


劉江,女,博士,教授華南理工大學環境與能源學院博士生導師、副院長。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    稱


劉江,女,華南理工大學環境與能源學院教授,中國硅酸鹽學會理事,中國硅酸鹽學會固態離子學分會理事兼秘書長。畢業於吉林大學物理系,後留校任教十餘年。長期從事固體氧化物燃料電池(SOFC)相關的研究工作。先後以合作研究、訪問學者、研究員和高級研究學者的身份在日本大阪府立大學工學院應用化學系、美國喬治亞理工學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)材料科學與工程系、美國西北大學(Northwestern University)材料科學與工程系和美國賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)生物分子與化學工程系從事SOFC的研究工作。1995年到2000年期間,先後參與了國家自然科學基金項目“管式薄膜固體氧化物燃料電池的研製”、國家計委和吉林省計委“八、五”重點攻關項目“固體氧化物燃料電池”的研製,是技術總負責,2004年5月調到華南理工大學工作後,先後主持了廣東省科技廳、廣東省教育廳、國家科技部“863”計劃和國家自然科學基金面上和重點等項目十餘項。劉江長期工作在科研第一線,從對SOFC的反應機制、基本材料研究、元件製作工藝及性能、到SOFC的整機組裝,都進行過深入細緻和具有創造性的研究。發表SCI論文115篇。多次參加國際學術會議並進行交流。申請中國和美國發明專利20餘項,其中18項已獲得授權。2014-2018連續五年入選中國高被引學者榜單。
目前的研究興趣主要集中在直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池在便攜式電源及氣電聯產方面的應用、利用固體氧化物電解池製備高附加值化學品、新型鋅-空電池、導電陶瓷基擔載超級電容器等。 [1] 




2000.04-2004.08:美國佐治亞理工學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)材料科學與工程學院,訪問學者
2000.08-2003.06:美國西北大學(Northwestern University)材料科學與工程學院,研究員(Research Associate)
2010.05-2010.11:美國賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania),高級研究學者(合作導師:Raymond J. Gorte教授)
2013.01-現在:華南理工大學環境與能源學院,教授、博士生導師、(2010.01-2019.01:副院長) [1] 


  1. 基於質子導體氧化物載體的CO2加氫反應電化學增強催化原位表徵及機理研究,國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃重點項目,91745203,350萬元,2018.01.01-2021.12.31。項目負責人。
  2. 基於廢棄農業生物質衍生燃料的固體氧化物燃,國家自然科學基金委-廣東省聯合基金,U1601207,60萬元,2017.01.01—2020.12.31。子項目負責人
  3. 高容量高功率直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池,廣東省省級科技計劃項目,2014A010106008,30萬元,2015.1.1-2017.12.31,項目負責人。
  4. 積碳形態及其動態過程對使用含碳燃料的固體氧化物燃料電池鎳基陽極性能的影響,國家自然科學基金面上項目,80萬元,2013.1.1—2016.12.31。項目負責人。
  5. 直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池的陽極高温反應機理研究,國家自然科學基金自由申請項目,20976063,33萬元,2010.1.1—2012.12.31。項目負責人。
  6. 固體氧化物燃料電池的研製與開發,企事業單位委託技術開發項目,D8090940,30萬元,2009.3.25—2009.12.31。項目負責人。
  7. 直接使用天然氣的錐管串接式固體氧化物燃料電池堆,國家高技術研究發展計劃(863)項目,2007AA05Z136,79萬元,2008.1.1—2010.8.1。項目負責人。 [1] 



  1. 劉江,錐管式陽極支撐固體氧化物燃料電池單體及電池組,發明專利,專利號:ZL 2005 1 0101487.3,證書號:第356994號;授權時間:2007-11-7
  2. 2.劉江、高鴻波,實心多孔支撐體平板串接式微型固體氧化物燃料電池,專利號:ZL 2006 1 0124234.2,申請日:2006年12月5日;授權公告日:2009年6月3日。證書號:第50436號。
  3. 張耀輝、劉江,用於管式陽極支撐型的燃料電池的電解質膜的製備方法,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0031104.9,申請日:2007年10月26日;授權公告日:2009年7月15日。證書號:第523936號。
  4. Scott A. Barnett, Tammy Lai, Jiang Liu, Direct Hydrocarbon Fuel Cells, US Patent 7,709,124 B2, May 4, 2010.
  5. 金超,劉江,李連和,多孔陶瓷支撐體的製備方法,中國發明專利,專利號:ZL2008 1 0029152.9,;申請日:2008年7月1日;授權公告日:2011年9月7日。證書號:第837766號。
  6. 劉江、唐玉寶、隋靜,一種直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池,中國發明專利,專利號:ZL 2009 1 0192848.8; 申請日:2009年9月30日;授權公告日:2011年12月28日。證書號:第887939號。
  7. 劉江、劉燕、唐玉寶、白耀輝,一種直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池電源系統,中國發明專利,專利號:ZL 2011 1 0008698.8; 申請日:2011年1月14日;授權公告日:2013年9月25日。證書號:第1276591號。
  8. 劉江、張莉、劉燕、苑莉莉,一種基於單片電解質的固體氧化物燃料電池組,中國實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 2014 2 0173772.0;申請日:2014年4月10日;授權公告日:2014年10月8日。證書號:第3846604號。
  9. 劉丹丹、劉江、謝永敏、肖傑,固體氧化物燃料電池多孔陽極支撐體的注漿成型製備方法,中國發明專利,專利號:ZL 2013 1 0257037.8;申請日:2013年6月25日;授權公告日:2015年4月22日。證書號:第1643929號。
  10. 肖傑、劉江、蔡位子,一種固體氧化物燃料電池的多孔陽極支撐體的製備方法,中國發明專利,專利號:ZL 2013 1 0154181.9;申請日:2013年4月27日;授權公告日:2015年6月3日。證書號:第1685879號。


  1. Qianyuan Qiu, Mingyang Zhou, Weizi Cai, Qian Zhou, Yapeng Zhang, Wei Wang, Meilin Liu, Jiang Liu, A comparative investigation on direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells operated with fuels of biochar derived from wheat straw, corncob, and bagasse, Biomass and Bioenergy 121 (2019) 56–63.
  2. Weizi Cai, Peipei Liu, Bin Chen, Haoran Xu, Zhijun Liu, Qian Zhou, Fangyong Yu, Meina Chen, Jiang Liu, Meng Ni, Plastic waste fueled solid oxide fuel cell system for power and carbon nanotube cogeneration, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 1867-1876.
  3. Peipei Liu, Xiaolin Weng, Zhijun Liu, Yapeng Zhang, Qianyuan Qiu, Wei Wang, Mingyang Zhou, Weizi Cai, Meng Ni, Meilin Liu, and Jiang Liu, High-Performance Quasi-Solid-State Supercapacitor Based on CuO Nanoparticles with Commercial-Level Mass Loading on Ceramic Material La1xSrxCoO3δ as Cathode, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2 (2019) 1480-1488.
  4. Jiang Liu, Mingyang Zhou, Yapeng Zhang, Peipei Liu, Zhijun Liu, Yongmin Xie, Weizi Cai, Fangyong Yu, Qian Zhou, Xiaoqiang Wang, Meng Ni, Meilin Liu, Electrochemical oxidation of carbon at high temperature: Principles and applications, Energy & Fuels 32 (2018) 4107-4117.
  5. Zhijun Liu, Xiaoqiang Wang, Meilin Liu, Jiang Liu, Enhancing sinterability and electrochemical properties of Ba(Zr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2)O3-d proton conducting electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells by addition of NiO, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 13501-13511.
  6. Peipei Liu, Zhijun Liu, Peng Wu, Xing Ou, Yapeng Zhang, Weizi Cai, Fangyong Yu, Meng Ni, Shuang Cheng, Meilin Liu, Jiang Liu, Enhanced capacitive performance of nickel oxide on porous La0·7Sr0·3CoO3-d ceramic substrate for electrochemical capacitors, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 19589-19599.
  7. 翁曉琳、劉佩佩、張亞鵬、劉江、***,新型多孔導電陶瓷負載銀陰極在鋅空氣電池中的應用,無機材料學報,33(8)(2018) 854-860. Xiaolin Weng, Peipei Liu, Yapeng Zhang, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, A novel porous electronic conducting ceramics loaded with silver nano particles as cathode for zinc-air batteries, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 33 (8) (2018) 854-860.
  8. Yapeng Zhang, Fangyong Yu, Xiaoqiang Wang, Qian Zhou, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, Direct operation of Ag-based anode solid oxide fuel cells on propane, Journal of Power Sources 366 (2017) 56-64.
  9. Weizi Cai, Jiang Liu, Fangyong Yu, Qian Zhou, Yapeng Zhang, Xiaoqiang Wang, Meilin Liu, Meng Ni, A high performance direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell fueled by Ca-loaded activated carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42(2017) 21167-21176.
  10. Peipei Liu, Jiang Liu, Shuang Cheng, Weizi Cai, Fangyong Yu, Yapeng Zhang, Peng Wu, Meilin Liu, A high-performance electrode for supercapacitors: Silver nanoparticles grown on a porous perovskite-type material La0.7Sr0.3CoO3d substrate, Chemical Engineering Journal 328 (2017) 1–10
  11. 王曉強,劉 江,謝永敏,蔡位子,張亞鵬,周 倩,於方永,***,可用作便攜式電源的高性能直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池組(A High Performance Direct Carbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack for Portable Applications),物理化學學報(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao) Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2017, 33 (8), 1614−1620.
  12. 謝永敏,王曉強,劉江,餘長林,管式電解質支撐型直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池的浸漬法制備及電性能, Fabrication and Performance of Tubular Electrolyte-Supporting Direct Carbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cell by Dip Coating Technique,物理化學學報(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao) Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2017, 33 (2), 386-392.
  13. Weizi Cai, Qian Zhou, Yongmin Xie, Jiang Liu, Guohui Long, Shuang Cheng, Meilin Liu, A direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell operated on a plant derived biofuel with natural catalyst, Applied Energy 179 (2016) 1232–1241.
  14. Fangyong Yu, Jie Xiao, Libin Lei, Weizi Cai, Yapeng Zhang, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, Effects of doping alumina on the electrical and sintering performances of yttrium-stabilized-zirconia, Solid State Ionics 289 (2016)28-34.
  15. Weizi Cai, Jiang Liu, Yongmin Xie, Jie Xiao, Meilin Liu, An investigation on the kinetics of direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 20 (2016) 2207–2216. DOI 10.1007/s10008-016-3216-5
  16. Fangyong Yu, Yapeng Zhang, Liang Yu, Weizi Cai, Lili Yuan, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, All-solid-state direct carbon fuel cells with thin yttrium-stabilized-zirconia electrolyte supported on nickel and iron bimetal-based anodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 9048-9058.
  17. Qian Zhou, Weizi Cai, Yapeng Zhang, Jiang Liu, Lili Yuan, Fangyong Yu, Xiaoqiang Wang, Meilin Liu, Electricity generation from corn cob char through a direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell, Biomass and Bioenergy 91 (2016) 250-258.
  18. 餘亮,於方永,苑莉莉,蔡位子,劉江,楊成浩,***,銀基陶瓷複合電極的電性能及其在固體氧化物燃料電池中的應用,物理化學學報,2016,32(2)503-509.
  19. Liang Yu, Fangyong Yu, Lili Yuan, Weizi Cai, Jiang Liu, Chenghao Yang, Meilin Liu, Electrical performance of Ag-based ceramic composite electrodes and their application in solid oxide fuel cells, Acta Phys. –Chim. Sin. 32 (2)(2016)503-509
  20. Jie Xiao, Da Han, Fangyong Yu, Li Zhang, Jiang Liu, *, Zhongliang Zhan**, Yingjie Zhang, Peng Dong, Characterization of symmetrical SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3_d electrodes in direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688 (2016) 939-945.
  21. 謝永敏 王曉強 劉江*餘長林,管式電解質支撐型直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池的浸漬法制備及電性能,物理化學學報,32(2016)1-9
  22. Chenghao Yang, Jiao Li, Ye Lin, Jiang Liu, Fanglin Chen, Meilin Liu, In situ fabrication of CoFe alloy nanoparticles structured (Pr0.4Sr0.6)3(Fe0.85Nb0.15)2O7 ceramic anode for direct hydrocarbon solid oxide fuel cells, Nano Energy (2015) 11, 704-710.
  23. Haoran Xu, Bin Chen, Jiang Liu, Meng Ni, Modeling of direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell for CO and electricity cogeneration, Applied Energy 178 (2016) 353-362.
  24. Yu Chen, Yunfei Bu, Bote Zhao, Yanxiang Zhang, Dong Ding, Renzong Hu, Tao Wei, Ben Rainwater, Yong Ding, Fanglin Chen, Chenghao Yang, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, A durable, high-performance hollow-nanofiber cathode for intermediate-temperature fuel cells, Nano Energy, 26 (2016) 90–99.
  25. Weizi Cai, Qian Zhou, Yongmin Xie, Jiang Liu, A facile method of preparing Fe-loaded activated carbon fuel for direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, Fuel 159 (2015) 887–893
  26. Libin Lei, Yaohui Bai, Yan Liu, Jiang Liu, An Investigation on Dip-Coating Technique for Fabricating Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 12 [2] 351–357 (2015)
  27. Yongmin Xie, Weizi Cai, Jie Xiao, Yubao Tang, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, Electrochemical gas-electricity cogeneration through direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 277 (2015) 1-8.
  28. Chenghao Yang, Jiao Li, Ye Lin, Jiang Liu, Fanglin Chen, Meilin Liu, In situ fabrication of CoFe alloy nanoparticles structured (Pr0.4Sr0.6)3 (Fe0.85Nb0.15)2O7 ceramic anode for direct hydrocarbon solid oxide fuel cells, Nano Energy 11 (2015) 704-710.
  29. Yongmin Xie, Jie Xiao, Dandan Liu, Jiang Liu, Chenghao Yang, Electrolysis of Carbon Dioxide in a Solid Oxide Electrolyzer with Silver-Gadolinium-Doped Ceria Cathode, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162(4), F397-F402
  30. Jie Xiao, Weizi Cai, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, A novel low-pressure injection molding technique for fabricating anode supported solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 5105-5112
  31. 劉丹丹、謝永敏、劉江、王金霞,NiO-YSZ-石墨水系漿料的研製及其在注漿成型製備固體氧化物燃料電池中的應用。物理化學學報2014, 30 (2), 331-337。Liu Dan-Dan, Xie Yong-Min, Liu Jiang, Wang Jin-Xia, Preparation of NiO-YSZ-Graphite Aqueous Slurry and Its Application in Fabricating Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Slip-Casting, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA30 (2) (2014) 331-337
  32. Libin Lei, Yaohui Bai, Jiang Liu, Ni-based anode-supported Al2O3-doped-Y2O3- stabilized ZrO2 thin electrolyte solid oxide fuel cells with Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 buffer layer, Journal of Power Sources 248 (2014) 1312-1319
  33. Li Zhang, Jie Xiao, Yongmin Xie, Yubao Tang, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, Behavior of strontium- and magnesium-doped gallate electrolyte in direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 608 (2014) 272-277.
  34. Jie Xiao, Yongmin Xie, Jiang Liu, Meilin Liu, Deactivation of Ni-based anode in solid oxide fuel cells operated on carbon-containing fuels, Journal of Power Sources, 268 (2014.12.15) 508-516.
  35. Yongmin Xie, Yubao Tang & Jiang Liu, A verification of the reaction mechanism of direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, J Solid State Electrochem (2013.01) 17(1):121-127.
  36. Yan Liu, Yaohui Bai, and Jiang Liu, Carbon Monoxide Fueled Cone-Shaped Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with (Ni0.75Fe0.25-5%MgO)/YSZ Anode, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160 (1) F13-F17 (2013.01)
  37. Qiaolin Han, Min Yu, Jiang Liu, Nanocrystalline titanium dioxide prepared by hydrothermal method and its application in dye-sensitised solar cells, Micro & Nano Letters, 8 (5) (2013.05) 238-242.
  38. Libin Lei, Yaohui Bai, Jiang Liu, Ni-based anode-supported Al2O3-doped Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 thin electrolyte solid oxide fuel cells with Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 buffer layer, Journal of Power Sources, 248 (2014.02) 1312-1319.
  39. Jie Xiao, Yongmin Xie, Li Zhang, Jiang Liu, The Effect of Carbon Fiber Growth on the Deactivation of Nickel-Based Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Operated on Methane, ECS Transactions, 57 (1) 2969-2976 (2013)
  40. Yongmin Xie, Yubao Tang, Jiang Liu, An Al2O3-doped YSZ electrolyte-supporting solid oxide fuel cells fabricated by dip-coating and its direct operation on carbon fuel, ECS Transactions, 57(1): 3039-3048 (2013).
  41. Handuo Wang, Jiang Liu, Effect of anode structure on performance of cone-shaped solid oxide fuel cells fabricated by phase inversion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 4339-4345.
  42. Yan Liu, Yubao Tang, Jiao Ding, Jiang Liu, Electrochemical performance of cone-shaped anode-supported segmented-in-series SOFCs fabricated by gel-casting technique, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012), pp. 921-925
  43. Yaohui Bai, Yan Liu, Yubao Tang, Yongmin Xie, Jiang Liu, Direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell-a potential high performance battery, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011): 9189-9194.
  44. Yan Liu, Yaohui Bai, Jiang Liu, (Ni0.75Fe0.25–xMgO)/YSZ anode for direct methane solid-oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, Issue 23, 1 December 2011, Pages 9965-9969
  45. Yaohui Bai, Chuanling Wang, Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Anode Current Collecting Efficiency of Tubular Anode-supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, FUEL CELLS 11(3) (2011) 465–468.
  46. Chao Jin & Jiang Liu & Jing Sui, Sintering behavioral and electrochemical performances of LSM-BSB composite cathode for IT-SOFCs, J Electroceram (2011) 26:74–77.
  47. Jie Xiao, Jiang Liu and Jiao Ding, Electrochemical Performance of Cone-Shaped Tubular Anode Injection Moulding Technique Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fabricated by Low-Pressure, ECS Transactions, 35 (1) (2011) 609-614.
  48. 王涵多,劉江,丁姣,擠出成型法制備陽極支撐型固體氧化物燃料電池,硅酸鹽學報,39(7) (2011) 1140-1144.
  49. Yaohui Bai, Chuanling Wang, Jiao Ding, Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Direct operation of cone-shaped anode-supported segmented-in-series solid oxide fuel cell stack with methane,Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 3882–3886.
  50. 唐玉寶,劉江,以活性炭為燃料的固體氧化物燃料電池,物理化學學報,2010,26卷5期:1191-1194。TANG Yu-bao, LIU Jiang, Fueling Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Activated Carbon, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica., 2010, 26(5):1191-1194
  51. Yaohui Zhang, Jiang Liu, Juan Yin, Fabrication of Anode-Supported Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Slip Casting in Combination With Dip Coating Technique, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 7(2010) 011014-1-5
  52. Yubao Tang, Jiang Liu, Effect of anode and Boudouard reaction catalysts on the performance of direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (2010) 11188-11193.
  53. Weimin Guo, Jiang Liu, A novel design of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with Y2O3-doped Bi2O3, LaGaO3 and La-doped CeO2 trilayer electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources 195 (24) (2010) 8185-8188.
  54. Weimin Guo, Jiang Liu, Chao Jin, Anode-supported LaGaO3-based electrolyte SOFCs with Y2O3-doped Bi2O3 and La-doped CeO2 buffer layers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 504 (2) (2010) L21-L24.
  55. Weimin Guo, Jiang Liu, Chao Jin, Hongbo Gao, Yaohui Zhang, Electrochemical evaluation of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d–La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-d composite cathodes for La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-d electrolyte SOFCs, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 473 (2009) 43–47.
  56. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Preparation of Ba1.2Sr0.8CoO4+ı K2NiF4-type structure oxide and cathodic behavioral of Ba1.2Sr0.8CoO4+ı–GDC composite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 474 (2009) 573–577.
  57. Changlin Tang, Liping Li, Hongbo Gao, Guangshe Li, Xiaoqing Qiu, Jiang Liu, Syntheses and catalytic performances of Ag–Ni bi-metals, Journal of Power Sources 188 (2009) 397–403
  58. Jiao Ding, Jiang Liu, A novel design and performance of cone-shaped tubular anode-supported segmented-in-series solid oxide fuel cell stack, Journal of Power Sources 193 (2009) 769–773.
  59. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Lianhe Li, Yaohui Bai, Electrochemical properties analysis of tubular NiO–YSZ anode-supported SOFCs fabricated by the phase-inversion method, Journal of Membrane Science 341 (2009) 233–237.
  60. Yaohui Bai, Jiang Liu, Hongbo Gao, Chao Jin, Dip coating technique in fabrication of cone-shaped anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480 (2009) 554–557.
  61. Jiao Ding, Jiang Liu,Weimin Guo, Fabrication and study on Ni1−xFexO-YSZ anodes for intermediate temperature anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480 (2009) 286–290.
  62. Yaohui Bai, Jiang Liu, Chuanling Wang, Performance of cone-shaped tubular anode-supported segmented-in-series solid oxide fuel cell stack fabricated by dip coating technique, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3-4 (2009) 7311-15.
  63. Yubao Tang, Jiang Liu, Jing Sui, A novel direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell, ECS Transactions, 25 (2) (2009) 1109-1114.
  64. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Yaohui Zhang, Jing Sui,Weimin Guo, Characterization and electrochemical performances of Ba2-xSrxFeO4+ı as a novel cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 182 (2008) 482-488.
  65. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Weimin Guo, Yaohui Zhang, Electrochemical characteristics of an La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 multi-layer composite cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 183 (2008) 506–511
  66. Jing Sui, Jiang Liu, Slip-Cast Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 Cone-Shaped SOFC, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008, 91(4): 1335-1337
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