5. 2012年獲得河南省優秀博士後研究人員. [1] 
  6. 論文《Sufficient spectral conditions on Hamiltonian and traceable graphs》獲得河南省第四屆自然科學優秀學術論文獎一等獎. [1] 
  7. 論文《First eigenvalue of nonsingular mixed graphs with given number of pendant vertices》獲得河南省第三屆自然科學優秀學術論文獎二等獎. [1] 
  8. 論文《Minimizing the least eigenvalue of bicyclic graphs with k pendant vertices》獲得河南省第二屆自然科學優秀學術論文獎二等獎. [1] 


  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(11971445):圖的連通性與邊不交的生成樹以及正則因子的譜刻畫, 2020-2023, 主持. [1] 
  2. 河南省優青基金(202300410377):圖與超圖的極值和譜極值理論研究, 2020-2023, 主持. [1] 
  3. 河南省教育廳科學技術研究重點項目(20A110005):圖的哈密頓相關性質與匹配可擴性的譜刻畫, 2020-2021, 主持. [1] 
  4. 中國博士後科學基金第61批面上資助(2017M612410):圖的哈密頓性及其重要圖性質的譜充分條件研究, 2017-2018, 主持. [1] 
  5. 鄭州大學優青基金(1521315002):圖的矩陣與譜理論研究及其在多智能體系統中的應用, 2015-2018, 主持. [1] 
  6. 國家自然科學青年基金(11201432):基於圖的不變量與子圖結構的譜極值問題研究, 2013-2015, 主持. [1] 
  7. 中國博士後科學基金第5批特別資助(2012T50636):基於圖的結構參數的譜極值問題研究及其應用, 2012-2013, 主持. [1] 
  8. 中國博士後科學基金第50批面上資助(2011M501185):圖譜理論研究中的極圖問題及其應用, 2011-2013, 主持. [1] 


1. Guoyan Ao, Ruifang Liu*, Jinjiang Yuan, Rao Li, Improved sufficient conditions for k-leaf-connected graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 314 (2022) 17-30. [1] 
2. Ruifang Liu, Hong-Jian Lai*, Rao Li, Hamiltonian s-properties and eigenvalues of k-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics 345 (2022) 112774. [1] 
3. Jie Xue, Ruifang Liu*, Jinlong Shu, On graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalue dose not exceed -1, Applied Mathematics and Computation 402 (2021) 126137. [1] 
4. Ruifang Liu, Hong-Jian Lai*, Litao Guo, Jie Xue, Fractional matching number and spectral radius of nonnegative matrices of graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2020.1865252, 2020. [1] 
5. Jie Xue, Ruifang Liu*, Guanglong Yu, Jinlong Shu, Domination number and Laplacian eigenvalue of trees, Linear Algebra and its Applications 592 (2020) 210-227. [1] 
6. Ruifang Liu, Hong-Jian Lai*, Yingzhi Tian, Spanning tree packing number and eigenvalues of graphs with given girth, Linear Algebra and its Applications 578 (2019) 411-424. [1] 
7. Ruifang Liu, Hong-Jian Lai*, Yingzhi Tian, Yang Wu, Vertex connectivity and eigenvalues of graphs with fixed girth, Applied Mathematics and Computation 344-345 (2019) 141-149. [1] 
8. Ruifang Liu*, Jie Xue, Graphs with small diameter determined by their D-spectra, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (2018) 18pp. [1] 
9. Ruifang Liu*, Xue Du, Huicai Jia, Some observations on Harary index and traceable graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 77 (2017) 195-208. [1] 
10. Ruifang Liu*, Jie Xue, Litao Guo, On the second largest distance eigenvalue of a graph, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 65 (2017) 1011-1021. [1] 
11. Ruifang Liu, Wai Chee Shiu*, General Randic matrix and general Randic incident matrix, Discrete Applied Mathematics 186 (2015) 168-175. [1] 
12. Ruifang Liu, Wai Chee Shiu*, Jie Xue, Sufficient spectral conditions on Hamiltonian and traceable graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 467 (2015) 254-266. [1] 
13. Huiqiu Lin*, Ruifang Liu, Xiwen Lu, The inertia and energy of the distance matrix of a connected graph, Linear Algebra and its Applications 467 (2015) 29-39. [1] 
14. Ruifang Liu*, Huicai Jia, Jinjiang Yuan, First eigenvalue of nonsingular mixed graphs with given number of pendant vertices, Linear Algrbra and its Applications 453 (2014) 28-43. [1] 
15. Ruifang Liu*, Haixia Wan, Jinjiang Yuan, Huicai Jia, The least eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian of non-bipartite unicyclic graphs with k pendant vertices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 26 (2013) 333-344. [1] 
16. Litao Guo, Ruifang Liu*, Xiaofeng Guo, Super λ3-optimality of regular graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters 25 (2012) 128-132. [1] 
17. Mingqing Zhai, Ruifang Liu, Jinlong Shu*, An edge-grafting theorem on Laplacian spectra of graphs and its application, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 59 (2011) 303-315. [1] 
18. Mingqing Zhai, Ruifang Liu, Jinlong Shu*, Minimizing the least eigenvalue of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) 947-955. [1] 
19. Ruifang Liu, Mingqing Zhai, Jinlong Shu*, The least eigenvalue of unicyclic graphs with nvertices and kpendant vertices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 431(2009) 657-665. [1] 
20. Ruifang Liu, Zhonghua Lu, Jinlong Shu*,The minimal Laplacian spectral radius of trees with a given diameter, Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009) 78-83. [1] 